
15 Reviews
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That was a complete wreck
13 January 2022
Q: What's it like to watch a plane that crashes into a train on a bridge that collapses onto a ferry packed with cars?

A: This episode.

I liked the first Episode even though i felt like there was some softball throws in there. The second episode was better than the first. The third episode seems to have missed the garbage bin.

The contestants were disruptive and broke the rules a lot and they gave them a pass on it. That annoys me because if you are going to break rules then why have any?

I cringed most of the way through this episode. There was one highlight of the show for me, which i won't reveal but it was the only part of the show in which i didn't cringe.

If this had of been the pilot, this show would have been DOA. If they have to many more episodes that are like this, it might not even finish the season.

I like the show overall when it goes like EP2 or even EP1 but EP3 was worse than watching CATS a couple of years ago in the movie theater. Yeah.... It's THAT bad.
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Fam (2019)
Old School Easy Watching
1 February 2019
What I like about this show is the old school sitcom style. It is simply meant to entertain you. It is easy watching. You do not have to put a lot of effort into it. Shows today all seem to have an underlying political theme. Take Manifest for example. It was starting to get derailed by " politics and government". I get way to much politics and government in my life these days and when they force feed it to me in the form of "entertainment", it literally sucks all the joy out of me. Its good to have a show that i can sit and watch and unwind and not have to be subjected to someones political views or some government bad guy out to get the characters.

I just want to zone out, enjoy some stupid jokes and know the most complex thought i need to have during the show is if i should go to bathroom on this break or the next one. And this show delivers on far.
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It was well done.
12 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I know there has been some controversy around this movie since the project was started. It was a long road to produce this biopic, but it did turn out really well in my opinion.

I like Queen and i thought it was a really good movie. It didnt focus on any one thing about Freddie but instead showed us the many sides of the person and that made it feel more real. Rami did an excellent job and getting Freddie's mannerism down. Honestly when Rami finished the scene at Live Aid, i nearly gave a standing ovation. It felt that real.

My wife is British and a huge fan of Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody( the song) is her favorite song. She absolutely loved the movie. She said "It is rare to have a movie that makes you either laugh of cry and i was laughing at some parts and crying at others. "

If you are a true fan of Freddie Mercury , it is a film that will move you and i would not be surprised if Rami collected an award or two for the role.

There are two reasons i did not the film a 10. Well three actually. The most important being that i consider a 10 to be perfection and the film was not quite perfection.

There were some timeline errors which were done no doubt to create dramatic effect and progress the story. I would of liked them to preserve the timeline and facts but i understand why they didnt. The movie is still one of the best written and directed movies i have seen in years.

The second is this movie covers about 15 years in a bit over 2 hours. It really only briefly covers each of the pieces of Freddie, sort of like a well written "Cliff Notes" on him. This could of easily of been a 4 hour movie or a trilogy, who knows maybe someday it will be a trilogy.

Overall the movie was very good and Rami was phenomenal.
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
It's a corny undead comedy.
4 April 2018
Disclaimer: I dont even like undead/zombie type shows. I find the genre to be overdone and boring.

I didnt think i would like this show. I watched a few episodes with my wife one lazy Sunday and the next thing i know we had watched the whole season. As soon as the second season came out, we watched it. It was better than the first.

The show is meant to be a corny tongue in cheek comedy. It has simple comedy that doesnt have a lot of depth or development before you get to the punchline. It's easy watching besides the occasional gore.

Obviously, its not meant for everyone. You have to understand and like the type of comedy in the show. It gets better as the show progresses and everything becomes less chaotic.The second season is better than the first, in my opinion, as the characters have been developed and you can see the story line really start to progress.

It is one of the best 30 minute shows, entertainment wise, that i have seen. Wish they did more episodes per season and two seasons a year though.
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Bad Moms (2016)
Great Movie
13 December 2016
I am glad i don't watch movies based on reviews. This is one of the best comedies I have watched in a while. I think people take movies to seriously and that is why it got bad reviews.

The movie was well written. I loved the story and I'm sure many moms could relate to the story. The title description tells you it is a story about over worked and under appreciated moms. And that is exactly what it is about.

