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Thank God for European Cinema
5 August 2013
There are no special effects, over-the-top car chases and its not in 3D. What lies at the center of this story is humanity and their daily joys and sufferings.

"Sangue do meu Sangue" is set in the sprawling barrios in the outskirts of Lisbon where everyday is a struggle for survival. The spotlight is placed on the Fialho clan. Marcia Fialho, the family matriarch has single handedly raised her two children: Claudia, a young woman with a promising future as a nurse engaged to Cesar and Joca who engages in nefarious activities to earn some cash. The family lives in a cramped apartment together with Ivete, Marcia's sister whose self-consiousnes adds to the drama in the story. Claudia is having an affair with her university professor, and Marcia vehemently opposes it. While Marcia focuses all her attentions on her daughter, her son is left unattended, though he has developed a close, almost incestuous relationship with her aunt Ivete. But their lives are about to become unstable through a series of events that will leave all of them shattered beyond repair.

Its very rare to find a movie where the characters aren't merely caricatures that have absolutely no motives for their actions and lack of passion. The characters formed by João Canijo, the director, are very complex and admirable. Marcia stands out as a model of female heroism as she will go to any length to defend her family, protect them and ensure their daily upbringing. Their emotionally unstable nature can also be seen through their hopes and actions.

The camera work and use of non-verbal communication is simply excellent, the mark of true film making and positioning of camera angles in order to communicate images that tell the story. All the characters carry their secrets, and in a setting where living space is cramped, the hushed whispers at strategic corners of the small apartment show that secrets cannot be easily hidden. For instance, Marcia and Claudia are forced to share a bed and conversations cannot be carried on in secret as characters will be passing by at one point or another.

Some of the pot twists that occur here are somewhat predictable, but they are done in such a way that you feel you are watching them for the first time.

This film is indeed a must watch, especially for those who appreciate film as a true work of art and entertainment.
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Rafaela (2011)
Wonderful Telenovela
8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Rafaela was a good novela, but it had the potential of being an excellent novela if only the production team kept some things into consideration. This is an adaptation of a Venezuelan telenovela by the same name produced in 1977. Rafaela is a young graduate doctor from a poor background who comes to the hospital owned by her biological father Rafael to seek a job as a doctor. Rafael abandoned Rafaela's mother when she was pregnant, and Rafaela wants nothing to do with her father. At the hospital she meets Dr Jose Maria, a handsome chauvinistic doctor and womanizer with whom Rafaela will later fall in love with. But there are elements that want to separate them like Morelia, Rafael's high-society wife who is concerned with the scandal that will ruin their reputation about her husband's illegitimate daughter & Mireya, Jose Maria's wife who comes back into his life to manipulate him.

The adaptation team could have done a better job at the story by keeping the essentials of the old script & then adapting it to modern times because at the beginning, they tried too much to stick to the old script with stuff that didn't not make sense in today's world (eg Caridad's ignorance & illiteracy). Also, to show that Rafaela was born in poverty, they could have placed her family home in a barrio/vencindad instead of some shack near the mountains. But the writers started to improve on the writing (slightly) when the ratings in Mexico began dropping and decided to deviate a little from the original script (eg in the original Rafaela became pregnant from Jose Maria, and this wouldn't make sense considering that she is a brilliant doctor with knowledge of using contraceptives, etc). But the novela did an excellent job of showing a hospital set-up, using medical terms, therefore making it very realistic.

The cast was excellent, especially Venezuelan actress Scarlet Ortiz as Rafaela, since this was her official Mexican debut in Televisa. I do hope that she can be selected as the protagonist in other future Televisa novelas. However, I didn't like the casting of Jorge Poza as Jose Maria because he did not fit perfectly into the role. The producers could have selected another actor like Gabriel Soto or Fernando Colugna to play the role of Jose Maria, as they would have had great chemistry with Ortiz. Even the actor who later came as Rafaela's secondary love interest would have been a good choice for Jose Maria rather than Poza.
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The Nobility are Ever Miserable: An Excellent Piece of Cinema
5 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes, period pieces can be repetitive and badly executed, especially in terms of the settings, costumes, and storyline. However, Mysteries of Lisbon is quite the exception. In the first place, the title is catchy, and its set in Europe, so you are most certainly assured that this is going to be a wonderful thrill.

