
23 Reviews
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Nothing is wrong with this movie
3 October 2023
There are very few cases when at the end of the movie you think back and say "I wouldn't change anything", this is one great example. Orson Welles did it MAGNIFIC and beyond any expectation. The atmosphere of the movie since the first scene is captivating, you can't stop watching the film, the development of the story and the characters is superb! Frame by frame it could be a postcard, a painting. Anges Moorehead's dramatic performance is a must-see, and the ensamble of all the personalities and the personal touch of the actors makes this movie a piece of art. We don't have movies like this one anymore. Long life to this legend.
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Good director, bad script
19 July 2023
I have to recognize that Patrick Wilson did a good job as the Director of the movie, it's better than other experienced horror amateurs. However this movie has big gaps in the story, they opened multiple doors that lead anywhere. This is a bad Insidious movie, a regular horror movie that pretended to be more that what it really was. The acting is good, the elements are there, just bad story. I wish to see more horror as the first Insidious movie. This is an example of how a bad script can sink a good movie, always present characters and situations that add something to the main plot, otherwise is just a silly distractor, many here! Good job Patrick Wilson!
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Rosewood Lane (2011)
Director thinks we are idiots
6 May 2023
This is one of those movies that had potential just the first 5 minutes. The plot sounds great, but the twist is sooooooooo bad that makes all the movie silly, unbelievable, and a waste of time. The director thinks we are idiots and we will think this is "scary" or "we are never going to guess the mystery"... bad bad bad.

Don't waste your time. This could be a bad episode of The Twilight Zone, the difference is that in TTZ the elements make sense, here everything is messy, bad connected and the ends even worst. Bad start, worst ending. Series are winning because of mediocre movies like this one.
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29 April 2023
I get the intention, but the execution is really bad. Watch this movie ONLY if you agree on having a headache, nausea, and nightmares. It's far from funny, this is not a comedy at all. It's a horror movie with unreal characters, slow plot, and in-your-face gross metaphor. You won't miss anything if you don't watch this movie, it doesn't add anything to creativity, film direction, or anything. 1/3 of the movie is people vomiting (real puke), and vomit all over the boat, not easy to watch. It's depressing that a movie like this one went that far. Who is the audience of this movie? The director and his friends. At the end you ask yourself why? Why did I watched this? Why this movie was released? Bad taste.
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Dorian Gray (2009)
Bad tone
23 April 2023
It's a great story, with a boring scrip, and a mediocre cast. This movie could be taken as an example of how a director can kill a movie. It's not hard to make a Wilde's movie, the difficult part is already done; the story is perfect, timeless, for every audience. But the director decided that he knows best than Wilde and went creative with the narrative; he changed the personalities, the rhythm and killed the mystery in the scene one. Don't get creative with classics... it's painful to see Colin Firth in this movie, out of character, wrong tone, wrong movie. I wish we could get a decent Dorian Gray movie in the future.
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This movie is a gem! More profund than the Oscar winning.
19 March 2023
I want to start by saying that this movie is more profound, with better acting, and better narrative than the movie that won the Oscar against The Banshees of Inisherin.

The layers of the characters and the narrative are a perfect mix of the current humanity crisis we are facing.

To me a key message of the film is "boredom and lack of interest for a trascendent human meaningul life can get you stupid, and you will end up doing stupid things". Also, the notorious loneliness of everyone, and how bad is to be a kind nice naive person in these days. It's almost like a social sin to be a nice guy.

Great layers in this movie! Great acting! Colin should won the Oscar for his performance.
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Ludwig (1973)
Perfect in everything! History + art + feeling
18 March 2023
Only Luchino Visconti can make a 4 hours movie captivating at every single scene, you don't want the movie to end. Since the beginning of the movie till the end you want to get more from the characters, the places, the story. It's a perfect combination of ambient, depth of characters, script, customs, all is perfect in this movie. And! It's so sophisticated that even the hot topics are subtle and Only Luchino Visconti can make a 4 hours movie captivating at every single scene, you don't want the movie to end. Since the beginning of the movie till the end you want to get more from the characters, the places, the story. It's a perfect combination of ambient, depth of characters, script, customs, all is perfect in this movie.

This is an historical movie not just about the king of Baviera, but all that moment in history in Europe. There's so many between-lines story that is not evident but you end up catching. It's an hypnotic movie.
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Christmas Stars (2019 TV Movie)
Zero chemistry, zero Christmas
15 December 2022
A Coca Cola 30 seconds spot has more Christmas spirit than this movie. The actors have zero chemistry, they don't even sing that good, the acting is very bad, the songs are mediocre, the rhythm is bad, the story doesn't make sense.... Don't waste your time with this movie. I was really hoping to see a different Christmas movie plot and this was soooo bad. The elements were there it just didn't work. I think the biggest mistake was the casting, he is arrogant and lacks of personality and presence, she looks like the is really trying hard all the time to look natural in love and shy.