These moms are only bad if you consider June Cleaver to be the minimum standard for being a good mom. The story does show us how mom's can easily be overworked and have almost impossible expectations of them. And how selfless they are sacrificing "me time" for a never ending list of duties. Finally reaching the point where they say " OK, enough, i need a break. Others are going to have to pick up the slack for a bit"

This movie portrays this in a comedic way. Some of the best comedy i've seen out of Hollywood in a while. Me and my wife both thought this was a very funny movie and had some good laughs while enjoying the story. All the characters were interesting and likable even the ones you are not suppose to really like. The acting was solid. The story was easy to follow and understand both what was going on and how the characters felt. You could relate to the characters.

My wife doesn't often tell her friends, " You have to watch this movie!" This is one movie she told her friends they must watch. Ill end up owning a DVD of this movie. Its worthy of watching multiple times.
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Cancel Christmas (2010 TV Movie)
Painfully Creepy
13 December 2016
This movie was painfully creepy to watch. The plot was typical of a Christmas movie and had potential to be a good movie. But it was poorly written and executed.

Santa and his Elf came off as very creepy. Like the kind of creepy in which you wouldn't let your children within 1000 feet of them. This was one of the worse portrayals of Santa and an elf I've ever seen.

I didn't like Santa and I didn't like the elf. And i should like these characters, but i didn't.I tried to like them but couldn't even force myself to like them. I wanted Santa to fail( and go to jail for something cause i really felt like that's where him and his creepy elf belonged.) This movie is a waste of time unless you like watching bad movies.
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Not that good
21 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this movie. I watched the original when i was a kid and really enjoyed it. I had high hopes for this one. I was very disappointed.

The overall plot is similar to the original but different enough to feel new. But the plot was not well written out. Its like someone gave a 5 yr old a subject for a story and said write me a story and that's what they used for the plot. Oh and that 5 year old hates men.

The movie is sexist, which doesn't offend me as a guy. But its not funny. Hemsworth's character is annoyingly stupid. And shooting the replacement for the "stay puff" marshmallow in the crouch is just tacky.

The special effects are better than the original, but not really up to today's standards in my opinion. They could of been much better. The supersize ghost that replaces "Stay Puff" looks like crappy animatronics, why not use CGI? It would of been so much better.

The story is choppy and how they get together to form a team takes up to much time. Also the team doesn't really seem to fit together at all. The characters just don't really mesh that well. And you feel like they picked 4 random people out of NY to be ghostbusters.

I've saw most of the actors/actresses in other movies. And they are good in those. So i don't think it was the choice of cast but the way the characters were written. I think the cast did the best they could with what was written. It just didn't work well.

Half way through the movie, i was waiting for it to be over. I was like can we wrap this up so i can go do something else? This movie did not do justice to the original. Its an insult to the original and fans of the original.

Can i have that 2 hours of my life back?
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Miami Vice (2006)
4 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with many of the other reviews that gave this movie a low rating.It was a rare occasion where the wife and i said enough an hour in and just turned it off. We do that for less than 1 out of every 100 movies.

The characters are uninteresting. Nothing in this movie makes you care about them or feel like you know them or even if you care if they succeed. To be honest, The main characters could of been killed off in the first 30 minutes and i wouldn't of even noticed.

I tried following the ploy, but it skips around constantly. Somewhere a long the way it got butchered to the point of being a non functional plot. To demonstrate how the plot is: Rip every 3rd page out of a book, then read the book and you have the plot of this movie.

The plot is boring. Its been done literally 1000 times. And 999 of those have been better than this rendition. The main characters have sex with pretty much unknown characters. Since you don't care about the main characters nor the support characters, the sex scenes are even more worthless. We actually treated the sex scenes like commercials, they were that bad. Actually commercials would of been more entertaining.

