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Has Commercials
13 June 2024
Rated one star for commercials. Pay prime not for commercials. Interesting how now 500 words are required for a negative review. I will write 500 word review to show my disgust at Amazon for showing commercials to those who pay prime. I tried to reivew this on Amazon, but was only able to leave a thumbs down.

Paying for commercials. How greedy do the bean counters have to be? I plan on protesting this abuse of customers. I do not like commercials, which is why I do not watch tv. I turn to streaming service to avoid commercials. Now they are not satisfied with charging, they add insult to injury by adding ads and making hard to provide feedback.
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ZeroZeroZero (2019–2020)
Really Bad Script Pretty Set Piece
2 April 2021
I watched this to the end primarily to review the entire show. The settings are very pretty. But that's about all of the nice things I can say. It's the often told story of gangsters, drugs, corruption (Traffic). The characters bizarre decisions and incredulous plot twists fall way short of the mark of Narcos or Traffic.
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The Irishman (2019)
Mobster Mash
3 December 2019
This is one way to condense every single mobster movie since Godfather into one film. It's not a good way, perhaps a mini series would have been better. The pacing is so slow it is torture.

It feels like the writers were tired, the actors uninspired. I read Joe Pesci had to be begged out of retirement for this. Unfortunately for him, he did not say no one additional time. None of the stars here needed to make this film for the money, it seems like they all got together and said why not.

Just because you can do something (ie, de-age-ing) doesn't mean it's going to be good. Especially when the script is so cliched, tired, predictable. At least Joe Pesci's character did not yell.

When you feel like you've watched something that is six hours long (twice it's real length) that's not a good thing. Very glad I did not pay to see this.
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Jack Ryan: Cargo (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Terrible Script
5 November 2019
I thought the writers lacked creativity with this series. It's just not original or crisp. Rehashed plot lines - can't they add a better twist to the path Clancy drew? Apparently not.
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The Spy (2019)
Mossad Meets The Departed
31 October 2019
Excellent period piece, capturing early 1960's A+++ for the photography, costumes. It's a little bit odd to see "Borat" as a serious husband...and spy.

There are some cliched moments, but I thought overall the script was good, capturing the difficult emotions of those who deceive for a living. The actors capture the cost that soldiers and their families pay for other's freedom.
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The Handmaid's Tale: The Word (2018)
Season 2, Episode 13
Heroes Sacrifice
26 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yes. there were times in 2d season where there are too many close up of June's angst, fear, sadness. There are a few moments that dragged, but overall, an excellent season that adds depth to Margaret Atwood's novel.

Some reviewers complain that not all of that characters act 'responsibly' or predictably. Well, that's called real life. People often act irrationally ro do stupid things. Nick's bride Eden refuses to renounce her love and chooses death (how the writers did it is so evil) June goes back rather than escape. These are things heroes do - give themselves up for others. In war, some soldiers jump on a hand grenade. Not all POWs escape (in WW2, many Allied soldiers had many failed attempts but kept trying).

The cinematography is incredible. I love how the use of flashbacks allows you to see the characters "Before". The writers foreshadow things well (sometimes a bit heavy handed, but hey). Great twists. Who is evil, who is good? No one is completely one or the other.

Great entertainment, looking forward to the next season.
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Absentia (2017–2020)
Holes & Filler Chase Scenes
13 March 2018
The 1st three episodes were ok, but after that, the plot holes multiplied to the point of no return. Each episode had long, drawn out chase scenes used to fill time.

One nice thing about watching on laptop - you can see where the chase scene ends and zip to the next one with dialogue. The story line was not credible and the ending incredulous.
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Fearless (I) (2017)
Well Done British Drama
5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While this mini series does have some plot holes, it is good enough I just watched the whole series in one day, hoping that there are more episodes to come.

Fearless reminded me of True Detective - all of the characters are human, have flaws, wrinkles and warts. All struggle with their past and try to change the past to make the present tolerable. No one really wins, except the viewer, for the quality of the production.

***Spoiler alert*** If you can believe (as I do) that government agencies such as the CIA and British Intelligence communities are capable of evil doing, than you'd think that they'd simple order the murder of Emma sooner. Of course, there would be no episodes after the first, so there's that. Aside from that, I found this to be a very good thriller.

Strong female leads, women who are intelligent, sometimes emotional, relentless and even ruthless. Well done entertainment, somewhat predictable, but a very good watch.
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Truman (1995 TV Movie)
Accurate, Great Acting, Lacks Punch
31 March 2016
Having just finished David McCullough's 900 page book on Truman (this movie is based on the book), I thought I'd check this out.

