
55 Reviews
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Last Sentinel (2023)
There is always hope ! even in apocalyptic world
30 April 2023
Great message movie, very interesting fight for life in a world not far from today after face the prospect of massive flooding as sea-levels rise.

Really worth your time with nice cinematography and great twist moments and good enough acting but the most important part is the great message included, never give up, humanity will find a way for survival !!! Isn't life a miracle?

It contains lot of atmospheric scenes and attracts your interest from the first scene .

It is a great classic for me yes it is. No-one described this matter as simply as it gets even for simple minds to understand what we are doing to destroy our planet and to destroy ourselves. Yes everyday we destroy each other.
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Digger (2020)
Masterpiece !!! Greek Cinema's Taxi Driver revived !!
15 October 2022
I felt like this only after Coppola's Taxi Driver movie If you love Cinema don't miss this perl.

Explosions in the Universe.

A busket full of fruits, a crystal vase full of flowers a window to human soul, My Oscar goes to Digger.

Cinema has a meaning finally... From the country that invented Theater from the country that invented Drama Hellas (Greece) Cinema at its best !!!

Many talented people worked for this masterpiece !!! Gifted people tighted strongly with their Country Land and the Nature.

I can watch this again again and again and dive each time into different views and aspects related to the character and personality of each person in the movie and always arrive to the same final destination scene the "Zeibekiko Dance" and the "NOT FOR SALE" .And you know what? I don't know what to do then to cry or to lough?

I remain so frustrated...
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RRR (2022)
13 June 2022


I almost forgot how good movies made till seen this one. INSPIRING MOVIE FREEDOM FOR EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD.

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Ambulance (2022)
Don't press the Play Button movie!!!
2 May 2022
Even if you got the whole time of the world don't do this please (you know what I mean !!!) (you know what I mean !!!) (you know what I mean !!!) (you know what I mean !!!) And yes (you know what I mean !!!) Order a burger drink a beer and.. go to sleep movie!
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Man of God (2021)
The System is Evil And Powerful.
5 September 2021
Just open your Eyes and you will See!!

Open your Ears and you will Hear!!