The audio is terrible. The characters mumble a lot and its dark a lot in the movie so you cant even read lips or facial expressions that well. My wife is British, and worked as HR for 4 years in tampa and she was struggling hard to understand the dialogue. She is use to dealing with a lot of different accents, so what does that tell you? Its like The entire film crew were college freshman. I imagine the uncut version was much better, and then it got butchered. This movie isn't even worth watching for free, i definitely wouldn't pay for it.
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Battleship (2012)
Good Entertainment, Bad Reality
7 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie twice and read some reviews here. Most of the complaints I am seeing are based on that its " not realistic"... which i find mind boggling. You have an alien invasion movie and its not realistic is the biggest complaint? really?

Some common "unrealistic" problems people seem to have with this movie:

Problem: Aliens that are capable of long distance space flight are incapable of defeating "inferior" humans.

Solution: In this regard Americans and Russians are superior to other humans because they went to the moon. That would be an incorrect conclusion. Just like assuming that because a species is capable of long distance space flight that they are vastly superior to another species that isn't. Technological advancement often follows the path of necessity. Perhaps the aliens had a reason to focus on space flight. Maybe their planet or sun was dying, maybe pollution on their planet was causing an irreversible slow death of the planet. Maybe their people were greatly interested in exploring the universe. Their are many factors in which they could of focused on space flight.

Problem: The Alien ships which can fly through space, just hop on water and just seem to be able to hop in one direction.

Solution: Just because a ship can fly in the vacuum of space doesn't mean it can float/ go under water/ or fly on a planet. This is like assuming that a fighter jet can fly to space since it can fly. We have engines( ion engines actually) that would not operate in atmosphere. They would burn up. However they use very little fuel which makes them good for space flight. Since these are space ships Transportation on ground is likely not a high priority, as the conditions on planets vary widely. Using wheels or tracks or propellers would greatly limit the ability of the ship to move on various planet surfaces. Having atmosphere flight engines also would be limited as the composition of planets atmospheres varies greatly. And engine designed for atmospheric flight on their planet may not work on very many other planets. So using your imagination you could conclude they use their main engines to do little hops but using them for sustained flight would probably damage them.

Problem: The alien weapons seem equal or inferior to ours except the robots which do not bother with a "decommissioned" battleship. that is unrealistic.

Solution: The first logical answer for this is that one makes the assumption that because we are an aggressive and violent species that all intelligent species will be the same. While the aliens are attempting( assuming) to establish a beachhead they may not have the violent past we do and thus weapon development was not a priority to them. Also if you notice all of their weapons are defensive in nature. The forcefield ship which gives them a protected area, the "hedgehog" type canister launcher which seems to be short range. And the fact their computer screens seem to paint either threats or objectives as red and everything else as green. When no longer a threat, they ignore it. One can conclude that their objective is not to take on the world but to establish a beachhead, assess the situation, then contact the home planet. Which is basically the plot of the movie from the alien side. the group was more or less a scouting party. And scouts really aren't equipped to fight wars. Their main goal was survivability and information gathering and relay. Not taking on planet earth. You can further imagine that they have a fleet of actual warships that are designed for offense waiting for intel on this new planet, so they can create a battle plan. Intel that never comes because we stop it.

This is a good movie if you don't try to pick it apart and use your imagination and do not assume that aliens are going to:

1)Be vastly superior to us 2)Be as advanced in weapons and armor as we are just because they have space flight capability. 3)Have fancy weapons 4)Have space ships that can operate in any conditions on a planet, 5)Not misjudge the threat of the dominant species of the planet they are attacking.

You have to use your imagination of what is implied rather than have it spoon fed to you. If you have a good imagination and pay attention to details in the movie you will enjoy it. If you expect it to be " realistic" and assume aliens are going to be like humans if humans were capable of interstellar travel then your going to be greatly disappointed.
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Most People Wont Get It.
14 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that you are going to either love or hate, and you are going to judge hard depending on your beliefs and knowledge about the BDSM lifestyle. if your going to watch this movie and have no experience in the true BDSM lifestyle then you need to watch it with a completely open mind. You have to pick up on the details. Everything in BDSM is in the details... and that holds true with this movie. If you go in with a closed mind your going to view it as a soft porn flick.

