
5 Reviews
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Spread (2009)
Better than you might think, well, maybe
10 July 2010
I was surprised at how much I liked this movie. I don't know how it ended up in my netflix list but it arrived without me knowing much about it. When I read the synopsis I thought, oh no a brainless comedy showcasing Hollywood's plastic pretty people. And it starts off that way. But it evolves into a character study about a male hustler who is transformed by love. Okay, not exactly an original plot but Ashton Kutcher gives a very surprising and touching performance. He is glib and unlikable in the beginning, as the character should be, but he eventually displays some sensitivity and talent. I'm glad he made this movie. I've always viewed him as just another show biz pretty boy---but now I see that there is substance there if he stops playing the same shallow cutup in movies and commercials he may actually give a greatish performance someday. The movie as a whole is slow paced--but it does draw you in. At least, it did me. It's a good flick for people who concentrate more on plot and the characters than the fast editing and special effects extravaganzas that Hollywood currently serves up.
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17 October 2009
Based on the trailer, I was really looking forward to this movie. The night the DVD arrived I switched off the phone, turned on the lights, and braced myself for an entertaining and scary ride. Unfortunately I was neither entertained or scared. It started out with such a great premise (similar to Stephen King's "Thinner.") But the overkill of gross out scenes, over-the-top horror, and slapstick humor made for an awkward mix. Oh, and speaking of awkward, the leading man, seems out of place in his role. That being said, I could see how this movie would strike some viewers as being striking. It has a comic book appeal. It's big! My own personal taste, however, leans to more subtle horror.
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Cassandra's Dream
18 August 2009
Getting out of New York did Woody Allen a world of good and "Cassandra's Dream" continued a trend of suspenseful films with great dialogue and interesting character development. Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrell are totally believable as brothers--and they work really well together. Colin Farrell does some of his best work to date as the brother with a gambling problem whose moral compass sends him on a downward spiral.

It's almost an identical plot to Woody Allens earlier film "Crimes & Misdemeanors," but he makes it work with a few new twists. It's rare for a filmmaker to be equally adept with comedy and drama or a meshing of the two. Woody Allen proves once again to be one of our finest filmmakers.
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Persona (1966)
3 August 2009
It is apparent that this strange and enigmatic film has inspired many movies since it has been released decades ago. Although I loved the idea of the story (the outline, so to speak,) I felt that too many details were left out for it to truly enthrall me. Ambiguity in a story can be powerful and intriguing. But I found some of the situations in PERSONA too obscure to hold my interest, Actually I couldn'tt watch it straight through, I kept going back to it over the course of several days and it seems much longer than its 85 minutes. Still, there are some very striking, memorable moments and I could think of at least 10 films that have some basis of inspiration from this classic (even if they went on to explore the themes better) and for that it deserves its status in movie history.
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"Let Me Die Quietly" review
21 July 2009
This movie left me stunned in my seat for about 5 minutes. Perhaps because I saw this last week sandwiched between the usual festival fare, bigger-budget Hollywood independent films, and muddled low budgets. I must say "Let Me Die Quietly," really stood out. It is a gem of a find and it packs quite a visceral punch to the gut. It is moody, haunting, and in places quite riveting. "An affair between two mediums trying to stop a murder." A quick synopsis doesn't do it justice. I won't describe it any further. I'd probably make it sound like a cross between television's "The Ghost Whisperer" and "Medium." But if you are looking for the standard formula thriller you best look elsewhere. From the opening shots the atmosphere of this movie and the storyline draw you into a weird and unsettling world of death, sex, religion and betrayal. Nothing is what it seems. Danger lurks around every corner and menace creeps in between every line. The actors play their parts to perfection. There are no unusual setups, no long tracking shots, no movie-making tricks. It almost has a hidden camera feel. In fact you forget they are acting and feel they are simply following out an inevitable destiny--and they take you along for a chilling ride. These characters seduce you, repel you, enthrall you. The story will stay with you for days. It's one of those movies you want to see more than once. I strongly recommend it.
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