
7 Reviews
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Melancholia (2011)
Boring, stupid and a movie with no plot.
25 March 2016
At first I thought I was seeing a directors cut or something because of the atrocious editing. Not so lucky as the same scenes are shown over and over again as we learn how actress fake crying for the screen. It had potential as something that could have been somewhat interesting. However, each time we thought it might come to pass we are bombarded by more fake crying scenes.

The science-what minuscule there is-is goofy as the whole human race accepts the end and guess what? more crying scenes!!with stock music that had nothing to do with the plot-if there was one-sounded like 100's of other films soundtracks that had a plot and wasn't edited by a vegetable.Oh! did I forgot to mention the fake horseback riding using CGI tech that insults anyone who has ever took to saddle.

Now just what is the plot? "A long ago fairy tale tragically morphed into a film that bombed at the theater and at video rental".

The last scene should have been shot of the director, editor and the poor soul that produced this mess put into a little wooden tent and blasted off forever.

Poor Kirsten she should have stuck with Buffy.
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Whitewashed as usual.
18 March 2015
This documentary in some way attempts to apologize for the sordid life of lies the Lance Armstrong used to ruin a one time popular sport.

There is little detail in this mockumentry that shows the horrible person, megalomaniac, narcissist and criminal that Armstrong was-and still is. Anyone who tries to blame his criminal actions on 'competitiveness' is sorely misinformed.

The only difference between Armstrong and Bernie Madoff is the fact that Bernie took it like a man and put himself in prison for what he did to so many people-who, unfortunately,were just as greedy as he was.

Armstrong compiled a 120 million dollar fortune based on lies to everyone and cheated so many out of greed-and nothing else but pure greed. While this video ends at a point that the real story has just began-I hope that it shows people just what a monster greed really is.

The video at times seems to go out of it's way to portray Armstrong as a patriot, cancer survivor and boy next door type that got 'caught up' in the sport. Nothing is further from the truth. His zest for riches continues, even today, as he is still blaming everyone for his downfall.

As far as presentation the video is quite good and, without a doubt, it is an interesting story of a heathen bent on destroying any one who might revel his lies-all in the name of the mighty dollar.

Threading peoples lives daily, blackmail, corruption and the worst of all what he did to America overall. The flag is stained with his lies forever and how he stays out of prison I will never understand.

An interesting video that I think most can enjoy, if for nothing else, exposing other greedy criminals like Armstrong-whose ego was so inflated-that he considered himself a solitary la cosa nostra.

Today, when so many sports stars are good people, he continues to the blame game.

Again, a fine interesting video.
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Half Light (2006)
Solid, enjoyable movie
20 June 2013
It's hard for me to be critical of any of Demi Moore's movies since I have been a long time fan. She reminds me so much of Grace Kelly in the sense her beauty at times overshadowed her talent. Now that she has gotten older her talent is forefront-just as the case with Kelly- and how it should have been all along.

The movie has been covered in great detail by other reviewers so I'll simply say that Demi Moore was convincing as the lead actor and the film does resemble a Hitchcock revolving plot line. It had me fooled until the very end-although I thought something was up-just not sure what it was.

I kind of got a 'Wicker Man' type feeling with all the wonderful scenery and perhaps Lord Summerisle would show up to explain everything.

Well done!
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
A fine enjoyable movie......however
10 June 2013
A well done film that is interesting, has a steady pace and is edited finely to keep the viewer interested.

Needless to say it pales in comparison to the Swedish original particularly the brilliant casting of the 2 young lead actors that is simply so captivating, and timelessly unforgettable.

The films young actor and actress leads do a fine job attempting to show the hell bent bond that is slowly building between them. The exception being the exchange in the common area in which Abby's age-or lack of an explanation of it-seems somewhat canned. Perhaps this conversation could have been better however that is somewhat minor.

I loved the 80's setting that I remember so fondly and the social mixing at the video arcade that today's poor kids only experience from behind a video monitor and not in real life.

