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Fatima (2020)
A boring overhyped religious melodrama.
6 February 2021
If you are an extreme religious follower, then this i3 the movie for you. None of the characters are developed. No deep story. No debate. It is not really a movie nor a documentary.

Don't lose your time.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
Predictable, boring, full of plot holes
2 January 2021
After a preposterous opening where a briefcase is forgotten in a busy airport and no one steals it, the movie dives into a series of subplots, plot holes, pseudo-spy stories and other misfortunes which turn a basic story into a myriad of a mess of a mediocre action flick with no real ending.

A love story is suggested between the two main characters but the plot never takes off to make it credible.

A so-so pop-corn flick with nothing to brag about. Certainly not one of Neeson' better movies.
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This movie was entertaining, nothing else. So full of plot holes you could drive a bus through them.
4 December 2020
Just a pop corn flick. It could have been a good movie, but the director wanted to add a meaningless side story of the main character with his family that adds nothing to the main story.

The plot holes are unlimited. The viewer has to stretch his/her imagination just to figure out how the heist was pulled off.

A waste of talent from the 2 main actors.
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What a piece of trash!! Seems that it was made by a high school drama class
3 November 2020
Terrible acting!! The music score is out of place and seems to be from another movie genre. No story at all. Boring!! Only senseless gore with no other recourse than to try to shock the viewer with fake blood, severed limbs, man-eating monsters and gross maggot filled images.

This piece of crap is on Netflix? Amazing that the funded this trash. Don't waste your time!!! The director probably is an amateur!!!
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TV for idiots
1 October 2020
This has to be the most stupid reality show ever!!! I saw part of the highlights and it made me sick to my stomach.
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Mulan (2020)
And Disney + charges $30 extra for this? Come on!! Dull, bland, no soul
15 September 2020
What happened to the magic, the enchantment, the songs, the conflict of the original Mulan? Disney basically screwed the story up.

I could not even get past the 1/2 of the movie before falling asleep.

The worst part of the re-hashed story is that in the original Mulan was human. A smart, brave and courageous woman. In this one, they made her into some super-human heroine with magical powers.

The movie has no passion at all. Very, very dull.
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The Walking Dead: Squeeze (2020)
Season 10, Episode 9
Remember when this show was good? was a long time ago
24 February 2020 is a repeat and a repeat...and a tiresome...repeat after another.

I had not watched it for a couple of season seems that I didn't miss anything.

The story has not advanced. And it is still the same. The protagonists settle in some place, some crazy menace comes along, they fight with them for 1-2 season, beat them and the REPEAT!!!

The governor, the cannibals, Negan and now this rotting whisperers? The main problem with this program is that there is no end in sight.

Unbearable....don't waste your time.
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1917 (2019)
Brilliant cinematography. Excellent movie
17 January 2020
A move from WW1. That is a wonder!! The "one shot" deal was brilliantly completed. This move is a jewel and will go down in history as a one of the best in cinematography ever made (together with Ben Hur 1959, Star Wars 1977 and others).

The story...straight and simple. But...the actors and director makes you feel the battle, the tension, the fear, the desperation.

Extremely watchable.
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A SO-SO documentary...
17 January 2020
Nothing new here. Just telling the facts.

I do think that 3, 1 hr episodes is too much. The story was dragged on a little too long.

If you don't have anything else to watch...binge this on a Saturday afternoon.
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The series turned into another GAME OF THRONES debacle
2 January 2020
Who wrote this final episode? A 5th grader perhaps?

It is obvious that it was done in a hurry with you thought process.

What happened? Who threw this creative series into the toilet in about 20 mins?
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This movie is a convoluted, ill-thought mess.
22 December 2019
Yes...Disney's hand is clearly in the mix. What we have here is an appeal to nostalgia and the generations that watched the 1st trilogy and the 2nd trilogy. You see, the 3rd trilogy has not created a massive amount of new fans. The generation Z (post Milenials) don't give much a thought about Star Wars. For them, Marvel has covered that hole.

So, Disney pressured Abrams to go back and film a story trying to tie the loose ends of the previous 6 movies. But, in his effort, he has created a movie that is a convoluted mix of ideas, threads, subplots, and ideas that make you think...what happened here?

I am not going to go into details and give out spoilers, but there are plenty.

As my 27 milenial son said after he watched it with me. The move can be defined as a "fruit salad that had every fruit and vegetable added, topped off with whipped cream and ketchup and mustard."

Disney obviously had no idea when they thought out this trilogy and made it up as it went. No end was thought out at the beginning and the result is a "Frankenstein" movie with no real heading.

It was worth the while watching it, but it will not make any milestone in history regarding cinematography like the original trilogy made.

The question arises, is where does Disney go from here? They still have an return on investment that is underwater when they purchased Lucasfilms.
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The Walking Dead: Ghosts (2019)
Season 10, Episode 3
This show is the epitome of boredom. I'm done
21 October 2019
Yes....I'm done with this crap. This show is the most boring piece of crap on TV right now.

