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Edible City (2014)
A Grassroot Revolution towards our Symbolic Garden of Eden
13 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Thanks so much for an inspiring, timely, absolutely necessary film. So many people in these digitally distracting times loose focus of food, its production, and essential connection to who we are as humans connected to our magnificent Earth, (yes, our green Planet). Many touching moments occur through real people sharing their thoughts and efforts, binding us back to essence of life, food. I like the profound, insightful statement at the end where the efforts of people this Revolution counter all the greed and hate in our world with love. (This is a paraphrase.) I cherish the love shown in this film and hope to share more of what are called "Occupy Moments," This authentic, historic unity of the people with the land.

Finally, how the film really clarified some of my understandings of growing and raising food( i.e. especially through permaculture) with the Great Sacrifice of animals for our well being. I am Vegan for 3 years now and could never even think about eating meat or animal products. However, finally getting ready to grow food in my empty backyard (after living years away in Europe) and studying more on permaculture, I realize how essential animals are. With a portable coop, the chickens can eat the grass and weeds while their poop fertilizes. They offer eggs and become a type of animal friend. I might have to kill an animal and here, tears will stream from my eyes. The film shows sorrow yet appreciation when killing and skinning a rabbit. The dead, skinned rabbit almost looks human, hanging on the noose.

Though I will likely maintain my Vegan ideals, this film shows the sacredness of food, of "breaking bread" with our fellow humans. Thank you for the efforts. May more people connect to this Revolution. Scot Aaron
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WikiRebels (2010 TV Movie)
Thanks for sharing more about Wikileaks
2 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
********** 10 Stars for helping expose injustice in an informative documentary.

This movies is freely available on Youtube - put online in December 2010. The younger generation - with a huge tech savvy generation gap - is coming of age. The rich bankers and their political puppets are losing their iron grip on controlling media. They are getting desperate with even more serve manipulation of reality becoming outright lies - each reporter knowing their degree of deception. Here they clearly violate their oath of honesty and integrity for a paycheck! From 9-11 truth supported by many scientists and veterans, our globe is beginning to awaken! It is like those last day prophecies - yet instead of some rigid Christian viewpoint with only one group and dogma, climate change, and other perspectives like the 2012 Mayan calender attract great interest. The time of information, knowledge and sharing creativity really makes this time to be alive extremely valuable.

Back to the film ... Very interesting focus showing the 6 months of filming with the Julian A. always with a new hairstyle and makeup. This need for make up and his focus on his looks makes him look less effective. Then the Daniel Domscheit-Berg - Julian's assistance breaks with Wikileaks and forms Open Leaks. Truly, the movement is to expose injustice and is greater than any one individual. The inertia to global awareness relies on each inspired person to do his or her part. Any authentic power can show rage - like the Hindu Kali devouring egos - yet humility exists when realizing the source of life, which the majority of humans on Earth call God.

Thank you for creating the documentary. May the Revolution grow - day by day, moon by moon, yearly orbit by orbit - as Earth and all consciousness transforms.
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A Great Movie of Personal Awakening with Shaman Energies for our Global Awakening
27 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
10 stars ********** Thumbs Up to Roberto Velez for making this movie about the natural "healing" medicine Ayahuasca. More than just a clinical movie on DMT, Roberto shares his own transformative experience from making millions on Wall Street to discovering more about himself, his family, humanity, nature and life. The movie interweaves his personal story of the self discovery with the lives of others hoping to break through addiction, material distractions, or other personal trauma through a Shamanistic Ritual using Ayahuasca.

I really wonder the degree of transformation for many other participants utilizing the Shaman and this traditional healing drug. The forces of Western culture are extremely strong. What will happen after Stepping out "of the fire" and returning to big cities and western society filled with cultural distractions and perversions.

As a 19 year independently backpacking Asia, I stayed at a Mahayana Buddhist Monastery to learn meditation. Surrounded by Buddhist Monks and Nuns - and a few other backpackers - I felt free of any need to smoke cigarettes, alcohol et cetera. The atmosphere felt great, just like people in the jungles with the Shaman.

The reason I am giving this a 10 star and positive review primarily hinges on the fact that a Wall Street robot - programmed with greed to make money and inflate soulless egos - chooses to change and make a real difference for Earth. Let this film that Rob spent his time and money on, contribute to our global Revolution - our global transformation. Hopefully other Wall Street and Banker individuals and their parasite politicians will WAKE UP and use their money to add something of true lasting value. Yes there was a statement in the film that other executives and wall street bankers should awaken their consciousness with an experience of this medicine. Soon they may face a choice like the successful lawyer in the film with terminal cancer. Wake UP or DIE!