Bad Christmas movie.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Slow, predictable, you have seen it before, pointless
6 October 2021
This is a bad slow movie in "for tv" format. Mediocre. The whole story is just a bunch of horror movie clichés; you have seen it before, you know how will end since the first chapter, you know how the characters will develop. Bad story telling; many doors left open, not connecting dots, impression of having a deep message but shallow in the end. Don't waste your time. Disappointing. Creativity off. It's like "yes, let's put catholic elements and vamps and a crazy woman" "no one will suspect how the story will go". Bad.
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Fear, Inc. (2016)
Director thinks we're stupid
31 March 2021
No one with common sense would consider that the story line is not predictable. Since the beginning you know how the movie will end twist by twist, but you give it the benefit of the doubt, you wait till the end to get a "surprise" but no... it's what you though it was going to be. The director/producer of this movie thinks we're really stupid to believe this will work. Main actor is annoying, and the rest of the cast too (to be honest). This is not even a good plot for a tv show.
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Good movie! Don't mind silly comments from Hitchcock fans.
20 December 2020
I can't believe the amount of bad comments about this movie. If you want to see Hitchcock, see Hitchcock, this is a new version, why would you expect to be the same? People sometimes are veeeeery narrow minded. Acting is great, directing to be honest a bit slow, but in the end is not as bad as people say. Armie and Kristin are GREAT actor. Yes, watch it, you will like it.
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This film confirms Hollywood's worst moment
25 January 2020
The only good thing about this movie is the acting. If I were Polanski, I would request QT to -eliminate- this film. The world is upside down... How can you make a comedy about one of the cruelest and devilish murders in America? It was painful to watch this movie. I feel sorry for the people that thinks this is "art" or "entertaining".... Sorry Sharon, you don't deserve this.
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Something is missing with this movie
17 April 2014
As a big fan of horror movies I try to see everything that is released. When I read the "5150 Rue des Ormes" plot I thought it was going to be a good "different" horror movie but now I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. I can picture the whole movie as a short story rather than a movie, some stories are not movie material, this one is a big example. Just because you have a creepy thriller it doesn't mean you can dress it with actors. The whole background story is good, the acting is good, the characters are interesting but all together in this movie are messy. There are many story lines that lead no-where, there were symbolisms bad used and many clichés. I wasn't scared about the story, it's a bad nightmare. Bad script, bad direction, good intention.
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Human spirit
3 January 2014
Good movies are the ones that goes beyond a specific historic moment and impacts our present "moment/life". You can feel and understand The Grapes of Wrath's message now in 2014. I had to look back into dates to realize that "La Terra Trema" and "Rocco e i suoi fratelli" both from Luchino Visconti or "Les quatre cents coups" from François Truffaut or even "Los Olvidados" from Luis Buñuel were made after John Ford's movie, I felt that in those days only European cinema had these deep drama human elements, but this movie was a good surprise for me. Human spirit struggling; people moving from one place to other leaving everything they have for a new better life, dealing with moral dilemmas, taking care of older parents, hunger, misery, all these elements are always present in one way or another in those days but what I loved about this movie is the "hope", the way this American movie believes in the human spirit and doesn't lead everything to a dramatic tragedy. Classic movie to watch!
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Network (1976)
Too much
28 December 2013
I think the movie had more impact when it was released than now. In my opinion the movie/story started very well and ended very bad; a good and realistic criticism of how the television "network" works, but when the story turns into a "dark comedy" satiric it loses all the power it could have and end up as headache of "Gremlins" stressful images/dialogs. There is a point in the movie where the entire story comes predictable and the main plot gets lost in the way-too-much satiric situations. The best thing about the movie is Faye Dunaway, she is a great actress and it's a pleasure watching her the entire movie. In my opinion a good movie has to be universal, that anybody from any culture/historic time can understand it, to me, this movie just tried to impact its own specific historic moment. I also felt the story was stretched more than it needed, they could have cut at least 30 minutes of the movie and made it more smooth and powerful. So far this is the only movie I consider it doesn't have to be in the IMDb top 250 list.
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Nightwatching (2007)
A movie that could be framed on a museum
27 December 2013
I'm really amazed with the work Peter Greenaway did in this movie. I have seen most of his films and this one is now my favourite. It's impressive the way the made every frame a moving Rembrandt's painting. This is pure art cinema. The story is told in a creative way, you can understand the clever mind of Rembrandt, follow his steps in his life focused on his most famous painting "The Night Watch", it could be a "slow" movie but the way "Rembrandt" tells the story makes it smooth; dramatic, funny, and smart. I could frame this movie on a museum. The "Holland" world is perfectly shown, the costume design is superb; every single detail in the movie takes you to 1642. To appreciate this movie you must know who Peter Greenaway is and understand why "cinema" is the 7th art.
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Powerful human movie that everyone must see
26 December 2013
