
21 Reviews
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Stay Alive (2006)
Video Games Kill.
4 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The premise for this movie really isn't too different from other horror movies. Something normal that you wouldn't think could kill you...can. The same basics have been used with movies, the internet, phones, etc, and well now with video games. So then why did I give this movie the rating I did? Well maybe I just really like B horror movies, or being different and liking something that's normally hated. Either way I actually thought this movie was pretty good.

There was a time that I liked playing a lot of video games, so maybe this movie kind of brings that side back to me. Granted I think the visuals they used for the game and just really the game they made up in general are better then most of this movie. It seemed to me that they really worked harder on making the game look cool than making the movie better then it was.

It's time to be nice though. It did what it was suppose to. It kept me entertained and didn't leave me in a bad or confused mood at the end. Sure the acting really wasn't all that great but I did enjoy the death scenes for the most part. The plot while kind of old I'll admit was pretty interesting.

The only thing I really don't get is why use Elizabeth Bathory? They could have just as easily put a random made up ghost in that place. Why put someone from history that really didn't fit too well in that role? Well at least I can say they did pick a creepy person. Although Elizabeth Bathory in life was more scary than this movie will every be and for that matter probably scarier than any horror movie I've ever seen. That's just my opinion on it.

Getting back on track. I don't see how this movie is God awful, not saying it's great by any means. Just saying it might be worth a quick watch if you're a horror fan. I enjoyed it for the most part and I'm sure I can't be the only one.
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Watch out for the tooth-fairy!
3 March 2010
This horror movie gets a lot of hate. Seems like a lot of the horror movies I don't mind are hated on but I'm fine with that. This movie reminded me of Boogeyman in some ways, which is another movie I like but most hate. Anyway, I admit the story wasn't great and neither was the acting but I wouldn't call it horrible either. Truth is I'm an Emma Caulfield fan, her playing Anya on Buffy sealed the deal for me. So her being in this movie helped its rating a lot.

I thought the movie was pretty good though for what the plot was. I also notice there are errors in it but I still consider it a good B horror movie. Jeez, I'm getting use to saying that. Anyway not a great movie and not nearly a disaster movie. All I can say is try to enjoy it for what it is and try not to be too hard on it.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Ghost at sea.
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I know most horror fans have a lot of hate for this movie. I guess I can kind of see why but in other ways I can't. I mean its not like it really tried to pass itself off as something great. The way I see it it's just another average B horror movie. I really didn't mind it. Actually I own it, don't watch it too often but I do have it. I don't see how it's awful and I know that of course it's not great or even really that good. But I didn't enjoy it to an extent...that extent being the end which I really didn't like. Really didn't like the plot twist they threw in there either. One more complaint I have is I wish I would have seen more ghosts but hey B horror movie.

I could talk about how the opening scene is one of the greatest I've ever seen in a horror movie but really everybody pretty much already has. For most after that they say the movie went downhill but I'm one of the few minority's. It also has one of the greatest songs in my opinion ever used in a horror movie but I'm sure that's been talked about too. Not much else to say except that if you like horror then you should at least view this once. If only for the opening scene.
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DragonHeart (1996)
Sean Connery as a Dragon. :)
3 March 2010
I know this movie is fairly old but I really only just heard of it recently and seen it. I normally don't like dragon movies but I really did enjoy this one. My opinion there's just not that many good dragon movies out there. Which is kind of sad since I do love dragons and medieval times as a whole. This movie is kind of slow but I've found it's good to have patience. I found the acting wasn't half bad and the plot was fairly decent. Plus I think this movie had one of the first CGI dragons and I actually thought they didn't do too bad a job. I'd recommend it and say give it a chance. Seems to be a family friendly movie for the most part. :)
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Overboard (1987)
A fun movie.
3 March 2010
I seen this a good amount as a kid and a pretty decent amount now that I'm older. I think it still holds up in the funny department and is a really good B movie. A lot of the movie you can see coming but to me that doesn't take away the enjoyment of watching it. The actors do pretty well in their rolls and the story though clichéd is still quite enjoyable and funny.

I probably never would have seen nor heard of this movie had it not been for my mom. Although that may not be completely true since I did notice it played on TV a few times. Either way I'm glad I seen it and would recommend it to anyone who wants a good laugh. :)
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Risky Disney!
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Truthfully I never liked this movie when I was little. Re-watching it I still find I don't really care for it. I do however have an appreciation for it though. Disney really went on a limb here and did something different. I have a theory they didn't get the credit they truly deserved from it either, or at least not by most Disney fans I figure.

My childhood memory of this movie isn't much. I remember the hunchback and I remember talking gargoyles. I guess I must have blocked out the rest cause I truly couldn't remember anything else about this movie before re-watching it. I think I see why I did though. lol! I really feel for the most part that this movie would be appreciated by an older audience. That's just how I feel about it now.

