
26 Reviews
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The 355 (2022)
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid
28 July 2022
The basic plot is that there is a one-of-a-kind device that could cause major havoc anywhere in the world. The inventor is killed so no one will ever be able to make another one. Agents from different countries try to recover it and out heroines actually do get it. But then it is stolen from them. What I don't understand is why, as soon as they have it, they don't just take a hammer to it and destroy it. As a matter of fact, that's what does happen in the end.
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Night Sky (2022)
Started going downhill
22 June 2022
I read a review in the newspaper which I agreed with. The first episode was really good- a definite 10. It was imaginative, creative and heartwarming. But as the series continued it became more of a typical sci-fi with bad guys chasing good guys and less about the original couple who made it so nice.
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Most like the original
15 May 2022
I'm old enough to remember watching the original showing of the original Star Trek series and this is ST version most like that one. Perhaps, if you like some of the more recent ST series you might not agree with this rating but for those of us who loved the first version, this one is really good.
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I downgraded this for a second time after seeing more episodes
20 August 2021
I previously downgraded my rating from a 9 to a 7 after watching 5 episodes. I got tired of watching virtually all the characters get into bad situations and then not learning from their mistakes and doing the exact same things over again. Now I downgraded it even further because none of the adults care about the kids' problems. Two sisters are in a serious "fight" and dad just says, "work it out" without even offering to hear what the problem is. A kid leaves in the middle of the class, tice, obviously upset, and the teacher does not ask her what's wrong, or contact the principle or a counselor, or the parent. The same with the coach. And yet, I am still watching it because it does seem to have hope.
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Iron Fist: Snow Gives Way (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Just Plain Dumb
8 July 2021
I haven't watched many of the movies and so I think I can be objective. In the first episode Danny comes back after 15 years and wants to prove who he his to his two best (at least one of them is) friends. Rather than telling them that he has no tangible proof since there are no close relatives to match with his DNA and that he was never fingerprinted as kid, all he had to do was tell of one thing that happened between them that only they would know. When he doesn't do this and they don't ask for a memory as proof, I was completely turned off. (I am watching the rest of the episodes but even then, I can't rate this too high.
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New Amsterdam: Disconnected (2021)
Season 3, Episode 9
Still brings tears to my eyes
29 April 2021
I notice that previous reviewers are all complaining about the "leftward leaning" politics they see in these episodes. I consider myself a centralist in politics and I don't see the issues that the show brings up as things that are not happening in real life.

On the other hand, it is still the relationships between the doctors and their patients that always get me. Without wanting to give any spoilers, when Dr. Sharpe presents an alternative to her patient who wants to travel with his partner, it did bring a tear to my eye to show how caring she (and the other doctors at New Amsterdam) is.
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New Amsterdam: Safe Enough (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
I think New Amsterdam is the best TV show out now, and this was one of the best episodes.
18 March 2021
Almost every time I watch New Amsterdam, I get tears in my eyes and this episode was no exception. It was so realistic and brought out the idea that no matter how good you are (in all respects), it's not always enough. Between the "new" problems associated with Covd and the "usual" problems such as work interfering with your personal life, this episode had it all.
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Perhaps this is unfair since I only watched 15 minutes of it
8 December 2020
When the title came on at the 10 minute ark, I thought that it can't really be this bad so I watched a little more. But it did not get better. The story is really, really dumb. Kate McKinnon's character is so stupid and self-centered that I have no idea why anyone would consider her to be a best friend. The whole thing was just too unbelievable, let alone dumb.
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Acting was superb
15 November 2020
Yes, as some have said, the characters' backgrounds were thin but you really didn't need to know more because it is really abut their interactions in the present. Every single one of the actors was right on. And each character added a layer to the life of Momo. We see how a seemingly irredeemable child can turn into a loving one with the love and attention of all those around him.

The song during the credits was also beautiful and it fit the movie perfectly.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Bit too cutesy
24 September 2020
I actually liked the story, the characters and the acting. What I didn't like was Enola looking at the camera and talks to the audience.
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Highway to Heaven: Wally (1987)
Season 3, Episode 15
Very moving
23 September 2020
There is a Jewish tradition that there are 36 righteous people in the world for whose sake the whole world continues to exist. They are so humble that they do not know that they are one of the 36. Wally was one of those 36.
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Cursed (2020)
Too Confusing
17 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first episode and only know in general terms what is happening. I am 10 minutes into the 2nd episode and I like it even less.