Trust me, no mistakes on this movie...
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RUBISH but nice try!! (Comment by DRKLABS a movie critic wannabe)
1 April 2021
Please don't waist time, your time is valuable, nice try but the result Is rubbish and a lot of paid comments!!! Definitely not the movie you disappointing... (Comment by DRKLABS a movie critic wannabe)
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A triple Oscar movie !!! For actors and for audience with brain!! POWERFUL - MEANINGFUL
2 July 2020
Oscar for Ferrel , Oscar for McAdams Oscar for Brosnan I will say one thing ,use your brain a little and you ll have in front of you The Miracle!! WORLD IS WAKING UP!!! YOU CAN BREATH !!!
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GARBAGE !!!! Brain strain inside avoid at all cost!!!
17 August 2012
This is the truth and only but the truth: IMDb and Hollywood last 5 years are pure garbage trust me this is the only truth, absolute GARBAGE !!! they even paying personnel to write fake reviews for absolute garbage movies ,i don't understand why this is happening but its time to start watch my friends Bollywood movies are way better , this movie is garbage as a thousand movies i have watched last 5 years so don't try to find why and where just big names just fake scenarios without ideas and this industry gets your money out of your pocket and selling you trash, Ancient Gods? OH! MY GOD! I feel like retard monkey in the cage that world government gives bananas to forget that we are slaves working for 300 euros per month , Hollywood you make mind experiments now? after cocla cola ,microscoft and gogle and fbook now Hollywood? WTF? oh yes i know it started from 40's not just now this are real mind trash experiments , better if you don't have strong will don't watch them it produces permanent damage to your Brain!!!!!!!
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Intruders (I) (2011)
Why Clive Why?
28 April 2012
Why good actors lately playing on movies like this? Unwatchable , not for children not for adults Just crap Tell me what is the reason to make a thriller movie for young children when parents will never let the children watch this and when those children will be capable to watch movies like this they will be grown ups not children any more. So pointless in my opinion. If you ask for adults no this movie is unwatchable , i really tried... Same old stuff same old story and bad acting makes a horrible movie. 4/10 only for the children actors that were mediocre.Also Clive was like no existed and all actors too but i liked a little bit the priest that was leaking Spanish actresses ear ...i know i just imagined this..!
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Same Story Same House....Same Blood?
25 October 2011
Watchable ,for a low budget film was not that terrible, too dark though enough to produce eye strain , was far better than movies with big stars that suck lately , but there was not too much suspense, was so much predictable, but generally i was felt satisfied about the amount of blood was spended on the film , i think that sadistic thrillers of this kind are more beilivable with unnfamous actors than with big stars , so it was OK to watch but something in the film was not going OK i think the editing of the scenes or the pace it was a little bit confused and made the film a little bit boring but the low budget explains everything also i didn't liked the music ,also the end sucked. If you watch it you don't have anything to lose also you wont feel happy or satisfied after the boring end. 5/5
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Setup (I) (2011)
This is a movie trap , Sh(i)t inside!
25 October 2011
It's very sad thing to see actors like Bruce Willis to play in such trash movies , WHOLE THE MOVIE SUCK i cant comment more things than is a pain to the eyes , everything is bad this movie was filmed i think in a half of an hour without script , F... Jesus what to say about this rubbish just writing more lines to save you from losing your time there's no plot there's no acting there's no camera work no action nothing also i like to say that there are so many holes in this movie like the swiss emental cheese , also 50 cent was acting like a stupid donkey that taking drugs the man has no talent in movies ,also Bruce Willis has fallen too low in my opinion to participate in such b class movies. the movie is stupid predictable nonsense stay away by all means this is a movie trap , Sh(i)t inside!
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Trespass (2011)
Don't Rush for the Pop Corn,You all know what to expect...clowns without a circus!
22 October 2011
Typical home hostage thriller that roles inside the home only without action, come on guys you know what i mean ...the robber takes beers from the fridge etc some drugs, some diamonds you ll never see ,a robber assistant chick with some tattoos in the ass that looks like already dead from drugs, and two "big star" actors like cage and kidman that acting like they are just out off from rehabilitation institute , This movie really don't produces any sentiments and in my opinion is full of cliché scenes like the car hitting in the tree, why such nice actors that i love to see them on the screen taking part in such pointless movies? money? maybe , unemployed? maybe...I'll let you to decide but this is not an action or a suspense thriller movie definitely.5/10
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Drive (I) (2011)
Soooooooooo GAY! "THE PARKING LOT" should be the title ...
16 October 2011
Just watch the first 10 min from this film because after this you ll die from bore, in the beginning i hoped that this is a 8.5 rating movie as i ve seen on IMDb but if you want to listen to me this movie doesn't worth more than a blow-job from a whore , it had a lot of potentialities but after the first 10 min you start to realize that " oh no were is the rest of the drive movie what happened someone have stolen the rest of the movie and replaced it with garbage" This is a movie trap well designed like a 300 horse motor from a ford old car that makes too much noise but cant compete with a new Ferrari thing with 300 horses power, i really cant understand what happened to the rest of the plot and they filled it up with garbage, Don't SPEND MONEY EYES EARS SOLE OR ANYTHING ELSE TO THIS CRAPPIEST MO0VIE EVER ...the title should be "THE PARKING LOT"
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Hanna (2011)
Swis Cheese...
20 April 2011
Worst movie of the year , worst plot of the year , worst acting of the year, worst director of the year , worst music of the year i still have headache , everything worst of the year , i must write ten worst lines of the year for IMDb , worst action of the year , worst clichés of the year , i really cant understand why people keep writing good reviews about this crap , save your self's and stay away from this real bullshit.There's really nothing to comment the whole thing is a cover up a childish movie transformed to an secret agent bullshit,The truth is there's no secret agents on this stupid movie don't get fooled from company people that get payed and writing good stuff about movie craps like this . GENERAL CONCLUSION: STAY AWAY FROM THIS CRAP 3/10
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A Crap is Always a Crap !
10 April 2011
Yes you guessed well, this is just another crappy movie in the collection of worst shitty movies of the world ,or it is just a movie for very young children 5-6 without lots of expectation.Don't expect anything from this film it's just loosing of time. Shitty plastic alien guns , shitty alien star trek type cliché plot , we have seen this movie thousands of times many years before and in better versions not so shitty like this, until best alien movie appeared on scene the famous "alien" and "predator" followed star trek and star wars so as the song says "nothing compares... nothing compares to you..." My friends you ll regret if you watch this movie i really cant say anything to comment but writing this stuff because of IMDb 10 lines rule. So stay away.The only thing influenced me to give a 3/10 is the young actors they done their job they couldn't act better with such a stupid plot. Conclusion : 100% PURE FAST FORWARD MOVIE
