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Ruby (1977)
Creepy terror movie
5 November 2019
Ignore the critics this is a very well made bizarre horror film with Piper Laurie a year after Carrie 1976. After her gangster boyfriend is gunned down by gangsters he vows revenge. And then the Finn begins years after while Ruby runs a drive in theater in the 1950s would you believe a showing of the classic b movie attack of the 50 foot woman? This is the perfect drive in movie. Avoid the Congress video tape from years ago it is the tv version with all the gore cut out. The newer dvd release is a big improvement. It may be low budget but it's very well made. Great supporting cast as well Stuart Whitman,Roger Davis, Len Lessor who turned up as Seinfeld's uncle on Seinfeld.creepy soundtrack. Drive in Gold .
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Joker (I) (2019)
Laugh clown laugh
16 October 2019
Very well made back story about the joker. Before the Time of Batman/Bruce Wayne. The joker aka; Arthur Fleck is a tormented victim of abuse in all shape and form. We see a sympathic character who has had enough of the system that benefits the wealthy. But we the audience feel his pain . Hopefully they will do back stories on penguin and the riddler. The cat woman with Halle Berry not good but a reboot needs to be done. Anyway I have to caution viewers it's ultra violent and disturbing. I'm predicting an Oscar nod to Phoenix, I believe he has it in the bag.I was hestitant to seeing this but being a DC/Marvel comic fan I had to give it a chance . I did however enjoy it.We also see Thomas Wayne in a different light. And let's not forget Robert D Nero.As a Johnny Carson copy. Laugh clown Laugh 10 stars.
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Child's Play (2019)
Souped up reboot
31 July 2019
Ok I was not expecting to enjoy the new child's play. I'm not a reboot lover. I was surprised that the reboot is way better than the 1988 original.A up to date plot that will make people afraid to talk to their Siri or their echo.think about it artificial intelligence. Chunky is voiced by Mark Hamill. Who is a master of character voices. This chicly is more. Creepy than the comical Brad Dourif chucks, there are some really gory scenes one in fact made me cover my eyes. Haven't done that in a long time Don't get me wrong I like the original chucky movies, except seed of chucky.Tim Mathison from animal house plays the spokesman for the company that makes the linteractive dolls.Funny thing is that this was even better than Annabel comes home.
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Why the negative reviews?
13 July 2019
Ok I had recently seen Captain Marvel kind of late like from redbox. Missed it at the theater. I really enjoyed it a lot. I like Brie Larson I think she is very good in the role.I was confused because I thought captain Marvel was a DC character so they renamed it Shazam. Which I didn't see but back in the 40s they had a serial called Capt Marvel aka shazam. Anyway this is a great MCU movie and the post credit scenes there is 2 by the way. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury. Finally get to learn how he lost an eye. No spoilers but it's a lot of great special effects and Capt Marvel proves to be a superhero to be reckoned with as she battles aliens. Also in the cast is Jude Law and Anette Benning .So really what's up with the bad reviews why all the haters. This movie is a real joy to behold .
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Greta (2018)
Ssssssscarrry stalker
25 June 2019
Ok to be fair, I'm a fan of Chloe Grace Moritz and that's what triggered me to watch.And it's a thrill ride that starts off innocent and then pow. Isabelle Hubbard is very creepy as a crazy stalker. And if this took place in GA or Fl then the victim could have had a gun to protect herself. Lots of horror movies take place in NYC though this was filmed in another country.This was sort of an updated fatal attraction we'll sort of. I enjoyed it and would like to know when Chloe will get an Oscar for any of the great roles she has played throughout the years.I give this the highest score it was great.
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What no sharks
20 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked open water and thought the sequel would be interesting. But I was wrong so many mistakes and usually if there's blood the sharks come . What no sharks? Budget low ? Anyway the stupid so called captain of the yacht jumps in with a woman who has a water phobia and everyone else in the water. Duh he fails to lower the dive ladder. So the 3 couples are in the water not able to get back to the boat I mean yacht. Mind you it's not anchored but stays in the same place. What the ?Theres drama and bickering. Lamebrain ideas about using their shorts to build a rope to climb on.but again where's the sharks? The ending is. Confusing. And for future reference boaters and yachtsmen before going in the water 1- lower anchor2- lower dive ladder.And make sure you let people know you are out in the ocean. Pales in comparison to the first open water . There's a 3rd one I don't think I want to watch it involves a shark cage.
