
13 Reviews
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Killers (2014)
"The first artwork is always Untitled" - Bloody Masterpiece
12 January 2015
Don't miss out on this movie, and if you seen I saw the Devil then you must watch this .I saw a trailer recently and I had no Idea what was going on in the trailer. I noticed that Merantua films, xyz films, and Gareth Evans was involved in this project. If you have seen the raid, or raid 2 you know that those three things I've listed are not going to disappoint you. The movie revolves around a Japanese psychopath who kills for the fun and feeling of it. There are very few movies in which they show the mind of a killer and how he thinks at times. The effects in this movie look very realistic . I really love the blend between the Indonesian and Japanese world. Don't give the movie a bad rating because you thought it was disturbing . The movie competes with I saw the Devil, and The Chaser. Acting-9/10 Score-10/10 Violence- 10/10 Story-9/10 Overall :10/10
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Better than I expected. A Twist in the end that surprised me
25 September 2014
First I'd like to say that the cast was phenomenal. The story is quite simple and believable. Shailene's mom(Eva Green) finds out that she has no feelings towards her dad, and turns crazy for wanting sexual attention. Then shows flashbacks of when Eva Green's character was normal. Then they show Shailene's character in the present talking to a shrink. There's many dialog's's in this movie, it's kind of like book.

I must say I was quite happy when I saw Thomas Jane in this movie, I don't see him much in films. This movie actually reminded me that I need to talk to people more often . It's rare that a movie can make you change yourself in real life. Some people are just depressed, and are tired of having the same routine everyday. I'd say watch this movie if you want to watch something real, and refreshing. It had me fooled at the end with a disturbing twist.

I'd probably watch it again. 8/10 Great!
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Very Realistic
18 September 2014
This movie right here was great . I kinda enjoyed even more because the mood/theme was perfect, and everything from the Motion picture score fitted in place. The cinematography had me when they didn't shake the camera not even once. I do have some problems with the clichés, but I forgave them because It's Liam Neeson and he nailed the role of a retired cop/ private detective. There were scenes of great tension throughout and each event built up to that. Even though this story has been done before, It still seems a bit fresh due to the fact that it's New York City and many of the crimes shown are quite believable. Ignore the bad reviews on this site. Only for people who can remember names and enjoy watching detective/noir films. This exceeds in it's category so don't bash it. The scenes are a bit more grittier then the action sequences in Taken, and that's a plus from me since It's entertaining. This movie is an adaptation of a book with the same name by Lawrence Blocks. To summarize the above statement I'd definitely would watch it again. It does take a slow pace in the middle but it's worth it.
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Huge cast, wasted talent . I'm very angry.
1 August 2014
I'm a huge fan of action movies and after watching so many movies I can tell which one is going to be a disaster. Expendables 1 was okay in my opinion, Expendables 2 was great and then there's this coming in last place. There is simply no character development in this movie. The cg looks like adobe after effects, the camera work is shaky, and there is absolutely no blood and gore. I felt nothing through out the whole movie except boredom and being angry at the fact that I'm wasting my time. Some of my favorite stars like Jet Li had like 3 Min's of screen time and that's it. Mel Gibson was no good as the villain and the last boss fight was so very weak. Jean Claude was the best EX villain. Antonio's character did okay but I think they should used his Mariachi character, instead of being a loud mouth. So much cheesy dialog's here and there; it's really not fun at all. In conclusion this is a passionless excuse of a movie. My rating 2/10 Abysmal.
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never abandon your friend for anyone else
24 June 2014
Just watched it today, and It was a nice film that involved great acting. It could've been a lot better, but I just watched it because of Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen. They are a young and talented. I've seen many films that do the "let's lose our virginity" topic. Those others films were kinda comedic in a way but this one is kind of realistic and you feel as if a person would actually do something for their own benefit. That's the real world, trust is very hard to find and the purpose of this movie is to show young teens that losing your virginity just to get over with it might not turn out the way you want it to. It's better to have patience and wait for the right person instead of grabbing anyone nearby . Clark gregg was in the movie playing a doctor and father of Dakota F. character. She see's something she shouldn't have and she also has a broken relationship with her parents. Overall this movie is good but had potential to be great so give it a go. :)
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I love the crap out of this movie
10 May 2014
This movie I saw too many times and never get sick of it. Out of all the mission impossibles this i =s my favorite one, and tell you why. Let's start by the director John Woo who made action epics like Hard boiled, The Killer, Face/off,Hard Target and Red Cliff. This guy has a way of making action films seem more beautiful with the doves slow-motion . The soundtrack of this movie is by far the best out the entire series and Hans Zimmer did a great job mixing rock tunes that fit best for the scenes. The action sequences in here are pretty impressive for it's time, and consists of using stuntmen/Tom Cruise. I doesn't slow down for a bit and even if it does the story will keep you gripped. When I first saw this movie when I was a little kid back in 2002 and I was so amazed and scared at the fact the disease in here called Chimera can cause the blood cells inside us to deteriorate. If you love action movies with a side of romance this should be a must watch for you 10/10. Pure Entertainment.