Great Work! May traditional medicines and healthy eating replace this carbon based plastic pharmaceutical drugged distorted money driven world. Scot
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Great to see the global reality of eduction and youth today
25 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The 8 might be too high; however the film does establish its primary theme that the USA requires stronger educational values to compete in a global economy.

One major reason I choose to review this hinges on the fact that I've actually lived with locals in both Bangalore India and Shanghai China. I was 19 years old in backpacking independently in Asia for 6 months. I was invited to stay with family by a student and his sister. I think they wanted to learn English better and I could learn about the lifestyle of the locals. Note that in 1985 it was illegal to stay with the local Chinese. We had to stay in special tourist hotels. I brought this Chinese student with me to Suzhou - a very nice city. The boy went crazy having so much freedom. I felt like I was babysitting him and even though I planned to take him Hangzhou I made him go back to his Dad. USA kids are much more mature in many respects when it comes to independence. Even though this might be the case for some, the film does state USA students spend 1500 hours in front of the TV and only 900 hours in class.

Another strong point is direction of education presenting narrow views of the American majority. An expert referred to recent Chinese history as "Communist Insanity." Another so called expect stated that he hoped USA incomes would rise not just the 20-30% for the educated but for everyone. Surely statistics could show that the strict capitalist method is really enriched the top few percentage, at the express of the masses. Americans consume about twice the energy than Europe and other developed - technological counties. Americans may soon realize there hay day of waste is about over.

The movie also fails to address that times are changing. This may require a change in educational values. The prior push for growth-growth-growth is impossible to sustain - especially when tied to limited resources. Again, the globe is changing rapidly.

I will conclude by saying I liked seeing the lives of others in major cities outside the USA. The Americans looked like uninspired youth that fit the model of television programs. On the other hand, at least one of the Chinese students seemed a bit forced into working so hard.

Thanks for the documentary.
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Into the Fire (2011)
A documentary film about G20 Summit in Toronto Canada and the 1105 primarily illegal arrests.
12 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Great work to the filmmakers, especially to how this film can contribute to a global revolutionary movement against the selfish capitalists out for greed and profit - often at the expense of good people and the global environment.

The film added pithy, entertaining statements, often even comic when confronting such serious issues of extreme police violence and brutality.

Here is a quote about 10 minutes into the film " ... do not rock the boat - do not ask difficult questions - if you require answers the CBC and the other propaganda channels have all the answers for you. This is a message bought to be by the institute for shopping and buying rubbish you do not need. Giorgio Armani, Gucci, Prada, Dolce and Gabbana - these are your new priest in the Church of Consumerism. "

So true so true ... with the Western World so drugged up with an addiction to materialism. ... And using wars and secret wars to convince the world to follow suit.

About an hour 40 into the movie comments continue about how the police are there to help the corporations. Then shortly after, the narrator on the loud speaker addresses the police, ... "please think what the corporations and international bankers are asking you guys to do. You're increasingly being asked to control us - normal peaceful members of the public. It's not only a Canadian problem and American problem - it's a world problem and the true criminals are the G20 delegates and the international bankers who control them, fund them and install them as puppets as the leaders of our states. Just to end with a message of peace and understanding ... Why did the G20 decide to host itself in the middle of a major city and the need for this totalitarian clampdown."

Great words and great film that will hopefully inspire more to join the movement - rather than live paycheck to paycheck or as with a big house and material possessions that may potentially end up as a living hell when dead. Similar messages of humanity - of being human brother and sister alike - extend through all major religions. The most read book in the world the Bible, clearly states what it takes to get into heaven - to paraphrase words to the rich man "give away all you own and follow the Light!" May we choose to magnify and multiply our inner light and let Earth shine with peace, love and intelligence. Scot
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The King James Bible -
7 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, great movie. First the DVD version I watched is about 90 minutes. (The IMDb shows a 59 min. documentary.) Although a narrator documents the story along with comments from so-called academic experts, paid actors and Hollywood-like stage sets really add movie like drama to this historic story. Very well done - seemingly missing movie making exaggerations of those "based on true stories."

