
21 Reviews
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Oh For The Love Of Sqeezing Money!!!!
20 December 2002
Well talk about the biggest and most blatant bit of squeezing as much money out of a franchise.

Yes, yes the original ended set up for a sequel with....

"To the next step!"

But still, they got what they wanted and went to college!


But it wasn't, more of the same stuff occured and that was all well and good!

This film again was made good by Sean William Scott and Jason Biggs as Stifler and Jim.
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80's Style
20 December 2002
I cannot believe this cartoon was made so few times! I must have seen every episode ten times! Not because it was my favorite, it's just because it was on every saturday for like 10 years! Well close enough anyway! The theme tune was brilliant and so were the characters! Doyle I felt sorry for! I know, I know it's just a cartoon but a phrase reversed "From hero to zero!!!" ha ha ha ha ha!!!
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20 December 2002
When I watched this back in 1999, it was supposed to be the dawn of a new era of horror movies, I like the Blair Witch Project, but the hype never really went anywhere did it? A mediocre sequel followed, a collection of spoofs and rip offs but no new wave of horror films. It was executed well by the production team, and the cast did a great job creating 'reality', the promotion team also deserve some kudos for making people buy the fact it was real!
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Family Guy (1999– )
20 December 2002
I've heard that "Family Guy" has been pulled from television? Don't know if it's true or not, but "Family Guy" has/had so much potential, the difference between "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" is that "Family Guy" isn't really based for all ages, it's far more crude and less subtle. I really like "Family Guy" it is original in places, and in a world where cartoons have to compete with "The Simpsons" that's saying something.
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Almost Famous (2000)
Tiny Dancers & Peter Framptons!
20 December 2002
I really like this film, and I think it is Cameron Crowe's best effort to date.

Based in 1973 the film follows young journalist and music fanatic William (Patrick Fugit) on his journey with the up-and-coming rock band STILLWATER (who include Crudup and Lee)

The cast are great and the plane 'crash' scene is so funny.

But what I really love about this film is how much care you can obviously see Cameron Crowe put into HIS movie, he was there he knows what it as like, all in all this is one big love song to his past.

Watch it and enjoy every minute!!!
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Magnolia (1999)
One Is The Loneliest Number
20 December 2002
Despite the length of this film, I thought it was a modern classic! Paul Thomas Anderson has produced a brilliant piece of direction, and include a brilliant cast a fantastic all round film.

This was in my opinion Tom Cruise's finest performance, he was brilliant as was Macy, Moore, Hoffman, Reilly etc etc etc

The opening was really good as well.

When it did the film did feel like it was dragging Anderson switched stories and the interest increased again.

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American Pie (1999)
Hmmm Got Get Me Some Pie
20 December 2002
American Pie is a funny film, the fact is that most people that see it some how try associate themselves to the character with cries of...

"That is so me!"

Half the time its not, but that doesnt matter!

Jason Biggs is good as Jim, the shy kid on his mission to "do" Nadia (Molly Shannon). Sean William Scott is the other notible performance as Stifler.

The others however are wooden too much of the time!
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Futurama (1999– )
Family Guy & Futurama Rest In Peace
20 December 2002
This cartoon I think is 2nd best to Groening's "The Simpsons" by far, I do rate "Futurama" though. Sadly I can't help but think when "Futurama" is original it's only because it's something you couldn't write into "The Simpsons" unless it was Treehouse of Horror thingy. It's a shame Phil Hartman died before he could do the voice of Fry, it may have been better, who knows?
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I'm Sorry But Ryder's Hot!!!
20 December 2002
Will there be a Alien 5? This film doesn't help anyone's efforts to push for a fifth movie.

They got there main star in Weaver to re-appear as Ripley, they got a great visionary director in Jeunet. They got an actress who at that point was still a huge star that couldn't do that much wrong (well you know what I mean!).

But none of that counted for me because in my opinion this film sucked!

Miss Ryder...I Forgive You
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Mallrats (1995)
May LaFours Be With You
20 December 2002
Ridley Scott had "Legend" John Huston had "Escape to Victory" Steven Spielberg had "1941" George Lucas has "The Phantom (bloody) Menace" and Stanley Kubrick had "Eyes Wide Shut" The list goes on....

Apparently Kevin Smith's was "Mallrats".

This wasn't Hollywood was it? Everyone says it's too 'Hollywood', just what industry are we talking about then?

Just how do you follow up to "Clerks."? It's hard and perhaps Smith failed to live up to critics expectations, but he didn't make it for the critics.(I hope not anyway)

The dialogue is just as witty as ever, and remember this film really began the fantastic acting career of the brilliant Jason Lee!

I like "Mallrats"...So if you like it...TOUGH!!!
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Clerks (1994)
You Really Can't Get Rid Of The Smell Of Shoe Polish
20 December 2002
This film really hit the spot to a generation of movie watchers who craved 90 minutes or so jam packed of genuine laughs....

Although the acting is poor at times (line delivery) if you the measures Smith went through to make this film you'll find it totally acceptable! I mean this is what you get for so little cash.

The script is the films major stroke of genius, Smith really produced a fine script!

For me this film when I watch it, makes me think what a good example this film is to anyone who wants to make a movie with little money.

As a Comedy 9/10 !!!
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Alien³ (1992)
Fincher Style
20 December 2002
Alien 3 is the third best part of the Alien saga but under the helm of David Fincher the audience gets a brilliantly dark movie. It was disappointing but what did we suspect!

Weaver is reliable as ever but the support cast are not that good really!