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The Scientist (I) (2010)
So So Boring,,, and Ridiculous !!! Like a low budget commercial about a product that no one understand what is the product finally.
26 March 2011
This movie must have been called kinder garden scientist , it is really so boring no target no acting no plot just guys and woman moving around and thinking about future past and whatever i really don't mind ,i m really "pissed" with people that writing the idmb reviews this for sure are guys payed by the director or whoever is related with this movie . They always write good things and you go to see a movie and touch down the movie finally sucks and you lost 2 hours from your life. The movie sucks as all the stuff of this movie sucks . Stay Away and if you really don't see the truth that this movie is really disgusting then go to a shrink to have a look on you, only mental problem people will see good things about this movie,also director go drawn your self, the DVD cover or poster is good "as always the smart trick we make a POSTER and we sell the crappy movie" the content is crap and sucks .Also for the smart guys that wrote about acting ... what acting? acting for what? you mean acting is freezing like idiot and put the digit into your mouth and thinking for 2 hours?? if this is acting sorry but i cant but to lough about it. . sub below 1/10
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Dogtooth (2009)
For 1st TimeThe Answer To GOD Questioning is given in a motion picture and is extremely Disturbing and deeply Shocking!!! Don't Miss Oscar Worthing
23 February 2011
Dear readers , first of all i wanted to say that this is the first time a movie really shocked me and its plot will remain unforgettable written deeply into my soul.Everything on this film works in high level of cinemaphil world.I dare you even if you re not so amazed from trailer and reviews comments to watch this movie if you don't watch it you ll miss a piece of art without the economical sponsors of big movies, i can say i ll go buy tomorrow this movie on BR or DVD because i consider it a real masterpiece.This is the movie that must be on every home cinema and can be played many many times without to be boring.Try not to miss this movie.My Opinion is that if this movie misses the Oscar price it will be very unfair.First time for many years i have been stacked on the screen from first second to the last and i was surprised so deeply , i didn't expected this high end result with such a low budget congratulations to director and all people who worked hard for this motion picture.Even the black swan this year that is nominated for Oscar price too and i admit that the actresses acting was very strong , the plot wasn't so deep as this films plot.Here we have simply the Truth that all people afraid off to hear for centuries.There's no GOD ?, there's no Church ? , there are no States Countrys Nations? Politicians? ...people there's nothing existing on this world for your own good always there's a motive behind everything because we doing what they told us to do we simply acting like a pack, you know why? because we believe every bullshit they telling us to control us even if they are parents or politicians or church people or supermarket directors police man whatever ... because this is how the human mind is build some guys to believe every bullshit and some guys try to control every bullshit .This masterpiece motion picture simply explains the domination game. All this fear is created by our complicated mind ,we can survive alone inside our home but in a bigger world view we need a leader pack or we ll end up in a trunk , if we were animals without brain, life could be beautiful but with such a labyrinth inside our head like this? for sure we need a leader pack and not only one to trust and to leave us rest without troubles like every other animal on this planet(the reference on film to the dog trainer and the compare with the human trainer no difference at all except one small detail) in this picture we are commanded by psychopaths (usually human leader packs are psychopaths with higher ambitions than average normal people trying to make everyone to listen to them because of their disturbance they cant differentiate their motives that are dependable through their economical educational or even their sociological level)so the movie is very disturbing to many people also to me because for many of us is the first time we realize whats happening in real world its first time we loose our dogtooth as they told us believe and GOD will save you and we must face the biggest reality out of our home. Someone told us there is GOD...there is Paradise and simply we believe it ,without to questioning it as they told us also, -the truth of the movie ? no live creature with mind or not wants to be enslaved body or mind of whoever GOD even if the price is death, we make our future we decide for our mistakes we work for our own good no GOD can gives you nothing but only hope... Be human not humanized Thank you
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Hereafter (2010)
B movie-A toilet
17 January 2011
This movie is pathetic . This movie sucks . This movie has nothing to do with the great movie you imagined when payed the tickets on the theater. Don't foul of your self this movie is horrible and you and me know it. Try it and you ll be disappointed. I assure you again this is not the movie of your dreams as you trying to believe. Please leave this movie on the selve.Don't even touch it on the shelve it is a strain to your eyes. Yeah yeah i know what you think now, maybe this guy is wrong or he cant judge a movie he is not an expert ,maybe he don't want us to watch it because he will participate to the slumdog millionaire movie as an opponent to us and he wants to know everything to win the million dollar prize-...bullshit!!!. I am sure you will feel sorry after watched this movie for two hours that you didn't listened to me.Also i know what you thinking after watched this utter garbage hmmm let me guess ..."IMDb from now and on must referring to the reviewers age because many people reviewed this movie as superb.Most of them must have been under 6 years old with their daddy's IMDb account ,as we all know little kids can't judge a movie at this age you know why? simply because it is their first movie and they all will say... It Was Fantastic !, Best Movie i've ever seen in whole my life." So you decided to through out your eyeballs to the toilet? (A toilet is a plumbing fixture primarily intended for the disposal of human excreta: urine and fecal matter or vomit after watching a baaaad film in some societies.) Thats your problem m8 Hollywood will answer to all of your questions about this movie "Next Movie Will Be Worst Because People Like You Watching this kind of Movies" And yes the answer to all your fears have been answered now this movie was BAD really BAD . You will see that after watching this movie you will feel the disappointment but its not something terrible only 2 hours from your life for nothing.I know I know 'll gonna watch it nevertheless so never mind so my friend one thing i hope to be OK for you ...your eyes are insuranced? OK i know what you are doing now you laughing with yourself now ,how stupid you were and you didn't listened to the bad reviews Yeah its truth my friend this movie is plain stupid.Go back at home and drink a beer and you ll forget it in the next 24 hours i assure you, movies like this usually are forgotten in the next 24 hours.

