
15 Reviews
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Portals (2019)
15 January 2023
This movie blew me away. When I came to IMDB to see what others thought, I was greeted with low ratings. In fact, I saw so many 1 star reviews that I felt like I had gone through one of those portals into a reverse universe. I guess the viewer needs to have a passion for theoretical physics because this movie illustrated how interdimensional beings could hypothetically invade and destroy due to being beyond our understanding. And of course, we opened the door to these creatures by creating a mini blackhole, similar to what they do at CERN.

The movie was written in sections by different people who kept a unified theme but seen through different characters and flavored by the director's understanding of what the creatures/invaders were.

This movie is AWESOME!!!! Sorry that so many could not find the brilliance in this movie.
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Great when multitasking!
4 December 2020
Okay, so the pacing was slow, and the ending predictable, however the movie had a solid creepy vibe. It was a great movie to listen to and peek at as I did some housework because it was easy to follow. The acting was decent. There was a beginning, middle and end. Not an award winning movie but definitely high ranking in the category of "enjoyable movie while I do some boring things around the house". Word of caution, could not hold my attention if I were to truly watch it. You have to have something else to do in order to enjoy it!
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This was very enjoyable!
22 November 2020
If you are a trum.p supporter, you will get your feelings hurt... hence the low ratings. Everyone else will like it and have a good time! It's that simple.
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Kill Chain (2019)
Anything less than an 8 rating is a poor opinion
10 November 2019
This is a solid movie. Excellent on all fronts of production. Excellent script. All actors were committed and believable. Solid storyline with NO loose ends. Nicholas Cage earned my respect in this role. It was gripping, it was suspensful. All I can think is that people who rated it less than 8 stars hate the human factor that is intertwined in the script and instead, want to see mindless murder. To them I say, grow up, gain compassion, and develop an understanding for life.
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Silent Panic (2018)
I thought the reviews were bogus...
29 July 2019
But I was wrong. This was a really engrossing film with strong characterizations executed by decent actors. This low budget film portrayed a credible but difficult situation. The ending left no loose strings.
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Should have titled: The Idea of Adulthood
21 June 2019
I really liked this movie. My only criticism is that the dialogue fits women as well. Many of the conversations I have had with my best (female) friend. Especially the ones surrounding the differences of perspective centering on single and married life. This was an intelligent movie presented in every day language with surges of emotion that felt authentic and realistic. Bravo!
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Wanda Sykes: Not Normal (2019 TV Special)
This is an iconic piece of work!
31 May 2019
I really enjoyed this particular set because I have had many of the thoughts she was expressing, but finding the humor in it was beyond me until I bathed in Wanda's humor! The tragedy of it all is that there are thousands on thousands of people who wade through the daily crap that people who are not in this group pretty much ignore. This causes frustration at the daily reoccurrences. Watching Wanda and being able to laugh about it has a healing effect. Recommended for anyone that feels what I am saying.
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Ignore that low rating, this is a worthy watch!
30 January 2019
If you are a horror flick aficionado, then this will provide a good story, good action and really good production value. This is a horror film, has a lot of humor and good character development. I am writing this review because the 1 through 5 ratings are undeserved and seem to be given in response to sexual orientation even though there is no sex seen on screen. This movie has a fresh story to tell that keeps you guessing. A solid six, but I gave it seven because it kept me fully engaged from start to finish.
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I needed a reason to smile, and this movie gave it to me!
25 August 2018
I read the negative and positive reviews. I fall on the positive side. Most of the positive ones were because they enjoyed a movie to watch with their younger family members. Well, I don't have the same concern. As an old fart, this movie made me feel younger at my age because the movie was about older people who lived vibrant lives for a moment in time and it reminded me that I too, can live a vibrant life even though I am older. Enjoy this movie. It will make you feel better.
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After Earth (2013)
An Uplifting Family Film - Ignore Poor Reviews!
31 January 2015
This is a coming of age story with a science fiction backdrop. I found this movie well-acted, of high production value and a great story based on the character interplay of father and son. I'm sure that people who are focused on the sci-fi nature of the film may have found plot holes, but all that is secondary to the message of the film. The message is that "danger is real, but fear is a choice". If you want to watch a movie as a family and be entertained, then this is a wonderful choice. Will Smith put in a solid performance, and Jaden Smith exceeded my expectations. For the first 5 minutes of the movie, I was quite certain that Jaden wouldn't be able to arise to such an important role. I guess I formed that opinion from reviews of his other work where people trashed him, but after 10 minutes, as I understood the character that he played, it was obvious that he was able to fill up the screen with his interpretation. I will be sure to finally watch Karate Kid now just to see how much he has grown in the three years between movies.