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The Simpsons (1989– )
The Best But Maybe The End Should Be Near?
20 December 2002
I first watched the Simpsons way back in the late 80's early 90's when I was 5 or 6 it was brilliant! My favourite character was that early 90's icon Bart. I watch it now and my favourite character is that icon, to end all icon's Mr. Homer Simpson!

For the last decade this cartoon has summed up a generation perfectly! It has everything for everyone, and that is the not so secret of it's success.

Helped by a fantastic writing team, I feel that the shows main family is well backed up by the residants of Springfield. Possibly two of the best back up characters Troy McClure and Lional Hutz are sadly long gone because of the tragic death of Phil Hartman.

I think it's in The Simpsons show best interest that it should finish soon because it is losing it's freshness, but hopefully it will end in a full length film.

Quite Simply the best animated show ever!
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Aliens (1986)
Damn These Guys Are Ugly
20 December 2002
When one of the tag lines suggests that....

"THE ALIEN HAS BRED..." ...How do you respond to that!

Aliens is a brilliant follow up to the brilliant Alien, but I think Aliens just beats Alien in being better entertainment.

I'd be worried if I got onto any kind of transportation to see Sigourney Weaver get onto! Can anyone be so unlucky!?!

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Alien (1979)
20 December 2002
Star Wars for grown ups? Oh no it's completely different! This is a chilling suspence thriller all the way!

A bunch of astronauts on there way home to earth...they get a distress call...they don not ignore the call, and they embark on some visitors of the "Oh my God NOOOOOOOOO! Argggghhhh!" kind!

Maybe Ridley Scotts finest 116 minutes!
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1941 (1979)
It Wasn't THAT Bad
20 December 2002
Spielberg doesn't make appauling movies, he just can't, it's not in his gene! 1941 came close, critics hated it, Spielberg hated it, I liked it. It's no where near close to a great film, but for what it is, its a amusing look on paranoier in the USA after the PEARL HARBOR attack, alas it would be many years before they'd even talk about an equilivant to 9/11 (Dont get me started on that issue!)
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Easy Riders, Raging Bulls
20 December 2002
I really am not a fan of Mr Warren Beatty... ...But this film wasn't actually that bad. It certainly changed the climate in American cinema at that time (I read that bit!)

It made the likes of Beatty, Dunaway, Hackman and Wilder mega big future stars although all have faded or had there bad days.

"Bonnie and Clyde" is though quite slow and can be boring in places.

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xXx (2002)
My Email Says It All...
19 December 2002
One Word that would sum up my feelings For "XXX"???


I monitored the progress this film from pretty much shooting began and from what I was reading and hearing it sounded like it was going to be the ultimate action movie. I was even spreading the good word of "XXX" for months! I was telling my friends "XXX is gonna be one of the films 2003"...Oh how I was wrong.

I think it all began to go wrong in my view was when I discovered it was going to be a 12A in England, I thought it was going to be a solid 15 or possibly 18. So it wasn't going to be a brutal as I would have liked it to be. I guess it's Vin's commercial success that caused this

When I watched it the script was simply awful. Vin Diesel had far too many one liners that did not work, yes, yes I know it's an action flick, it's what you expect. But NO it was an awful script even in ACTION standards.

I was just sitting there thinking "Damn"

If I was to make positives to this film I'd say WELL DONE Rob Cohen Vin Diesel for choosing to do a new project instead of doing FAST AND THE FURIOUS 2 (Leave a good thing ALONE!) and lets be honest Die Another Day didn't do enough to bury this film as a 100% howler of a movie.
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Dog Soldiers (2002)
A Homage.
19 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, yes I really enjoyed this film! The film grabbed my attention all the way through, which is always a good thing.

I know, I know the it's by no means flawless, there are bits and pieces in the plot that makes you think..."Don't Be Stupid!" or the whole opening...

MINOR SPOILER ...Who didn't think that letter opener wouldn't re-appear!

I thought the acting was good considering these were new-ish actors (Expect Pertwee, Cunningham and the guy in Trainspotting)

I didn't expect anything from this movie and I got a lot of enjoyment. The fact that it was a British movie made it all that more better!
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House of the Damned (1996 TV Movie)
Desperate Actors Do Desperate Things...Like This Movie!
19 December 2002
I watched this thing of a movie last night (18 Dec '02) while flicking through the channels I got to channel "5" and the opening titles had just begun with the nice landscapes but shoddy pan shots. But as there was nothing else on I decided to give it ago.

For some reason as the movie got increasingly flawed and to be quite honest annoying. I still watched the whole damn thing!

I guess it had it's moments for like an F-Movie! But I like realism in film and this was just not realistic even for a supernatural film. You don't need a huge budget to make truely eerie movies...SO NO EXCUSES! Sometimes I wonder what the actors...Or there agents were thinking!

Surely the weirdest thing to be based in Ireland!!! It's the sort of film when you expect Warwick Davis to turn up chanting "I'm the Leprechaun!" Oh c'mon! What was that invisible cat thingy for!

anyway....NOT MY THING

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Right Place, Right Time.
19 December 2002
1980's Zemeckis, Lloyd and Cartoons...Is there any better combination!?!

In a time where Zemeckis could do no wrong, Christopher Lloyd was good and Bob Hoskins was for some reason becoming a MEGA-Star...they made "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"

What else do I need to say?

This film was made right on time, you could almost say it's a kind of farewell to the traditional cartoon (yes, yes the Disney films etc...), because ten years later Computers would take control!!! I know there were other successful 2-d movies after W.F.R.R but this film had so many characters of old regardless to who they belonged to in the 1940's. The film is very much what you see is what you get, it's crude in places now but still a movie I can watch time and time again!

Joel Silver was great aswell!
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