
94 Reviews
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...and I stopped watching...just like that!
6 July 2023
Yes, I know my title is tacky but it is the first time so I'll live with it. You could not find a bigger piece of garbage if you search through every series made. This is the most uninteresting, disgusting show I have seen. How does this awful bit of pornography get the okay to be forced upon us.

I realize we now live in a time where everything is acceptable. That is okay, to each their own. But does every show/movie etc. Have to involve sex to the point that it makes one want to vomit. It is no longer about the storyline with bits of the new world thrown in it has reached the point where it is all about how much sex can be filmed before a bit of a story has to appear. My least favourite character has always been Miranda. Now I have to watch her running around wearing a 'strap-on'. No thank-you.
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Performance (1970)
This is a movie? This is a mess!
17 June 2023
I have no idea how to rate something that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I started it over from the beginning 3 times and still cannot figure out what is going on. It seems like 2 movies pasted together, jumping between each.

Also a lot of bad acting. It is easy to see that none of the people involved are trained professionals. Even featuring top notch actors it would still be a very bad attempt at making a movie. I do not understand the association between the parts played by Anita and Michele along with many other things. I suppose I could find out by reading about the plot but I like to watch a movie from beginning to end without knowing too much beforehand.

Anita Pallenberg was already living with Keith Richards when she was in Performance. It is rumoured that Keith did not want her to play the part and offered her the same amount of money she was to make if she did not. If true she should have taken him up on his offer.
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I do not like the style of this documentary
14 June 2023
Who ever put this documentary together obviously is not a pro at designing and putting forth info properly. It is 6 episodes in length and could have been 3. It dragged on and on, going over some points many times. Sometimes the way I feel when having to drag out a review to 600 words.

The documentary is called The Curious Case of Natalia Grace. It does not go into all the detail needed for the viewer to get a thorough grasp of Natalia. Or possibly that is all they had and why half of the documentary is the father ranting and raving. It seems he takes up most of the documentary. It would have been more enjoyable if it was shorter and covered the situation and people involved equally.
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A Time Waster
3 June 2023
Nice to see a light hearted comedy even if the storyline is easy to figure out and has been played out many times. Way better than all the horror movies forced upon us in the last few years. It wasn't a great movie and it wasn't too bad...just mediocre. I probably would not have watched it if not for Robert De Niro and Kim Cattrall. I really didn't like the actor who played De Niro's son, Sebastian Maniscalco. He really didn't suit the part and destroyed the movie. De Niro and son lived in Chicago and he sounded like a street thug from New York City. Just a terrible mismatch and a really bad actor.
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High Desert (2023)
Great Actors - Bad Choice
2 June 2023
This review is not a slight against the actors but the show itself. It is really bad. It is all over the place, difficult to capture ones interest and stay focused on the story. I can't understand how with a group of such talented actors, most of them are on my favourite list, how can it be so bad. Are they all supposed to come across as untalented idiots because that is how they look in this flop called High Desert. What an insult to Patricia Arquette, Matt Dillion, Rupert Friend, Bernadette Peters and Carmine Giovinazzo. Such talent wasted. They should have grabbed a group of random people, put them in front of a camera and said act stupid. The result would be the same.
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Don't waste your time
21 May 2023
First of all this movie has nothing to do with the death of Gram Parsons and the circumstances that occurred afterward. Second the movie was very slow, boring, it dragged on and on...and if a movie about death is supposed to be a comedy there was nothing humorous about it.

Gram Parsons name should have been left right out of the movie. The film deals with one small fact involving his death and in no way is it accurate. There is a lot of info online if someone is really interested in reading about his life and death. There is even an interview with his daughter.

There are many who believe what they see in a movie is accurate. There is no way he was cremated with a few gallons of gasoline as portrayed. A proper cremation takes hours and very high temperatures.

This movie is an insult to Gram Parsons and his family.
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Stupid does not equal Funny
23 March 2023
Just because a movie is filled with a lot of nonsense that does not make it a comedy, it does not make it funny and it certainly does not make it a good movie.

The storyline and the actors in this movie are what captured my attention. I thought it would be a great movie. However, it was not. There were too many disconnects between characters and the also the storyline. It was all over the place and hard to follow the reasoning behind why certain things happened. The absolute worse character was the one played by Michael Shannon. His character popped in and out of what seemed to be reality constantly.

Bad movie, very disappointed. Love the actors but not the movie.
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The Reluctant Traveller Makes a Great Host
28 February 2023
I knew the series was going to be top-notch as soon as I saw Eugene Levy's name connected to the show. Such a classy guy with the offbeat sense of humour I love. No one could have done better.

It seems a lot of thought went into the eight destinations that were chosen. Fresh new ideas and presentation coupled with interesting locations. None of the same old London, Paris etc that appear in other travel shows.

This is not a complaint...the only thing I would have hoped for was a bit more info/background on some of the areas that were visited. can only do so much in a half an hour and when editing was done one can see we were given the best they had.

