
3 Reviews
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Disgrace to professional wrestling!
19 April 2024
I don't know how anyone can glorify this man. He is the opposite of what I think a professional wrestler should be. Is Dark Side Of The Ring running out of topics and ideas? This is the first DSOTR episode that i really was disappointed to see. Chris colt is a bad human, a bad role model, and a bad wrestler. Please VICE, there are many other people that are deserving of a documentary other than Chris Colt. If you need ideas, let me know. I can think of many tragic wrestling careers and lives. Mr. Perfect, Richard Wilson who killed himself at 33 years of age after being used and released by WCW, Eddie Guerrero, Balls Mahony, and more. Do better VICE.
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King of the Hill: Dale to the Chief (2005)
Season 9, Episode 5
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing performance by Dale as he fights with the notion of being a patriot or not. Also the Hank Hill gender confusion was really funny. Must see for King of the Hill fans!
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Joker Rising (2013)
Amazing 👏 🤡
10 November 2021
The greatest DC fan film I've ever seen! Hands ****ing down!

  • Story : engaging
  • Camera work : personal
  • Acting: was good enough.

I wish they had a bigger budget. These guys deserve it.
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