
18 Reviews
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Some moving scenes but it is meandering to nowhere
25 February 2014
Director Renaud Fely makes his debut with this movie and he sometimes hits the right notes and directs moving scenes.

The movie is about Pauline (Laura Smet), a young widow from Paris who comes to small rural town in the French countryside. She gets a job at a bank via her friend Catherine (Lea Drucker), via whom she also rents a (farm)house. Opposite this house lives the brother of Catherine François (Yannick Renier). He helps Catherine and her husband out since they have financial problems. This together with a family tragedy are the components with which we meander through scenes which seem to have little connection.

Though some scenes were moving it was hard to keep my attention. Not because of the slow pace, which it indeed had, but that was fitting, no it is hard to keep focused because moving from one scene to the next had no consequence.

And that sums it up for this movie. If you like looking at a river meandering through the country site watch it otherwise don't be surprised if you are heading nowhere.
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Soof (2013)
Not original, but great fun. For the biggest part.
23 February 2014
In short: Not original, but great fun. For the biggest part. Good dialogs. Chemistry between actors Lies Visschedijk and Dan Karaty. Recognizable situations for everyone being part of modern day Dutch life. And a nice feel good ending. But it loses its pace and its wit towards the end.

In Long: This movie is loosely based on the columns of Sylvia Witteman (in a Dutch Newspaper De Volkskrant). Her first writing was only culinary and later on more on her life as housewife and mother. She does this with great humor, making fun of herself as chaotic, plumb, neurotic, over-the-hill woman.

This "spirit" is used as inspiration by Marjolein Beumer to write the scenario for the movie Soof (which short for Sophie). Her sister Antoinette Beumer (Loft, De Gelukkige Huisvrouw) directs this light hearted movie.

In short the plot. Soof (Lies Visschedijk), a housewife, taking care of adolescent daughter and boy twins, next to running s small catering business. Her husband Kasper (Fedja van Huêt) has a very busy business life, from which he suddenly takes a sabbatical. This coincides with the fact that Soof's business takes off. This happens because a celebrity choreograph Jim (Dan Karaty) loves her food and makes sure she gets more jobs... And from there on you probably can guess what starts evolve. And sure it does. It does at a leisurely pace and with great dialogs and funny scenes. This keeps up till two-thirds of the movie and then it loses pace and humor. Until the last five minutes when the second plot twist turn the spirits up again. And of course, the now almost obligatory, dancing by cast and crew over the end-titles. If you are non-Dutch you probably will wonder what a lot characters are doing in the movie. Well basically nothing, but they are for the most part cameos and therewith sometimes cluttering the movie. Keep your critical eyes in your pocket and you enjoy it to fullest, because it is a fun movie. It does not pretend to be more than that and can be appreciated as such.
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Suiker (2010)
Funny and short
1 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In short ;-) the story.

Bert's scantily clad neighbor Klaasje comes to borrow a cup of sugar, a standard situation with a seemingly possible sexual climax. If she lets the cup slip from her hands and they both try to catch it disaster strikes. Their heads hit against each other and Klaasje falls back down the stairs. She remains motionless at bottom of the stairs. As Bert tries to cover up her half naked body he puts himself increasingly in trouble.

This movie is co-written by Dennis van der Ven. A Dutch comedian. It is indeed a very funny movie. The start is bizarre. Why is guy in the morgue? Why are there some panties pulled from his mouth? This mystery is solved in the following minutes. The acting is OK-ish. But the events are funny and believable. Spend the little time you have on this one. Especially if you are a fan of Dennis. You will like this one too. With its quirky humor. Compliments for a movie with minimal means. (8/10)
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Dédicace (2011)
Short but bittersweet
18 May 2012
Since there is no plot line a short summary. Antoine, a man in his 50's, finally is satisfied with his live. His first book has been published. He invited all his friends for his first book-signing session. But nobody shows on the day itself. No customers no friends, until a gorgeous lady starts reading his book.

My take on this. It is pleasant enough short movie. But not really with a punch. So it keeps being just nice. You feel for Antoine, but that's it and nothing more. Since it was so short you can watch it without damage, but do not think you will be surprised. Unless it are the voices over the credits. (6/10)
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Nice, if you like English TV-detectives, but then in French and Paris in stead of English and London
12 April 2012
For all clarity the story: Blue circles have been drawn on Parisian pavements for a few months. In the center: a nondescript object. There is always a mysterious phrase as part of this ritual which intrigues journalists and psychiatrists. Adamsberg is worried. And quite rightly: soon, a body is found in a circle...

A TV-movie with Charlotte Rampling. It connects all the dots. All the story lines. All....

It has nice pace, good acting, nice story lines, good script. In short GOOD. And... it is part of series detectives (movies). So. It has its limitations, but within its "genre"it is above par, hence the 7/10.

