7 Reviews
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Hostage House (2021)
I don't have a great deal to say
3 August 2021
This is a bad film. FACT. I wonder if those giving it good reviews are the actors who were in it. Surely, no one is that easily pleased. It does not bode well for the evolution of humankind if entertainment remains this dreadful, yet there are those who defend it.
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Lake Mungo (2008)
30 July 2021
I just don't understand the positive reviews of this film. Somebody please explain. I paid £5.49 on Apple TV to see something akin to watching cheap American documentaries on freeview. There was nothing here to grip me. I'm now going to bed, and I'm certain I'll forget I even watched it before I fall asleep.
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Phenomena (1985)
Ruined by a common Argento trait
31 December 2020
I'm not usually interested in remakes, but in the case of most Argento films, I welcome the opportunity for one reason. I can easily buy into the artistic imagery, and reasonable plot lines. No problem there. However, what irritates me, beyond words is the utterly appalling acting. I'm no expert, but this appears to be a theme that runs through his films, almost worn like a badge of honour. For me, Phenomena was only partially saved by Donald Pleasense.
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Black Ops (II) (2019)
I enjoyed the advert breaks
15 December 2020
What a load of old nonsense. Just brought back memories of getting lost in a multi storey car park, only to realise I was in the wrong multi storey car park.
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Ares (2016)
8 November 2020
The perfect exercise to prove how to make a film instantly forgettable. It did have one redeeming feature though - it was mercifully short
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Nothing to see here
28 September 2020
With nothing to add to the tired franchise and Jamie Lee Curtis's dreadful overacting, can two more up coming sequels really be stomached by savvy cinema goers? Do we not deserve to be treated with a little more respect? This is money for old rope, and it's time to let go.
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Realms (I) (2017)
Just Why?
24 October 2019
Who green lights such un-originality? It's like going to a village pantomime, amateurish, unintentionally laughable and utterly banal. The only small mercy was I didn't pay to see it. The kind of film that makes you realise just how short life is
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