
4 Reviews
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People who Re-Tool Sitcoms should be Shot!
23 May 2003
This show, with its wacky descriptive title, was just that; two guys, a girl, and a pizza place. After a season or two - suddenly there's no more pizza place. So they change the title - Now its just 'Two Guys and a Girl'. At the same time they add three more characters - one guy and two girls. Now we have Three guys and Three Girls! Sound familiar? Too bad NBC had already taken the name 'Friends' or else ABC might not have canceled the series. This show was really something before the cult of 'Friends' slowly worked its evil and insidious influence over this once great series.
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Lost at Home (2003)
Connie's Back
20 May 2003
I love this show. Sadly though, I see the signs of it being pulled from the air. I really saw some potential and even made it a point to sit through that Jim Belushi show that came on first just so I could see Connie Britton in a sitcom again. Good Show, I couldn't stop laughing. However, I don't think it will last, much to my dismay.
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The microphone keeps going out!
10 May 2003
While I consider myself a huge DK's fan, I just can't recommend anyone actually buying this tape. Throughout the entire performance Jello is trying to get them to turn up the vocals without much success. There are some songs where you can't make out the words at all and the coolest thing about the DK's were always the lyrics. So, if you must buy this tape to see a band that hasn't played together since 1986 - Turn the Video's sound to mute and play an Lp or CD through your stereo. This almost works!
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The Pitts (2003)
I would rather be at the dentist
13 April 2003
I am watching this show as I am writing this summary. And I just can't do it. There is no possible way I can make through an entire half an hour of this tripe. So I am giving this review after only seeing fifteen minutes. It's that Bad!
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