This movie definitely inspires me to look into the historic period and maybe even visit Scotland. I've lived in England for years and the more I learn the more I reject this entire King Queen realm of so-called superior individuals and race. Of course much of this is based on the Bible idea of being "chosen" which King James aptly mentions in the film. This ideas of chosen rulers where Church and State are "one" likely stems back to Theocracy in ancient Egypt. If Gandhi-like rulers truly serve where the neighbor is the self (i.e. love your neighbors as the self) and priorities focus on God's light, then the reality of theocracy can potentially work.

Continuing with the movie, I like how the "Let there be Light" reading of the King James Bible occurred. Then it was interesting to see that King James is pretty much ignored with the burial tombs in Westminster Abbey. - There is only a simple black stone marking King James tomb.- Maybe this goes to show the priorities of the British.

Until studying up and taking the time to verify some of the factual details, great inspiring movie on this subject.

PS I would say the Bible - as the most read book in the world - changed the world along with the Gutenberg Press. The Kings James Version greatly impacts the English speaking Christians, but it must be remembered the Protestant Revolution starts with Martin Luther in Germany and the Bible translation into German.
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see info in the review
31 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Cancer is Curable presents something like 32 so-called experts in the field of alternative medicine and healing. By "alternative" I am referring to contrary to mainstream therapy which for most cancers consists of cut, radiate and chemo.

I am giving this a 9 rating for its strategy of hope. This hope is provides a foundation for healing. The outline of the film looks at a whole body and mind approach to heal the cancer and potentially access transformative personal growth through overcoming the cancer. The mind can assist the body in doing its job at destroying infection and disease. Basically, this course requires questioning the typical chemo therapies and rejecting main stream - drug prescribing doctors of Western Medicine.

My wife has melanoma cancer. First they cut it out in the leg and everything appeared fine until surfacing again a few years later. This forced a lot of studying and reviewing many films and books on Cancer. My wife opted for the Gerson Method (detox, juicing diet etc.) which is well represented in the film. Through many university level classes on science, along with studying alternative healing, the so-called "placebo effect" is primary factor in healing. The doctor with his quick prescription may scientifically do little to heal; yet the belief in the doctor and drug heals. This also goes for therapy like so-call homeopathy which is scientifically irrelevant (with C 30 etc dilutions) yet still seems to work for some who believe it works.

Concerning negatives in the movie - the cut and paste of various alternative methods makes these other healers look almost the same, yet some are very different and potentially expensive with their alternative therapies. Though most if not all of these alternative therapies are less cost than standard chemo therapy, they will likely NOT be covered by insurance companies.

The end of the movie presents a big plug for natural and organic. Obviously organic costs more. These treatments cost money too; yet one can take a few pointers - adjust lifestyles (eating, exercise habits and stress levels), embody hope and potentially cure the self ... outside the framework of dangerous chemotherapy.
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True to the title - Think about those Blessed and Cursed
28 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When 1st looking at this title I was unsure of what to think. First I thought maybe this is like one of those addict movies, someone sees the dark side and then is blessed to see some shard of light. This new movie hit me with a pleasant surprised, truly seeking to shine and share "blessings" of God. Probably the biggest surprise surrounds the fact that this is not the typical, run-of-the-mill Hollywood flick, that always seems the neglect or even reject the reality of God within life. Yes, one rarely sees true "devout" love-for-God spirituality in movies.

This movie runs against the Hollywood grain with characters who love and try to serve God in their lives. And Blessed and Cursed shows this through the representative theme of Praise through an artist and music. One of the biggest themes - shown a few times - is how great artists "lose the self" to let the Spirit fill the artist and all around. This power of the Spirit is really behind the major Christian movement in the U.S. today, where music, esp. modern contemporary music plays such a vital role. (Beyond church, earlier African-American praise for God can be traced to the roots of jazz and hip-hop today.) The main character is a true artist, composing and sharing inspirational music. As an artist myself, this is an major theme. Some may think this is Christian movie, and yes it is; however, a lot surrounds a talented artist who God blesses as a "instrument" of INspiration. In a few weeks I get to again visit a masterpiece by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. I am not Catholic or would even call myself Christian, yet Michelangelo (like all Master Artists) presents an eternal perspective. It is like the heavens open up when you stare into this art. Few know that Michelangelo painted his self portrait; his flesh is like a tattered garment being upheld by a Saint. It was laborious work serving God to paint the ceiling of this Vatican Chapel.

