
9 Reviews
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Memento (2000)
Too confuse
12 April 2004
Sorry, but that movie is too confuse for me. After 30 minutes I was disturb, after 60 minutes the confusion came. After another 30 minutes I couldn´t remember what happened 30 minutes ago, and than, after 113 minutes, when that movie end, with such an strange scene, I had bad headache. The film made me sick, and there are a lot of open questions and mistakes from the director (why that man, called Sammy, can´t remember his wife? I think, all the things happened before a special point can remember and the other after can´t. So when he married his wife? Before, After?,...well, whatever) Maybe anyone has an idea, why a movie must be so confuse and, yes also very boring (because nothing happened...)

So my resume: Two points of ten...
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Mom (1990)
Quiet good
11 April 2004
Well, I must say, this film is not that bad. There are quiet good moments. Jeanne Bates plays fantastic, as lovely elderly "mom", and

Mark Thomas Miller as her son is even good. There are some gory, gruesome moments, some dramatic, some funny and, yes, also sad...

The end is such a sad moment. Mom isn´t an ordinary horror-slasher, I would say, it´s the connection between American Werewolf and Omen.

6 of 10 stars
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Eins within a space and a wearywide space it was er wohnend a Mookse...
7 April 2004
This actually a sentence of the novel from James Joyce. You see that it is very easy to read - well, that was only a joke...this novel is gruesome, but I like it best. Last week I´ve seen this movie, and I was very suprised. It´s sometimes quiet good (short plot- discription: The story of a Irish tavern- keeper who dreams of attending his own wake)- Sounds difficult, he?- Yeah, and so it is...This isn´t a great movie, but after that novel you must say, there are few people who could make it better (maybe Tim Burton)
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Some good moments
6 April 2004
Okay, this movie isn´t a masterpiece, but however. It has some good moments and a touch of self-irony. The differnce to parts one (which I like very much) is that masse of characters. But it´s still no Tennie-Slasher.

And the question, why F.F. Coppola produced that movie is stupid - Everybody in Hollywood, even he could make something stupid. Remember this bad, silly and stupid movie "Jack"...(and who was the director,hm...right...) So my resume:

For J.C. 2- six stars...
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A good monster- movie
6 April 2004
I like this film, and I´m a little bit ashamed, but I also love all the other films of writer-director Victor Salva (Powder is still the best). Jeepers Creepers begins with an abnormal teenie-touch, i mean that dialogic-minimalism and that suspense (with that car "Beat U")- Also that few characters (I think five or six important) make this movie interesting. When it turns into a monster-movie, after sixty minutes or so, maybe it´s a trivial, but still good. Jonathan Breck plays the "Creeper" with such intensity (only Robert "Freddy Kureger" Englund is better)

Seven of ten stars...
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Like Pasolini
20 March 2004
At first: This movie has nothing to do with film- versions like: Zeffirellis "Gesu di Nazareth" or Peter Sykes "Jesus". This movie is only about the last twelve hours of the Christ. The Passion. The latin and hebrew subtitles produce an abnormal intensity. After half and hour it turns over to an Epos full of brutality and extremity, but at this point you are tied of this film. Gibson is an australi-american actor-writer-director, who loves the european film-art. And this detail is so obviously when you watch it. Like Pasolini, he shows us the pain of a man, like Fellini he describes the strength of women, and like the famous painter Caravaggio and Caspar David Friedrich he stages the darkness of this time and that place. All the actors give an absolutely outstanding performance. So last but not least: 1) There ist no anti-semitism 2) Gibson is a talented director 3) This film is for eternity 4) The end is such emotional and fine 5) Nine points of ten 6) You need strong nerves (and also stomache)
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Paper Moon (1973)
Best Comedy ever
1 March 2004
I saw PAPER MOON first at the age of five, since that moment I was a huge fan, and allready saw it 500 times or even more. Peter Bogdanovich, sadly could never repeat this success (one year ago: What´s up Doc?). Tatum and Ryan (three years later Kubricks´ Barry Lyndon) also could´t. But however, this movie is fantastic, and watch the outstandig performance of Tatum (Oscar with 9 years!)- A masterpiece, the best comedy ever- 10 Stars for it. I want to see a new movie with Tatum O´Neal to see how it goes with her former- talent, so again- This movie has to stay in the TOP 100! Enjoy that classic movie...
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The Iron Girl (1994)
Irony Girl
21 February 2004
Well, at first I don´t think that this film is even good in the original language, but the german translation is really disasterous. The story is boring, but sometimes funny. It is a prototype of trash-movie, and the actress Sarah Brooks looks very beautiful. So after a half hour you forget the story and see, how she fights against some evil guys who raped her, and so on...I suppose, that´s my theory, the director wanted to make joke about all the Karate-Kid movies- because sometimes there is a kind of irony.

Dont´t watch it, if you hate trash (really time wasting),but otherwise...
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Der Fall Jägerstätter (1971 TV Movie)
A Film about an austrian hero
21 February 2004
This semi- documentary Film is about the austrian pacifistic and very religious guy: Franz Jägerstätter. Born 1907 in St. Radegund in Upper- Austria. When World War 2 started, he refused to fight, because he didn´t want to kill other people. The refusion of the military service was a sin, at the point of view of the NS. So they decided to bring Jägerstätter in front of a military court, where he was condemn to death. On the ninth of August 1943 he was execute.

Sadly this is an austrian true story. Director Axel Corti (1933-1993) filmed this movie in black and white, because this time (1938-1945) was so depressing, that there "was no colour". Actor Kurt Weinzierl (1931) a famous austrian actor plays still fantastic. A masterpiece.
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