I'm a fan of Gary Sinise, he does a great job in this role. The movie is accurate to the book and history. Despite the challenges Truman faced, the movie script does not reflect the drama of the times - the decision to drop the A-Bomb, facing the Cold War, rebuilding Europe, the Red Scare are but a few of the things facing the Truman administration. The actors do the best they can, but the screen play comes off as wooden.

It's too bad because Harry was an interesting president during a rough time. Good history not well told.
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Margaret (I) (2011)
Two Mistakes
13 May 2015
I made two mistakes - selecting this movie to watch and getting the extended cut, which adds an additional 30 minutes to this already too long movie.

This is a movie that should be shown to all aspiring script writers - as an example of what not to do. The average script is 100-120 minutes making a movie about 90-110 minutes long. Perhaps with a revised, tighter script, this could have been something. Taking away the background dialog in many of the scenes would be helpful. We get it that in NYC, it's loud, there are always noises surrounding you.

The movie does not suffer from a lack of talent, Matt Damon, Mark Ruffo, Allison Janney, Jean Reno to name a few, it's just their skills are wasted in this movie that drags on and on and on and on and on and on - oh, I should write a shorter review? Good idea.

This movie is too long and squanders the talent of its stars. It needs more plot, a clearly defined conflict and resolution. 2 stars for the acting skills cleverly hidden in this movie.
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Wild Target (2010)
Good Rom-Com
26 February 2015
Yes, there are silly moments in this film. Expect some clichés and of course the plot is predictable. While not usually a fan of this genre, I enjoyed Wild Targets.

Emily Blunt is sexy, funny and witty, pulls off her character of a con-artist very well.

Bill Nighy is uptight, OCD, understated and funny. Rupert Grint is daft, clueless, naive but still manages to be funny as the third wheel between Emily and Bill.

Great DVD Movie for a couples night out, no graphic violence (there are quite a few murders, but no blood).
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Blue Jasmine (2013)
Annie Hall Again
3 June 2014
I can see why so many people raved about Cate Blanchett's performance in this movie. Alex Baldwin (her husband) plays a cheating con man, no stretch for his acting abilities. The male supporting characters reminded me of the guys on Laverne and Shirley, slapstick characters from New Jersey.

To me, this was yet another Woody Allen remake of Annie Hall. A story of a neurotic woman trying to cope with life. Only back in the 70's Annie was funny and fresh. 40 years later, it's not.

The ending, which I'll not reveal to give away potential spoilers was a complete let down and showed no creativity whatsoever. 5 stars for Cate.
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Gravity (2013)
Entertaining Visuals
5 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
On the plus side, a lot of excellent special effects and scenes in this movie. Bullock does a very good job with a somewhat limiting script/dialogue, but creates tension & terror when needed.

Clooney is Clooney. A charmer, surface deep, wise-cracking character.

There are images that make you think of Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, 2001 Space Oddessy and the very end scene which really was bad.

***Spoiler alert*** Bullock emerges from a pond and crawls to the beach - really? Hit the audience on the head with that allusion of rebirth and a second chance.

There are "liberties" taken with the physics involved, to a purist that would be bothersome, but for the average viewer such as me, I can deal with that. It's good for 90 minutes of entertainment.
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Good, Solid Entertainment
5 March 2014
Based on truth, pirates off the Somalian coast hijack cargo ships and hold ships captive for insurance money. Sad, but true - it still happens now, it is often cheaper (in money) for the ships to pay the Ransom than sail out of the way. The owners of the ships, crews and pirates all know this creating a very dangerous environment.

Tom Hanks plays the captain of such a ship. A normal guy trying to fight off young kids who are given AK-47's and a few pennies for their efforts. Since the merchant men are unarmed, it's an unfair battle, but Cpt Phillips uses his wits and what few resources he has to save his crew and ship.

I found the movie to be balanced - it presents all sides of the problem; the crew who are put at risk, the Capitan and even the pirates. The ending is rips your heart out. Hanks really did an excellent job there.
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Hope God Forgives Director,Cast & Writers
4 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There are only 2 reasons I watched this film until the end. To see if the ending was as bad as the rest of the movie (it's worse, if possible) and to review the whole movie fairly.

Wooden acting, lousy script writing. Predictable and tired plot. No suspense.

Ryan Gosling runs a fight club which is really a front for drug operation. Possible spoilers: His brother gets killed, Ryan does not avenge the death and mommy flies in from the states to set things right. Only she doesn't. It gets worse and worse and finally it ends.