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Stag Night (2008)
Underground dwellers
19 June 2019
Stag night kind of reminds me of the 1973 movie deathline in America it's called raw meat. But censored heavily. And midnight meat train. It's an ugly world below the subway and these guys and 2 women leave a subway car and get trapped in this dirty disgusting world inhabited by cannibals. Can we call them chuds?Anyway it's a predictable story with a lot of blood and guts. It stars; Breckin Myer (Freddy's dead, final nightmare) Vanessa Shaw, and a few unknowns. It's a good time Easter you should only see once. No visible plot. But an uneasy feeling of claustrophobia.with rats and roaches and dirty toilets. The subway can be a very scary place and you really don't know what kind of evil lives underneath. But no alligators so they did leave that urban legend out of the movie. But can you get any worse than canabals?
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Bear (I) (2010)
Watch grizzly instead
17 June 2019
Unbearable seems like a made for scu fi channel movie. 2 bickering couples on their way to a family reunion run into a giant Grizzly and actually you can guess what happens next. Yes I was routing for the bear. I liked the 1977 movie Grizzly which at least had a big name cast and a better plot. Similar to jaws. Just some advice to people in these movies. Don't take shortcuts and make sure you have a CB radio as well. No cell phone service is a popular trend in these movies. I'm giving this 2 at least it was a little entertaining but overall not good .
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Don't drink the tea
13 June 2019
Looking for a good chiller on amazon prime is not easy they have a lot of crappy stupid horror movies on zero budgets and look awful from the pictures. But this one is kind of a gem in the rough. And has Eric Roberts as a real creepy dude. No spoilers, But when people go to secluded cabins in the woods away from everything and no cell phone service that indeed is a bad sign. This is a real nail biter and very creepy for a low budget flick, I am a fan of Eric Roberts that's probably what prompted me to watch this film. His sister Julia gets more attention and better roles And Eric And his daughter Emma do the horror flicks. If you happen to be scrolling for a decent thriller then I recommend this .
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Ma (I) (2019)
Don't piss off Ma
11 June 2019
Reading some of the reviews of some of the so called critics hey this was a great thriller. And Blum house I know it's going to be good. I love Octavia Spencer and this is quite a different role for her.This is a cross between prom night and nightmare on elm street, No spoilers. The supporting cast includes; Diana Silvers, An aAnne Hathaway lookalike,Juliette Lewis,Luke Evans,And Missy Pyle.Creepy creepy movie with some good plot twists. And I love the Blum House stamp of approval. It's right up there with Get Out and Us as being very creepy and disturbing Octavia should get an Oscar nod for this offbeat role she nails it.Im giving this 10 out of 10.Take that haters I loved it. And good news is I saw it for 5.00 at my local cinema.I recommend this movie if you like us.Get out and Glass.
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The Meg (2018)
A Real Big Mouth
1 June 2019
There is about a million stupid shark movies on cable channels, Sy Fy channel. Hell ghost sharks, mega sharks, 3 headed sharks,The insane sharknado movies, eh enough but this one is pretty decent not great but enjoyable. Jason Stratham action star is the star in this action packed thriller about s prehistoric shark that has an appetite for people, whales, etc.the movie reminds me of deep star six . Then of course there's gotta be a jerk in the movie. Rainn Wilson as the Token jerk. Of course some of the CG works and sometimes it looks hokey.But overall its entertaining enough but it's no Jaws but better than jaws 3 and ugh 4 the revenge.Im giving this 5 stars out of 10. I really thought it was going to be really bad because of the reviews
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Big G returns
1 June 2019
I want to be careful and not give any spoilers of any kind. I thought this was better than Avengers Endgame. I have seen every Godzilla movie ever made and other Kaiju monster epics and this fun is the most spectacular.Many Easter eggs for fans. Gojira aka Godzilla faces off against Monster zero,King Ghidrah . And others join the battle; Mothra and Rodan. With some surprises.I loved this from beginning to end. An epic that cannot be missed. The Big G returns in all his glory. Next up is a team up with King Kong in 2020. And who knows maybe a grand remake of Destroy All Monsters.this movie rocks and I know will break the Abengers record at the box office. And it should. Godzilla can actually squash Thanos with one big thump! Please look for the Easter eggs in this there are many. Awesome 10 out of 10 of course I can go higher. But there's only 10.
