
5 Reviews
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Hostel (2005)
Worst movie I've seen in a while
22 April 2006
I hate to say any of this, I really like Eli Roth and this is one of my favorite genres, but I have to.

This is probably the worst movie I've seen in quite some time. I think the main reason I hated it so much was that I got excited from all the hype. I know I should not have been pulled in, but I did. This movie was tagged as being the scariest movie in a long time, the goriest, the most graphic, the most realistic, blah blah blah. Hostel was none of those, the few gore scenes there were, the effects sucked. There were no aspects of the movie that were close to being scary. Also, I'm a man and I do enjoy seeing some nudity in movies, but the amount in this movie was crazy. I kept on thinking, was there going to be anything else but nakedness and sex. I really thought this movie was going to be something, but it was a flop in my book.
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Crap Fest
11 August 2005
I recently viewed this film, basically on the basis of everybody saying how good and gory it was. What I seen was a very very boring movie with very few scenes of spectacular gore. This movie shouldn't even be considered a zombie movie. I realize they are the living dead, but what else is there. There are some basic things that a zombie movie needs and CotLD did not have them (i.e. Gore) I know everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but I think anybody who said this was even a half-way good movie should watch it again to make sure they are talking about the same movie. I know by now I've angered a few people at least, but I have to get something else of my chest: What is with the earthworms!!!
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X-Files / AVP
22 August 2004
If anybody has seen The X-Files movie and Alien vs. Predator, you might have seen some similarities. In AVP the temple was located under the ice in Antarctica. Well, does anybody recall the location of the alien space craft in The X-Files movie... UNDER THE ICE IN Antarctica. Don't get me wrong though. I really enjoyed AVP, but I just couldn't help but pointing out this odd 'coincidence.' Other than The X-Files movie there was a relationship between the television series and AVP. The name of the large ice-ship they used to get the temple on AVP was Piper Maru, which was the name of a ship used on one of the episodes on The X-Files TV show.
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3 November 2003
The title, really really bad, is an under-statement. It really sucked, I actually thought about demanding a refund at the theatre. There isn't much else to say besides that it really really sucked, bad. I don't recommend anyone ever to watch this movie.
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This movie blows
3 March 2003
When I rented this movie, I had high expectations. I was hoping for a good action flick. What I got was an hour or two of crap. I gave it a 2 rating, because amazingly I actually sat all the way through it. And the only reason I did that was because I was hoping it was going to get better. I would never recommend this movie to anyone, except, maybe someone I didn't like. So they could go through the agony that I did. This movie blows!
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