Repetitive, predictable, stereotyped characters, no story, no developments, no resolutions, no ending in sight.

This episode proved this. I wanted to give it a show to see if the show recovered...I was painfully wrong.

I'm done!!!! Do not waste your time watching this anymore.
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Star Trek: Balance of Terror (1966)
Season 1, Episode 14
Star Trek, the Original Series...AT IT'S BEST!!!
12 August 2019
Nothing else to add. Creative, well written, full of suspense and great acting.
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Euphoria: And Salt the Earth Behind You (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
A disappointing episode for a show that at one point promised something different
6 August 2019
The show has fallen into the same cliches. We are supposed to feel sorry for everyone and their brother.
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What is this show really trying to prove?
31 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The stereotypes of this series are appalling. It seems that every single teenager is a sexual driven deviant with no end in limits.

This show started out nicely, but has turned into a depression driven nightmare.

I really wonder, what do the show runners really want to show? This series seems to been spinning its wheels for a end in sight, no closure, no climax...just a collection of sorrows, trials and tribulations.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Liars (2019)
Season 3, Episode 11
31 July 2019
After trudging through hours of a story as "slow as cold molasses", this has taken off.

Yes, some of the most nasty characters got what they deserved. And some are sitting waiting for their time.

Now we might really have some closure.

The episode had great pacing, excellent acting and well directed. Maybe the show runners do know where the series is heading after all.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
31 July 2019
After lingering on seemingly endlessly for episode after episode on a story that seemed to be stuck in the mud, now we have some action.

At last we might have some closure at the end of the tunnel.

Tonight's episode seemed to have set the climax in the next 2 episodes of the season.

Good...because it was getting boring.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Household (2019)
Season 3, Episode 6
This show is showing it's is getting slower every week.
26 June 2019
We all know that starting season 2, the show runners were making the story up as the book material ran out. Well, midway through season 3, it shows!!!

This series confounds me. It simply never takes off!! The story just stumbles along with out any major development. If there was a hint of a revolution at the end of season 2, now it is completely gone.

This series is suffering the same fate than many others. The show runners do not know where, how nor when will the story end and are trying to milk the characters to death with meaningless and pointless conversations that don't add anything to the plot.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Unknown Caller (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
OK, please take off!! It is slowing to a rut, getting nowhere
21 June 2019
Come on. Stop milking the same topic to death. This series is condemned to cancellation if it doesn't start moving.

Good episode but the story barely advances. It seems that the show-tellers are struggling to find closure and how and when to end this series.

Don't let it become another Game of Thrones finale. Please!
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The Handmaid's Tale: Useful (2019)
Season 3, Episode 3
It is quite obvious that this series is losing steam...
6 June 2019
It is falling into the crevice all successful TV series have. And this is, that the show writers do not know how and when to end it.

We have fallen into an unnecessary circular drama with nothing moving it ahead. This last episode seems stale and with out merit.

My take is that the show runners show really pick up the pace and get to it. We don't want another "Game of Thrones" or "The Walking Dead" ridicule.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Stockholm Syndrome (2019)
Season 12, Episode 24
THANK GOD IT IS OVER!!! This was was really showing its age
17 May 2019
Good by and Good Riddance.

It had turned repetitive and boring since Season 8.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Maternal Conclusion (2019)
Season 12, Episode 22
10 May 2019
Same cliches time and time again. It has become extremely repetitive and boring.

This show ran out their welcome years ago.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
A filler episode...totally unnecessary! Boring and empty
6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What happened? Is that the wind was sucked out of the sails of the whole series after the Battle of Winterfell?

Nothing happened here. No plot twists, no surprises, nothing of interest. One of the support characters was caught and executed. Nothing of the story advanced. It seems that who ever wrote this one was sleepwalking.

Now, here is the thing. I have the impression that there are no more twists. It is going to be a straight on confrontation between the two parties and that is it. We went 8 years waiting for something special to happen. It seems that in the next 160 minutes (reportedly 80 mins per episode), nothing will show up.

This one was a total waste of time, CGI and actors.
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Game of Thrones: Winterfell (2019)
Season 8, Episode 1
A good start for the season
15 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A well played transition episode for the big confrontation with the Night King's army. The shock moments were well played as well as the 2 comic instants (when the smaller dragon looks at Jon and well the Turmond says that he always has had blue eyes).

The best should come quickly as they only have 5 episodes to go.

My guess? Cersei is killed eventually by Arya in the last episode. A lot of the major characters die in the Battle of Wintefell (still to come).
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The Walking Dead: The Storm (2019)
Season 9, Episode 16
After a highlight with Episode 15, we go back down to the gutter with Episode 16
1 April 2019
I wonder when will TWD become again a good series. Episode 15 was of the best in the whole series...and then another dud.

This was was probably wrote by the guy that drives the bus around the studio. What a load of crap!! Boring, no suspense, no story development. Another of the dozens of "filler episodes" that have characterized this series in the last 3-4 seasons. have been warned.
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