
2 Reviews
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Should've been released on Disney+ or not at all.
4 October 2022
I've been in a slasher movie kind of mood as of late. I watched New Year's Evil the night before last and To All a Good Night shortly before that. I decided to pay a visit to the Redbox because I noticed that two out of the three locations that my town had were removed without warning. Much to my surprise I saw that they had Cheer or Die.... because I heard that it was supposed to air on the SyFy Channel around Halloween. This movie is pretty much a bloodless affair and is so tame.... that with some tinkering.... this could've easily obtained a PG rating and premiered on Disney+. The movie contains almost a dozen death scenes.... none of which are particular memorable.... but I did find it odd that the killer brought a set of throwing knives to fling occasionally. This had the potential to be a decent time waster had they added gallons of blood and some creativity.... but this is barely a horror film as it stands.
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The Best Movie Ever Made!!!
21 June 2013
Anyone that likes zombie movies should be familiar with the follow up to the ground-breaking classic, "Night of the Living Dead". I actually consider to be the best movie ever made. For anyone that might ask why, please let me explain. The four main characters (Peter, Fran, Stephen, and Roger) are fully fleshed out and are easy to identify with. Director George Romero helped spear-head realistic performances from each of the actors, which was no easy task considering the movie is essentially a comic book fantasy come to life. The special effects still hold up well, due to the creativeness of Tom Savini, and are way better than the majority of work being done today. Each of the actors portraying the featured and background zombies should be commended, as each one of them is unique in their own way. The story is phenomenal, because it is bolstered by a time-line that not many zombie movies utilize. The movie deals with the fall of civilization, where as most movies either deal with the initial outbreak, or a scenario where mankind has already fallen. Check the movie out and I'm sure that you will agree with most of my points.
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