
2 Reviews
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The Handmaid's Tale: Liars (2019)
Season 3, Episode 11
where are the Eyes?
3 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I get it: something finally happens (after 30 minutes of another boring episode) and everybody is rating this episode 10. But still: where are the Eyes? We were told in season 1 that there are spies everywhere, even in the house of a Commander, but the writers seem to have forgotten this. Just in this episode: Marthas have a big meeting, and no one is reporting anything. June is running the Lawrence household, but nothing is reported. Commander Lawrence disappears, and no one reports him. He takes June to Jezebel's and no one is reporting. The Waterfords take a trip suspiciously close to the Canadian border and still no one is reporting anything. Lazy writing if you ask me.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Unknown Caller (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
Third season has jumped the shark
20 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first season and I found the second so and so. This latest season is just ridiculous, and this episode particularly so. First: it should be a police state, a dictatorship, but everyone seems to enjoy some freedom of speech. June speaks freely in front of her peer (who is there to keep an eye on her, remember?). Commander Lawrence speaks freely in front of his driver (in episode 1) and so on. In season one, you were supposed to have "Eyes" constantly spying on you, now no one cares about Eyes anymore. And June becoming a sort of ninja chief of the resistance? What does it have to do with the original book matter? And then we have the ridiculous plot twist of this episode. What are the Waterfords expecting to get from that message? Remember that Nichole is not the biological daughter of either of them. Even a third-rate lawyer could torpedo their plan and Serena should know this fairly well. But still... And in the meanwhile we get our daily dose of slow motion (at least twice in each episode, I think it's in the contract), pseudo-artsy shots and chromatic compositions.
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