
6 Reviews
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Star Wars: Resistance (2018–2020)
Clearly for kids / on the fence after 3 episodes
7 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Finished watching the first 3 episodes. I love Star Wars. The main character is like Luke Skywalker on crack, lots of slapstick (google it) all over the place, your typical youngling who thinks he knows it all. He is supposed to be a spy trying to catch a first order spy but so far very little spying. Also very little First Order. Just a few short scenes and they were cool especially because Phasma was in one of them. Lets hope these scenes will get longer. In the trailers the races were a big deal but so far we had 1 race atleast that our hero took part in, the others we just saw flying by and except for one not even got to know the others. There is a nice mix of humanoids, droids and others so that is nice to see. The style of animation could use a lot more details but I am fine with it as it is now. There is enough mystery going on storywise and also with a few characters to move the series along but it all depends on were they are going with it. For now I am on the fence with 5/10 not bad but also not good. In short it has potential.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Not as bad but not good either
26 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Some possible spoilers ahead! Lets start by saying I am a huge fan of TBBT and I already know I am not going to be a fan of this show. I have seen the first episode and I am not impressed. Like all shows I will give it a few more episodes but if it does not improve I am out.

Oké the review. Sheldon as a young kid is just not good. Sheldon in TBBT started out as this social ackward man. In this series he seems to more adjusted then he was at the start of TBBT so what happened in between? His character has just one dimension and as such one joke. Saying and doing stuff we all think but don't say (maybe).

Old Sheldon's voice-over was also very distracting like they needed to remind us that this is a spin-of of a good series.

The most I laughed was about his twinsister and the teachers but that just does not seem the point in a show about a young Sheldon.

The first thing I said when I heard they were going with such a young Sheldon is that they should have put him in his teens when he was in college without all the other characters we already know from TBBT in it.

Overall I am giving it a 5/10 but that could go down depending on the other episodes I will watch.
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Bitten (2014–2016)
Bored out of my mind
6 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching the first episode. And it was really boring. Storyline is so generic and unoriginal as can be. The hero who just cannot accept what they are, has been done to death. Making the hero a female does not change that. And yes I do know it has been adapted from a series of books. Just like so many other Twilight wannabe films or series the last few years. Everyone is looking for the next Hunger Games or Twilight instead of just making a good story. Special effects are terrible, the wolves look so wooden not getting the decent effect like the have in Teen Wolf. Acting lame to bad, nobody seems to be interested in their character everyone knows where this is going and they just seem to do it on autopilot. Don't get me wrong I love supernatural shows like Supernatural, Vampire Dairies and Teen Wolf even. But this one's just not doing it for me. I will probably watch a few more episodes. Just to see if it gets any better but so far I am not impressed.
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How to make bad look at its worst
24 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
My girlfriend made me go and watch this because, and I quote, 'Jan Smit is so cute'. Where to begin? Story, total clichés, stolen from Titanic for the most part, bizarre, ridiculous, not making sense. Acting, wooden, without any feelings what so ever. Special effect, mediocre at best. The bombing of Rotterdam had a enormous impact on those who lived through it but in this movie that hardly comes foreward. It really deserved better then this piece of waste of time and effort. I saw this on Friday and until now, Monday, my gf has not mentioned a word about it. Her not talking about this movie is the best part of the movie. Save your money and time.
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Touchback (2011)
Nice feel good movie
23 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I would like to say that I like these types of stories so I am a bit bias. It's the story about, in this case a man, who is not satisfied with his life or at least so he thinks and who gets an opportunity to do it all over again. In this case it deals with a man who had a promising future as a footballplayer but whose leg gets injured in the finale game of the season that ended that prospect. Now he is farming soybeans and things don't go as planned. As I stated a familiar story with an ending that will not surprise the seasoned moviegoer. Never the less it's a really nice movie to watch it never gets too touchy feely and stuff, it has some nice humor in it and the acting goes from oke to good. Seeing Kurt Russel play in a movie is never a bad thing also I have to admit. I consider him a fantastic actor. In fact I think this movie would have been better if he had played the older character instead of the coach because Brian Presley does not have the looks of neither a high school student nor that of a father of 2 kids. Don't get me wrong he does not do a bad job I am just not buying it thats all but that is just my personal opinion. In all a nice movie without any real surprises but if you like feel good movies then this one should give you that feeling. I surely felt it. To sum up, not truly original, nice acting and it leaves you with a warm feeling inside, all in all not a bad effort. 6/10 from me.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Excellent drama
19 September 2011
Excellent drama with very good acting all around. The story has the potential to keep us guessing what is really going on for some time I think. The story about an American marine that gets saved after being held captive for years by terrorists is engaging and well thought out. The only weak link in this is the storyline of the husband and wife that just seems to be a little bit forced. Its also good to see Mandy Patinkin again who I think is a wonderful actor. Damian Lewis is as always giving his all with moments of brilliance. Only Claire Danes looks likes she does not completely believe what she is saying but I am sure that she will grow into her role. I hope the writers can keep up the standard of the first episode. 8/10 from me and hoping it will get more in the future. 1 and 3/4 thumbs up!!
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