I found from seeing it again though that there is a lot of good in this movie. The songs for the most part are good, even really creepy. Frollo's song will always send chills down my spine, as will the character. As for the other characters they were all nicely done. I'm glad I can appreciate this movie a lot more now that I'm older.

I guess I'll call this a family movie, only cause it's under the Disney name though.
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Sin City (2005)
Based off the comic books.
3 March 2010
Now I've never read the comic books. Didn't even know they existed until this movie came out. Even seeing the trailers for this movie I couldn't tell what it was about just knew it looked awesome. My older cousin was really waiting for it to come out. He reads lots of comics and ended up being the one to take me to see the movie when it came out. I happy to say the trailers didn't lie to me. This movie was one of the best movies I have ever seen in my opinion. For going into it not knowing anything about it I came out quite impressed.

I'm normally not one for black and white movies, I have been working on getting over that though. Not to say this movie doesn't have any color in it, just to say for the most part it's black and white. It takes nothing away from the film though. In fact I think it makes it better that way. The cast that was chosen were all great in their rolls, the way the movie was done on a whole was just great in my opinion.

This movie is in no way meant for children. It went all the way and didn't hold back. It's gritty and the CGI is at its best. This movie is definitely in my top ten favorite movies. Id recommend it to anyone who likes a good action movie but who can also handle the violence that this movie delivers.
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Mirrormask (2005)
Based off of a Neil Gaiman story.
3 March 2010
I just came across this movie not that long ago. Well to be more precise I just seen this movie not long ago. I had seen it on a shelf before and had wanted to see it but kept forgetting to look it up.

I now own it and it's one of my favorite movies. I absolutely love the visuals, the characters, and just really everything about this movie. Also like how it keeps me guessing in a good way. Not many people seem to know about this movie and most of the ones that do only have good things to say about it. One things for sure, I'm glad I'm one of the ones that has seen it. Even though it's in the kids movie section I'm not sure if that's where I would put it. I think it mostly has to do with being represented by the Jim Henson company but I can't be sure.

I know this movie isn't for all people but Id definitely recommend it. I'll go on a limb and call it a family movie. Although some images might scare little ones. Most do call it a family movie though and with it being in the kids section who am I to disagree.
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Three animals go on a journey to make their way back home.
3 March 2010
This is one of my favorite family movies. Loved it when I was little and it still holds up with me now that I'm older. I still laugh at all the same old jokes and might even shed a tear a times. I never have much cared for animals talking, or at least UN-animated ones but this one I'll stand up for. It's a pretty old movie but it will always hold a place in my heart.

There aren't any other live animal movies that I can think of at the moment that I even could compare with, let alone like as much as this one. I might be giving too much praise to this movie but I don't think show. I really holds that great message that" Home is where the heart is." Or at least that's the message I gained from it. Definitely recommended for a good old family movie night.
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Labyrinth (1986)
Sarah wishes her baby brother, Toby away and now must fight to get him back.
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Another of my childhood favorites. Even today being much older and seeing it I still love it. I really can't explain why. I see the corniness of it and still can't help but love it. I even own it and watch it a lot of the time. I guess I'll call it a guilty pleasure. I guess for some reason I just love the story, the characters, and the world that was created. At times I wish there was a sequel but in a way I know that it's better that it didn't have one.

Considering the time this movie came out the directors and others who worked on the film really did do some amazing things. Remember this was back in the day when we didn't have all these re-makes and not everything seemed to be based off a book. In fact the way I heard it the book came after this movie came out. I have noticed that this movie does have a pretty big cult following though, so I can't feel too bad about loving it as I do. Although strangely I'm probably one of the only ones to love this movie and not love David Bowie. True I think he makes a great villain and still has dignity after dressing the way he did. But I never and still don't have googly eyes for him. Or that's how I put it. I never seen him in a romantic light.

I'm the person who voted for Sarah to beat him and leave. Never did I wish she could stay with him or wish I could stay with him. I will admit though that I like the songs in this movie, always have. Probably the only Bowie songs I like besides Changes. I think it's a really great family movie and has things for all ages.

Last note. For all of the love I have for this movie I will always remember that there was something that scared me in this movie. It's really stupid and I laugh at it now. But as a child the ball scene always scared me. There I said it. Really it was the masks that scared me. It never kept me from enjoying the movie though. It will always be one of my favorites.
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Murder mystery TV series, with 13 episodes.
3 March 2010
This is another show I caught by chance and am very glad I did. This is very different then anything I have ever seen on TV and I really enjoyed it. Only bad thing is flipping the channels the episode I caught just happened to be the last episode. So I didn't get to enjoy the mystery of it and of course it took me a bit to catch on to what was going on.