A big thanks for reading this ,it can save your valuable time from your life.
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F (2010)
Baaaaaaad.....Simply Awful
17 January 2011
This movie is pathetic . This movie sucks . This movie has nothing to do with the great movie you imagined when payed the tickets on the theater. Don't foul of your self this movie is horrible and you and me know it. Try it and you ll be disappointed. I assure you again this is not the movie of your dreams as you trying to believe. Please leave this movie on the selve.Don't even touch it on the shelve it is a strain to your eyes. Yeah yeah i know what you think now, maybe this guy is wrong or he cant judge a movie he is not an expert ,maybe he don't want us to watch it because he will participate to the slumdog millionaire movie as an opponent to us and he wants to know everything to win the million dollar prize-...bullshit!!!. I am sure you will feel sorry after watched this movie for two hours that you didn't listened to me.Also i know what you thinking after watched this utter garbage hmmm let me guess ..."IMDb from now and on must referring to the reviewers age because many people reviewed this movie as superb.Most of them must have been under 6 years old with their daddy's IMDb account ,as we all know little kids can't judge a movie at this age you know why? simply because it is their first movie and they all will say... It Was Fantastic !, Best Movie i've ever seen in whole my life." So you decided to through out your eyeballs to the toilet? (A toilet is a plumbing fixture primarily intended for the disposal of human excreta: urine and fecal matter or vomit after watching a baaaad film in some societies.) Thats your problem m8 Hollywood will answer to all of your questions about this movie "Next Movie Will Be Worst Because People Like You Watching this kind of Movies" And yes the answer to all your fears have been answered now this movie was BAD really BAD . You will see that after watching this movie you will feel the disappointment but its not something terrible only 2 hours from your life for nothing.I know I know 'll gonna watch it nevertheless so never mind so my friend one thing i hope to be OK for you ...your eyes are insuranced? OK i know what you are doing now you laughing with yourself now ,how stupid you were and you didn't listened to the bad reviews Yeah its truth my friend this movie is plain stupid.Go back at home and drink a beer and you ll forget it in the next 24 hours i assure you, movies like this usually are forgotten in the next 24 hours.

