
15 Reviews
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Franco the original disaster artist?
8 December 2019
The premise is awesome, especially for a comedy(or a Tarantino-movie), but the end result could've been better, or at least a lot funnier. Unfortunately my biggest problem with the movie is James Franco, as he was remarkably horrible in it. If you look closely you can actually see how annoyed Seth Rogen is by the end. Specifically on the boat when he turns away after yet another cringy ad-libbed line by Franco.
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Polar (I) (2019)
Two great performances, one horrible movie
19 November 2019
Somehow Mikkelsen and Hudgens are brilliant in this. I would've liked it if the movie focused more on their characters relationship. Because the script, and in particular the dialogue, is just awful. I understand that this movie is based on a webcomic, which I haven't seen, and it's painfully obvious. The characters, except for Mikkelsen and Hudgens, are cartoonish and completely over the top, and not in a good way like Kick-Ass.

Even if Hudgens deserved a lot more screen time, she made the most of what she got. And Mikkelsen is a solid 9 in a dedicated performance. Everything else is at best a 3 out of 10, which makes this movie a 6/10.
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Good Boys (2019)
To quote Sippy Cup: «...
29 October 2019
I'll keep this short: This movie is hilarious. First truly funny comedy I've seen in ages. Too many dramas in this category lately. Just had to write something, because we need more comedies like this one.
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Beforeigners (2019– )
Truly fantastic, over too soon
23 September 2019
The only thing I did not like, was that it was over way too quickly. Luckily, with a fantastic premise such as this, the possibilities are endless for potential future seasons. I just felt like there were loads of fascinating characters, played by really talented actors, that were sort of underdeveloped.

Don't get me wrong, this is one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. The culture crash sort of reminded me of Lilyhammer, as it presents a humorous and different view of Norwegian society today. Not exclusively though, as our society is not that different from the rest of the world. I just mean that there's a few references in there that Norwegians will find particularily funny.

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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Expected more
15 September 2019
The premise is actually quite fascinating, and the real reason why I decided to watch this movie. But the execution is somewhat disappointing. The supporting characters are the biggest problem for me, most of them are extremely unlikable and uninteresting, and more often than not kind of annoying. Especially Rocky and Kate McKinnon's character. The writers are obviously inspired by The Office and similar types of sarcastic humor in films and series. For me, it did not work, and it made the characters come off as mostly shallow and cynical.

I also feel like the tone of the film varies quite a lot, from joyful to dark and depressing. Sometimes that can be a good thing, but I felt like this one was desperately in need of some momentum. At least I wanted it to be one of two things, either a fun kind of Bruce Almighty-comedy, or a gritty Coen Brothers-drama. It ended up being neither of those things, just sort of flat.

The ending also threw me quite a bit, but I won't go into details. In short, I expected more from someone like Danny Boyle, especially when you consider the fact that he already has the greatest movie soundtrack of all time.
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Best Spider-Man in years
14 September 2019
I was actually pretty impressed with this movie. They made some good decisions throughout. The story and escpecially the character development is tremendously well written.

I was a bit worried to begin with, but without trying to give anything away, the twist really worked out and took the film to a whole other level. I also really like Tom Holland as Spiderman, it was the right decision to go with a younger Spiderman for the reboot. And the identity crisis the character experiences is a thousand times better handled than the one Peter Parker went through in Spiderman 3.

Easily the best Spiderman-movie in years, and I would've said all time if it hadn't have been for the first two featuring Tobey Maguire.
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Ma (I) (2019)
Exactly what I was expecting
18 August 2019
Don't understand why people get stuck on realism when they judge this movie. Sure there are a few over-the-top moments, but why does that matter? Not every movie needs to be Oscar bait. It's creepy and menacing, just like it's supposed to be.

Obviously, Octavia Spencer nails it as a former high-school wannabe, who struggles with breaking free from her past. Naturally most people like her wouldn't take it this far, but I'm from a small town, and that post high-school trauma is very real for a lot of people. And this being a horror movie, why not exaggerate a few things and have some fun with it?

Juliette Lewis also deserves a mention. She does not have a lot of screen time, but surely makes the most of it. I can not understand why she isn't getting better parts, in even greater movies, because she is fantastic.

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Just for kids...
15 August 2019
...Painfully boring for adults. Worst thing is, I don't think that was intentional. It's got plenty of adult references in it, but nothing original, and not at all funny.

I rarely write negative reviews, but I would really like them to stop pushing this franchise, cause it's already dead. Not saying that I have that kind of power, but you do what you can.

Obviously talented people put a lot of time and effort in to the animation, and it looks decent. Problem is, the characters are uninteresting and the story is just plain awful. And what's up with the stereotypes? Dogs eat shoes/cats chase laserpens etc. Does that really pass as humor anymore? I would understand if it was labeled a kids movie, especially younger ones, but it's a family movie.

In summation, it looks good, but everything else is subpar.
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Housebound (2014)
Extremely underrated
9 August 2019
Just a fantastic film, it really works on every level. It's also hard to define, because it moves so smoothly between the genres. Relatively speaking, some parts have a Tim Burton-feel to them, while others are more mystery/horror moments a la The Conjuring, but it never takes itself to seriously, which is why it all works so well. The humor is more subtle, but it's kind of like Shaun of the Dead.

Both Rima Te Wiata and Morgana O'Reilly deliever strong performances. And it's fun to see how their intricate relationship develops throughout the film. O'Reilly in particular brings a lot to her role, especially in the way she interacts with the other actors, which is where most of the comedy happens.