Nothing redeeming about this one.
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Does Not Stand Test of Time
15 November 2012
The original Italian job is supposed to be campier & funny than the remake. I know some of this is British humor, which tends to be more dry, but I did not chuckle or laugh at all.

The plot was good but poorly executed. Cheesy sound effects at the Turin Motor Vehicle control room to help the audience "get" the fact the computer is messed up? Perhaps.

The British mobster behind bars but running the prison was too heavy handed.

The ending was horrible. I won't give it away.

I prefer the remake.
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Apollo 18 (2011)
Aliens meets Blair Witch Project
14 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Forgot all of the plot holes in this - there is no sound in space, the astronauts are walking, not bouncing on the moon, the astronauts loose their cool, the temperature on the moon is always cold & the space suit would automatically adjust, how did they get the film back to earth? I can deal with goofs in exchange for a good thriller.

If you're not a fan of the hand held camera technique, which I think is a cover-up for poor plot, skip this movie.

The primary reason to skip the movie is that it is dull, slow, the ending is predictable, no surprise and worse, the 'monsters' ***SPOILER ALERT***** are crabs. In a low budget movie such as this, I did not expect some ground breaking new super bad cool alien, but a crab?
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Bad to the Bone
31 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Thank heaven I saw this on cable & did not pay for it. Holy smokes, this was predictable, already done, clichéd.

**Spoiler Alerts**the character played by Oliva Wilde is an alien - it is so heavily foreshadowed, it clunks you on the head. She's there because the bad aliens killed all of her species & she wants to stop them (Uh, Star Trek, the Borg?) Speaking of foreshadowing, whatya think happens when Harrison Ford gives the boy his knife - gosh, is the kid gonna become a man when he kills an alien? You betcha! Native American guide is able to unite cowboys and Indians to fight together against the aliens. Together, they dodge, out run and out smart the aliens who have laser blasters. Since movies like this need a sacrificial victim, the guide gives his life to say everyone else.

The alien weakness? They don't see so good in the day time (Predator, anyone?).

Oh, and a LSD like trance induced by the witch doctor helps Daniel Craig remember where he got the killing bracelet and what happened to his wife that will lead to save the day.

The climatic attack on the alien spaceship frees the hostages and everyone is able to outrun a spaceship blowing up.

Cowboys Vs Aliens deserves to be on a short list of worst movies ever, but won't become a cult classic like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes or Planet X.
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Stone (2010)
Character Movie, surprise ending
25 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I can certainly see where some people would be disappointed in this movie. *** possible spoiler** the movie does not have a tight, wrapped up ending. It's loose, sloppy, ambiguous, open ended. To me, that is refreshing, because that is far more realistic - but this is supposed to be art, yes? So it should have a meaning - or must it? Is it better left open to the viewer, or must the movie's meaning be crystal clear?Is it sufficient enough to make you wonder? The movie was at its most intense when Ed Norton and Mila's characters were trying to con Bob DeNiro. My wife asked - can't Bobby see that his actions cannot end well? Watching Mila's seduction of Bobby - the coy, teasing way. The use of her body to gain power and manipulate a man. Of course Bobby knows what s going on in his mind, but his heart, his life has been so empty to that point, he'd rather be taken for a ride until it all crashes down.

Ed Norton character changes - from a con trying to find leverage on Bobby to actually believing what he is learning about religion, belief and life. Ironically, he is the one who grows and learns the most. The movie has its flaws, but I enjoyed watching the slow boat go down the river and over the falls.
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The Open Road (2009)
Predictable, but enjoyable
23 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe 6.5 or even a seven - yes, it's been done before - rouge, selfish father who leaves wife and child - (Jeff Bridges and Justin Timberlake, respectively)and contrived circumstances unite father and son on a road trip.

Not very subtle, but it works - there's just enough humor and the screen play is just good enough to pull it off. I rented this primarily to see if Justin could act. Neither he nor the movie will go down in movie making history for this, but I thought he did fine.

Kate Mara plays Justin;s girlfriend/lost love and Maureen Steenburgen is the ex-wife who never lost her love for Jeff Bridges. Cameo's by Ted Danson (Maureen's real life hubby), Lyle Lovett, Harry Dean Stanton also keep it interesting.

**Spoilers** A feel good movie with a happy ending, redemption, lost love found, acceptance, forgiveness.
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Skyline (2010)
Don't look up - at the movie screen
18 May 2011
There are not many good things I can say about this movie. I am very glad it was a rental. Space creatures that look like a cross between something in Alien and a Venus fly trap. Nothing original or scary here.

