
52 Reviews
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The Last of Us: Endure and Survive (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The is the best episode of any show I have seen in years.

It picks up right after the previous episode with an introduction of Henry and his little brother who is deaf. Soon after they join the main characters in finding a way out of Kansas City. Having almost made it they are caught up by the group that's hunting Henry. It's followed by one of the most impressive action scenes I've seen in a long time as the confrontation between the two gets interrupted by an invasion of creatures. With as a finale a creature who seems to have mutated to a giant.

Having made it through the invasion and the hunting party it becomes clear Henry's little brother has been bitten. Another impressive scene follows which I won't spoil. This episode has it all. Great dialog and character building, action and visual effects. Storyline development and some cool surprises.
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Unsolved Mysteries: Something in the Sky (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
There's one huge issue with this one
30 October 2022
No pictures or video? It's 1994, I realize camera phones weren't around yet but come on.. In 1994 photography had been around for over 100 years and almost everyone had a camera, be it analog. According to the stories from the witnesses these lights were around for 15 to 20 minutes, surely one of 300 people would've thought to grab a camera. There sure as hell was enough time to do so. I'm open to hear about UFO's and alien lifeforms and I agree it would be a stunt to get 300 people to all back up the same story without any proof. It's just so unlikely that out of the 300 nobody had the idea to take some pictures, especially the professionals involved.
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The Watcher: Haunting (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The series is too drawn out yet fails to resolve or conclude most major elements of the storyline.

In the end Dean himself becomes one of the wacko people obsessed with this house. The ending is quite unsatisfactory I mean it's clear the creepy neighbors along with Jeff Graff, who seems to secretly live with the Amish looking neighbor and the mute guy, are the ones messing with whoever buys the house next by breaking in through the tunnels. But is it really only to protect the monumental value of the home or are they just petty and prey on the rich out of jealousy and don't think these people deserve the house? Theodore made up a story about this Jeff person but at the same time he is there but they call him William, is he actually Jeff? If yes what did happen to his family if they weren't killed? In the end we are left with so many questions because the way it's written it makes you think everyone may have had something to do with it, and perhaps that's the conclusion we have to make.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
2 October 2022
Not bad if you can stand Malek's one note acting. I for one can't stand it. The constant surprised look with the piercing eyes and awkward timed talking, it gets old after the second sentence and it's the same no matter what he plays in. The show itself isn't bad at all, quite entertaining and keeps you watching. Well written and produced. Season one is clearly the strongest followed by season four. Seasons two and three are a bit less strong in my opinion. With a different lead actor this could have been a lot stronger, the rest of the cast is fine but nobody really stands out in their performance.
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One Note
10 July 2022
He's a time traveler. And that's it. There's nothing else to the story. It's not going anywhere. Keep waiting for some interesting twist or storyline, but there isn't one. It's just that he's a time traveler. Kept watching for Theo's butt, which is about the only interesting thing about this series.
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The Lost City (2022)
Doesn't work, in any way
7 June 2022
Not funny, not clever, no chemistry, no interesting storyline. A shame really with a bunch of respectable actors. It's almost like Bullock thought let me produce the most brainless blockbuster just to secure my pension.
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The Hype (2021–2022)
Almost There
7 May 2022
The thing that bugged me the most about this show are the judges, such posers constantly acting like they're from the streets, constantly pretending. Besides that, their taste levels are very questionable. It's an American show so it is to be expected that they are a little bit behind on the fashion trends compared to Asia and Europe, and this clearly shows.

When it comes to the contestants in my opinion there are only 3 really creative designers there; Paije, Kai and Justin. Most of the 'designers' rely heavily on reworking existing trends into messy/oversized designs which is just not creative.
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About Revenge -ending explained.
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film leaves some room for interpretation. In short it is about a soft spoken creative, traumatized teenage boy (Smith-McPhee) with an alcoholic mother (Dunst). In a world of cowboys and manly men he struggles to find his way, the brother (Cumberbatch) of his mothers new relation (Plemons) is the ultimate tough guy and they clash at first but grow closer together and start to learn from each other. The mother struggles in her new relationship with the overpowering brother and falls apart when the boy gets closer to the brother, turning to alcohol. All quite standard and nothing new. However the characters are interesting, the acting is good and the scenery and filmography is very appealing. It's a very slow burning story so you have to be able to handle that, and appreciate the simplicity of it.

The last 15 minuter or so is when the story concludes as the boy and the man grow closer together, they get so close that you are left waiting for a homo-erotic scene that never happens. Not sure if that's where the story was going but it seemed that way to me, there is an intimate scene where the boy rolls a sigaret and shares it with the man in a soft, delicate and almost erotic way.