No surprise soon after I was on the internet looking up the episodes I missed. Even though I really like this short show I must admit the beginning for me felt slow. As the episodes continued though they kept getting better in my opinion. Most people I've read didn't like the ending but I thought it was great. True it could be cause it was my first episode but I'll never really know.

I wish that there were more things like this on TV. I enjoy playing guessing games, even though this one I really didn't get to play. I hope to one day own it though and show it to others. I thought the actors all played their parts well and I hope to see them in more things in the future.
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Tru Calling (2003–2005)
Tru can help the dead if they ask.
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This show I found by chance. I saw a commercial advertising its release and not knowing anything about it I bought it on chance. Now I never do this normally but for some reason this time I did. I have never regretted it. I have been an Eliza Dushku fan since Buffy so that's probably the main reason I wanted to see this.

It was definitely an interesting show. Really good in my opinion and short lived show. Seems like every show I like gets canceled, maybe I'm just unlucky. I thought the idea for the show was great. OK, sure it was a lot like Ghost Whisperer but truthfully I didn't know that at the time because I didn't watch it. Still I thought the characters were great and I really did like the plot. Although it didn't really end. Like Angel it really got canceled too soon and really wasn't given a proper ending. Again like Angel it really just needed one more season to tie up some things but didn't get the chance.

This in my opinion is a really good show though and to my idea has one of the best title songs ever on TV. Really not many people know about this show which I find sad. It really didn't get its chance to shine but to the fans it did have it will be remembered.
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Angel (1999–2004)
The spin-off show from Buffy.
3 March 2010
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Truthfully I never intended on watching Angel. I loved Buffy, still do and never much cared for Angel on the show. I just happened to flip the channel to one of the episodes one night and became entranced. To get it out of the way. No, I will never love this show as much as Buffy but that is in no way saying that this is a bad show. In fact it is my second favorite show of all time so far, second of course to Buffy. But enough about that this is about Angel.

Well the first episode I seen may have entranced me but it also really confused me. My first episode was really three episodes stuck together because it was an ark. This ark happened to be at the end of season two, so I was already far behind. Take into account that I didn't know all this at the time. Luckily I already knew a few characters, although while watching this the first time it did take me awhile to figure out what I was watching. Didn't help that I was watching this really late at night either. Long story short this left me wanting to see the rest of the show.

I'm very glad I did too. I may not have liked Angel much on Buffy but I loved him on his own show. Angel is a much darker show but it has a light side too. In my opinion the seasons kept getting better as the series went on. I really wish it would have been given a sixth season. I have read the comics but it really just isn't the same. Angel really was one of those TV series that just always left you wanting more. So when it ended so abruptly it just left me very saddened. Really made me want more spin-offs. Joss is a really great writer and has a great imagination.

This show came out before the big vampire craze and let me tell you nothing new that's come out in my opinion can compare.I will NEVER want Edward. I'll always be in love with Angel and Spike. I only wish more shows were like this and that really great shows wouldn't get canceled.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
The title says it all and yet not enough.
3 March 2010
This is definitely my favorite show of all time. No other show I've seen so far can compare. This one just had everything. Comedy, Drama, Romance, Horror, etc. When this show first came out I didn't even know about it. Truthfully I can't even remember when I did find it but be sure that after I did I've been in love ever since.

Everything about this show is great in my opinion. The characters and the actors who play them do great in their roles and they really do grow on you. All episodes no matter how corny at times always had something I either laughed at, thought was great, or both. True not all seasons were great but they all had something memorable about them. I wouldn't call any of them bad anyway. The story itself is basic but the writers really twisted it making it unique and great.

It has been off TV now for a good long while and so has its spin-off show Angel. I miss both dearly and really think TV in general has went downhill, for me anyway ever since. There will most likely never be another show that captured what BTVS had and for the most part I'm glad. At least I have the memories and the DVDs. :)
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Braindead (1992)
Your average B comedy horror movie, only with a lot more blood.
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
For me this was the first horror movie I ever seen. OK,true it is a horror comedy but you get my point. I really don't know at what age I watched this, just know that I was in the one digits. I know my uncle showed it to me and that I really liked it then. Re-watching it now. I see how corny it is but still really like it. Admittedly it is kind of slow near the beginning but when things get rolling in my opinion they really get good.

Re-watching it I started to wonder how I sat through it so well as a child. Truthfully I love horror movies and not much can make me feel sick, but some scenes in this movie really had my stomach turning. And let me tell you it had nothing to do with the gallons of blood they were pouring out. Although my memory from childhood was a little fuzzy on what took place in the movie, it did remember that there was something very BIG at the end. My memory held up and it definitely wasn't wrong. Out of all the things my little mind had to remember from that movie I still can't believe it chose that one. lol!