I haven't read the books, but i have been a dominant in BDSM for 20 years, which makes me somewhat of an expert on the subject. You must understand that BDSM in its nature and at its core is very sexual as are the people that live the lifestyle. In fact, we call those not in the lifestyle "vanilla".

Most people will think that a Dominant/submissive relationship is weird or wrong. But most people are actually in one. You are in one at work, its just not sexual. In most relationships one partner has more control than the other... one is more dominate than the other in the relationship. BDSM just takes that to a higher , more controlled level without all the power struggle found in many vanilla relationships.

So I am going to break down a few key subjects in the movie:

1)poor submissive girl, rich dominant man- Not typical. However, this is a way in which they try to portray to vanilla people " a powerful man" 2)Most people get into BDSM in their 20s or it comes later in life. Grey being taken in as a submissive at 15 is not at all normal and that is greatly frowned upon.

3)99.9% of girls that get into the life are not virgins. Though I have met a few girls in their early 20s that claim to be. Also most experienced dominants find virgins to be undesirable. We want you to have some clue as to how things work.

4)Consent is always given. In the movie this was done with the contract which is very common. Also a "blanket" consent was given by anna when grey told her that should could leave at any time and that his helicopter would take her anywhere she wanted to go. There was no need to repeat this later in the movie as its basically a verbal contract. The submissive understands if he/she stays they are at the whim of the dom, but they may leave at any time. A contract would set defined boundaries and the submissive would not be allowed to leave when they wish. Otherwise this would give the submissive all the power and make the entire concept pointless( called topping from the bottom).

5)Spankings/punishment/bondage are all common parts of BDSM. Spanking is sometimes used as a punishment, but since most female submissives like it, its rather ineffective as a punishment. It is also sensation play as were the ice cubes. Bondage is very common..sometimes simple like bound hands and others much more complex. Punishments are common. Most vanillas see this as abuse.However, the submissive agrees to accept punishments so its consentual. Also TRUE Dominants are very restrained individuals with a lot of self control. This isn't a drunken hubby beating his wife cause she made a sarcastic remark. This is someone, for all intents and purposes, who is an expert at self control and corporal punishments.

6) A submissives safety and well being( including emotional and mental)is of the utmost priority. Aftercare( care after an session) is pretty much standard though it seemed to be lacking from grey. This may of been to make him look more "dominant" to vanilla viewers, but it actually only makes him look uncaring.

7)Dominants care about their submissives. Grey was portrayed as cold and uncaring who sort of warmed up to anna. Dominants are actually a lot more caring than their vanilla counterparts... Which to a vanilla seems unbelievable since they seem from the outside to be very selfish. Dominants tend to be more selfless than most vanilla people and some submissives. So this part of the movie wasn't the norm. Though you would find a few like that.

Overall this movie is very mild compared to the real deal and while it captures some of the lifestyle quite well, other parts it doesn't do as well on. And a few it gives a bad ( and inaccurate) impression of. It wasn't near as bad as i thought it would be and i actually quite enjoyed seeing how the lifestyle was portrayed to the mainstream public.
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The Smurfs (2011)
Can't Believe the Bad Reviews
23 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am glad i do not put a lot of stock into bad reviews. I just watched this movie on DVD and it was much much better than the ratings at IMDb.

*SPOILERS FOLLOW* I watched Smurfs as a kid and this movie keeps in step with that. The storyline, the jokes/humor, and the plot pretty much follow the smurf cartoons. The major difference here is this movie takes place mostly in NYC and it mixes human and smurf interaction much like the Bee Movie.

The movie is mostly about the smurfs getting stuck in NYC after entering a magical portal to escape Gargamel. In NYC they meet a human couple who becomes sort of like their temp home/guardians. Meanwhile, they try to find a way back home while trying to fend off Gargamel.

I had a lot of laughs in this movie.It's got a lot of plain basic humor that reminds you of a smurf cartoon. Its not a complicated movie nor is full of special effects and fancy whistles but it will give you some good laughs and it is enjoyable.
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Lie to Me (2009–2011)
Great twist on a crime drama.
13 December 2011
This show adds a great twist on an over done genre, crime dramas. The characters are pretty colorful and interesting with decent character development. Though i cannot say much more on character development cause they haven't really had a lot of episodes to really develop most of the characters.

