
9 Reviews
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Another dire misrepresentation of sickness
16 October 2022
I didn't really care for this show. I guess it's kind of self ironic to point out in the very first episode that jump scares are just a cheap method of scary. This show doesn't offer you anything other than jump scares. Honestly, I barely got through episode 2 (I keep falling asleep, and the fair amount of screaming wakes me up), I don't know if I would waste any more time with this series.

However, what bothers me a lot, is the utter misrepresentation of deadly illnesses like cancer, AIDS, etc. Somehow, this series (and many others) give you the impression that the only "side effect" of cancer is losing your hair. Otherwise, you pop some pills and live like a healthy person, until you die. I consider this is a sign of disrespect for people struggling with these illnesses.

So yeah, a teenage show that would shelter you from reality. Enjoy!
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Ultimate Beastmaster (2017–2018)
Fun while it lasted
4 August 2022
Ok, so I enjoyed season 1 terribly, I even watched it on the bus and on the street. Terry and Charissa were great hosts. Then season 2 came. Initially, I thought that Chris DiStefano was the token sports guy, some dimwit football player that didn't manage to utter a single clever word. Then I found out he was a comedian. A COMEDIAN. And somehow, this annoying bickering game began between nations that was based on mostly yelling and really cringey stereotypes. In season 2, it started to bother me that even the best of the best female athletes did not stand a single chance. And than, luckily, it was over. By season 3, they managed to run out of serious sportspeople. The contestants were like really REALLY average or below average. But most of all: it became an X Factor for sports, but without talents. Every contestant had a tragic backstory. It's okay, I fully support overcoming the odds, but at this point, it seems that this was the main aspect of selection. The point system became a bummer. You know, it might be stupid, but it's just frustrating to keep seeing people acquire 10-15 points after passing some really serious obstacles. Oh, and about the obstacles: it's good to make them tough. It's bad to make them impossible. It's boring to watch them fall after the first 2 obstacles (the ones present in each season for one reason or another). It's the opposite of exciting. So yeah, it seems like the show just jumped the shark.
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The Magicians: The World in the Walls (2016)
Season 1, Episode 4
Knock off.
5 February 2021
This one is like the episode Normal again from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it's just that Normal again is amazing and original, and this one is what you get when you order Normal again from Wish. This series is an amalgam of more serious series.
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Grounded for Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
18 December 2020
The story is meh at best. There hadn't been a moment along the entire movie I wouldn't have been able to stop watching. But wow, there actors are untalented! The main actors are kinda ok, but have zero chemistry, the rest of the cast is plastic and annoying.
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
29 November 2020
Wow. I mean, I can't even express how much this movie sucks. I don't think I've ever seen child actors this untalented, or adult actors so annoying. Did you just order a Hagrid from Ali Express and this Dingus Mingus was shipped? I don't think I could follow what was going on with the plot at all, since the acting and the writing was so distractingly awful. Ah and also, Colin Farrell is kinda making a habit of appearing in sucky movies for like 2 and a half minutes, okay, I guess you have to pay the bills. But Dame Judy Dench should seriously fire her agent. I thought she already had after Cats.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bring on the Night (2002)
Season 7, Episode 10
Kennedy ugh
12 May 2020
All I wanted to say is that 18 years later, Kennedy still annoys me to hell.
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Call the Midwife: Episode #9.5 (2020)
Season 9, Episode 5
17 February 2020
Jenny Agutter is amazing. Sister Julianne's "getaway" is one of the most touching scenes I've ever seen.
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Please stop singing.
2 February 2020
That's all. Please just stop singing. Not even real cheerleaders sing. It just seems so forced. And the garage band too.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Sometimes, not remaking a movie is better.
26 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I am extremely disappointed. I'm not here to praise the 1989 version, that one had some serious lacks too, but sometimes more is less, and sometimes adaptation should just stick to the novel, especially if it does not have anything, and I mean ANYthing meaningful to add. This movie seems like a commercial version of the - sometimes extremely - serious issues touched by the novel: like the unfounded guilt felt by Rachel for her sister's death (replaced here by actually pretty founded guilt), the psychosis of a terminal illness (touched, avoided), the inevitability of death and also, people's irrational, senseless fear of death as seen in Rachel (nothing but a flicker of thought, a 15-second dialogue in this movie). Sometimes, slowly-built creep leads to a great scare, but here, the quick-changing scenery, the cuts of plot lines basically just open stories and leave it there (why did they have to make the children's pet funeral such a creep? it is explicitly stated in the novel that the pet 'sematary' is founded on the love and grief felt by children upon possibly their first real loss... it is nowhere near the satanist ritual seen here). Also, I considered the choice of actors poor. All my respect to John Lithgow, but this role just wasn't for him. The only great casting choice was the cat. *SPOILER* I don't see the point of changing the subject of the major death in the movie. The original implicates so much more: the character development of the daughter (the one to learn eventually about the nature of death), the mercilessness of death which clearly has no respect for anything about whom it takes away... A bonus eyesore: making the only black actor the dead guy (and also, taking away like 80% of the character's role) is so clearly aimed at being politically correct that it actually makes it even more politically incorrect. This movie actually made me angry. Both stars go for the cat.
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