Very enjoyable but not brilliant.
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Nice, but to be missed without a problem
18 February 2012
Since this title has not yet a plot/synopsis a quick recap of the movie is below my short review.

It is a pleasant enough movie. But I kept grabbing my I-pad to something more interesting and/or exciting. The story and developments could have been done in 30 minutes. But alas, they did it in 90 minutes, leading to too little pace, too little jokes and scenes that do not matter. On the other hand, if you feel like a couch potato, like I did while watching, than it flows nicely, not expecting anything from you as a spectator. But if you do not see this one, you did not miss anything important.

So for you who are still interested the storyline: Jean-Jacques is a highly creative chef, but his imaginative duck rolls are not at all appreciated by his boss. The time has come for him to leave his secure job behind and open his own restaurant... Claude is a instructor for corporate entrepreneurs, but he would prefer to be a writer. It's time for him to give it all up and finally write his novel... Together, the two men could offer each other support in times of need, no longer be under stress and make their dreams come true...
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Mariés... ou presque (2006 TV Movie)
You light up with this movie (eventhough) there is bad lighting
10 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Carole Richert plays Dominique Duchêne, a charming forty year old woman, who in the first minute of the movie has one of the most beautiful moments of her life when Pierre Furrier (played by Yvon Back), her boyfriend for four years, gave her the surprise of a marriage proposal.

Within 5 minutes she's finds out that not all is what it seems and she starts to doubt. Hence the title, married or almost.

This plays out nicely and the movie really starts to flow when Lucas Belford (played by Marc Durat) comes in as the disrupting element. They (Carole and Marc) light up the movie. It is great joy to watch this movie, even though it is predictable, but who cares? Since you really feel good with "so much" French love, love making and infidelity. The real downside of the movie is the bad lighting. Faces light up in the shade in such a way that it is almost a turn-off. But then again, the actors do light up this movie.

Watch is if you like romcom with the not so young.... Enjoy!
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Miss Montigny (2005)
Non impact movie
3 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
See this Movie or do not. It will give a pleasant enough 90 minutes. But you will not have anything to talk about.

In a small Belgian near Brussels people get depressed including the 19-year-old Sandrine who promotes cheese at the local supermarket by day and does manicures at night. She's long had a dream of opening her own beauty salon.

Her mother Anna is fully OBSESSED she feels that her own life has been a failure and she wants Sandrine's to succeed. The opportunity to do this is the local beauty contest, "Miss Montigny". And then events start to unfold which culmulates in an unsurprising ending.
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La Femme Nikita: A Time for Every Purpose (2001)
Season 5, Episode 8
Worthy ending to a nice series
17 August 2011
I only started watching this series in season 5. 10 years after the series aired. So. I have no heat of the moment, and/or trending thoughts. I watched it with my 12 year old son. He saw it as a James bond kind of adventure.

This final episode made him cry. But it was exiting and a worthy final to a series like this.

Was it exiting? No. Was it innovative? No? It was touching to someone like my son. And to be honest someone like me.

La Femme Nikita is a great show. Despite it's flaws and despite the fact that screenwriters kept pushing the envelope too many times with twists and turns, it still kept being thrilling and interesting until the end. And yes, finally, the lack of creativity in the end of season four has been redeemed here, in final episodes of last season.

Or as my pre-reviewer said: "The ending leaves you with mixed feeling but it's actually great to see both Michael and Nikita's father - both sacrificing themselves for their children in their own way. And in the end, the love of Michael and Nikita remains... a love that survives despite all odds... but a love they will carry with them even though the choices they are forced to make keep them separate."
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Ba-li is Pa-ris! Nude picture is romance?
6 August 2011
The storyline as presented.... Etienne discovers a nude picture of his fiancée Lu Ming at the bottom of a sake cup. After he raises the matter with her Lu Ming disappears. To find her again, Etienne journeys into the very heart of Paris's Chinese community. A journey which turns out to be particularly tough...

My take on this ...but for the viewer it is a great one. A feel good movie which dives into the difficulty of cultural differences and bad stuff one did before you met your new partner. Not new. Not original. But pleasant to watch and with a good pace.

To be enjoyed as a entremets
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A lovely cast caters for a nice hour of happiness
1 April 2011
The plot: Fleur, a shy young Parisian in Marseilles, meets Vénus, a flamboyant but lost Russian girl. They have nothing in common, save for their wish to meet the ideal boy. Fleur is demure wallflower. Venus is the extrovert goddess.

It is the cast of four that make this movie totally enjoyable! Even though the story seems unbelievable (two girls, who do not know each other, mistakenly take each others bags and then spend a fews days in the house of an uncle), the casts makes it feel natural and normal.

You, as audience, feel as if you participate/take part in this adventure of trying to find your love. Where (un)suprisingly there does not seem to be a perfect route.