Adapted from the 1854 Portuguese novel by Camilo Castelo Branco, the story involves several characters, most of them of aristocratic lineage, high nobility. The characters include a jealous countess who follows her lover across Europe, a priest, a young orphan, a reformed crook who becomes a successful merchant, among others.

Joao is an orphan boy who doesn't know his parents, and the only father figure he knows is Father Dinis, the priest at the boarding school where he is staying. When he finally learns who his mother is, the hapless Angela de Lima, Countess of Santa Barbara, the story commences into a beautifully created intricate web where all the characters are related to each other or have come across each other in one point or another.

The movie is quite long, around 4 hrs 20 minutes, but the pacing is simply well done so that the story moves at a quick pace without any unnecessary pauses. the setting and the mise-en-scene is quite wonderfully done, especially the use of the miniature theater that is used to introduce different set of characters.

One of the themes that stood out here is how the nobility, despite the privileges of their titles, wealth and magnificent mansions, are quite miserable. For instance, the Countess of Santa Barbara had an impossible love, and she was forced to give up her child and marry a man who mistreated her through out the duration of their marriage. And when she finally meets him, she only gets to spend a little time with him before she decides to enter a convent. So do the rest of the aristocratic characters that are revealed later on.

It is truly unfortunate that Raul Ruiz passed away, because Mysteries of Lisbon shows the mark of a true film-maker who uses film as a work of art that is well directed, well shot and well produced.

This is indeed a magnificent and brilliant film.
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Truly Hard To Endure
6 March 2013
I love literature, and I love French writer Victor Hugo who gave the world gems like The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables, on which this musical is based.

Personally, I do not like musicals, but I decided to watch this adaptation to see what the fuss is all about(considering that I never completely finished reading the novel). Within the first seconds, I was bombarded with singing that instantly turned me off. I love the story, but it was just too over-the-top with the singing, it absolutely made me cringe, especially when Russell Crowe started to sing. His interpretation of the Inspector Javert character was completely bland. For me, the singing removed away the dramatic significance of some of the scenes, such as when Jean Valjean (played by Hugh Jackman)met the bishop who gave him the two candlesticks. Furthermore, the singing throughout the movie is merely for pure entertainment and removes the significance of dialogue in the interactions that the characters make, because dialogue has been replaced with singing (yes, I know its a musical) and it makes the whole thing extremely superficial.

I don't know why I was expecting much from this pretentious piece of cinema that somehow butchers a great piece of literature. I would rather look for the 2000 French mini-series and watch it again.

The only saving grace of this movie were the amazing, excellent performances of Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, Anne Hathaway as the whore Fantine, Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen as the comical, thieving, greedy Thenardiers. The fact that Hugh Jackman lost weight and practiced singing for the role shows that he is indeed a well rounded character. Anne Hathaway did indeed deserve and Oscar for her role here which she plays with such emotion; she stands out among the whole cast. As for the rest, beginning with Crowe as Javert and Amanda Seyfried as Cosette, their portrayals are nothing to write home about. Russell Crowe's singing is horrendous, and his character here seems to have no purpose because the signing fails to establish any reasonable context to the actions that the characters take and what they are doing what they are doing.

The setting and costumes were also OK.
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Alma Indomable (2009– )
Disappointed. Could Have Been Better.
6 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Alma Indomable, from Venevision international, was a basic telenovela with the usual telenovela plot twists. The story was actually pretty good, but they could have made it better if they just considered and corrected some of the plot elements and improved on the setting.

The story takes place in an unnamed town(something designed to make the story appeal to the international audience) in a sort of countryside hacienda setting where the main protagonist, Alma (Scarlet Ortiz), comes to the hacienda Las Brisas where her true origins are revealed. But there are villains in this place who do not want to see her happy with the ranch foreman, Juan Pablo (Jose Angel Llamas).

I think that the producers should have tried to use more exterior shots of Southern Florida where many ranches are situated. The story was supposedly taking place in a ranch setting, but you never get to see the actual horses, cows etc or the plush countryside with the fruit trees where Alma went to steal fruits. Thus, the setting itself makes the story unrealistic. Venevision- Miami should have considered filming this in Venezuela, where there are actual haciendas where they could utilize the plush countryside setting. But here, no hacienda business took place (although they attempted to pull it off with a horse everyone used, a few trees, a river,a cow and a cave).

