
3 Reviews
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Don't waste your time...
24 August 2021
There's probably worse amateur attempts at "home invasion" flicks, but this is still a lazy, unimaginative, even laughable one. Bad acting, dull lighting, boring editing, stupid script with idiotic lines. Simply avoidable. Just an acceptable ending and a pretty final girl.
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What's going on?
23 March 2021
So many positive reviews for one of the worst ouija-based movies ever conceived?!

Listen: the start was kind of promising. the opening credits were nice and the TV-movie-like appearance was not awful. It's an indie horror film, so we can't expect great production values or big effects...

But what about the story? The plot simply does not exist!

The mother gets possessed by a demon (and we never get to know what kind of demon it is, or what it wants, or why it acts like this), starts acting weird at night jumpscaring all her relatives, then seduces her neighbors in front of her husband and her neighbors' partners (!), and her husband just looks at her a bit confused, saying "She's a bit strange lately...". No kidding!

And what about the daughters? Yes, there are also two daughters, and they are just lazy brats that would just sit on the couch all day long watching TV and playing on their phones. They just seem not to care that much about her mother scaring them or wearing sexy clothes for no reason whatsoever acting like a malicious vampire-like goth psychopath. Well, yeah, they might go on saying: "What's up with mom?", and then nothing else. Or at least until the very next day, when the woman acts strangely again, and once more her husband is like: "You're a bit weird in this period...", and her daughters: "Mom! Are we really having potatoes for dinner? We never have potatoes! What's going on?".

And so on and on, day after day.

The husband understands that the family who used to live in that house has had the very same problem, starts doing some research about ouijas and demons, and one of the daughters too. But it just stops there, on surface! We have a little bit of investigation, a little bit of jumpscare, a little bit of odd behavior, as a never-ending cycle that leads absolutely nowhere!

We'll have some more father saying: "We're going on a family road trip!", mother replying: "No, I'm staying home playing with my ouija and drinking vodka!", father gets angry: "Hell, no, we're going!", mother: "Okay!", then just down the road the mother will shout in a demonic voice: "I want my cellphone, go back home!", and the scared husband: "Okay, honey...!".

There's not a proper escalation: things just happen, and we're still waiting for the turning point, when finally the demons starts showing itself, or at least something really horrible happens (I don't know... An attempted murder, or poltergeist phenomena getting worse...). But nothing, it's just like staring at a very long setup, where the main characters act as if the scary occurrences they're witnessing had just begun and the real action never starts. We never feel their family equilibrium crumbling (please, give me back BURNT OFFERINGS!), we never think they're living a daily nightmare, they just don't seem to care enough about anything.

Yep, this must be some kind of joke... And yet it still plays seriously.

Oh, and I didn't mention the priest! Yeah, there's a priest who drinks and loves taking care of his muscular body (why?! He never has action scenes! Why should we see him doing push-ups?! Is it because the role is played by the director and he just wanted to let his audience see how cool he looks?). Well, the priest is invited to dinner, and we spent ten minutes waiting for this dinner to arrive. Mom acts weird (really?! I would never expect that!), daughters simply leave (they're just pointless, so pointless!) and dad looks worried. And mom seduces the priest too, of course! In front of her husband, of course. And he doesn't move a finger, of course of course!

Well, we finally arrive at the long-waited good versus evil time! And we're at three minutes before end credits... Lame... I can't find words strong enough to describe how lame it was.

This movie was the greatest waste of time I've ever come across since BABY FRANKENSTEIN. Trash it!
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One of the worst things I've ever seen (and I've seen lots!)
26 October 2020
Seriously, one of the most painful movies I've ever seen. It's like watching the worst parts of David DeCoteau and Fred Olen Ray in one single piece. Awful, just awful: after you've seen this one, any other movie you'll lay your eyes on in the future (and I mean ANY other movie) will look at least 20% better than it actually is.
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