At times the heroine is brave and stands up to people, and sometimes she is a coward. The worst part for me (Spoiler) is when her town is attacked and she is searching for her mother. When she finds her mother, her mother gives her a task to perform and then she is killed. Personally, I was expecting her mother to be already dying when she finds her, and that her mother would give her a final message with her dying breath. I was off just a little.
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Hanna (2019–2021)
5 July 2020
I gave this a 10 for season 1 but at the beginning of this year, I felt that it was a little slower. But I am half way through season 2 and I have to say that at the end of many of the episodes I was actually shaking in fear as they ended.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Second season better but......
11 February 2020
The first season was too confusing. The 2nd was much better and I had given it a "9" until I noticed that in every episode where someone says that Burnham needs to let that person die in order to save the universe and it has to be done immediately, she takes so much time crying and trying to find other solutions that I was yelling at her on the screen to give it up,
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Discovery (2019)
Second season better but......
11 February 2020
The first season was very confusing but the 2nd season was much better. However, every time that someone said, "We have to hurry, there's only a little time left before everyone dies," she stops to talk and talk rather than getting what needs to be done finished.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
As stupid as the original TV show
27 December 2019
Every 5 minutes, I have to ask my self "How stupid could these people be? I'm in episode 2 right now, but so far I don't like half of the characters.
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Mystery 101: Mystery 101 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not that happy with the writing
16 September 2019
I only have seen episode 3 and I'll try to watch one more before finally deciding whether to give up on it. In one scene, she points to a suspect and explains why he is possibly the murderer and her audience says, "He did it!." Then she points to another suspect and gives her reasons for possibly committing the crime, and they say "yes- She did it!" This goes on for every suspect she brings up. It was very annoying. Besides, I had a strong feeling about who it really was and I was right. Also all the secondary characters (victims and suspects) were overplayed. The suspects were people you had to hate based on their scripts and acting. I did like the chief characters and am hoping I like the next episode more.
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Carnival Row: Some Dark God Wakes (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Had trouble understanding most of it
30 August 2019
Perhaps it was because of their accent, but I think it was more that the sound made it hard hard to understand. Also, it's always dark so it's hard to see . I also don't mind 4 letter words necessarily but each character has to use the same one over and over (f...). When the bad guy gives his little speech from which the title of this episode derives, I felt that it was quite a bit of overacting. Finally, I am still confused about what is happening. I will try another episode but as of right now - I can only give it 5 stars.
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The Enemy Within: Black Bear (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked episode 1 and I was enjoying this one too until the scene where Keaton finds an asset who needs to download important files while the bad guys are roaming the building searching for her. You would think he would be on the lookout watching for anyone coming to protect her but instead he is watching the PC counting the time left for completion of the download with his back to the door, and is completely surprised by the bad guy. -DUMB!
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Daredevil: The Devil You Know (2018)
Season 3, Episode 6
Completely idiotic
26 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Why can't the only witness who actually saw the event testify that there were two Daredevils? And as a reporter, she should have been the one to get the story out correctly.

Also, how does Fisk get away with all this assuming there are any honest people in the FBI?
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FBI (2018– )
Getting tired of this
21 November 2018
I strongly agree with a previous reviewer that I don't understand why Jeremy Sisto's is always yelling. It really bothers me. Also, Agent Omar Zidan keeps letting his personal feelings get in the way of doing his job. Her should have been fired right away.
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Really Stupid
7 October 2018
I thought the first episode was pretty good. But this one was stupid..
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Miss Sloane (2016)
One of the best movies I have ever seen
6 July 2017
OK a disclaimer- I am pro gun-control. But although that seems to be what this movie is about, it's not. It's about a woman who will do anything to win. I spent much of the movie hating her even as she was fighting for what I believe in. But in the end, I can only admire her. And more than that, I really admire Jessica Chastain who should have received an Academy Award for that performance. It was strong, brutal and very emotional.
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Hawaii Five-0: E malama pono (2017)
Season 7, Episode 18
Getting tired of Danno and Steve
26 February 2017
I have to admit that when the show was good, I never gave a rating. But lately I have been getting really annoyed at the arguing and complaining between Danno and Steve. I find it interesting that another reviewer has beaten me to the punch. If this keeps up, I will stop watching.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
It lost me
4 September 2016
I am a real science fiction buff and love most of the SF shows on TV. However, this show completely lost me. Many scenes are dark so you cannot see who is who. Many of the characters seem to look alike and they all blend together so I have no idea who is who. I have no idea what is happening and who are the bad guys. Perhaps I should have read the book first, but the series did not say that it was a prerequisite.

I really did try and watched almost all the episodes but I finally gave up near the end of the run. I have just seen a promo fro series two so I went to IMDb to check it's rating and was dumbfounded to see a high rating!
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