It definitely entertaining to watch and i was always looking forward to the next episode. I gave 10 stars because it brings something fresh to crime drama instead of the same old tired plot and story lines redone with different characters like most crime dramas do. Making the main characters normal people instead of cops definitely shows the shows intent to stay away from " just another cop show".

Tim Roth was a good pick for the lead. I think he does it well.His somewhat rough look is unexpected for the part he plays and kind of makes his character even more unique. That and the British accent and sometimes British slang really just helps his character's .... character. If Lightman was played by an American, the show would definitely lose some flavor.

I am annoyed that Fox canceled this show. It had both solid ratings and reviews and was a lot better than some of the crap they kept.
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Not that bad of a movie
24 December 2010
I read the reviews of the movie here before i watched it. I rarely let the the reviews influence my decision to watch because i am generally not as picky as most people when it comes to movies.

I have not watched the series so this review is based on this being my first "Airbender" viewing.

The storyline was pretty decent. Though it did feel a bit rushed. It also died abruptly after the first book. This is the same effect as the season finale to your favorite show playing through and then the story just stops dead in the water. I find this annoying with all shows but more so with a movie that isn't even set to be continued yet.

The characters could use a little work. Not a lot on the characters to really get you familiar with each one.The special effects were awesome. The martial arts do look like they are channeling their "element".

Overall the movie needed more time i think. I think if it was a 2 1/2 or 3 hour movie, i think it would of made it so much better. They could of also prepped you for the ending. Tied it up a little bit better until/if the next one came out.

Is it worth seeing? In my opinion, yes.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Not as bad as people say.
26 November 2010
This movie wasn't as bad as some people say. I went into it expecting a bad movie and it was pretty decent. It has Adam Sandler type of humor so if you don't like this type of humor you probably wont like this movie. Sandler has a tad bit more grown up feel in this one but it still has his trademark comedy and a storyline like Sandler is known for,someone different and out of place.

It wasn't the best comedy i ever seen. But i got a few real good laughs out of it and many chuckles. Their was a lot of "implied" humor and i think you have to be from my generation ( I'm 32) to understand it. Younger or older people might have a hard time understanding it.I didn't, i got every joke and wisecrack.

As with all Sandler movies this movie has a "lesson to learn" in it. Actually it has a few lessons on life.

Overall it was decent and worth watching.
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I expected better
6 August 2010
I was really disappointed with this movie. I have never seen the original but the previews for this looked decent.

The movie is not that well made. To me it seems like the director tried to add elements that made other movies famous or popular.I am not usually picky with action movies but i found myself looking at the clock often through this one. Some things this movie fell flat on:

1)Storyline - Boring.You barely get to know the main character and don't really know most of the other characters at all. They seem more like extras than support cast.The story moves along in a rather choppy fashion. Bad storytelling.

2)Special effects- Not much better than the original which was done nearly 30 years ago. IF you are expecting Avatar level CGI you are going to be greatly disappointed. Even the magical special effects for the "Gods" were boring.

3) Witty comments- There are parts of this movie where it seems it was trying to be like 300. Unfortunately it just made the movie more cheesy.

4)Action- Shaky camera syndrome incoming. Its hard to follow action when it looks like someone is running around the fight with a camcorder. The action scenes make you beg for more walking and talking and less action.

5)Musicial Scores- I had this problem with the new Star Wars movies and it was the only thing i hated about them. I cannot stand it when The musical score/sound effects are so loud you cant hear what people are saying. Even with my graphics equalizer set for human voices and toning down highs and lows the music and other sound effects were to overpowering to hear what the characters were saying at times.I find it annoying if i have to struggle at all to decipher voices from an overpowering musical score.

Overall this movie wasn't very well done. I gave it a 4 because its better than watching reruns on cable. It is mildly entertaining but its nothing that your going to remember the story on when you wake up tomorrow. Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief is a much more entertaining and put together story about the Greek gods. I would only get this if i couldn't find another new release to watch.
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