Also, the shots were always done in the same place, in the same position. For example, the mansions where the rich people lived were not fully utilized.Then, some of the plot elements could have been modified to make the story make more sense, such as the fact that Alma never went to school. They could have even added more extras so that the story actually looks like it is taking place in a countryside town with the colonial buildings, the local town canteena, like Mexican novelas such as Mi Pecado, Soy tu Duena and Abismo de Pasion.

Some plot elements that could have improved the story include an actual ranch setting where you could see workers in the farms or the characters walking around and exploring the ranch as the story moves on.

Scarlet Ortiz her acted well, but she always has the same look in her novelas. She could have at least dyed her hair to another color and styled her hair to make it have more curls. Lilibeth Morillo played an excellent villain here.

If some of the plot elements (like making Alma a farm worker instead of some savage girl, her grandmother being a voodoo spiritualist instead of some wacky nut-job, removing the whole modeling agency bit) could be changed and some of the settings improved on, especially making it look more like a South American hacienda, then this novela would have been really good and even more entertaining.
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In the Name of Love (2008–2009)
Average telenovela
26 June 2010
This telenovela is worth watching because the plot is not the usual poor girl meets rich girl to fall in love only to find a 100 obstacles in their way to happiness. Plus the main protagonists are middle aged instead of being young. The writers used the good element of juxtaposition by comparing the love triangle between Macarena, Cristobal and Carlota with that of Paloma, Emiliano & Romina. The opening credits show creativity by bringing a Gothic feel to the telenovela. However the bad side to this telenovela is that, as it has become the characteristic of Televisa in the past 5 years it is a remake of Cadenas de Amargura, which shows that they are running out of new story lines (see how Corazon Salvaje IV was an utter disaster!!!) The number of characters being killed by Carlota in the novela is just too much, and it becomes a major put-off to anyone watching it. But the acting is far much better compared to Sortilegio which in itself was another horrible disaster!! For her first role as a villana, Leticia Calderon has given a memorable performance as the demonic Carlota.
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Wild Heart (2009–2010)
Very Unpleasant
23 February 2010
I have watched some few episodes of this new version and I don't like what i see so far. In the first place, when you watch the promos for the telenovela, you get the impression that Aimee is the protagonist instead of Regina. Since when did we love the villains in telenovelas?? Plus who came up with the idea that Aracely Arambula should play the role of twins?? Because she came out better as Aimee. Her portrayal of Regina is very shallow and pathetic unlike the performance of Edith Gonzalez in the 1993 version. You hardly even notice Regina in the opening credits.Also, Eduardo Yanez is just too old to be playing male protagonist roles. Where was Sergio Basanez ( they could have poached him from TV Azteca) or Fernando Colungna?? Christian De la Fuente is the only one who did a good job, but a very BIG disappointment for the awful portrayal of Regina. The only good thing about this new version is the elaborate costumes, settings and wonderful hairstyles for the actresses together with the great theme song by Chayanne ( when the telenovela was officially released to the press, Aracely came out dressed as Aimee instead of Regina who is meant to be the main heroine of the story.)
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Todo sobre Camila (2002– )
Great telenovela
5 November 2009
This was a good telenovela and the storyline was different compared to other telenovelas in that while in majority of them the main heroine comes from a poor background, Camila Montes de Alba comes from a rich background and lives in a mansion even though at the beginning of the novela her family is bankrupt. The setting and locations in the soap are marvellous and I think the producers made a good choice by selecting a song by Chayanne as the theme song.We have to give credit to Scarlet, she had to cut her hair because of the plot where her character Camila is a fugitive and cuts her hair so that she can be disguised. The soundtraks used in the novela are also great!! I would like to know their titles. They gave the novela an authentic feel as being truly South American.Bernie paz played a wonderful villain and Segundo Cernadas performed marvelously!!
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Secreto de amor (2001–2005)
Best Telenovela
5 November 2009
Secreto de amor was a very good telenovela with a very wonderful storyline. It has met with success in many countries around the world. Scarlet Ortiz, Aura Christina and Jorge Pila did a wonderful job. Maybe they should have chosen somebody else to play Carlos Raul other than Jorge Aravena but his performance wasn't that bad. The bad thing with this telenovela was the opening sequence which was just awful!!! They still credited characters who had already died like Elluz Peraza who played Maria Clara's mother she died in the third episode. The ending was also awful some pictures and words were entangled together. In this areas they did not do it justice. At least they could have done something similar to the opening sequence of Cuando Seas Mia or at least have shown some of the wonderful beaches and sceneries of Miami where it was filmed. Otherwise the telenovella was great!!!
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