A big thanks for reading this ,it can save your valuable time from your life.
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RED (2010)
B movie-A toilet
15 January 2011
This movie is pathetic . This movie sucks . This movie has nothing to do with the great movie you imagined when payed the tickets on the theater. Don't foul of your self this movie is horrible and you and me know it. Try it and you ll be disappointed. I assure you again this is not the movie of your dreams as you trying to believe. Please leave this movie on the selve.Don't even touch it on the shelve it is a strain to your eyes. Yeah yeah i know what you think now, maybe this guy is wrong or he cant judge a movie he is not an expert

,maybe he don't want us to watch it because he will participate to the slumdog millionaire movie as an opponent

to us and he wants to know everything to win the million dollar prize-...bullshit!!!. I am sure you will feel sorry after watched this movie for two hours that you didn't listened to me.Also i know

what you thinking after watched this utter garbage hmmm let me guess ..."IMDb from now and on must referring to

the reviewers age because many people reviewed this movie as superb.Most of them must have been under 6 years

old with their daddy's IMDb account ,as we all know little kids can't judge a movie at this age you know why?

simply because it is their first movie and they all will say... It Was Fantastic !, Best Movie i've ever seen

in whole my life." So you decided to through out your eyeballs to the toilet? (A toilet is a plumbing fixture primarily intended

for the disposal of human excreta: urine and fecal matter or vomit after watching a baaaad film in some

societies.) Thats your problem m8 Hollywood will answer to all of your questions about this movie "Next Movie

Will Be Worst Because People Like You Watching this kind of Movies" And yes the answer to all your fears have been answered now this movie was BAD really BAD . You will see that after watching this movie you will feel the disappointment but its not something terrible

only 2 hours from your life for nothing.I know I know 'll gonna watch it nevertheless so never mind so my friend one thing i hope to be OK for you ...your eyes are insuranced? OK i know what you are doing now you laughing with yourself now ,how stupid you were and you didn't listened to

the bad reviews Yeah its truth my friend this movie is plain stupid.Go back at home and drink a beer and you ll

forget it in the next 24 hours i assure you, movies like this usually are forgotten in the next 24 hours.

A big thanks for reading this ,it can save your valuable time from your life.