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The Children (2008)
True Horror
31 May 2019
Two families get together for holiday at a winter home in the country. Everything seems fine until one of the children gets sick and starts puking. Can't tell you what happens next but it's best to find out on your own. It's a brilliant original horror movie with some truly creepy moments.Great acting, And disturbing scenes. I first watched this in 2009 and since then I have watched it several times and consider this one of my favorite horror movies.I think the location of where this takes place is the best part. snow and being isolated.I love this movie it's so different from any horror film I've seen in the past.I give this 10 stars because of its brilliance. It's chilling no pun intended.
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Gross dark comedy
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Judd Nelson,Bill Paxton play buddies who are garbage men.Nelson is a comedian that's just not funny. He later finds out he has a lump on his back. That turns out to be an arm . James Casn is the Dr with a sharpie pen.Calaudia Christian is the nympho nurse.And also in the cast is Rob Lowe, Wayne Newton, And Lara Flynn Boyle. This is a crazy movie kind of reminds me of a trims movie with big stars. It's very Dark and gross.anyone care for squeezable bacon and man made ham? Of course when he has the arm coming out of his back he becomes a success .Afam Rifkin directed this cult movie.Jist don't eat anything while watching this it'll affect your appetite. But I did enjoy this very Dark Comedy.
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Action Point (2018)
26 May 2019
Johnny Knoxville of Jackass game does it again as the owner of a amusement park called action point. It features a drunken bear named Rodney. Some crazy dangerous rides all in fun of course slapstick style. I would say this is half like Meatballs and Half used cars plot wise. Slapstick in movies has come a long way. I will say Johnny Knoxville is a genius in this arena.I laughed so much it hurt. But be warned leave these stunts to the professionals.
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Backtrace (2018)
Memories can be a problem
25 May 2019
I was expecting more Stallone in this kind of low budget action drama but alas It's more Matthew Modine as a bank robber who lost his memory and there are several people out to find where he hid 20 million dollars. And this was 7 years ago and still Modine is still not remembering. So along comes FBI agent played by Christopher McDonald wanting answers working with cop Stallone. It's a basic story with some surprises.Its not worthy of the one star reviews. But everyone is there own critic, I gave it 5 out of 10 because I thought it was decent but not great. Stallones latest since creed 2. Funny because a few years ago he announced retirement. Ahem a final Rambo movie? Expendables 4? Not this old dog. I expect Stallone will be in a few more movies maybe till he's 100 . Rocky at the retirement home.Teaching boxing ? Just a thought.
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Frogs (1972)
Natures revenge
25 May 2019
Frogs is a movie I saw back in 1971 with the co feature incredible 2 headed transplant,St the plaza theater in Paterson New Jersey. It scared me then, But now I watch it and pick out all the mistakes like how are blue crabs in fresh water and how are South American tegus in Florida. Tarantulas spinning webs,Domt get me wrong despite the cheesiness I like this movie because it's so cheesy. Ray Milland hates being in this movie and new stars Sam Elliot and Joan Van Ark were unknowns st the time. I live the poster of the frog with the human hand in its mouth. Actually you see it at the end of the credits.On cartoon form.All in all its a drive in classic by the notorious American International pictures . Good cheesy fun when animals attack dumb rich people.Well they deserve it. Forget zombie apocalypse this was animal apocalypse.
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omg This is so awfull
23 May 2019
If you thought plan 9 from outer space and manos hand of fate was bad , This is a homemade amateur movie with paper bag acting no budget. The main character a villain calls a weasel a rodent . Sorry Charlie weasels are not rodents. Actually the best thing about this movie is the music soundtrack lifted from the blob and horror of party beach both epic films compared to this zero budget movie. I'm glad this was a short movie I couldn't bear another half hour . This is an example of how the poster makes the movie look enticing.Mystery science theater even passed on this. I say bad and don't mean so bad it's good it's so bad it's rotten. A waste of good movie film . I was generous and gave it one star.this is an hour and 15 min I'll never get back. Pop goes this weasel
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Santa's Slay (2005)
Bad santa
17 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok this movie is a blast. Funny gory and inventive on the kills. The appearances of James Caan, Fran Drescher,and a few others makes it worth watching,Wrestler Bob Goldberg is a very violent Santa Claus who is now evil because of a contest between him and an angel. Santa loses and had to be good for many years, well that time has run out and Santa goes on a killing spree riding his slaigh pulled by a black buffalo from hell. Don't let kids watch this one if they believe in Santa. It will devastate them, Robert Culp plays the crazy inventer grandpa of a teenage boy who does not believe in Christmas or Santa Claus, Well duh! He is a teen.They should've done a sequel to this one it merits one.My question is how did they get James Caan to be in this movie. Since he is a very high profile a list actor Who rarely does horror films. It's like when Richard Dreyfus did the awful piranha 3D. Well he did it for charity. If your looking for a Christmas horror comedy this one will be worth the viewing. Remember not for kids. I fine this a high rating it's one of my fav horror films.
