
17 Reviews
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Leonardo (2011–2012)
Written by idiots for idiots
3 July 2024
Another sorry excuse for entertainment brought to you by the participation trophy generation. Like Merlin, another terrible show, the writers have changed a remarkable story into something that one would find at the bottom of an unmaintained portable toilet. It is easier to write garbage than to actually come up with something feasible. Perhaps it is because the participation trophy/whole class valedictorian generation never learned anything, because the truth may have hurt their little sensibilities. This show dishonors Leonardo DaVinci by making him look like an idiot and not a genius. Throwing a few of his better known inventions, that were designed when he was in his 30s and later, into really dumb plots involving a teen show is what this garbage is; I am surprised it lasted 1 year, maybe the Brits really enjoy terrible shows. Even Doctor Who has gone to pot, because it was destroyed by the same caliber of writers.
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Return to Green Acres (1990 TV Movie)
18 June 2024
If one remembers the original, one will be greatly disappointed in this as it lacks the charm and the good writing of the original. It tries too hard and destroys itself by attempting to update itself to take on modern issues. It fails at addressing these issues in any way, be comedic or otherwise. This movie should not have been made as it really tarnishes the prematurely canceled original. The new characters introduced were not worth the ink used to create them, the original characters appeared, at times, to be thinking to themselves, "why did we agree to do this," as they appeared to be frustrated on shoring up the weak new characters and actors. This movie deserves to be placed in a box and buried.
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Zillow Gone Wild (2024– )
The show may have potential
22 May 2024
Get rid of the irritating host and the show may have potential. Right now, listening to fingernails being dragged across a blackboard is more pleasant than listening to the host. The houses are not all that "wild" either, the houses are borderline trashy. I am surprised any of these places have sold, I guess people are willing to shell out good money for houses that will require a large amount of additional cash to make the houses somewhat livable. The houses are not that interesting either, especially if the irritating host uses the dumb wackadoo element in the overall rating, I can think of a better name, the puke inducing element.
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Violent Night (2022)
A weak Die Hard ripoff
3 December 2023
A weak and poor attempt at making a Santa Claus Die Hard. It was like watching another "Purge" movie, and just as poorly written. I t stuck watching this because the wife plays "movies she has not seen" no matter how lousy they are. Unless one also likes watching garbage, steer clear of this one, you will thank yourself later.

The ending really was the worst part as it really was a reach to get to this ending. This movie is just another in a long line of movies released since the late 90s that would not even have been good enough to qualify as a "B" movie in the 80s and earlier. I guess when you have screenwriters that grew up not knowing how to write complete sentences, you end up with the garbage being presented today.
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Another Van Peebles and Cage Lack of Quality POG
16 June 2023
Did the individuals who wrote this terrible script even research the event? It does not appear so. No wonder it was Van Peebles who took it up, he has never done anything worth watching, and stars one of the worst actors out there, Cage. This movie dishonored McVey and his crew. The special effects were terrible as was the CGI. There is nothing good about this film, too bad the non-Baby Boomers will actually think this what happened to the INDIANAPOLIS. It looks like the effects people tried to steal from the Titanic movies and the worst of the terrible SyFy channel original movies. I can just say that at least I did not have to pay extra to cringe through this garbage.
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Y: The Last Man: The Day Before (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
This lousy show was written by someone who has no clue
27 March 2023
What can one expect from a show based on a comic book? Nothing but garbage. The person or persons who wrote this lousy show has no clue about gender, genetic science, or government. The writer(s) probably come from a generation that started the destruction of the country and the world due to a lack of education in any science and has never even heard of a civics or real history class. I had the unfortunate experience of watching this as my wife will watch any garbage just to watch something she has not seen. She will watch the program even while complaining how dumb it is. Anyway, the story makes no sense and lacks logic let along passable writing or acting. Avoid this garbage at all costs!
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Proof that given enough time, a franchise will find a way to self destruct
4 February 2023
It is a shame that Stargate devolved into a whiny Millennial and later generation show. There is not one character interesting or likable on this show. I am surprised it lasted past episode 1 or even made it out of the conceptualization stage. What few characters that survived the other Stargates quickly degenerated. Terrible writing combined with terrible acting, unfortunately seems to be the nature of any show past the early 90s and this is being generous. If the show killed off Eli in the first episode, the show may have been salvageable. True to the nature of shows written for the target generations, the show attempts to be preachy and act as a propaganda piece for those who have no clue about history or the sciences and yet want to change society into an Orwellian society.
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No laughs and a poor attempt to equal Killer Tomatoes
15 October 2022
A truly terrible movie, at the level of the Twi(t)light movies. The premise is not even original, it desperately wanted to be another Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and failed miserably. After watching this piece of garbage, I seriously considered ripping my eyes out of my skull to eliminate any possible residual on my retinas. This movie could not pull off the same level of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes even with the advantage of CG and other technology not available when Killer Tomato's was made, perhaps this is why this movie was so terrible, it relied on these technological advantages at the cost of the script. Avoid this movie if possible.
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A poor ending to the franchise
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I guess they wanted to save the worst for last; Halloween 3 is breathing a sigh of relief as it no longer is the worst of the franchise. Too bad that the final movie was written so poorly and the actors could do nothing to save it. It almost appeared that the writers of this movie were inspired by the worst of the Friday the 13th franchise as Michael basically transformed into Jason in so many ways. Jamie Lee Curtis seemed to be doing this movie as an obligation or worse. The survivors from the other movies were placed into the story haphazardly into this script that may have been through a large metal cutter and then pasted together as the pieces were ejected without any real attention to continuity or even the slightest logic.
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Wolfblood (2012–2017)
Entertainment for dull minds
3 August 2022
Every minute of watching this garbage results in at least the loss of 3 points of one's IQ. I am glad that I am able to avoid this show whenever my wife watches it.
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I wish it was possible to rate in negative stars
2 August 2022
This movie misses on so many counts; here are just a few:

