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This is extremely bad
26 February 2024
"Yeohaengjaui Pilyo" is a film that stirs the pot of artistic debate. While it aims to blend the subtleties of cultural exchange with personal growth, its execution falls short, presenting a tableau that feels unfinished. The narrative, which follows a French woman's journey of self-discovery in Korea through teaching and learning, is marred by a meandering pace and underdeveloped character arcs. The director, while respected by critics, seems to have missed an opportunity to polish this story into the gem it could have been. Critics and audiences alike must ask: does the film's reputation hinge on its director's past accolades, or does it stand on its own merits? It's essential to strip away the veneer of prestige and evaluate the film's true artistic value. As it stands, this cinematic piece requires a more critical eye and honest discourse to elevate the conversation around taste and artistry in film. Shameful!
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
A Missed Opportunity in Nolan's "Oppenheimer"
7 August 2023
As a fervent devotee of Christopher Nolan's remarkable filmography, I found myself regrettably disenchanted by his latest venture, "Oppenheimer." My cinematic palate is one that appreciates complexity and richness, nurtured by Nolan's previous masterpieces like "Interstellar" and "Inception."

Yet, "Oppenheimer" disappointingly fell short in maintaining this high standard. An incessant, omnipresent soundtrack seemed to overwhelm every scene, making it feel more like an extended movie trailer than an immersive experience. The heavy-handed attempt to force emotions felt like overindulgence, akin to a chef excessively using truffles in every dish.

The narrative structure, another signature of Nolan, felt inappropriately forced in this biographical context. An attempt at sophistication through multiple timelines - a technique that worked brilliantly in "Inception" - felt unnecessarily convoluted in this setting.

The dialogue, unfortunately, resonated with clichés and lacked the depth required to build emotional ties with the characters. The ceaseless time and character shifts added confusion rather than clarity, often making it difficult to follow the narrative.

However, it wasn't all disappointing. The film's saving graces were the stunning cinematography and impressive performances, reflecting Nolan's enduring visual style and his knack for extracting great performances from his actors. But overall, the film did not live up to the expectations, making me wish for the measured and patient storytelling of "Dunkirk."

In summary, "Oppenheimer" came off as an ambitious attempt that unfortunately missed the mark. Despite its impressive visual style and acting, the film felt more like a prolonged trailer than a satisfying, immersive Nolan experience.
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El castillo (2023)
A Refreshing Reminder of the Power of good directing
27 February 2023
"El Castillo" is a truly remarkable film, showcasing the exceptional talents of director Martín Benchimol. The film's pacing is masterfully crafted, creating an immersive experience that is so convincing it feels almost like a documentary. The acting is superbly authentic, with each performance feeling grounded and entirely true to life. The story itself is slowly crafted and developed, leading the audience on a heartwarming journey that is both engaging and real. This is the kind of film we need more of: one that pushes the boundaries of what cinema can achieve and leaves a lasting impact on its audience by its realness. Highly recommended!
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Seneca (2023)
A Disappointing Disaster a film that fails to do justice to Seneca in Every Way Possible
23 February 2023
The film adaptation of Seneca's "On the Creation of Earthquakes" unfortunately misses the mark. While the philosophical ideas in the original work are fascinating, the film version fails to capture the essence of the text. Instead, the film creates a badly theatrical style that is always over-explaining jokes and making edgy commentary. This is a shame because the philosopher is portrayed extremely badly in the film, and his ideas are not given the attention they deserve.

I had the opportunity to watch this film during its premier week at the Berlinale festival, and unfortunately, many people left before the film ended due to how bad it was. While the idea of adapting Seneca's work for the big screen is admirable, this particular attempt falls short of expectations. The film fails to convey the beauty and depth of the original work, and instead opts for a style that tries too hard to be clever and edgy.

In conclusion, while the film adaptation of Seneca's "On the Creation of Earthquakes" has its merits, the overall execution leaves much to be desired. The badly theatrical style, combined with the over-explaining of jokes and edgy commentary, detract from the philosophical ideas that are at the core of the original work. It is unfortunate that the film did not do justice to the brilliance of Seneca's ideas.
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Human (I) (2015)
My life before and after seeing this movie
20 November 2015

I know that my writing ( I am from Brazil) here is awful, but still I have to speak about this unique film. Before seeing it was easy to judge someone , it was easy to define love, fear, terror.... I thought that feeling something very deep in a movie was almost impossible, always artificial ... After watching "humans", I understand the complexity of what is to be a human, the beauty of what is love , I was moved like never before seeing a father talking about his son... Something very deep inside me has changed after watching this movie, something that is now open, and that is my view on the others, judging someone, for me now, is as simple as understanding love...

Thank you for showing me what being a human is all about...
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Ex Machina (2014)
Unique and amazing...
19 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Good science fiction doesn't have to mean only giant explosions and laser guns and things. Sure, there's a place for that kind of spectacle, but a lot of the best sci-fi actually has to do with concepts, ideas, and humanity at large. Weird, I know. One writer who's always dealt with that, and mixed in the fantastic visuals when necessary, is Alex Garland, the writer of such films as 28 Days Later…, Sunshine, Never Let Me Go, and Dredd. His first foray into direction is Ex Machina, which he also wrote, a film in which a billionaire scientist named Nathan (Oscar Isaac) creates a highly advanced Artificial Intelligence named Ava (Alicia Vikander) and tasks a programmer named Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson) with determining whether or not she can pass as human, even if she looks highly synthetic.
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The Last Man on Earth (2015–2018)
Ignore the Bad Reviews and calm down!!
23 March 2015
Please just relax!! Everybody is hoping that this show is a kind of

work of art !! No it's not, this show is perfect for what he wishes to

convey ! It is perfect for a late stressful day ... A comedy to make

you relax ... perfect ...

THE LAST MAN ON EARTH is a new single-camera

comedy about the life and adventures of the last man on earth. PHIL MILLER (Forte) was once just an average guy who loved his family and hated his job at the bank - now he's humanity's last hope. Will he ever find another person alive on the planet? Would hoping that she is a female be asking too much?
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Twice Born (2012)
Fifty shades of gray has a better meta.score than this movie....!!??
8 March 2015
One of the best movies I've watched in my life. The soundtrack is perfect , the acting is extraordinary and the script is magnificent.

I don't know how fifty shades of gray has a better note in meta.score than this movie... How is this possible? Is there something wrong with me?

It is a film that conveys so much emotion. We are able to hate and love a character. A movie that makes us cry with excitement. If you are reading this and you doubt me, watch the movie, Trust me!

For me this is one of the most underrate films in history.

Can you believe that this movie has received one of the worst rewis in rotten.tomatos: It holds an 18% rating on Rotten.tomatoes based on 22 reviews.
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Inception (2010)
must see movie
20 September 2014
This movie made ​​me think ... It boots importance on small details, so that only people who really appreciate understand. The footage is excellent , the actors are excellent, I can not criticize anything in this perfect composition. I recommend you to watch three times , the first being simply to enjoy the filmmaking, the second time would be to seek to understand the film with its several small details , and the third time seeing the movie you should understand everything that is happening. So get ready to watch a movie that will make you think very much ! A film that will make you stay awake at night thinking of every detail . good luck and have fun!

Recommended !
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