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Half Ticket Worthing Movie-Worst Direction Ever Made In A Comedy!
3 January 2011
The Writers of this film should have based it more on the vet Nam story of De Niro, i think that the twin of De niro and Stiller was interesting at some point based on the part of a Nam traumatized old man ,father of his wife and his fantasies,but generally it was not completed well . A mediocre comedy film funny but not hilarious with a very good idea but not constructed as well as it needed to be funny enough .Really the story with the Nam Vet could be hilarious if it was crafted better not like this way .Also i need to say that director sucked on this movie, it was worst direction i ve seen in the last decade in a comedy movie and with so many big names and great actors ,by the way the scene with the defibrilating De Niro it was a disaster ,in my opinion this scene could have produced great laughing if it was directed well.The same thing happened to many scenes of this movie that could have been hilarious with some other director not with this one.The movie it was like everyone was self directing him self,also editing was really bad and the end was a big disappointment with the Jewish scene why this must be on every American movie? Jessica Alba and Barbra Streisand go to your homes please you suck!
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Ridiculous !!! Like a cheap commercial about a product that no one will not understand what it is the product finally.
25 December 2010
Whats all about ? Why so many people gave so many high votes to this movie? I agree that it is a really nice try from the kids to play to their first movie, also i agree that it is a nice and very interesting novel with many possibilities to become true in the near future but... as a film movie it is really ridiculous and i think that it is watchable for kids under 13 years old not for adults and serious people.Also for the action that many people mentioned there's no action at all where you people seen this action and i haven't seen it? The action was only a fuel track explosion nothing more nothing less.The photography was nice also typical Australia nature beauty and the music nice for a suspense film but... without the action that was the music referring at. So a lot of agony and waisting time and waisting music for something that never came out.The only thing wasn't waisted during this film was the was like the first part of a serial with 30 episodes and you ll miss the rest 29 episodes for sure...Thank you for reading my review 4/10
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Person Not Of Interest... This movie sucks - This is fifth time my review deleted-worst movie of 2010
20 November 2010
People listen to me this movie is the absolute emptiness for me i didn't liked it at all.. In my opinion - this time and trust me there's absolute nothing to see in this film . ... in my opinion again don't loose your money for this it doesn't worth it better go play some billiard or drink 100 beers its much better than this watch it only if you have to kill some of your time and for this i m not sure because you may end kill your self after watching this. The whole movie is about a hysterical guy that talks about war and drugs but very low budget film it is obvious.Also it is very monotonous the same guy talking and talking its kinda boring after the first 10 min and pointless also a journalist that you think is gonna lead us somewhere but finally you remain with nothing in your hands. Could be done much much better...
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Red Hill (2010)
Step up to the next movie please
19 November 2010
I really don't get why people keeping making movies with such stupid plots. They using nice young talented actors for what? This story it is written from a 8 year old child? i am really wondering a panther joke? maybe This Kind OF Producers Started To P iss Me Off.I think that they are people with money but with no education at all they have stupid adviser's that they tell them this "crap" movie is gonna be a big success and they listening to the smart also uneducated guys and they spend their money for this kind of movies that referring to people with minds below the second grade of school so the result is this film that has nothing to say...and people will begging for their 2 hours lost to come back but the lost hours never coming back as you know also id like to add one clue more that lately it is used to most of the crappy Hollywood and indi movies like in the "Stone" it is a bee , here it is a blue panther etc and the story goes on and on and on ..on the next crappy film it gonna be an elephant who knows... To The Producers: Please Don't Hurt Anymore Our Eyes Stay At Your Homes And Take Care Of Your Other Jobs Because You're Not Capable To Make a Movie your capabilities are only for horseshitthings!
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Masterpiece !!!
14 November 2010
I feel sorry that i haven't watched this movie till now ,this is a masterpiece , this is a quality movie a piece of art, this is the end of Communism in Romania and the start of Capitalism ? so which road is the best ? and what really happened ? Nobody knows for sure ,in this travel you ll discover that human people pays the debt for all this stupidness and not only in Romania but in every other country.Hîrtia va fi albastrã reaches the level of Taxi Driver or the Godfather or the Deerhunter .Its the movie that you wanna watch again and again.The viewer enters to the screen and takes the place of the actors this movie has a human touch like no other movie i have watched till now Full of emotions excellent casting excellent direction excellent music etc. Αlso i d like to mention the excellent plot and writing. Don't miss this film and the end is amazing best end for a movie in many many years of cinema.This movie worths an Oscar nomination for best foreign movie.I really missed this way of making films with human factors only and without effects and computers and fx things .Films made from people for the people."Simple people suffering always of the madness of bad leadership inside and outside of all the countries of the world but is for their own good as the leaders of this mad world keep saying."


This movie trying to prove that we are still human beings and we asking for help and guidance but no one is available to help and guide us so in the end we simply die happily after got tired from thinking and suffering and messing around and around like a goldfish in the glass bowl and finally guess what? we have found true freedom. God may show mercy on every poor people suffering on this crazy world PIECE TO THE DEAD OF ALL WORLD SPENDED THEIR LIFES FOR OUR CHILDREN TO BE FREE WE LL NEVER FORGET YOU
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