
7 Reviews
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I thought this was Squid Games S02
13 January 2024
I thought this was Squid Games season 2. Nope. This is supposed to be real? It doesn't feel real, it feels scripted and people are told to act like standard stereotypes.

I watched the first episode and I was wondering why they were being hit with paint balls and not real bullets. Then it sunk in that this is just pure rubbish. How could people be paid to make this? I'd be ashamed to have this on my professional credits, even if I was just a water boy, I'd leave this total mess off my CV.

Go and watch the first episode to understand what every poster here are talking about.

The popularity of the real Squid Games caused a group of talentless hacks to jump on those coat tails thinking they could coast along and get a freebie. Just avoid this like your life depends on it.
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Ride Along (2014)
You've already seen it
24 July 2023
This story has been done a hundred times and this is one of the poorer versions.

I'm a big fan of Kevin Hart and Ice Cube (maybe he should start using his real name? Ice Cube, Ice Tea, I'm Ice Milk). This movie plods along and there just wasn't really any funny parts, which surprised me because Kevin's stand is excellent.

Kevin plays a nice guy that has to impress his girlfriends big brother played by Cube. Cube play the hard cop who, typical of this script type, don't need no partner, don't want no partner. Kevin gets in to the police academy and Cube invites him for a ride along when he is on duty to show him what it is like in the "real world". Cue 40 minutes of unfunny moments involving Kevin's character and Kevin messing things up . I literally picked up my phone and started playing solitaire which was more entertaining than this movie.

I know this movie has been out for a while, however I just got around to watching when Netflix sent me an email about it. Thanks for the poor recommendation Netflix.
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Abandoned (III) (2022)
Emma? Emma??... Emma!???
5 December 2022
I like Emma Roberts, Scream Queens was fun and cancelled too soon. I also plan to marry her :-)

Anyway, this movie is just ... horrible. Emma, pick roles to show your talent and beauty.

I suggest anything by my new production company named:

"Emma Roberts Stars in Productions"

Our first release will be titled:

"Emma Roberts Stars in Emma Roberts Chrismas" starring Emma Roberts.

After box office and critical success, this will quickly be followed by the sequel:

"Emma Roberts Stars in Emma Roberts Go To The Dentist" starring Emma Roberts.

Following another smash hit, fans won't have to wait long for the summer blockbuster rom-com:

"Emma Roberts Stars in Emma Roberts Runs Around in a Bikini" starring Emma Roberts and Jim-4-Prez as the leading lady and man.
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Let Me In (II) (2016)
3m short
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Did people even watch this? It is only a 3m short and isn't very good. It is on youtube. The acting is blah and not very believable, so how can this be rated so high?

Spoiler. Some chick runs to a house screaming about some guy "out there", I guess trying to get her. Their is a guy and girl that live there. The guy tells her to chill and he goes and opens the door, then, boom (lame jump scare, that isn't scary) and after a few seconds his buddy pops up at the door. The chick that was running says "it's him" (the guy that just came over). I guess this is the guy she claims was chasing her. She looks in a large mirror on the wall and only sees her own reflection. She turns back to the two guys and one girl and they all show their fangs and say something like thanks for coming to dinner. The end.
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The Neighborhood (I) (2018– )
Total woke trash
13 May 2022
Wow. What garbage. Making fun of white people = OK. Making fun of black people = racism. This is the theme to the whole show.

I only watched because I like Cedric as a comedian. I lost all respect for him. Throughout the show the dialog is nothing more than the black "actors" lecturing white people on being black. They push this whole "black" thing as if black people are a different species or something.

All human beings are 99.9 percent identical in their genetic makeup. That 0.1% is trivial traits like skin color, hair, eyes, etc. This show is harmful to Americans by propagating woke culture which has a goal of dividing Americans among our 0.1% differences.
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Nothing scary here
23 June 2021
The found footage genre has been play out for far too long. Maybe if you were not old enough to see Blair Witch in the theaters, you might find this genre scary. Me, I grew up with far more frighting moves, with real camera work and proper lighting.

Typical to the found footage genre, you will have shaky camera work and scenes too dark. The plot in this just felt like a paint-by-numbers film. There was not one part of it that I didn't expect to happen. The acting pushed me away instead of pulling me in to the plot.

For me this earned 3 stars. It wasn't the worst movie I'd seen, so if you really are into found footage, give it a try.
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A mess of ideas
31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Waring: Spoilers.

I read the other reviews and only have myself to blame. It seems to have a dozen writers all wanting their own things.

1. Haunted house that plays no real part in the movie.

2. Man = bad, women = good. Even though the wife had an affair with a teenage boy. The boy that used to live in the house and where his father killed himself and mother.

3. Annoying lady that takes the wife's side and is suspicious of the husband from the get-go. She plays no real part.

4. Back story of a women ghost that died in the house, apparently there are more than one. Evil first husband's ghost may be possessing the husbands? We are never really told.

5. Wife that is miserable from the beginning even before husband does anything wrong or gets "possessed".

6. Sail boat.

7. Some student that acts like she hates the husband professor, then takes her pants of and tells him to "get in here if we are going to do this". She is pretty so husband is like why not?

8. Some stupid ending. It just comes out from nowhere. The sail boat from #6 comes back in and husband takes it out in a storm.

9. The ocean lights on fire, an upside down cross is in the clouds and husband dies?

Skip this. Do something more entertaining like clipping your toenails.
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