
2 Reviews
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Phat Girlz (2006)
If you wanna know what fat feels like watch this movie
20 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I did not enjoy the story line it seemed a bit unrealistic. But, it did give fluffy girls a chance to dream. To me this movie was a black Murriel's Wedding. I know a few people may not enjoy this movie mostly because it does focus on how cruel America and most of society is to heavy people. It briefly acknowledges the phat males (white)and how skinny or "fit" people address them as well. There are some moments that are touching and some that Monique really should have seen the makeup dept on before shooting a close up but, she was trying to show her own vulnerability i think. Anyway, I give this movie an overall 6 because it is worth renting and watching. My favorite part of the movie is when Monique tells the imaginary skinny her that she hates her and she does not exist and never will.
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Crazy as Hell (2002)
7 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time. It was filmed and directed superbly. I actually had to think in order to understand what was really happening. I would have liked a little more depth with Sinbad's character but, still a great thought provoking film none the less. It was refreshing to see a movie starring and directed by black people with no jive nor sterotypical crap involved in other words..A person of any nationality could have been the lead . I liked being reminded that there are other things involved with life besides politics, trying to score, drugs, and money. I wish that good movies like this were not constantly over looked. I am not saying that I have never seen better but, I watched it twice which is something for me. There is a quote in this movie which facinates me...


Dr. Adams asks the head nurse what question she would ask the devil if she could ask him one. Her answer was " I guess I would ask him why he spends so much time punishing sinners that he is supposed to like just to prove a point to a God that he is supposed to despise?"

It made me wonder what my question would be. Most of the movies I have rented lately make me ask myself one question...Why did I waste my time and money? This one did not. I recommend this movie if you have an open mind with a touch of imagination and can remember that it was filmed in 19 days on a very low budget.
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