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In a Class of His Own (1999 TV Movie)
Wow that was pretty emotional for a TV movie and Inspiring
10 May 2014
I saw this movie back in 2002 when I was a kid . Then I forgot about it . Until this year 2014 I saw it again and reminded me of how great this film really is. The acting is actually very good, mostly from Lou D. Phillips and some of the leading kids. This movie made me tear up when the movie goes towards the end. The story is so inspiring that it made me do better in my electronic engineering test. I seem to study a bit harder now. So thanks for this movie. Everyone who understands true good human qualities and emotions must watch this brilliant work from Hallmark . The 90's where people were so much cooler . This movie is highly underrated for a movie that is based on a true story, and is hard to find . It shouldn't be a problem I think you can find it on amazon . 9/10 Outstanding!
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The Raid 2 (2014)
OHHH EMMM GEEE . All hail Gareth
31 January 2014
Okay so where do I begin I saw the first one and It blew me away. I watch so many movies no matter the genre. So while I was watching this sequel my heart was beating very fast and the adrenaline was pumping. It takes place 2 hours after where the first one ended. Swear to god every time there was a fight on I felt it and I kept shaking. The scene that had me pumped was the train scene and the prison fight. There is a lot of martial artist involved in this film which makes me love it even more because they use real stunt men and this movie just requires skill. This is by far the best action movie sequel ever produced and I hope it gets noticed by everyone around the world. Best one on one showdown in the end. If you love action movies and would love to turn your brain off for a moment then this is your candy. My favorite action movie ever, sorry Bruce Lee. 10/10 MUST SEE!
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It was epic and beautiful. Just wish there was an hd version that's all.
30 November 2013
I'm a huge fan of the Hokuto no Ken series and I have seen every episode. So to my understanding this is a prequel to Fist of the North Star movie. The story was well paced and some of the characters were unique and annoying which isn't a problem. Kenshiro the main man learns what he needs to do in order to have a brighter future ahead for the rest of the generation in this journey. After watching this I actually cried because of the sad stuff that happens. If you love Manga or anime and are not familiar with this series give this movie a go and it'll sink in and you will be hooked on this magnificent series. P.S. great soundtrack.
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The Wolverine (2013)
Watch the Extended Edition Way better than theatrical version !
8 November 2013
I was waiting so long to see this film. The only reason I disagreed with the negative reviewers is because some of them don't have much knowledge about the character Wolverine. For example, their confused of why doesn't he age because they clearly discuss this in the first X-men film when they find Logan. I'm a huge fan of X-men and I loved X-men First class. Anyways The Wolverine film that was shown in cinemas wasn't that great it was missing some explanations. Then I watched the Extended version which had an additional 14 mins and they've added blood to the fights. If you know the character Wolverine from the comics then you will fall in love with this movie. The extended version was the best superhero movie I've seen this year. Lastly without spoiling anything this version has something special after the credits showing a scene that takes place two years after the film. I give this movie a 10/10 because it is pure badass . Definitely waiting for the sequel.
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The true meaning of Kung fu. Horizontal and vertical
19 August 2013
I was waiting to see this film ever since I heard about which was back in 2009. I have no clue why it took so long. I haven't seen any of this directors film before so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm a huge martial arts movie fan and I've see all of them you name it. When it comes to Ip Man films this was the only one I was most disappointed at. There are a total of 5 Ip Man films. Now the things I liked about this film is the fight scenes which had a beautiful flow of classical music and had a brilliant visual show. The story shows Ip man before the war and after the war in Hong Kong. I can tell the fight scenes in here were very difficult to shoot and I admire that, and this shows you real movements of the traditional kung fu styles featured in this film. After watching what Donnie Yen has done with this character I don't think anyone could come close. The original Ip Man was a great over the top film . This film has more details and explains a lot of the things they never showed about his life. You must be patient to watch this and you will really love it . The US version has different ending as to the international version . Watch both. 9/10 outstanding.
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Redemption (I) (2013)
I will actually watch this a second time . It has a strong moving element to it.
28 June 2013
This has to be one of the underrated movies this year which was quite magnificent to watch. I usually watch Statham's flicks for the action and adrenaline rush but this has an element called perfect pacing. The pros for me was the -Acting performances were better than I expected -Great setting and Strong theme -Music was well done -and lastly the action was well choreographed to make it seem believable. Do give this movie a try. It's not like the previous movies Jason Statham's done like The Transporter, Safe, Crank, But this movie just shows what Mr. Statham is capable of when shooting in an area he is familiar with. I don't know why the U.S. version changed the title to Redemption. I liked Hummingbird a lot better because it has an explanation to it in the movie.
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Let me just say that this is in fact the best Universal Soldier movie
26 October 2012
Adrenaline Rush....I just wish they wouldn't have used the title Universal Soldier. I think the title Super Soldiers would've been way better because you don't really need to watch the previous films at all. Apparently the director changed the whole direction of this film the way it is suppose to be..I've seen all of the best and worst action movies from around the world and I was never excited about a Hollywood fight scene, because of the cuts and seizure effect.I was blown away that the fight scene couldn't have been more realistic.This movie is up next to THE Raid ...In conclusion this will be the best action movie of the year that nobody saw because of the limited release. Must watch!!! Big surprise..
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