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Shock Value (2014)
Extremely Enjoyable
21 December 2014
I wanted to take the time to grab the attention of my fellow horror watching peers, especially of the middle-aged persuasion, so you do not overlook this film. This is the winner that you've been waiting for. The expectations that this movie excels at are excellent character development, steady pacing, great script and a very *don't want to spoil it for you* ending. To be honest, I was stunned to have stumbled on to this movie because I expected it to be a so-so low budget flick. Instead, I got sucked into this movie's world and remained fixated to the very end. What a ride! Savor this movie because it's story telling at its very finest in this genre of low-budget horror. Get in your comfy spot, with your favorite yummies, turn your off your phone, and get into it that frame of mind you had when you first experienced a rush from horror movies because you will not be disappointed. I also think one has had to do a certain amount of living to fully enjoy motivations of the characters presented in this movie.
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Utopia (II) (2014)
Depends on your perspective.
8 September 2014
Perhaps my perspective is different from those who gave a negative review. Granted, only the first episode has been aired thus far, but, I found it interesting and enjoyable. I watched the episode only after I read and viewed each person's profile and video on the official website. Armed with this information, I watched the first episode, paying attention to who interacted in the way I expected and who did not. Basically, this is a reality show for people who are interested in social psychology, behavioral psychology, and other studies of human nature. If you do not have an interest in those or similar aspects of humanity, then you will probably not be able to appreciate the entertainment value. What makes this show different from all the other reality shows is that there are absolutely no rules. The establishment of the "Utopian" society is subject to the unpredictable synergy created by the groups interaction and the uniqueness of all of the personalities involved, while they work together for the shared goal of providing themselves with food, shelter and comfort with minimal resources.
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Breaking Bad: Crawl Space (2011)
Season 4, Episode 11
Genius - A Work of Art
5 September 2014
You can tell by the date of this posting that I am watching the series after it ended. I enjoyed the ride, the first time around, with each new episode. Now, I am binge watching the entire series on Netflix. This is my third day, and this particular episode was so utterly mind-blowing that I had to express myself. The entire episode, but especially the ending, is a Work of Art worthy of the finest museum to preserve it for all time. Hopefully, in 3000 years it will still be on exhibit, giving it the honor it deserves. I am so impressed with the intricacies in respect to all aspects of production, cinematography, character development, writing and acting that I am simply stunned. I rushed to IDMB to see if what I experienced in the last 2 minutes was within the same realm of other people's experience. By the comments left for this episode, I see that I am not alone in my assessment. To sum up my thoughts - simply: "WOW!"
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Slaughter Party (2006 Video)
I didn't know how bad a movie could be until I saw this one.
16 June 2006
This was the worst movie that I have ever seen. And I am a person who enjoys b-rated movies. I have been skeptical enough to look at movies, even after people have warned me of how bad it was, because I looked at the type of person that was viewing the film. I felt that there are two sides to every story and so on. But this movie will make you feel as if you were mugged - if you had to cough up one penny to see it. My dog could make a better film. The acting sucked. The scenery was non-existent. The props were an after thought. The murder scenes were like what I did as a five year old with my playmates!!! I am NOT kidding. The only... only good thing is that the camera didn't cut off people's heads too often and the lighting was decent. Everything else about this film was HORRIBLE. You will be wasting precious moments of your life watching this stinker.
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This is a documentary of boring book.
2 February 2006
I expected revelations that weren't a retread of information that you find when scanning the Net on any of the buzzwords in the title. This is a shameless promotion of a book that attempts to compare itself to the Da Vinci Code.

I never read the book the Da Vinci Code but I respected the reviews it got and made me curious enough to watch FREE documentaries on how the story was put together and what it was based upon. As I continue on this critique you must understand that I have been a theology hobbist for close to 3 decades. The reason I did not read the book is because it was Fiction and I really like hard facts backed up by history, anthropology, archeology, etc. So when I say this documentary was not remotely informative except for the flimsy way the book was constructed, I am giving this advice from the benefit of my passions.

Skip this movie or you will loose moments of your life that are lost forever.
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