Intelligence: my goldfish could have written a better movie

Acting: a display of the lack of talent in movies today

Suspense: the only suspense was would the viewer keep his or her eyes open or would the viewer fall asleep

Worth the time: not even close, too bad I had to sit through this crap with someone who would not know a worthwhile movie if it bit her on the ass

Worth the money spent making the movie: no, if I were involved in the financial backing of this garbage, I would demand a refund in cash or in blood

Recommendation: bury this and the original in the deepest cesspool available as they both were POS.
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The Batman (2022)
20 April 2022
Pattinson was a so-so Batman, unfortunately it is all downhill from there. This movie quickly deteriorates to become yet another BLM and socialist venue. If they make another one, hopefully they will find the few remaining screenwriters that know how to write a screenplay, of course, most of these have retired or are now dead.
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From (2022– )
The show starts with worst rendition of "Que Sera Sera" ever and goes downhill from there
20 March 2022
Terrible writing and acting; the writers never performed any research on anything and just threw together a bunch of garbage that only those younger than Generation X would even think was quality entertainment.
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Another BLM propaganda film courtesy of Disney
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it could not get worse than Steve Martin's version, boy was I wrong. This film wasted no time claiming "White privilege" and other BLM garbage. The original was much better and the comedy in the original was balanced and genuine. This latest garbage is forced.
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Same Time, Next Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
Worst excuse for a romcom, Christmas, or any other type of movie
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you love watching the good guy get the shaft, you will love this movie about a woman who screws over her fiancé to get together with some guy she only was with a few weeks out of the year until she was a teenager when he stopped coming to Hawaii after his mother died. It would be nice to have a sequel where the guy who was dumped ends up with a worthy woman and the scumbag former fiancée and the equally scummy man she married ended in an ugly divorce, but this would go against the underlying PC millennial theme of the evil white male.
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Freud (2020)
Should have been titled "Fraud"
9 April 2020
It appears as if this another invention of someone who has no clue about the subject matter and yet, the bastion of quality entertainment, Netflix, went ahead and produced it and placed it out there. I guess this show is attractive to the Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z groups who appear to be equally clueless as these groups have only been taught to a test and have no clue about history or any other topic.
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Another Terrible Netflix Show
25 January 2020
I thought it would be tough for Netflix to make anything as bad as "Stranger Things," but, unfortunately, I was wrong. "October Faction" is as terrible in its acting and writing. Regretfully, my wife likes both shows, so I am stuck having to endure these POCs.
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