
5 Reviews
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Emotionally draining... In a GOOD way
8 February 2023
This show was achingly beautiful, sad, tragic and PHENOMENALLY performed by the cast.. you get to see and FEEL the growth and evolution of the relationships, whether they were good or bad, in this drama..SPECTACULAR acting from the cast and the story?? I am not one that typically cries watching anything.. but there are SO MANY moments where it was unavoidable.. the sets, landscapes, and overall look of this show felt genuine and beautiful to look at..a good and well written story should be able to move u.. to run the gambit of all emotions we feel as human beings.. but a VISUAL story must also rely on the acting talent to pull it off.. where you feel emotionally tied to and invested in the characters. That turned out to be a double edged sword however towards the end of the series due to how well the shows characters were fleshed out during the shows run... the writing and acting done did such a good job letting u get to know the characters that u kind of know how they would react to any given situation.. that may sound like I'm saying that the show is repetitive or predictable but I'm not.. that just makes the characters more believable and relatable as people tend to react a certain way to events that happen..critical and analytical thinking as well as emotional response is pretty much cemented in us by a certain age.. but towards the end of the show characters started behaving out of character..decisions being made and actions being done started to be completely outside of the way we came to know the same characters throughout the story which started to kinda irritate me.. and u get the sense that this is being done more to heighten drama rather than remaining true to the characters and personalities that had already been established.. this would be my only criticism however..i still loved this show.
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I believe in Leprechauns!
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That's the state of mind someone would have to have in order to believe that this SUPER adult actress that plays Esther is a little girl...I mean, she wouldn't even pass for a teenager, let alone a child! And that's the 1st fatal flaw of this movie.. the whole premise of the story is a woman who is able to pass herself off as a little girl to manipulate people to get what she wants.. it doesn't work though if every time I see "Esther" on screen, her face SCREAMS adult! Idc how many from the back shots u show of the child or little person playing Esther specifically for these shots, or how short u make her look. Height, or rather a lack of height, does not a child make! It's the features of their face!! So then, given how everytime i see her i am jarringly pulled out of the suspended belief needed to believe that Esther is supposed resemble a little girl, I'm never able to take the story seriously.. it's distracting more than anything.. added to the fact, that this is a child that was found ALLLL the way in Russia, but NO ONE did a finger print analysis to confirm her identity??? Really??? Not until she gets back to the States and someone gets suspicious??? Come on! Fact of the matter is they should have gotten a child to play the role, and hired a little person or a younger looking actress to play the more mature or inappropriate parts, and shot THEM from the back! But even that would not have saved this movie...I really enjoyed the first Orphan, but I'm 54 minutes in on this movie and I'm ready to call it a day..
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Mieruko-chan (2021)
Wasted Potential
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I read the premise for the show I was really looking forward to it. However after watching the series it was just a big disappointment. The first thing that annoyed me was the ecchi factor.. plenty of crotch and panty shots and lingering upskirt shots that immediately began to annoy me and took away for the enjoyment of the show right away. I decided to try and ignore this aspect of the show because again the premise of the show interested me. The show was really good with communicating the terror the main character Miko feels whenever a horrifying spirit appears before her, sometimes literally inches away from her face.. the artwork for these spirits is spot on and the terror Miko feels is palpable.. but the way she deals with these spirits is to ignore them and act like she doesn't see them or interact with them.. while this is ok at first, it gets old quickly..especially since it's clear she's terrified and stressed but no one seems to notice... even her best friend...but that leads me to another issue I have..Miko has a best friend named Hana who is almost annoyingly cheerful and upbeat the entire series. She also eats nonstop but there is an actual reason why that we find out later on. However, given how well Miko's terror is visible, and the stress that she's clearly under, no one seems to notice.. her best friend is blissfully unaware of her best friends terror even though anyone with eyes can see she's terrified. Later on in the series we're introduced to another character, Yuria, who also has "the sight". While Yuri's gift is not the same as Miko's, she can't see the larger more dangerous spirits, Yuri can also see someone's life aura. And while this may seem like a good progression and possible ally for Miko, that never happens..Miko pretty much keeps things secret from Yuri too and because of this Yuri gets the wrong impression and becomes fearful of Miko. We then learn why Hana, Miko's best friend is always eating. Hana's aura is particularly strong and attracts spirits to her.. but, if she's around strong spirits for any extended amount of time, it causes her to need food to replenish herself.. also, apparently her aura is strong enough to burn sprits... you would think with Miko Yuri and Hana's gift used together they would be a force to be reckoned with right? We'll never know because that never happens..11 episodes in and Miko is still trying to ignore the spirits she sees and never tries to understand her gift and continues to not make any eye contact with ANY spirits.. even her Dad who seems like he would benefit from at least her acknowledging him so he can maybe move on! Or how about the Fox spirits that actually help Miko that also never get acknowledged or even thanked! She's doing the same thing she's done since the first episode.. staring blankly ahead which by this point has gotten really old...but by the end of the series we're not any closer to understanding why she has this sight, what the spirits that helped her wanted in return and her friends and family are all still unaware of what's going on with her...basically a waste with no progression in the story and nothing accomplished.. this really could've been a great story..even the ecchi factor pretty much stopped the further along u got but u really didn't get anywhere by the end and you're left with wondering why did I even waste my time with this?? Really a shame cause it could've been more.
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Luna Nera (2020)
Really enjoyed this series
5 March 2020
Ok so first... I watched this in Italian with English subtitles.. Trust me it makes a difference... As for the story.. I thought it held up.. Yes there are some "soap opera" type scenes, but I felt the storyline kept it moving... I really enjoyed this series...initially I began to get annoyed with Ades' reluctance to accept who she is, but I thought the story was interesting and kept me coming back to see what happens next... I really hope it gets renewed for a second season.. Check it out
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Had potential weak follow through
13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I REALLY wanted to like this show.. I'm A Joe Hill fan and the premise of the show sounded original and interesting.. However... Most of the main characters are so unlikable, u find yourself not caring about what happens to them.. I found myself literally YELLING at the tv for the astronomically STUPID decisions and choices being made by the Locke family.. Mostly the two older kids.. Case in point... The golden crown that Dodge wanted to control shadows needed a key with it to work.. So what do they do?? They let Ellie, who Dodge is living with, to take the key AND the crown home with her!!! WHAT??? Over and over just dumbness... It's too bad.. It could've been much better
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