Excellent Host! Excellent Show! Well done Mr. Levy! Fingers crossed for another season.
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1923 (2022–2023)
Could be better - drags on
12 February 2023
Great scenery, acting and storyline. It started with a bang...very interesting, captured my interest. I look forward to watching each episode weekly. AND...nice to see that each episode runs for an hour rather than short little episodes of a half hour that most series have. However, I find there is a mismanagement of the time allotted. Almost every scene drags on to the point of boredom. Just want to stand up and scream - get on with the show.

Only one other point to make and that is the part of Alexandra. She has to be one of the most annoying characters I have come across in a very long time with her constant long winded babbling that her character is made to do. Along with that is the phony accent...the babbling and the phony accent, well you watch it...see what you think.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Great Movie - Old Storyline
6 February 2023
The movie is well done. Great actors. The amount of activity involved in the film, the costumes, and detail in every scene is amazing. You could not ask for or expect more. One can see a lot of thought and time went into every aspect.

I have read quite a bit about the history of Hollywood, the actors and the studios in the early days. It seems much of the movie is based on fact and of course some fiction thrown in...all told in a very different manner. Babylon's only downfall is I feel I have seen it many times before. This story has been told in many movies just different characters in different ways. With this version all is left to us to figure out or just sit back and enjoy as it is so well done!
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Feeling Befuddled After Viewing
5 February 2023
I understand the main point of the movie. It could have been told in a way that was more pleasant to view and that took a lot less time. Instead it is scene after scene, and way too many of them... AND contains some of the most stupid, long, drawn-out and boring, nonsensical scenes. Without being cruel in any way I can honestly say it gives one the feeling the movie was filmed and edited by someone who has a very, very short attention span.

I was curious about it when I read the description but not enough to want to view it. I happened to be watching my favourite talk show host, Graham Norton, the evening that Jamie Lee Curtis was a guest. After hearing Jamie and Graham both rave about how the movie is so good, surprisingly unexpected and incredible it then grabbed my interest. Jamie actually moaning 'oh it's so good'... 'oh it's so good'... 'oh it's so incredibly good'. Jamie went on to describe the movie to be multi-verse but at the center of it she said there is love, kindness, family and unity. I didn't pick up on the feelings if they existed. Another part that I didn't see was Jamie's description of a certain scene as being one of the most moving parts of the movie. I watched the scene but anything moving just moved right over me. And there is talk of Oscars for this thing?... The only Oscar that should be handed out, and deserved, is for Jamie's near orgasmic representation she gave on Graham's show, 'oh it's so good'... 'oh it's so good'... 'oh it's so incredibly good'. That turned out to be the best bit of acting I have seen in a long time. I believed it. But it is NOT so is not even a little bit good.
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Violent Night (2022)
This is now one of my FAV Christmas movies
21 December 2022
Don't let the name throw you. It almost did with me. I thought...oh no, not another horror movie. Violence yes, horror no, FUNNY as heck yes!

When I saw John Leguizamo and Beverly D'Angelo listed in the cast I just knew there had to be something to it. That it was probably a bit off and a bit twisted. It is...right down to the chosen music. I am not familiar with David Harbour; who plays Santa, but what a job he does. There were times he actually had me believing he was Santa...and most certainly a Santa who needs a big hug.

And of course with all good Christmas movies there is the good & bad leaving you with lessons to learn and things to think about.
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Now that's a MOVIE!!!
28 October 2022
Excellent from beginning to the end. I was captivated. I could not look away. It is not because the story was fast-paced or had a lot of action. It was just so well written, a very interesting story along with very good actors. It made me feel that I was part of the little community and very close to the family involved. Not many movies can do that.

Thank goodness it was not a horror film like all films that have been forced upon us for the last few years. It is very, very difficult to find a film that is not a horror. How did that kick even start? I assume it is because there are too many followers and not enough usual. Please film makers...try to be unique, different from the crowd, outstanding...try it and it may get you somewhere...or even remembered, like this movie will be. It's a great one.
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The BEST MOVIE I have seen in a very long time
12 January 2022
It's about time. Where did great movies like this go. It is down to real. Somehow, this movie made me feel like I know the characters...that they are part of the town I live in and I could drop by for a visit to see how everyone is doing. Good stuff, good characters, good acting, good feelings.
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Love Me (I) (2021– )
30 December 2021
Love Me is a series that I did enjoy watching. It moves through the lives of the three people involved at a very quick pace. It is realistic in the sense that it touches on the feelings most of us would experience in similar situations. It could really develop into a series that lasts a few seasons.
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I love this series!!!
28 December 2021
I really enjoy watching each episode of Inside the Tower of London and can barely wait for the next week when a new episode appears. It is loaded with historical facts and is so interesting. A nice added touch is seeing how the Tower runs today...its tours, protecting and preserving the Tower and its contents, and the people who keep it up and running. Each week I come away with one or two stories from the past I was not aware of.
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Landscapers (2021)
Extremely disappointed
13 December 2021
Upon first hearing of Landscapers and that it is based on a true crime starring Olivia Colman and David Thewlis I was thrilled, I couldn't wait to watch it.