I'd recommend this to all horror fans. True some wont like it but in my opinion it's definitely a must see. :)
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Little Foot and friends go on an adventure to find their missing families.
3 March 2010
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Well I admit it. I liked Dinosaurs as a kid. No, I really loved them and thought they were awesome. Then again most kids probably go through this faze though, especially boys. So no surprise I liked this movie as a kid. Didn't love it, but it did leave an impression and didn't make me forget it. I haven't seen many Dinosaur movies, and even less that I liked. This one I found really good, even now that I'm older.

Strangely I don't remember laughing a lot on this movie when I was a kid. I remember being really transfixed on the adventure and even crying when the time called for it. Not a lot of kids movies can make me cry but this one always makes my eyes go watery. I'm sure for most who have seen this as a kid or seen it in general know that the saddest seen is Little Foots mom dying. That scene for me is the one I remember most and in my opinion is one of the saddest animated kids movie moments. The movie in general, in my opinion has a good plot, stable and fun characters, and is very entertaining. Even kind of scary at times to a younger audience. All and all a really good family movie. :)
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Anastasia (1997)
A princess story, basically.
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
For the longest time I thought this was a Disney movie. I mean even my mom believed it was. Took a lot of convincing but now I know it's not. Although it is a very expensive ripoff. Just kidding. I've actually always liked this movie. I would have given it a ten but not sure if it really deserves it. This is one animated movie that isn't Disney that I still like the songs now that I'm older. Still like everything about this movie...well except maybe the bat. I know he was for the comedy but I never really liked him. In my opinion it's a really great animated family film. I really like this film and probably always will.

I know the true story about what happened. When I consider the two even though the movie shares the name I consider the movie and the true story two completely different things. True children that see this movie are in no way getting the truth but why would they want it. Don Bluth obviously never meant for it to be like that. My opinion, considering the subject manner and what he was trying to do I'd say he did a really good job. If children really want to know the truth behind the movie I suggest they look it up when they get older. Either get mad from it or not I think Don Bluth did a really good job on a story so tragic. It's very slightly similar in my opinion to what Disney did to the Little Mermaid.
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Kayley and Garrett go on a quest to retrieve the sword Excalibur and bring it back to King Arthur.
3 March 2010
I know I gave this movie a higher rating then it probably deserves. Well lets just say this movie is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I actually really like it. I see its faults and still don't care. I think I was seven when this came out but I really don't think I seen it till a bit later in life. I enjoyed the characters, for the most part the songs,the plot, and the world that was created. I eventually plan to buy this movie but it's one that can wait. Which shows that I don't love it, just find it to be one of the better kids movies. Or put it this way. An old kids movie that wasn't made by Disney that I consider to be good. :)
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The title for the most part says it all.
3 March 2010
I remember constantly watching this movie as a kid. I even remember where I got it from. Avon, since my Grandma sells it and still does. Out of all the animated movies I don't know why I loved this one so much as a kid. Re-watching it now I still don't. What do I think of it now?

Well, it's OK. I've definitely re-watched worse old animated films. This one actually even had some pretty decent songs. The story was simple but good overall. There are some things I noticed about it now that I know I would have never caught as a kid. But then that's why for the most part that I do re-watch things that I watched as a kid. That and to see how they hold up now. One things for sure, I can see why kids would like it. It will always have a lasting impression on my mind also, no matter how faint. :)
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Your average animated kids movie.
3 March 2010
I really remember liking this movie as a kid. I mostly remember loving the main characters friends the most, mainly the animals. They made for great comedy. Of course when I was younger I loved anything animated, so the real question is "Will I still like this when I'm older?" Well it had been a long time since I watched it but I did end up remembering it and wanted to see it again. To my surprise it still for the most part held up. Sure in my opinion now the songs are pretty corny but being a kid I know that would make me love it more back in the day. Seems like the only animated songs that I still like come from the Disney movies, don't know why. The story itself I still consider good. The movie as a whole I still find really fun and wouldn't mind seeing it again in a few years or so.

Funny thing is I always wondered what company made this movie. I knew it wasn't Disney and I wondered if it was Don Bluth. Well now I know and it wont bother me anymore. :)
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Thumbelina (1994)
Thumbellina is the story of a girl as big as a thumb and is based off of a Christian Anderson story.
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that after re-watching as an adult I really didn't care for. I remember liking it as a kid but that only goes so far in how much I'll like it for when I'm older. I have read the story before and the movie really isn't all that bad. The biggest things I have a problem with now after re-watching it is the songs and the lead character. The songs just in my opinion were really bad. I really don't care for Thumbellina cause she gets pushed around a lot and constantly says things are impossible. Not a very good protagonist to my idea. Of course I always have been one to like independent women as lead characters. My opinion, not good nor bad. Little kids for the most part should like it though. :)
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