If you like not too fast French movies with nice human interaction, character development and a sympathetic cast, this is really one to watch.
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The Fretless (2010 TV Movie)
Beauty returns to French industrial town to turn heads again
5 December 2010
Sophie (Maruschka Detmers) returns in her late 40's to the town of her youth to investigate the violent death of a former lover. She rediscovers her old friends, but time has gone by, along with plenty of disappointments and disillusionment. And all the male friends still look at her as if she was 20-ish. Quickly, she realizes that her search is making more than one of them uncomfortable.

In Holland you have a series called: The most beautiful girl in our class. In this all class mates dig up memories of this one girl and you then see the real life story of this person.

This movie is a lengthy version of that premise. The search for the killer is supposed to be the story line, but that does not work. What does work is seeing how we all look at reality differently and therefore have different memories.

I thought it was nice to see the wonderful Maruschka Detmers again. Also a lot older than her first movies. She looks stunning for her age, but nonetheless she had aged. This made it real and give a nice "drama" for all of us.
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Nadine (2007)
Special movie, wonderful acting/actresses, but confusing
6 January 2010
Special movie, wonderful acting/actresses, but confusing.

To start with the confusion, the main character is played by three actresses. Which makes it a special movie as well. Showing the different periods in her life.

The 3 actresses (and the rest of the cast) give a wonderful performance.

But the facts are confusing. Are we in France. The Netherlands or Belium. Who am I looking at. Oh, I am watching the leading actress???? But fascinating nonetheless.

If you get a chance. Watch it. And make up your own mind.
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Horrible absurd movie
7 September 2009
You have to have a sick mind to love this movie. At least that is what I believe. I was totally amazed that this movie was awarded this high rating. Yes the visuals are OK. Perlman in Fernch is nice. But what is it about? I did not get a clue. I have seen a lot Dutch movies like this. But French, no. What is the purpose I do not understand? I have have seen some vague movies along the years but this is just plain absurd. Watch it to judge for yourself. But if you like movies with a purpose or if you like movies with some good feelings do not!!! It is just too depressing. Bonne Chance. ;-) Do not watch it if you want to have a enjoyable experience.
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Coupable (2008)
Relationship angst in a pseudo crime style
22 February 2009
What are relationships about? What is love about? Does love last? Do relationships last? What happens if your wife can not conceive children? What if there is a beautiful cook in your house? What if your wife wants you to be a successful lawyer? What if you don't? What if you fall in love with the prime suspect? What if....? What? What? What? That is the question. It remains there even after watching the movie. And the movie is just heavy. The only light is the 3 beautiful actresses who look sultry in nice clothes. But that is it.

A movie might even be good if it just raises the questions above and leaves you finding the answers for yourself. But somehow it did not even manage to achieve this.

If you feel depressed and like to keep on feeling that, watch this. Otherwise, enjoy the view of natural beauties, nice cinematography and nice soundtrack.
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Pas tout de suite... (2007 TV Movie)
A real romance story, Wonderful acting and actors.
4 February 2009
Real romance, puppy love for the middle-aged. A joy to watch.

Benjamin (played by Bernard Le Coq) is 50 years old and runs a Hyper-Marché. He is a widower and lives with his daughter and visits the grave of his wife every week. One of his friends introduces him during a lunch to Carole (played by Dorothée Brière). It is love at first sight for Benjamin and the 35-year-old. But Benjamin finds it hard to start afresh and let himself love once again...

The movie is small and feels real. It is not full of anguish but a real dread of starting with a new love(r). The interaction between Ben and Carole is lovely to watch. And looking at Carole is not a pain to the eyes either!
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Step Out of Line (2007 TV Movie)
Light comedy leading nowhere
31 January 2009
Based on a previous comment I started to watch the movie with a positive attitude. And indeed it starts wonderfully with a well cast group of actors.

The movie is about a dentist who hurts himself during a hunting trip and can not work for several months. Then the replacements enters and life changes for everyone.

Up to this point the movie is marvelous, but after this it was illogical or unclear to me why everything happened like it happened. Yes the development of the wife is a nice touch. But why does the replacement who is a very strange person when he walks in, such a likable and very communicative person by the end? In short a 7/10 for the beginning but a 4 for the end. Overall I would not recommend it and there award a 5.
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La Parisienne (1957)
Delightful Fench 50's movie
24 January 2009
A sparkling movie. BB is a marvel. She's sultry. She is a feminist. She is still very much in love.

The movie features Paris in the 50's. It is wonderful to look at the sites, the cars (DS!) and Orly.

A simple but very enjoyable romantic comedy. The music is horrendous. It almost dissonates. On the other hand it is hilarious. But it is probably the only thing amiss, at least looking at it with 21st century eyes.

The movie comments on the French manner of treating infidelity. It is that sense modern. A movie like un elephant se trompe enormenent did it in an 80's way. But the basic premise stays the the same.

Thanks to makers for providing BB with this opportunity.
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