Unsurprisingly, the man dies. He had a cut on his hand that got infected after dealing with a dead animal. The boy, a surgeon to be, is involved in dealing with the animal so you'd think he would warn the man to be careful with the cut on his hand, as the man and the boy are already close at this point. After the funeral the mother and her man (deceased mans brother) come home and the boy is looking out on the street as they approach the house, the scene shows the mother and her man sharing an intimate moment, they seem happy not having to deal with the overpowering presence of the brother, finally being able to live their lives without this person judging their every move. The boy turns away and smiles which marks the end of the film. It left me thinking the boy was out for the ultimate revenge against the man. Making him fall in love, only to kill him. The boy is way too intelligent for these turn of events to be random and if you ask me, outsmarted everyone in this story.

As I said a lot about this film is open to interpretation, and this is only my humble opinion. It is a tasteful film for sure and it wouldn't surprise me if Oscar nominations follow. In particular Smith-McPhee as a supporting role and perhaps Cumberbatch as well. It was refreshing to see a film that doesn't shy away from male nudity as well. Go watch it if you have the patience for a slow burner.
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The Guilty (2021)
3 October 2021
This movie is predictable, bland and unoriginal. But Jake is amazing, without his performance this would have been a solid 3. He is a wonderful actor, I'm not sure if he has an Oscar but he deserves one. Not for this, but just in general lets give this man some praise for raising bland concepts to the next level.
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Clickbait (2021)
31 August 2021
Very well done. Not original but also not pretentious and well acted, doesn't try to be overly mysterious or artistic, just telling a story. Many twists and keeps you guessing until the end. They should do a second season in the same theme but a different story with different people (like The Sinner).
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Respect (2021)
31 August 2021
I am conflicted because I know home much Aretha was involved in this movie but I wonder if she signed of on the finished product before she passed. It sure doesn't feel that way.

It's almost like short snippets of her life, it doesn't feel like a story. Characters come and go, there is no character development whatsoever which makes it hard to feel for any of them, even Aretha. Jennifer Hudson is an obvious choice because she is one of few young singers that can come close to Aretha vocally, but she doesn't shine as an actress in this role.
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A Fantasy Story
21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This should be labeled as a fantasy show with the astral projection being one of the main things, if not THE thing that makes the entire show. Without that it is just a mediocre drama. To be fair, It is all quite tastefully done and the acting is good, the story however is very thin and feels like a reach.

They left the astral projection part until the second to last episode. It almost feels like an after thought, but it isn't because without it there is no story to begin with. I wish they would have detailed the astral projection part a lot more at the beginning of the season so viewers could get used to this idea and get on board with it. It's like the writers thought around episode 4, how can we make this interesting? Ah yes, astral projection.

Throughout you are thinking who is the bad guy in the story is it Adele, is it David or Rob? No, the bad guy in this story is astral projection, the very thing that makes this show unique is also its downfall.
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Alien Worlds (2020)
Focuses more on Earth, repeats images from alien worlds
3 December 2020
70% of this show is about Earth and how the planet and everything on it adapts to hostile and ever changing circumstances and how this might be similar on other planets. And 'might' is the key word here because they present these alien worlds like they've actually been there when really, it is just something that could be and not something that surely is. Interesting for sure but not very convincing and pretty far fetched at times.

The thing that bothered me the most is that they overuse the images from the alien worlds to such an extend that is becomes ridiculous. If you would condens the unique material of the alien world for each episode it would probably just be 5 minutes. In the second episode I started tracking how many times they would use certain fragments and some are used more than 10 times throughout the episode.

So in the end this feels like a documentary about life on earth in hostile situations. With some cool images from made up places that could be in our universe.
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It's all about David
11 November 2020
David is so self indulgent in this show it's embarrassing. I have just watched four interviews and all he does is tell stories about himself and his son. He doesn't let the interviewee finish sentences. Doesn't ask any follow up or in depth questions and relies heavily on the fame of the guest to make a somewhat interesting show. It seems David has become a mediocre interviewer and should just leave the honor to himself and retire so we can remember him for the great man he is (was).
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Unsolved Mysteries (2020– )
Not that mysterious
11 November 2020
To be honest I feel like at least half of these cases are just suicides. The mystery is fueled by family members and loved ones who can't believe this person would ever commit suicide. But really, you never know. Depression often doesn't show, not even to the people closest to you. You can be the happiest jolliest person in the world and have deep depression on the inside. In my opinion I am looking at people who can't accept that someone is gone and go through all ridiculous and sometimes delusional lengths to prove that these people didn't just end their own lives.

The series as a whole is ok, for my taste the background music is way too strong and frequent, in some episode it doesn't even stop when you see the interviews, an unnecessary distraction. I also believe adding an objective narrator would have lifted this to another level. It doesn't match the original of which this is based on but it is an enjoyable watch nonetheless.

Side note: That tsunami episode in season two? An interesting and sad documentary but completely misplaced in this format if you ask me..
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Designated Survivor (2016– )
Season 3 = Diversity Quota
4 October 2020
It is obvious that season 3 has just been made to meet some sort of diversity quota. All of a sudden there is a gay storyline, a trans storyline and many more roles for people of color. I am all for diversity but this is just ridiculous, the roles and storylines they made up for these people have killed the show. They are totally unnecessary and don't contribute in any way to the main storyline of the show and therefor are nothing but a distraction. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself I am all for more diversity on the screen but this is not the way.

