
9 Reviews
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A beautiful story of revenge
27 October 2010
I had to review this because there are only two other reviews and both didn't really like it.

I really enjoyed muoi, The story was something a bit different and really interesting, the setting was beautiful. It had the usual twists and turns or Asian horror and great moments of suspense. For the first time in years i actually jumped out of my skin at one point, and not in the cliché American horror way, this film is really smart, and well made. I was almost in tears at a few points because the storyline has some really sad parts; but any horror that triggers emotion, except for just fear, always makes it a better film in my opinion.

I think it is definitely worth watching if you get the chance to, its probably the best horror i've seen in a while.
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Very misleading, but great potential for a surreal short film.
14 July 2010
This was a strange one, let me just say it is the most stupidly titled film in existence, and also NOT a horror film. This film has a lot of reviews and hype that are truly misleading; yes it does have gore and vomit but i would not say its a gore film or a "vomit gore" film whatever nonsense the director himself thinks. I think the director is a complete idiot after reading interviews and his opinions of the film; maybe i watched a different film than he did. For the first half of the film i hated it, i absolutely hated it probably until the last twenty minutes. I read someone say this should have been a short movie; i agree with this entirely. Also the whole vomit thing has no relevance to anything except the bulimia scenes they should stay they actually contribute to the story, the rest is just the sad director creating images purely for his own enjoyment and other emetophiles i suppose. I myself actually have really bad emetophobia, so why i was watching this film in the first place is a question i was asking myself the whole time. Regardless, this film could be brilliant, it just needs a lot of tidying up and some scenes completely not included. You need to have patience to actually pay attention as it is a very strange thing to watch, i really enjoyed the editing and strange noises used though. The film created a really dark atmosphere and towards the end i felt really upset for the main character. If this were a short film and not presented as a "gory horror" and didn't contain any of the stupid vomit scenes and was purely about Angelas downfall, I would have awarded this 10; but as it stands i cant give it any more than a five. A very strange film indeed and not atall what i was expecting, unsure if i will watch any more of this strange trilogy and i probably wouldn't recommend to anyone.
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a tower of disappointment.
13 July 2010
I'm not sure where to start with this one, i just watched the august underground trilogy and am still unsure if i hated or loved it; but i knew that i loved toe tag pictures talent for realistic gore, I also read up a lot about Vogel, and knew these weren't the types of films he had the desire to make, so with Redsin Tower i did have quite good expectations. I am a fan of low budget and underground, most mainstream horror is a joke to be fair, but only when they get it right. Red sin was definitely not a film that deserves praise. The over used cliché'd plot of a "haunted" house or tower in this case, with a few annoying teenagers deciding this is a great place for a party and realise they are mistaken when they start to get killed one by one. How boring, however i knew the story before i watched and still went into the movie with an open mind trying to look past the terrible acting and embarrassing script writing. Basicaly, thats all the movie really is, just another boring over hyped low budget stupid film that didn't give itself any help to begin with, with such a terrible plot and script. The only things i liked about this film was the gore, but sadly there wasn't nearly enough of it to make this film worth a watch. If reading this and you still feel like watching- i'd only watch the last half hour as it was probably the only part that was a little entertaining. There was only one scene in particular that i enjoyed, but frankly Redsin just does not cut it. I wont write Fred Vogel off completely though and will continue to watch his movies and hope he learns how to write a good story to match his talent for creating gore.
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August Underground (2001 Video)
Not for the inexperienced gore or horror fan..
12 July 2010
This is definitely one of the things you get told not to watch, then find yourself needing to watch out of curiosity. I just finished watching august underground after reading many reviews also interviews, and i am unsure whether to hate or love it. I respect what the film was trying to do and they definitely achieved it. The convincing acting, the uneasy way of filming and scarily believable effects made it quite hard to watch, but also impossible to switch off. I admire the idea of the film; it is an extreme horror film, though its hardly even film- there is no story, no plot its all horrifyingly real and hard to believe your not just watching a sick recorded murder. What i like about this though is the fact they haven't glamorised killing like almost all horror films do, its dirty, disturbing and real. It is deeply scary though the fact that there is people like this, this is what real murder is like, its not sexy girls running screaming from a monster or a masked killer or a creepy sick character, its normal young men that you would walk past the street and not give a second look at. It is not a film i would recommend to anyone, and i would never watch it again although i find myself needing to watch the rest in the trilogy purely because i want to see what else they can do. I can understand why many people would hate this and be repulsed and question why anyone would make such a film, but i respect what it is supposed to be and if you decide to watch, read up first and go into it excepting what is there to see and admire how convincing they made it; not expecting a cheesy scary slasher flick or torture film. This is the real deal and the closest you'll get to watching real snuff films. I am unsure what to rate this because it isn't an enjoyable film to watch, but I think I will give it ten for what the film tried to do; it did it perfectly.
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seriously, don't bother wasting your time !
