
12 Reviews
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Whining away to sell this series
7 March 2023
You can't deny Marc's talent, but he's whining away about how he was so poor done by for the Rossi situation. He says that people only talk about this stuff when they feel inferior, so clearly Marc must feel really inferior right now, by the same logic.

The whole media storm surrounding this is unnecessarily unpleasant. Lorenzo and Marc both trying to destroy Rossi while also using his stature to advertise themselves is almost ironically funny. It's like no one would care unless they mentioned Rossi and that shines a really sad spotlight on them.

I'd avoid this if you want a fair, balanced view - it's basically the "poor me" show.
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You need to "get it"
19 February 2021
This film is hilariously self aware. It's almost a test and joke on the viewer and I love it for that.

If you take this as a film that's meant to make you feel like you're meant to feel sorry for upper class problems, you've totally missed the point.

This is a brilliantly subtle piece, where the story ridicules the entire premise of itself.

A latter scene of the book reading is actually an amazing explanation to the inevitable critique of this movie; surreptitiously addressing what they knew the critics would say on a superficial understanding of the true meaning.

The bravery of allowing the interpretation to be used against them makes this film all the more incredible.

Think about the flippancy of this all happening in a week.

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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Moss disappears up her own proverbial
2 February 2021
The first season is fantastic. Then it's almost like Elisabeth Moss and the script writers just decide to make the character of June, the most boring, selfish and dull character possible.

The story doesn't evolve. It becomes so tedious, I probably won't finish season 3. The choices June makes become increasingly moronic and contradictory to her character in season 1.

I'd avoid.
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Project X (2012)
Please: Save yourselves.
26 December 2020
What a loathable piece of utter trash. It's wannabe central and clearly written by someone who's never had sex. The writing is awful, the mouthy, annoying main character needs to get in the sea. Did I mention the writing is awful? Reinforced, lame and outdated stereotypes that will bore you to tears while cliche after cliche unfold. I love these types of movies, but this is offensively bad. On behalf of this genre, I'd like to apologise for this movie even though, praise the Lord, I had nothing to do with it. I'm going to go and vomit now.
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Hell on Wheels (2011–2016)
One of the best series ever
18 June 2019
This has to be one of my favourite series ever made. I've never rewatched a series, but I would rewatch this. This historical context only enriches the fantastic plot lines and beautiful character development. Can't recommend highly enough.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Just amazing
18 June 2019
The main character is maybe one of the greatest characters ever created in a series. The acting is pulled off flawlessly and the plots twist and turn seemingly forever. This is a wonderful series, I'd highly recommend.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Undeniably Brilliant
18 June 2019
If the spy genre is your thing, you don't need to go further. Beautiful paced with great character development. You care about what happens and this delivers on every level. Fantastic work!
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Not what you expect
18 June 2019
The humour is this show is just fantastic. It's subtle and easily missed or right in your face just when it needs to be. The characters are immensely likeable and most importantly, they stay in character over the seasons! You absolute can't go wrong with this.
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Happy! (2017–2019)
Season 1 is incredible
18 June 2019
The first season was absolutely incredible. The contrast between the dark and the funny was perfectly executed.

Second season had its moments, but when will filmmakers realise that an entire series of formerly badass characters, wandering around like messed up morons DOES NOT WORK. Take Mr Robot for example. If I wanted to watch a blurry confusing tale of daddy issues - I'd watch the British parliament and be just as bored.

Nick Sax is badass. Keep him that way. Stop with all the gratuitous, pseudo-psychological nonsense - it's renders the characters pathetic shells of their former selves and disengages the viewer.

Hope season 3 gets renewed and we see a return to form of the first season!
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21 December 2015
By all means, I should love this film. The premise is right up my street, I love Tarantino and love the actors involved.

BUT, I only made it to 30 minutes in. The characters are so dislikable, the script is unbelievably dull and it's insanely boring. I just didn't care what happened next, not that anything was happening. My wife felt the same.

I just can't quite imagine what's gone on here?! How can all these great people come together to make something so terrible?

The overuse of the N word was done well in other Tarantino films, but in this one it's just gratuitous without any humour at all.

Please don't waste your time.
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The Wrestler (2008)
13 August 2009
I get that this film is meant to be an anti climax. I get that it's meant to paint a bleak picture. I get what the film is doing, but to me it's just useless. Mickey Rourke's acting is really good but that's it.

The film doesn't give you any high's or low's, it's all delivered in a linear fashion to the point where i wanted to walk out of the cinema: There is no hope for the guy. There is no glimpse of hope. He is fighting FAKE fights, so there is no sympathy or action. His relationship with his daughter is so cliché it's actually embarrassing. It's like watching 2 hours of Eastenders, you can't take anything good from it and although i know you're not meant to, why would anybody want to watch such a pointless piece of cinema?

It's like going, "hey, let's watch this paint dry... I wonder what's going to happen??"

2 hours later "Oh, it's dry. Guess i'll go out and have some fun then"..

It would have been a major twist if something had actually happened in this film.

Sorry Mickey; great acting, but useless film.
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Exit Speed (2008)
Just watch it now and be happy
18 January 2009
I've literally joined this site to comment on this film. I love films but i'm no film buff and prefer to enjoy a film rather than analyse it. That being said, i'm picky about what films i like.

The other reviews were bang on; this film is simple. It is also absolutely brilliant. Just as Games with the best graphics aren't always the most playable, while the old ones are still infinitely playable; this film hasn't got the biggest budget but it is infinitely watchable. I'm tempted to watch it again now after only seeing it for the first time last night.

I have no doubt this will become a cult classic, with those in the know bragging it's excellence with superiority to those who don't.

Watch it now.
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