Three hot chicks and one guy for eye candy. Donald Faison (from Scrubs) trying to break typecast and be a tough guy. That does not work. I have no problem with aliens from space eating humans. But creatures smart enough to travel in space cannot find humans hiding behind a kitchen counter? Guess they cannot hear very well, 'cause the barking yip dog did not give away the humans either.

The US Air Force sends everything in to shoot down the aliens, reminding me of Luke Skywalker attacking the Death Star.

If they made this movie for 10 mill and made 6x that at the box office, it's no surprise they're making a second one. Maybe they can use some of the profits to get a screen writer. The characters were cardboard, annoying one dimensional. The whole movie was just an excuse to put some CGI up on the screen for vapid viewers to go "wow dude".
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Fiction from Fact, Very Enjoyable
12 May 2011
I really did not care that this was not a factual account of Houdini's life. There are some truths in the depiction of Harry (some actual B&W footage is used of his acts and his debunking of mystics). It was enjoyable, had beautiful cinematography, elements of humor a story of love and life...however implausible it may be, it does not detract from elegance of watching Catherine Zeta Jones(Mary McGarvie) try to support herself and her daughter, matching wits with the great Houdini.

Catherine displays a grace and style combined with fire and drive. Her daughter provides moments of comedic relief and there is tension between Catherine and Guy Pearce - should she win the money at any cost, allow herself to fall in love, what is in the afterlife? This was entertainment based on Houdini, a platform to tell a story which I thought was well done.
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The Square (2008)
Criminal Stupidity
11 May 2011
A lot of people who commit crimes are caught because they are stupid. Many others get away with crime. The folks in this movie fall into the first group. In this sense, the movie is frustrating, because you want to yell at the characters - don't do that! How can you be so stupid!

I won't give away the ending, but I thought it was rather complicated and convoluted. I thought the acting was solid, little bit slow in some parts, but that accentuates the action. The moral of the story is pretty clear - suburbanites do not make good criminals. If you're going to be a bad guy, you have to be all in. Oh, and it pays to watch CSI before committing crimes. At least you'll have some ideas of what not to do.

A good video/rental movie. Not the best of its genre, but certainly not the worst.
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RED (2010)
Space Cowboys meets CIA
11 May 2011
RED (Retired, Extremely Dangerous) has an all star cast of, um, veteran actors who are cast as super spies who have been put out to pasture reunite to save the US from super villains. It is a way, way over the top outrageous parody of spy thrillers and cold war movies.

Bruce Willis survives an assassination attempt against him, kidnaps Mary-Louise Parker and is off to save the world! It's ridiculous, funny, one liners going back and forth, predictable, campy and a lot of fun to see some of these older actors get together. Bruce is Bruce, if you've seen him in any of the Die Hard movies, you'll know the character. John Malkovich, Richard Dryfuss, Morgan Freeman are all funny. Part of the fun is just seeing who's in the movie. I did not know Ernest Borgnine was still alive, but there he is! Mindless fun, something to laugh at as much as with.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
6 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this to get a glimpse of what life in North Korea was like - anything at all - as with much history, when you start off with one journey, you find another. I did not know 4 US Army soldiers defected to North Korea in 1962-63. That was a huge embarrassment to the US and a propaganda windfall for the DPK, who not surprisingly, exploited these four soldiers. They made speeches denouncing the US, were wined and dined by the North Koreans and even starred in North Korean movies (as the bad guys, of course).

This documentary centers on the one of first to cross the border - James "Comrade Joe" Dresnok. The story is told from his perspective. Since 2 of the others died and 1 escaped to Japan, only Joe is left in North Korea. Does he have regrets? Does he wish to return to the west? Has he been brain washed? How did he enjoy his life in a gilded cage? He learned the language, culture and to say the words, but does he mean them? About the only thing you can be sure of is that Joe does not like fellow defector Charles Jenkins who managed to get to Japan in 2004.

**Possible spoilers**

One suspects that Joe is saying literally, the party line. He knows in order to eat in a land where natives are starving; he must continue to defend his decision and North Korea. Since the four defectors tried to escape North Korea in the late 1960's (by going to the Soviet Embassy - duh!) and spent the next 10 years being're-educated', Joe's statements of loyalty to the North Koreans rings hollow.

This is a good documentary, not excellent - it can be slow at times, and one tires of hearing Joe defend himself and his actions. He comes off as disingenuous at best, not someone worthy of hate, but pity. 6.5 stars
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