
30 Reviews
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Q-Force (2021)
HORRIBLE SHOW! Happy it's canceled
3 July 2022
None of the so called jokes were funny. A bunch a lame stereotypes that died out in the 1990's. Hated all of the characters and the messages were hypocritical. So happy this was canceled and it NEVER should've been created in the first place. Wake up people this was insulting to gay people more than it was helpful. PANDERING at it's finest. THANK GOD IT'S GONE BUH-BYE!
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Stranger Things: Chapter Four: Dear Billy (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
Kate Bush saves the day!
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a truly fantastic episode "Dear Billy" was.

The whole back story about the curse and the information acquired was interesting. Sadie Sink's acting is phenomenal and she stole the whole episode. First with her visions and dealing with Vecna in his lair. Edge of your seat! The last ten minutes especially is wonderful thanks to the masterpiece music that is Kate Bush's song "Running Up That Hill" that truly saves the day for Max and her beloved friends. One of the best Stranger Things episodes ever!
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Uncharted (2022)
So very disappointed
17 February 2022
Waste of time! Tom and Mark were so lame in their roles and way too similar acting. They ruined the chemistry of the video game because these two actors have ZERO chemistry. Both are terribly miscast. The film goes on and on and you lose interest about 30 minutes in. Every action film cliche' and very little originality. THIS FILM SUCKED.
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Brazen (2022)
Boring and terrible acting
20 January 2022
Gave it a chance and it was awful. I was so bored waiting for something of interest to happen and nothing. Alyssa Milano cannot act. She was so dull and acts robotic in front of the camera. I wonder if her constant covid symptoms affected her ability to memorize her lines? She's the absolute worst part of this film. The 'plot' was laughable and what a complete waste of time.
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Queens (2021–2022)
26 October 2021
This as one of the WORST shows I've ever seen. Terrible acting horrible music. Why is trash like this even on television? What a complete waste of time. I hope it gets canceled ASAP.
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Young Rock (2021–2023)
Horrible show! Who allowed this mess
7 April 2021
2 episodes in and I'm done. This is one of the WORST shows I've ever seen. The writing is lame, the "acting" is stale and wooden. Who allowed this unfunny mess to be shown on T. V..... They need to be FIRED! Avoid at all costs. This is pure garbage GRADE: F.
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8 March 2021
I was so bored watching this. The voice actors sounded all sounded like they were half asleep. AWKWAFIENDA was annoying as usual (why do they keep giving her films?) Lazy writing and never gave the main character much of a personality. I couldn't take anymore by act 3 so I walked out! What a shame and a waste of time.
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Just Mercy (2019)
So boring. Acting is terrible
4 March 2021
I was expecting a good or at least a decent courtroom drama. Boy, was I wrong. This has got to be one of the most boring, uninteresting and flat out terrible film i've ever seen. The acting is almost laughable. So many boring scenes and dialogue that goes on and on that concludes nothing of importance. I fell asleep twice and had to watch the conclusion the next night. Just terrible. SKIP JUST MERCY unless you need a good sleep aid.
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Mulan (2020)
Terrible film
28 February 2021
So boring. A long drawn out story that goes nowhere. Bad acting and the special effects look so silly. Avoid this train wreck.
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Foster Boy (2019)
Boring film, terrible acting.
11 February 2021
This film was so boring I fell asleep twice. The acting is terrible and almost laughable. The Director obviously have no comprehension on making films or how to direct actors. YAWN
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Another unfunny mess. CANCEL ASAP
27 January 2021
This is just as awful as Call Me Cat. Poor Kyra Sedgewick must've been DESPERATE to take this role. Horrible characters, annoying as ever Sheri Shepperd, lame writing and terrible laugh track. This is a really lame & unfunny show.
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A boring, overrated play with mediocre acting= YAWN
24 December 2020
What a disappointment. The movie is nothing more than a 1 and a half of it's actors arguing in conversation. It's messy and the "plot" goes nowhere. Sorry but Chadwick Boseman does nothing special and is merely a background player. All this Oscar talk is just crap since he died. Viola Davis does her best impression of Oprah in TCP. YAWN. I find it hilarious that people are praising this mess of a film, or is it a play? Either way, SKIP IT!
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Da 5 Bloods (2020)
So boring.
13 June 2020
I wanted to leave. So BORING. The characters are dull and all they do is TALK TALK TALK....15 minute conversations that go nowhere. UGH
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Broke (I) (2020)
17 May 2020
This is one of the worst shows I've ever watched. 2 shows in and I can't take anymore. Bad writing, awful jokes and the cast has ZERO chemistry. I gave it a chance but it's so annoying and I won't watch it again. GRADE: F
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Hair Love (2019)
This won an Oscar?
12 February 2020
Biggest joke of the Oscars was this winning. It has no real story or plot. A father trying to do his daughters mess of hair? Um ok. What a ridiculous theme.
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
Boring and overhyped
9 February 2020
Don't waste your time. Bad acting and way overhyped nonsense. Just another token "black" film that won because nothing else was nominated. LOL
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The Little Mermaid Live! (2019 TV Movie)
Stick to the far superior original movie.
7 November 2019
ENOUGH of these disastrous "live" TV remakes. Disney, have you no shame or even respect for the originals? SHAME ON YOU! Another classic ruined by an awful cast. UGH! The original is the only way to go.
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Mixed-ish (2019–2021)
6 November 2019
One of the worst shows ever. So unfunny and the whole set up is ridiculous. I'm embarrassed for the actors as they are wooden. JUST TERRIBLE I hope this is canceled soon.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Absolutely terrible
7 October 2019
Ruby Rose is one of the worst real female actresses ever. So wooden and always has a soulless look to her. Why did they cast her? The script and plot are lazy and laughable. I was looking forward to this and it FAILS on all accounts. PLEASE cancel this mess. Biggest disappointment of 2019 so far. Grade: F
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18 September 2019
Total pathetic "experiment" by handler appearing to be... the latest fad "woke" This whole project is an absolute joke by a has-been trying to remain relevant when her career is clearly over. Bye Bye Chelsea. YOU FAILED!
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Now that was torture to sit through
9 September 2019
I like some of her songs but KC FAILS MISERABLY as a talk show hostess. Her jokes were so lame and she seemed stiff as a board. How many times does she have to say Y'ALL? (it's so annoying!) Sorry Kelly but you're terrible at this. Stick to releasing music every few years as that's all we can take of you hun.
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Card Sharks (2019–2020)
20 June 2019
One of the worst shows I've ever seem. The host is so unfunny it's embarrassing. I will never watch this again.
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Songland (I) (2019–2020)
19 June 2019
So fake. Like a bad theatre production. Waste of time and it's obvious these "talents" LOL, will go nowhere just like the "winners" of The voice, AGT and the past 5 years of Idol. Take it away please.
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Yet another lame PC "talent" show.
28 February 2019
Let's all holds hands and give all these mediocre "talents" a ribbon for participating. Lame set up, lame judges with no balls to actually critique, it's all so boring. ENOUGH OF THESE SHOWS ALREADY!
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Empire (2015–2020)
21 February 2019
I hope this show takes action against this liar. What he did is a crime and he deserves to be terminated from this show ASAP
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