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As Time Goes By (1992–2005)
Viewing "As Time Goes By" is time well spent
28 November 2008
I can't remember exactly when I first became acquainted with Jean, Lionel, and the rest of their extended family. It doesn't matter. I thoroughly enjoy spending time with them whenever possible. As a matter of fact, I bought the entire DVD series, including the reunion specials, for myself as a personal Christmas present last year. So, whenever they're not on PBS, I have the option of popping in a DVD and catching up with old friends.

As many posters have mentioned, it's easy to spot the chemistry between Jean (Judi Dench) and Lionel (Geoffrey Palmer), whether it be a shared sideways glance, or Lionel/Geoffrey squeezing Jean's/Judi's shoulders as they stand together. The warmth and mutual admiration these two share is evident in the manner with which they interact.

Watching episodes of ATGB is, to me, like watching reruns of the M*A*S*H series. With each subsequent viewing I spot, or hear, something I hadn't noticed before. Yes, there are inconsistencies, or goofs, but I'm willing to overlook them in favor of the subtle comedy...Lionel's "Oh God" comment when Jean says something he dreads, the looks Jean gives Lionel when they spar with words, or their shared reaction to the 'townies' at the country barbecue.

The supporting cast of Judith (Moira Brooker), Sandy (Jenny Funnell), Alistair (Philip Bretherton), Rocky (Frank Middlemas), Madge (Joan Sims), Mrs. Bale, Penny and Stephen add to the mix and make it all the more enjoyable. I found Mrs. Flack a bit of an irritant, but enjoyed watching how Lionel dealt with her. Don't we all have a 'Mrs. Flack' in our lives?

By watching ATGB, I've developed a following for Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer. Thankfully, they appeared together in a couple of movies, most notably "Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown" and the James Bond movie "Tomorrow Never Dies"
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