A confirmation of how good the mini-series really is came from a talk show host whom I adore and thoroughly trust his judgement. He said..."It is sooo good, it is really good, it is genius...the way this is told is so brilliant". Then Olivia Colman, who was on the show, went on to say the writer is her husband and "he thought it was a bit too black & white and he wanted to tell the story from an empathetic point of view and I think he has done an amazing job". each their own.

It was horrible. Taking into consideration that it is based on a true crime I believe it should have been a bit more realistic. I watched the 1st episode two times, thinking I was missing something, and cannot watch anymore. I would have preferred the black & white version the writer didn't like. The British always do everything so well but this felt as if it was infused with Hollyweird. The sound along with the film presentation at times made me feel as if I was watching a cartoon. I know no more of the couple who committed the crime, or the crime itself, than I did before I watched Landscapers.
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If you love Christmas...
28 November 2021
What a lovely, heart-warming Christmas movie. Just the kind of movie to gather around and watch with family. It gives one an all round good feeling. Great actors in this one and an interesting storyline.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
I can see where this is going
15 November 2021
I did not give this a rating yet because it is too soon after just watching the pilot. I am not sure I will even continue on as after viewing this so far one can see where it is leading. It seems that Hollywood is caught in a loop once again where most of the series are one type...this time it is horror...we have had horror/thrillers thrown at us lately with not much choice of anything else.

I do see a major error right off in that it is difficult to believe that a group of girls would turn into a tribe/cult after such a short period of time. It is just not believable this would happen after only a year and a half...possibly if stuck in the wilderness for many, many years but not such a short period.

There is also a huge geographical error. The setting where the girl's plane crashed has been described as Ontario. It is not Ontario. You can go as far up into Ontario as you like and you will not see a mountain range like that. Those are the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia which is almost 3,000 miles away. Also, while the girls are loading into the plane there is a voice coming over a speaker talking about weather and the Rockies... when Shauna looks out the window she is looking at the Rockies. They are not in Ontario, if the writers want us to believe they are they had better find different wilderness shots.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
So far not so good
14 November 2021
I realize there has to be a bit of the past in this series for continuation in the future. I can understand if a few ghosts appear occasionally for the storyline...BUT after watching 2 episodes I can honestly say Debra is driving me mad. There is just way too much Debra popping in and out and in and is very annoying and really distracting. It takes away from the show. The show does not have the same quality or seriousness to it. Who will appear next? Hopefully, no one. For future episodes please let the writers allow the dead to rest in peace...and allow us some peaceful viewing of the show.

ADDITION: After watching all 10 episodes I can honestly say Dexter: New Blood is way worse than I thought it would be. As the show went on it became more absurd. If it comes back for Season 2 I definitely will not watch it. If I have to see Dexter's obnoxious son, whose personality is akin to a rattlesnake, I will be violently ill. Somehow I never had any feeling of evil connected to Dexter but the kid has evil emanating from his pores.
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Guilty Party (2021)
Why all the bad reviews?
14 November 2021
I cannot believe how many people do not like this show. Do they all know each other and had a get together called Let's Trash Guilty Party. One review even went as far as to say the person acting in Kate Beckinsale's part is not Kate. Very strange reviews indeed.

I found it to be very different from anything that is out right now and much better than a few shows and movies that have been released in the last few weeks. Nothing compares. It is a rare find and I just about didn't view the show due to the horrible reviews. Learned a lesson there.
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Just blah
13 November 2021
I am not sure exactly what I expected from this show but certainly not this. I imagined much more especially from Paul Rudd and Kathryn Hahn. I have seen this classed as a dark comedy but even a dark comedy is funny. This is just blah, depressing, uninteresting and drags on and on. Not often do I watch something and think 'oh please, just get on with it already'. AND a 6.8 score for this?
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Red Notice (2021)
A waste of talent
13 November 2021
I love the actors but not the movie. I believe Ryan, Dwayne, Gal Gadot and Ritu Arya worked to the best of their ability...but even this talented crew could not save this stinker of a movie.

Usually a movie such as this...over the top unbelievable stunts, lack of reality, tons of action etc. Is just what I enjoy watching at a week's end. However, you still need a storyline and this movie does not have least not a good or enjoyable one.
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Ordinary Joe (2021–2022)
I tried...I just can't watch any more episodes
2 November 2021
I watched the first 4 episodes and thought I love this show, this is going to be a real winner.

When I reached episodes 5 & 6 the pace started to pick up with the length of time one situation would play out...really short, little blurbs...jumping back and forth between the different 'Joe lives' a bit too quickly...I actually had to stop the show, re-watch it a couple of times then turn it off to think about what was happening.

Episode 7 did me right in...I am finished and feel totally defeated, beaten and let down after what I feel was a really good try at liking the show and honestly trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Episode 7 just hit out of nowhere with what seems to me to be a totally different format/presentation but still muddled and jumping all over the place even though it seems it stuck to one scenario...I think...I'm not sure...I just don't have a clue what happened.

AND...I am not quite sure why the reviewers on this site compare Ordinary Joe to the show This Is Us. I do not find the two to be similar in any way.
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17 September 2021
The Rafters are just as good as they always were. Glad they are back. There are some surprises I didn't think I would ever see.
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