Some of the plot changes from the Swedish film are right on time the addition of a detective investigating the bizarre crimes along with the elimination of the scenes from the Pub that made little sense.
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After some reflection
3 April 2013
After watching this again I still feel this was a monetary project from start to finish. It is nice to sit back and enjoy some of the music that you remember so well from the 70's decade. It is a pity that today's kids have nothing in the form of music or an identity that I had as a teenager in the seventies period. They have their phones and social internet and nothing else. There is not a single musician today that can even come close to entering the hero spaces musicians had in my teen years such as Dylan, Lennon, Roger Waters, down home southern poets like R.VanZant, and yes, Henley and Frey. For this reason I can relax some of my initial reaction to their egomania which is still painfully obvious. Don Henley's reaction to his very successful solo career which led to some masterful music in my opinion he just blows off with "I won some awards and had some hits" and finishes with his usual bombardment of everyone else and their unwillingness or inability to reach his own genius level-mainly producers, agents, songwriters and other musicians. He comes across as a total a$$ and seems to know it and not care the least-so be it.

The total highlights of the entire program belong to Joe Walsh for his honesty and in an indirect way to Linda Ronstadt and her blossoming sexually and "voice as big as a house" that I remember so, so well from that period. Again, there is nothing or no one today in terms of young female singers, that could match her talent or her effect on young men that I also remember so well- Henley's admission that she was "one of the boys" also reflects as an identical feeling I had about her at that time.

The star of the show is Joe Walsh as he seems so separated from the narcissistic love Henley and Frye have for themselves. His honest approach comes off as realist and sincere especially his reflections on how he remembers that era, as if it were a fiction novel, and using it for an example-brilliant! Perhaps some young people will take to heart what he has to say and use it to improve their own lives.

All the partying and some senseless nudity come across as flush material and the catfights between the former and current members of the group are nothing new to even casual fans of the band. I saw the Eagles live once during the Hotel California tour and their abilities as a live band, along with inspiring melodies and well rehearsed harmonies, were the impression I remember even today. Lynda Ronstadt was also touring with Jackson Browne about the same time and, of course, her show was unforgettable to say the least.

All in all this is a good production and I think people can use the ole saw "take what you want and leave the rest" and find this an enjoyable program to watch.


How can you write a spoiler for a music program about 40year old songs?
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The Awakening (I) (2011)
Great acting makes this film enjoyable.
21 April 2012
Old haunted houses are a dime a dozen in England however old stories that are interesting and a bit unnerving are not. Few will disagree that Rebecca Hall's performance was masterful and bigger and better things await her. I point to the fact that her sublime transformation from snooty, know-it-all bitch with a huge monkey on her back(we will learn about that later)to simply a frightened child perplexed and nervous of everything. That transformation, we will learn, is the key to the story. Others have noted her change from a scrawny, plain Jane man hater to a seductive and slightly sexy vixen. I was wondering if it was the same girl! Not to spoil any of the mystery with further analyst of the plot I will just say I really enjoyed the film and look forward to seeing more from Rebecca Hall.
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Triangle (2009)
Good intense movie
22 March 2010
The movie 'Triangle' is someways tries to create the eeriness and sublime horror of the black and white cult classic "Carnival of Souls". Somewhere along the line someone juxtaposed the creepy 60's classic into this screenplay and have done a masterful job which is outside the current gore theme of most of today's horror flicks. I have yet to see a review in which anyone put the 2 together but Candace Hilligoss performance in Souls as the dead but not so dead Mary Henry caught in some ultracreepy timewarp, compares easily to Melissa George's solid character. I agree that you never get to know Jess and I believe this was intended perhaps to distance her from Mary Henry. With "Souls" everyone watching the film knows Mary is really dead except her and we get to follow her along as she begins to discover this herself. In the case of Jess, it's intended that we are aloof as we follow along as she tried to unravel the past to prevent the future-the death of her son. I have only seen this movie once so some of the more sublime issues I have yet to discover. I will watch again to find the nuisances other reviewers have pointed out. I will be looking for a focal-point for the movie as was the 'Dance of the dead' towards the end of 'Carnival of souls". This movie is without copyright as is free at many places on the net. I would suggest persons watch it to see the not so easy to see similarities that are the basis of cult movies.

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