12 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As a horror and gore fan, i find myself needing to watch any film that has been reviewed as "extreme" "disturbing" or anything else describing really gory films and when i came across murder set pieces i read many reviews either saying it was boring or too horrible, then after finding out that it was not passed by the BBFC and is banned in Britain, I found myself needing to watch it and searching for a copy of the uncut version. If you are anything like me and need to watch something out of curiosity; i wanted to know what was so horrific to be banned as this is not very common these days ( last film i watched that was banned recently was Grotesque; which was pretty extreme and horrible and understandable to be banned, but was actually a very well done movie); lets just say, don't bother. In my opinion if the film wasn't banned in the UK, probably no one would watch it as curiosity is the only way i believe someone would want to watch it. My boyfriend made me switch it off as it was to terrible to sit through, and not in an extreme way, in a painful terrible film way. So i had to watch it the next day with hopes of seeing realistic and nasty gore. To be fair, i enjoyed a few of the torture scenes, but you don't even see much i just enjoyed the way they made it look with so much blood, but if your a gore fan its nothing you haven't seen before, and you will have seen it done much better. There is genuinely no need to watch this film, the terrible acting, the unbelievable victims, the cheesy terrible music and montage scenes make this look like a B movie from the 80's. And the unnecessary child killing, there was seriously no need to put it in any film, also killing a mother in front of her baby made me feel sad the fact a director wanted to put that in a film. I won't go any further in describing this pointless film, I would have rated only 1 but i decided to give it 3 because some scenes are mildly enjoyable (the first 3 minutes are probably the best in the whole film), so if you find yourself NEEDING to watch it i would skip through to the killings don't waste your time with the story (THERE IS NO STORY). OH and also, don't read the cast list and assume it will be great because of the actors, anyone you've heard of from it are in the film for a maximum of two minutes. So ye, don't believe the hype.
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a little disappointing to say the least..
26 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Im a bit unsure wither or not to make this a good or bad review. I don't think it deserves to be considered one of the ju-ons, neither does Kuroi shôjo in my opinion. I think the story was well written; perhaps the let down was due to the director. It didn't have the same eerie settings, and uneasy tension that the other ju-ons captures beautifully. The acting in some scenes was also quite cringeworthy. I did like the non-linear running which is also carried out in this "ju-on" ; probably the only was it can be compared. I think this film has a good frame work for a really good horror; just not enough was put in. Also i did not understand how the granny with the basketball could be considered scary; it was more hilarious than anything. I enjoyed the fact that Toshio made an appearance, however i don't understand why, and nothing explained this. i think it is worth a watch if you are a fan of the ju-on series; just to witness it, but don't approach with great expectations.
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Audition (1999)
Beautifully twisted Perfection.
8 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I sadly only heard about this movie about a week ago, I downloaded it just after hearing it was a cult Japanese thriller as i knew the Japanese are genius when it comes to the film industry, and i was not disappointed. The acting was perfect, i loved how it sucked you into the story and was very slow paced, it made the ending much more of a shocker. I also loved how the underlying theme of loneliness, makes the viewer understand Asami, i did not hate her and think she was cruel i felt pain for her. She had a life of suffering and just wanted someone to love and for that person to love only her as they would be the only person in her life, but no one understood how deeply she meant this. I think this film is a must-see for any horror/thriller fans, its not scary as such just the dark ending is really a shocker and an amazing ending for the perfect storyline the rest of the film had. I'd advise you not to read the plots and such before you watch, then the film will have a better effect. But i think it is an essential film for anyone who enjoys something different without your cliché happy ending !
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Martyrs (2008)
Amazing, a must see for any horror fan
8 November 2009
I was recommended this film as i loved Switchblade Romance, and i have a little obsession for anything dark/gory/scary so i immediately ordered this film online and was excited when it arrived to see just how horrifying it was, nothing nothing about the story or anything all i knew that it was french, and i was shocked in amazement at the story, gore, acting absolutely everything about this film did not disappoint. The slowly unravelling plot line is what makes the film so special, just as you think you have sussed whats going on you're even more shocked when you find out, the DVD case lets hardly anything away attall all you know is to be prepared for gore and terror. This film is definitely a must see for any horror fans and i'm scared to wright anymore as i think knowing nothing of the story or anything adds to the beauty of the film and makes it even more shocking. Definite ten out of ten !
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Naked Blood (1996)
Horror ? No, i'd say comedy..
8 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge fan of horror films, especially J-horror and also gore i thought Nekeddo burâddo sounded pretty good. I researched the plot, read reviews, and even looked at some photos to make sure it seemed like a good gory and scary movie to watch before downloading it. So excited it had finished and ready to be scared and recoiling in horror at the amazing gore i was expecting i was terribly disappointed. The plot was ridiculous and didn't even make sense and left too much unexplained, the gore was hilarious rather then horrifying, and what was with the cartoon style sound effects ? The acting was probably the only thing mildly scary about it. I did not understand the cactus idea and the way the mothers husband disappeared in the middle of the sea after following a flashing light, they left both pretty unexplained, or perhaps i missed it as my mind couldn't understand what i was actually seeing. I appreciate the way it was supposed to be; shocking and a few scenes (the strange cannibalism and own mother kissing?)certainly were, i just think they went a little bit far and not even in a horrifying way, they made it to unconvincing which made it more believable to be a comedy rather than a horror in my opinion. However it is a very entertaining film and got a lot of laughs out of me and a couple of friends, but sadly we were expecting horror not comedy so its worth a watch for the entertainment value, but don't be expecting a dark, deeply scary and horrifying film; you'll just be disappointed. If this was a horror comedy/spoof i'd probably rate it about a nine, the climax being the weird scene when the husband climbed inside his wife's stomach and closed up her wounds, but as a horror sadly i gave it a one.
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