Her character is also very interesting, sort of like 'Coraline' in the beginning, when she was bored out of her mind but always curious. She(O'Reilly) is also quite captivating, which doesn't hurt. Never a dull moment.

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Aladdin (2019)
Protagonist > Antagonist
7 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Better than I expected. Of course the Genie was always going to be a problem. And it's probably the main reason why this never should have been remade in the first place, but here we are, and I will attempt to judge it fairly.

For me, the reason why this works better than some of the most recent Disney "live-action" remakes, is obviously the fact that most of the main characters are human. Unlike The Lion King, which didn't stop them from making the animals more like animals, instead of humans like in the original. To the point were you are no longer able to relate to them or tell what their expressions mean.

Anyway, the writers made som changes to the story in this remake, which I liked, particularily relating to Jasmine (Naomi Scott). They made the character more wholesome and a lot more relevant to what's going on. It certainly gave the actor a lot more to work with, and she really shines in this movie.

The thing I was most worried about beforehand, was probably the songs, but I actually think they did a pretty good job with it. The song "Speechless", which did a lot for both the character and Naomi Scott's voice, was a particular highlight.

Lastly, there was only one thing I really did not like, and that was everything relating to Jafar. Just like Scar in the above-mentioned Lion King-remake, he is not nearly menacing enough. And it certainly didn't help that the actor looked like he had stepped right off the set of Jersey Shore.

Also, the character was sort of under-developed. Of course power was always his main motivation, but they very rarily tapped into his relationships with any of the other characters, and he didn't really stay in power long enough for it to become the movie's main conflict. Aladdin and Jasmine's inner conflicts were much more interesting. The whole thing with Jafar was just sort of background noise.

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Skyfall (2012)
27 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Doesn't get much better than this, perfectly executed. Proves that you can actually have it both ways, a heartwarming story and thrilling action.

What I liked most about this chapter was the fact that they went for a more vulnurable James Bond. And decided to focus on his past and few but meaningful relationships, not just gambling affiliations and one-night stands. Especially the way they explored Bond's relationship with M, which made this movie a beautiful send off to that character.

As always, Judi Dench is exceptional in this movie. Javier Bardem also stole most of his scenes. Maybe they could've added more layers to his character, to understand his perspective better, but all in all this might be the closest you get to perfection with a James Bond-movie.
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Good, but could have been great
10 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Surprisingly good. Clever twist on the overly familiar hunting & gathering formula that most people associate with Pokemon. But at the same time it remains respectful to the material.

I grew up with the original Pokemons, so naturally the creatures were the most fascinating part, and I was surprised at how well the CGI worked. Their general look and expressions more than made up for the fact that they do not speak. Which they also pointed out in the movie, that although Pokemons can't communicate with humans, they can understand how humans feel.

Which brings me to the only thing I did not like about the movie. I believe it would be better if Pikachu did not have the ability to speak. Plot-wise it kind of made sense in the end, but it was only Harry's conciousness that was fused with Pikachu, so why did he need to talk? Lucy and the other Pokemon-owners could not when they were fused. And why didn't Tim recognize his dads voice?

No disrespect to Ryan Reynolds though, as he was great, but with a PG-movie it's hard to be Deadpool-funny. Pikachu actually became more of a Mascot, a PG-Ted. It was Psyduck who stole the show, despite only being able to say his own name. I believe the main human-characters would become stronger also if Pikachu was muted, and the connection between the Pokemons and their owners.

Maybe Harry didn't even have to survive or be fused with his Pokemon-partner, perhaps Pikachu should have been the last connection Tim had to his father, and that might have elevated their relationship even further.

Still, I liked this movie a lot. They also managed to make it enough of a character-study for the action to matter, which is rare in 2019.
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Wisting (2019– )
Game of two halves
9 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first half is excellent. Interesting dynamic between the Norwegian police and the FBI, and how they portray the cultural differences, not unlike Lilyhammer.

I was less excited by the second half. It's very risky to show the victims early on, and that they are being held captive, as it takes away from the mystery and guessing as to what has happened to them.

Also, like someone else mentioned, every time there is a strong indication that someone is guilty, you know it's not them, and it becomes formulatic and predictable.

It kind of felt like they couldn't afford to keep Carrie-Ann Moss for more than five episodes, as it was like watching two seasons in one. They should've expanded on the first plot line, which was much more interesting. And they would've had time to develop the characters further, especially the Americans, and the implied emotions between Moss and Sven Nordin's characters.


Episodes 1-5: 9 Episodes 6-10: 5

Total: 7
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Captive State (2019)
Sadly overlooked
1 June 2019
It's a real shame that movies like this one don't get the recognition they deserve. Finally an original, highly ambitious and intricate movie in amongst all the tedious remakes and superhero movies.

It's rare that a movie doesn't feel the need to beat you over the head with its storyline or message, to a point that it's almost insulting. This movie rewards the viewers patience and commitment, through a focused dialog and a suspenseful narrative, with a satisfying conclution.

Also, John Goodman is excellent, a severely underrated actor.
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Pleasant surprise
27 May 2019
Finally a Marvel-character that is multidimensional. I felt like they went a little deeper this time, with the development of the character, how she is controlled by her emotions and how she changes throughout the movie.

I suppose some of it has got to do with the fact that it's a female superhero, and that for some reason that makes it more acceptable for a superhero to experience different shades of emotions.

Also, Brie Larson is excellent in this, and should get a lot of praise for her part in making this one of the most humane instalments of the Marvel-franchise.
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