
6 Reviews
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
An Awing Experience...
17 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Tron: Legacy is truly a gem of a movie and milestone in CGI history. It takes the spirit from the first movie and adds updated and mesmerizing visuals that make the old Tron look like a rusty, unfinished Atari game. The storyline plays well from the original and the casting was spot on with pin point precision. Michael Sheen wasn't in this film for too long but he made a dazzling mark on the screen when it was finally his time to shine. His energetic and sporadically induced character made you hate and love him at the same time and actually gave Jeff Bridges a run for his money.

Storyline: Kevin Flynn left his son Sam at a young age and due to his absence his son became a ravishing rebel teetering on the brink of the walls of his dad's flourishing and once highly respected company. After sabotaging the company's plan to oust out the idea of selling their new operating system for free Sam later finds out from his dad's old friend Alan that he was paged from his father's office that's been disconnected for 20 years.

Sam goes to his dad's office only to find a hidden door built behind a TRON arcade game. Once in the room Sam finds a grimy looking desk that has gathered dust over the years. He wipes off the desk to reveal a touch screen keyboard and a few present menus. While trying to crack the password a machine activates behind him and shoots him into cyberspace where he then ends up knee deep in the gorgeous landscape that is his dad's very own virtual silicon valley.

Sam is picked up by an already familiar vehicle and is chosen to play in the games with his own said objective to be survival. Once a cut on his arm proves his validation of being a user he is taken to a mystery figure that Sam mistakes for his dad. The impostor is none other than his dad's generated partner Clu who is convinced that with his father's data disc that he can enter the human world and rid it of his imperfections.

Thoughts: Tron: Legacy did an amazing job of keeping you interested throughout the whole time length of the movie. Sure, near the end the dialogue lost some of it's chug and the young Kevin Flynn at the beginning of the movie wasn't realistically convincing enough to pass for the 1982 appearance of Jeff Bridges but the visuals and art direction were more than enough to balance out this ferocious and anticipated marvel.

Rating: 8/10

Final Words: Lovers of the original seemed to enjoy this one to a great extent so if you're a proud follower or just person looking for mind numbing visuals then this should most definitely be on your holiday to do list.
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The Crazies (2010)
The Crazies Swung But Missed a Few
19 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong I love the zombie/infection genre and there's nothing I love more than blood, guts, and...well, more blood and guts but this movie just fell short for me. It seems like every zombie/infection movie story has been expired for the past few years, Zombieland being an exception...kinda.

The Crazies starts off, well, crazy and ends crazies, which that's probably why it's call that in the first place. This movie display a rather generic story. Everything is normal, stuff hits the fan, military comes, military loses control, main characters make a journey to a better place, and bomb hits infected town. I'm not saying I hate this clone of a story mainly because they aren't really "zombies" but the same diagram applies.

This movie was bad and it wasn't good. It was slightly above average and that's not too shabby in my book to begin with so. They didn't try anything original but one of the aspects was a tad different which ain't to shabby either. Originality is really what made this movie not as good for me.

Rating: 7/10 Final Words: If you like zombie/infection movies then go and rent it. If you don't watch movies that aren't a 8 or more in rating then this movie might not be for you.
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Inception (2010)
One of the Best of the Decade
19 July 2010
For starters I would like to say how disappointed I am with how people can give this movie any lower than a 7 rating. I saw a few give it a 1 and let me tell you not even a Uwe Boll deserves such a grotesque number beside it. I do believe that IMDb should set a standard score for movie so that can't get low and ridiculous scores.

Now that that's off my chest let me explain to you why this might be one of or the greatest movies of the summer and possibly of the decade. Knowing that Nolan created the best Batman movie in the history of film I was for sure looking forward to this movie when it hit in theaters. The wonderful mind of Christopher Nolan is an original one and once he hopped off the DC Comic train and focused on a original movie with original characters I was most certainly excited for anything he had to throw down...and he indeed did do that.

I don't think I need to describe the plot on here like other reviews due to the fact that that's what IMDb's synopsis segment of movie pages are all about but I will do something short and sweet for you. This movie deals with dreams and also dreams inside of dreams and how certain people can't tell the difference between a dream space and their own reality. Leo did, of course, a fantastic acting job and with his supporters Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page there was no stopping the degree of goodness this movie shed out.