I gave 8 stars based on the above comments. On the negative, it was a bit hard connecting the opening scene to suddenly jumping 16 years to the future when the main character is grown. The "Curse" may be less clear for some. except for the main test (an apparent curse) after the death of the Mother. Maybe the constant saying "It's God's Will" might have been resolved better. The handling of "material blessings" by the men of God could be better resolved. Jesus did say that it is very very hard for the rich to get into heaven. The Judas-like character was a nice integration. And the ending was good where this '#1 in the charts Christian Rock Star humbly uses music to move everybody, especially the "Elected Presiding Bishop" who had his own materialistic issues to deal with.

Thanks for this movie, a pleasant change from the 5-6 or even 7 star Hollywood productions. Yes spread the Rock Star energies of God.
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Cedar Boys (2009)
7.5 stars -- a writer-director film worth watching
7 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I think the question IS should we or should we not spend our time to watch this movie. Yes, especially since the movie market seems constantly flooded with new material. Many big budget, "A List" actor films spend advert money hoping for blockbusters. This Cedar Boys film is more of a low budget writer/director film. (Low budget being around 1.5 million contrasted with a few thousand micro-budget "friends and family" budgets like the "Blair Witch" project.) This writer/director went to an Australian film school, likely made connections and played the system to get state funding et cetera. Congratulations for maintaining some integrity this money/finance driven "Hollywood" industry (where playing the money game often devastates creativity). Okay, now to my critique and 7.5 stars.

I chose to watch the film because the multicultural messages appeals to my avid travel/explorative sensibilities. (Though I've spend years backpacking the globe, I've never actually done Australia and always enjoy some insight into this country.) Even through main characters look they are trying to fit in as Lebanese (i.e. Middle Eastern), the attitudes can relate to many who dress up, go out and sometimes even do drugs to fit in. The writer director appears to do a somewhat realistic representation of cocaine which the "hot" white-girl wanted … leading into a relationship with the girl who lied about being an designer and was actually a stripper. Then the movie surrounds the theft and subsequent selling 1000's of white pills. They appeared to be called "Euro" pills. Even though some of the characters appear like they may be on the pills, I do not notice what type of drugs, and with this if there are any effects, any noticeable personality changes of these characters being on the drugs. Note that cocaine is clearly represented but are the other drugs some type of steroid, speed or MDMA/MDA/X. I think that a bit more sensitivity to the drug could relate to viewers who may have experienced or can relate to drugs.

This gets to the next overarching theme that "crime doesn't pay." This theme is done pretty well. Good natured kids (out of high school and working) get involved in more serious crimes which leads to the murder of main character. I also liked the portrayal of the older brother who was in jail. I liked the multicultural, religious effect of the character doing Salat prayer. (The Muslim prayer on a prayer carpet in a prison cell which is shown a couple times). I also like the ending where this brother appeared to kill the fellow prisoner which did not keep his apparent promise. The main character, younger brother of the prisoner ended up murdered. This is a nice ending that makes us think about right and wrong (also the multi-cultural Middle Eastern theme relating to vendettas).

In conclusion I will say that I also like the portrayal of close family bonds where most of the kids were living with their parents and tried to respect a level of family values. The writer/director dedicated the movie to his Mother who was sick and died shortly after the movie was done. So, another positive surrounds a more realistic, seemingly multicultural presentation of family ties. Often crime hurts the families most. Good job on the movie and good luck in the future. (Note, maybe look for another screenwriter to collaborate and bring some potentially new material.) Thumbs Up, Scot
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a fair treatment
8 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
For all Michael Jackson fans there are some emotionally moving tributes to this great artist; however, this documentary is without the power (i.e. with the sound) from any of his exciting video clips. 10-20 seconds from various videos would be great. I watched this with my young kids (7 and 9) who love Michael Jackson. Like many, my son has taught himself the moonwalk and although the movie mentions it, there are no actually examples of Michael doing the moonwalk (which I have seen on other videos). With everything from this public career, there could have been more. (Oh, there was a nice clip from Sheryl Crow when she was younger, working as a backup singer for Michael Jackson.)

Okay, with this said there were some fair presentations, in particular concerning the plastic surgery on his face. Here we learn that he was burned from a stage fire and required the surgery (at least initially ). This was informative. Although it dealt briefly with the child abuse issue/s, it failed to tie in any form of abuse from his father. The conclusion from the LA public mourning was a nice ending ... so 7 out of 10.
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