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Drive Thru (2007)
Fast food kills!
16 May 2019
Hilarious gory horror take on McDonald's. A killer clown is murdering teenagers. If the junk food don't kill you, Horny the clown will. Sort of similar to nightmare on elm streets fred Krueger's funny lines of dialogue.You may think twice about going to McDonald's again after watching this one. Clowns of course have become very scary since poltergeist and it.Hellburger indeed! By the way you want fries with that? 7 out of 10 although predictable it's very enjoyable.
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Better than the prequels
15 May 2019
Why all the bad reviews ? This was better than the prequels and has a lot of punch.sure it has its ups and downs. Carrie Fisher in one of her last roles. Mark Hamill as a aged Luke skywalker and some very colorful characters.The special effects are very good the storyline good. No I don't believe Disney has destroyed the franchise but brought new lif to it. I did not like the prequels at all they lacked the excitement of the originals. Hey I even liked the solo movie go figure.Im hoping the next one which is rumored to be the last(?) Comes out in December 2019 is better than we can expect.And May the force be with us.7 out of 10
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Case 39 (2009)
Scariest movie in a long time
6 May 2019
Wow it's been so long since I saw a genuine scary movie this movie case 39 really scared me.With a great cast Renee Zellwigger and Bradley Cooper to name a few. Be prepared to be scared the plot is very good the acting and visuals awesome and very original. If you want to see a scary movie this ones for you I am not giving away any spoilers but just think the exorcist meets the omen something like that.i will watch this again because It was that good.i know this came out in 2009 and feels like it was under the radar but what a movie I'm giving it s full 10 stars.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Confusing and long
5 May 2019
Ok as for comparing this to Argentos 1977 original it pales. It's too long and very confusing and the subtitles that come up once in a while go too fast.But on the plus side to this is Chloe Grace Moritz and Dakota Johnson give good performances. The visuals very disturbing and some scenes hard to watch but as a comparison it pales.but by all means it's not bad but not great.Not the same plot as the original and does have a plot twist at the giving this 4 stars Out of 10
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Proud Mary (2018)
Proud Mary kicks butt
20 January 2018
First off ive been off the imdb radar for a few years and i have seen alot of good movies and some forgetable ones,Iam a huge fan of Taraji P Hensen,Empire,Hustle and Flow,Hidden figures and read her book,So this movie blew my mind it was awesome and reminded me of a much better version of 1980s gloria with Gena Rowland,but very much updated.Nice to see Danny Glover back in a supporting role as a Crime mafia type Godfather.I especially like the use of Tina Turners song Proud Mary during some action scenes,Move over Clint Eastwood,Liam Neeson,Taraji is here and she delivers the goods as a hitlady with a heart,i recommend proud mary it really kicks butt and Taraji rocks.10 out of 10 no im not crazy its worth all 10 stars.
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Evil Dead (2013)
return to the evil woods
5 April 2013
After a long hiatus i'm returning with a review of the new evil dead movie,first off i'm usually standoffish on remakes,but i actually had good vibes about the evil dead remake,its updated quite a bit for the new and younger horror fans who never seen the 1982 original,so there's plenty more gore and blood,and some clever cg scenes,one actress i recognize is Jessica Lucas who i remember from another good movie clover field,and like the first one there are 5 young people,2 guys and three women.and yes its the woods,there is the book of the dead and i really don't want to give the plot away but prepare yourself,it is a nail biter and if you don't like blood,guts,and gore don't watch it,in the theater i saw this people were laughing at some scenes,probably because like me we seen it all before,but this movie is more brutal and yes scarier then the 1982 original,too bad Bruce Campbell did'nt do a cameo.this would've been a good 3d movie,oh yes and about the book,it is bound in human skin,when you do decide to go see evil dead,keep repeating to yourself,its only a movie!but like Donald pleasense says in the horror compilation film terror in the aisles 1984,but sooner or later you must leave the theater,mind you this did'nt give me any nightmares but some of the scenes were so brutal they wee hard to forget.they did change the title by the way,instead of the evil dead,its called evil dead.awesome movie,check it out,8 out of 10.
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