I'm a big fan of German movies, I always have a feeling of a very deep and human message that they can only understand and express. This movie might be about moral dilemmas, but does moral dilemmas really exists? Do we really have a difficult decision to make when we know what's always the right thing to do? This in my point of view is the real thread of the movie, moral choices. What's the right thing to do? To who we owe a good moral act? Can we be part of something that might be immoral and feel good about it? This movie is superb! The final line of the movie almost made me cry alone in my room. Very moving story, with great actors and a superb direction. I would watch this movie again and would definitely share it with a lot of people. The Lives of Others is now one of my top 10 movies of all times.
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It's all about the evil main character
26 December 2013
I must say that I watched this movie because it's from Fritz Lang. In one hand I like the way he worked the main character, the evil human side that he always show in his movies. But in the other hand in my opinion the movie is very predictable,I guessed how it was going to end, the way the story was going to run and that's not very good. To appreciate this movie you must understand the evil/good way Fritz Lang shows humanity from a very fiction way like Metropolis or a very could-happen-to-you way like this movie. In my opinion the rhythm is a bit slow, I liked more the way he directed Metropolis or Dr Mabuse, the acting wasn't great, but if you like Fritz Lang, watch it.
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Hunger (2008)
Having respect for life in a very powerful-raw-hard-human movie
25 December 2013
"I have my belief, and in all its simplicity that is the most powerful thing" (quote from the movie). This is a very hard to watch- traumatic movie but I'm sure reality was even worst. In some parts in can be disturbing, I felt sick at the end, but Steve McQueen did an amazing-superb work as director. The story is so human you can feel it every second. The rhythm, dialogs and acting are superb. Without any personal political input in this movie, I'm going to focus on the human side, the way human dignity is more important than anything and the way most of the times we forget about it, fighting for an ideal without violence makes the difference. Michael Fassbender acting is superb, physically he made a dangerous but incredible work to prepare for this role. The use of dialogs is perfect and the images are so strong and hard you can feel "Bobby Sand's" feelings. Again, hard to watch but very powerful human movie that should encourage people to think about the value of their lives. Hats off for Steve McQueen as director.
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Carrie (2013)
Hard not to compare
22 December 2013
Let's begin with some History, this was Stephen King's first novel, he thought it wasn't a good one so the toss it to a trash can, his wife picked it up and send it to an editor, the rest is History. This IS the novel that made Stephen King famous, and back in the 70's with Brian de Palma film Carrie a milestone for horror was made. Even if the new generations haven't seen the original movie, everybody knows who Carrie White is and the epic blood shower. Now, back to this year 2013, new Carrie White seems to be updated to a more evil story with social media involved. What is good about this movie? Chlöe Grace Moretz, we love her and she is a great Carrie, though, I think Sissy Spacek did it way much better. What is questionable about this movie? Julianne Moore, Come On!!! She is one of the best actresses of our times, in my personal point of view she was way bigger for this role but she made it great as always. What is bad about the movie? The "upadte" of 2013's problem. This might be just me, but I think the story works in the time it was written, now I don't think a story like this can be "that" realistic as it was. So, the final verdict; good so-so movie if you don't know who Carrie is and all the story behind.
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The Pact (II) (2012)
Good potential to be a good horror movie
14 July 2013
I learn from experience that you need to watch the movie first and don't let yourself go by the reviews posted here, so I did it with "The Pact" and had a good experience. "The Pact" is a good horror movie,entertaining and with well-done horror elements, I could say that it had a good potential to be a great horror movie but it has a couple of script/story mistakes that at the end it makes the whole movie not very spooky. The good things are: the cast, the leading rol is great, the cinematography, the scary elements (most of them believable), the rhythm of the story and the "unique" elements that made it different from the rest of the cliché horror movies. The bad things: the way the director ended some elements of the story, the way he left others open. Most horror movies try to do "a lot" and end up with nothing scary and even funny, here is a good example of how to make "a lot" with less keeping it interesting and believable.
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Nothing New and Inconsistent
25 February 2012
The trailer is good but the movie was not that much... I must say the whole idea of the movie was interesting but they didn't knew how to make it consistent. The elements were there but nothing really happened. It's a "not-that-new" story with the same elements of the Blair Witch Project, The Exorcist, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, etc... The good thing about this movie is that the rhythm is good, you never lose tension. The really bad thing is the story... it was a good plot but the movie never really follow the interesting story and got lost in cliché "spooky" small moments. The movie left many, many, many elements open that make the whole movie very inconsistent.
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Feel the movie
1 January 2006
I work as a film critic in Mexico and let me tell you that i have seen a lot of movies from a lot of countries and this one changed my life. Brother Sun, Sister Moon is a movie that you have to feel it. I have seen another movie about St. Francis and this one is better, maybe its missing some info about his life but thats why this one is great,little peaces of his life tell you all you need to know about him. I love this film, watch it, you don't have to be Catholic or Chrisitan to feel the St. Francis love. Also I'm so happy that there is a new Zeffirelli movie about St. Francis!!! Please, let me know if you know when is the premiere.
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