The series should have just stopped after season 2. I am not sure if they have other writers or producers for season 3 but it is really, really bad. The acting is bad, even by the main characters that were good before. It seems like they just spit out season 3 to give it some sort of ending but they should've just left it at season 2 if they didn't see a future for this show.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Unpopular opinion season 3
17 August 2020
Season 3 is getting a lot of hate but I really enjoyed it. To look at this man who has lost touch with reality by getting stuck in his own mind looking for the meaning of life is very relatable and the way they told his story was very captivating to me. I will say that Matt Bomer isn't the most well rounded actor when it comes to showing different emotions but for this role, I believe this works to his benefit as the character he plays struggles to express basic feelings. Season 1 is still by far the strongest but season 3 really doesn't deserve any hate in my opinion.
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Fatal Affair (2020)
Not bad
26 July 2020
It's not that this is a bad movie, it's that it is so bad it makes me want to put my fingers op my nose, into my brain and twirl it around to try and understand who put any money and effort into this piece of junk. Seriously go watch something else on Netflix, literally anything will be better than this.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
Stop at Season 2.
22 June 2020
The first season is very well done. The second season feels like an encore to the first and is quite enjoyable. The third season makes no sense and the fourth and last season is point blank ridiculous. It's a shame they went on after season two because the latter two seasons take away from a strong message that this series is trying to get across about awareness around the ever increasing problems with suicide and mental health problems among teenagers. The last two seasons made it feel like they chose commercial gain over sending that very message.
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Interesting but drawn out.
10 April 2020
This should have been a documentary film instead of a four episode mini series. The episodes are filled with so many repeated flashbacks and images that if you would leave them out it could be two episodes shorter. Because of that it doesn't have a nice flow and I feel like they could have easily told the story in 90 minutes.

I also am not a fan of the reconstructions with actors, but that's just a personal thing. Seeing ''Farak'' on the stand telling her story and in the lab working made the whole thing feel like the story itself wasn't interesting enough to make the documentary.
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Next in Fashion (2020–2023)
Very Strong First Season
7 February 2020
As a fan of fashion design shows this is a very welcome fresh format. Comparing this to the later seasons of Project Runway it really shows how tired that show is and how fresh and current this is. From the presenters, the visuals on the runway and the casting of the designers it is all just very well done.

There is a great mix of designers and all of them are very strong in their own field and it makes for a great group with a lot of diversity in style as well as characters. Also worth mentioning is the finalist only get 3 days to create a 10 piece collection (with the help of 3 semesters). When at Project Runway they get 6 weeks and if you compare the amount of time they have to what is being put on the runway between the two shows it shows even more how much better this shows is compared to the current Project Runway.

Completely agreed with the winner.
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Next in Fashion: Streetwear (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
Load of ****
6 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Farai and Kiki were obviously the weakest duo in this challenge and they have been the weakest in several challenges before. They are being kept in because the expectation is high which is stupid because they are not delivering.

Also Kirby walking off and making a scene over Tan saying he wants to vote Farai and Kiki out is a load of ****, would he have acted this way if Farai and Kiki were two white women? I think not.. yes I said it. I am all for giving everyone equal opportunity but the clothes need to speak for themselves and what they made is just not modern.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
So stressful. So well done
3 February 2020
Looking at the lower reviews, they're not wrong I mean this is almost two hours of people shouting at each other, super fast dialogue and too loud background music which makes the whole thing very stressed. But at the same time it keeps you on the edge of your seat, waiting for the poor guy to finally catch a break in his long streak of self induced bad luck. The ending was a shock for me and I literally gasped, but thinking about it, it was the perfect ending to a crazy ride. Definitely go see this one as it is, if nothing else, an original gem (pun intended) and I can feel the cult status coming.
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You (2018–2024)
Season Two !!
4 January 2020
After season one I wasn't on the edge of my seat to go and watch season two as the first season was entertaining but nothing special. But we weren't really into the Witcher and had just finished the second season of Lost in Space so we decided to give it a go and we were not disappointed. Season two is a lot stronger than season one, the story has a lot more dept and there are more interesting characters and actors involved. I would score the first season 6/10 but the second season gets 9/10 for me. Penn does a great job as the lead in this as a likable, sexy psychopath. The second season has a lot of interesting twists to keep you watching.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Good but Overhyped
12 December 2019
I want to start by saying Joaquin's performance is outstanding and if he receives the oscar for best actor I would say that it's justified. This movie however is not the masterpiece many people are claiming it to be. Where a lot of people praise it for going where no other movie has gone before, I feel it didn't go far enough. There are some disturbing moments but they are all highly predictable. And as a film which is basically about a guy who falls deeper and deeper into mental illness it is too pretty and polished for me. I wanted to be surprised, I wanted to be shocked, I wanted to be disgusted, but I wasn't. The acting saves it and if it wasn't for the excellent performances by Phoenix, De Niro and Conroy, the score wouldn't even be a 7 for me.
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