The look, feel, and design of Inception is elegant, beautiful, and utterly mind blowing to say the least. The CGI visions are remarkable but not strong enough to stray away from the exhilarating story of Cobb and his group of dream invaders. Oh, and the story. It's original, well developed, and just screams for an Oscar. The dialogue was smart and intelligent but don't let that foul you because there were some funny bits also.

Altogether Christopher Nolan's Inception is a marvel all in it's own. A real one..two.. to Hollywood. I say this with confidence because I know this movie deserves the praise you have been hearing and I mean that with every ligament in my body. The only people who WON'T like this movie are probably not grasping the idea firmly or they go by the name Armond White but still don't sell yourself short of those people's opinions because they don't display enough good details for you NOT to see this movie.

Rating: 10/10

Final Words: This movie is extraordinary in every aspect and you all should see this one before it heads to DVD because theater seating is where this marvelous movie should be seen full circle.
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[Rec]² (2009)
Definitely Ups the First
13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Some people on here would say the first was better but I would say they would both be 8's in my book but this gets a 9 because it capitalizes and gives us more to the story and that's why, once again, it is scored higher.

REC 2 will bring you in full swinging with a SWAT team and a slightly undercover priest going into the damned and infected building. They go straight up to the penthouse, which is where our heroine was last seen at the end of REC getting dragged away. They end up finding a whole mess of creepy, zombie children but through that they find a blood sample of the original infected girl.

This movie consists of a lot, and I mean a lot of good plot lines and mind ****s. I wish I could have put that lightly but it's true because this movie had some good mind ****s. I want to state some but I think you just need to see this movie for yourself.

Ending Notes: Expect to see a lot of gore and blood and expect to see even creepier things than the first movie. Hint: there is a second camera used in this movie as well.

Rating: 9/10 I kinda wish the stupid girl didn't shoot the fireman because I really want to come through the screen and punch her for doing something so idiotic. Two words "step" "closer" I mean he had him held up for man in the sky sake.
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REC (2007)
Better Get Ready for Something Scary
13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First, I will note that I watched Quarantine (the US version of this movie) before this movie so I already knew what would be going down in this film due to watching the remake beforehand.

REC falls into one of my favorite movie genres, which is indeed the "found footage" genre. I loved Cloverfield, Blair Witch, Cannibal Holocaust, Quarantine, and this movie just adds to my list. The only thing is that, I'm sorry to say this, but I liked Quarantine better than REC.

Yes, shoot me down but I have my reasoning. I liked how Quarantine had the guy walking like a zombie but with a broken angle because it caused some build up and the vet explaining the foaming mouth being symptoms of rabies but I guess all this is made up when you watch REC 2, and yes you should watch that once you're done with this.

Overall the acting was superb, the story was epic, and the ending was very good. If you love "found footage" movies like me then please watch this and if you want a good scare then you should also watch this as well.

Rating: 8/10 - I wish there was more explanation of what could have been going on and I wish more would have happened with the infected victims instead of stuff hitting fan full speed.
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Dread (2009)
Thought it would be disappointed...but I was way wrong.
12 June 2010
I'm going to start off this review by saying that you should see this movie right away because it will not disappoint you and that this movie is just not given a lot of credit. Really people? A 5.6? This movie deserves at least a 7 hands down and I will tell you why.

First of the acting was surprising good and since I've only ever watched Jackson Rathbone in the two Twilight, where he doesn't talk barely at all, I was really excited to see this guy as a man actor in a movie with more than 2 lines of dialogue. Let me tell you folks he did not fail to amaze me with his acting ability. I thought at the beginning I would only be seeing an alone, depressing/laughable, personality, but throughout the movie he grew into a serious role that helped carry the movie further.

I do not think there is a point of summarizing this movie because that's what the internet, and of the back of the movie case, is for but basically it's a school project based on people's worst fears and the **** hits the fan in the middle of the film, which is good. It's quite original and the cinematography and editing is definitely something I admire, especially since I go to school for this stuff.

All I can say is that you should see this film once you get the chance and you most will definitely appreciate it because it is most likely one of the best horror movies I have ever watched.
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