
7 Reviews
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Backlight (2010)
What the heck?
14 August 2020
This was a good movie, and it would have been much better if the sound had not been totally messed up. I loved how the events tie together. This would have been so much better if the sound had not been screwed up. Looking at some of the other reviews I can only think this is something that occurred after it was released. I would hope that no one would release a movie with the sound this unbalanced. I would have given this movie a better rating except the sound made it frustrating to watch.
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Bad but not that bad
13 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Graphics suck, but you have to give credit to the actors who had to visualize everything around them. The story line is different and raises a lot of questions that need to be addressed. I am amazed that the critics were so negative. Maybe they have finally recalibrated their critical thinking to high end graphics and special effects. Ignoring the message within. Se La Vie

This is not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, but way better than some that has gained 4 and 5 stars. So if you have nothing better to do on a Saturday Afternoon, ignore the rating and give it a try. You might be a bit surprised.
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400 Days (2015)
I love mix review movies
19 June 2016
Okay now I am excited I just love watching mix review movies. When you start getting mixed reviews it usually means it is not your typical movie. This in its self is enough to cause me to watch it. It means that there is something different about it something so odd and different that main stream movie goers are hating it, while others are finding it different and unique. From the reviews I can tell that it is a limited budget movie, but also that the acting isn't that bad. So stay tuned while I delve into yet another mixed review movie and try and discover why it is both hated and loved.

Tommy HR.
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Coneheads (1993)
It's fun! So give it a break will ya.
21 March 2009
I could say, you had to be there. Or you just aren't old enough to understand. The bottom line? Sometimes it is nice to just sit back, suspend your disbelief and enjoy without having to analyze why it works or doesn't work. This falls back to a time when crude and rude was still in its infancy. Light for the day, it is still lots of fun. The punch lines are subtle and innuendo a bit advance for the punch and Judy crowd that is looking for the "Down with society" commentary that seems to fill the comedy of today. The Coneheads are classic Old School SNL. I like a story where the good guy wins, albeit the good guys in this case are Aliens. If you like Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, or Danny Kay. Then you will probably like this movie. If you are the Dumb and Dumber crowd this will probably be a disappointment. So, suspend your disbeliefe and just enjoy it for what it is. A funny movie with a lot of "good" laughs.
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10,000 BC (2008)
What a let down
15 February 2009
I think I am being overly generous by giving this a five. The overall concept behind the movie was great, the special effects were good, after that it slowly fell apart. What a waste of film of manpower, and energy. I can't believe that I actually sat through the entire movie. Perhaps I was expecting something to happen, or to improve. (I am forever the optimist) even the encounter with the saber tooth turned out to be anticlimactic. Give me "Quest for fire." any day of the week. No, special effects, no real dialog but capable of transmitting a strong and powerful message. Unfortunately this is not "Quest for fire." And leaves you feeling not just empty but asking, "Why?" Why did I waste my time and spend money on this farce.

Tom R.
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Enemy Mine (1985)
XF not included
15 February 2009
I can't honestly give this movie a 10, those are held for exceptionally outstanding movies, something I have yet to see since the advent of color film. And, If you are looking for high FX go some place else, this is the classic 80's Battlestar Galactica stuff . If you are looking for a surprisingly good story then this is for you. Okay, admittedly some of the acting is forced and it falls back on some really cheesy 80,s end of the world post apocalyptic bad guys that inundated a lot of the B movies in the 80's. If you are looking for Oscar class acting, high end special effects, lots of light sabers and high kicking fight sequences you will probably be better off watching Star Wars. There is action and it will keep you on the edge of your seat. However, The thing that makes this movie special is the message it sends out, one that will keep you thinking about it long after the title credits have rolled by.
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Firewalker (1986)
Not for the serious of heart
15 February 2009
Honestly? You can't give it a ten. But for just down right fun, for an afternoon with nothing better to do you can't beat it. For those that are looking for a Chuck Norris movie, or expecting Chuck Norris, you might want to stay away. I don't know what people think comedy is, and this doesn't fit in that category. It is light hearted with some good-natured banter, if you are looking for slapstick don't bother. Go get Dumb and Dumber. Take it for what it is, two bumbling sidekicks who get in way over their head, but some how manage to muddle through. So suspend your disbelief, sit back and just have fun, believe me, there are plenty of adventure movies that are much worse.

Tom R.
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