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Dirty Grandpa (2016)
An undisputed masterpiece
24 April 2016
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"Dirty Grandpa" is essentially a cinematic fraud, which involves selling the audience a generous portion of finest beluga caviar wrapped in a hamburger bun. A rough disguise of a rather tasteless comedy does an amazing job of concealing rich and sophisticated underlying themes which really make the film work. The superb imagery and vivid characters, as well as excellent performances by the cast seal the deal. The movie's main focus is the ever-topical problem of the world perpetually testing our principles and strength of our convictions.

The movie begins with Dick Kelly (Robert De Niro) undertaking a spiritual journey to Boca, looking for a metaphorical Fountain of Youth, embodied in non-Plato'ean plain in the form of Lenore (Aubrey Plaza) - a young lady with a healthy sexual appetite. Dick is accompanied by his grandson Jason (Zac Efron), a character fulfilling both the roles of a doppleganger and representation of a lowest point in a man's life cycle. The chemistry between the characters is instant and powerful, forming a homage-in-reverse to the unforgettable exchange between The Man and The Prejudice in "Un Chien Andalou". Dick, nearing the end of his path, has no fears or reservations, and thoroughly enjoys being himself, while Jason, despite being still young, is completely repressed and imprisoned by denial of his own nature. The plot proceeds to examine the outcomes of their different life choices and moral implications concerned.

The movie's imagery is unbelievably creative and always to the point. A few examples include Dick masturbating to a VHS porn, which is a subtle commentary about dangers of digital centralization and his commitment to privacy and individual freedom. A bee on Jason's penis is yet another nod to Brnuel. Deep and spiritual dialogues between Dick and Lenore are sophisticated to the point of reminding us of Burgess' "nadsat". The crown jewel is the final exchange between Dick and Lenore, her begging him for wisdom and guidance for a simpler, more honest way of life, symbolized by Eisenhower era; and Dick's ambiguous destiny, expressed by possible death through orgasm, his last words echoing Kane's "Rosebud".

The whole cast does an amazing job, but the focal point is casually dominated by De Niro and Plaza, a royal couple of subtle and understated messages. In summation, the movie is well worth the time of any sophisticated viewer anxious for wit and piercing social commentary.
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This movie is...marvelous.
8 February 2016
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I've been a big Wayans brothers fan ever since the release of their 1996 movie, "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood". Before that I really didn't understand any of their work. It was too artsy, too intellectual. It was on "Don't Be a Menace..." where Marlon Wayans' presence became more apparent.

"Fifty Shades of Black" an epic meditation on intangibility, at the same time it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding movies. Look to the brilliant ensemble playing of Wayans, Hawk and Zigrino. You can practically feel every nuance of every human emotion. In terms of comical craftsmanship and sheer beauty of Hawk's boobs, this move hits a new peak of professionalism.

The whole movie has a clear, crisp look and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that gives the script a big boost. He's been compared to Chris Rock, but I think Marlon has a more bitter, cynical sense of humor. Take the "Wesley Snipes tax" gag. In this segment, Marlon Wayans addresses the problem of abusive political authority.

I think that this movie is Wayans' undisputed masterpiece. The script is so witty, that most people probably don't think about deep underlying themes, but they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the author himself.

Most importantly, Hannah's fiery monologue at the end of the movie encourages us to oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. Also, the masterfully crafted politically correct script reminds us that we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.
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Playful, but mysterious little movie
11 December 2006
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Do you like Mary Harron?

Her early work was a little too TV for my taste, but when "I Shot Andy Warhol" came out in '96, I think she really came into her own, commercially and artistically.

In 2000, Mary Harron released "American Psycho", her most accomplished movie. The whole movie has a clear crisp '80s look, and a new sheen of social satire, which really gives the movie a big boost. In terms of writing craftsmanship, the sheer scriptwriting, this movie hits a new peak of professionalism. The movie is so catchy, most people don't even try to understand the meaning, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, importance of trends, hollow yuppie lifestyle and murders, but it's also a personal statement of a director herself!

Do you like Christian Bale?

I've been a big Bale fan since the release of his '94 movie "Prince of Jutland". Before that, I really didn't understand any of his work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on "Prince of Jutland" where Christian Bale's presence became more apparent. I think "American Psycho" is Bale's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding movies. His acting is as positive and affirmative as anything I've seen in any movie.

The brilliant ensemble of other actors makes "American Psycho" great,great movie, a personal favourite. You can practically sense the empathy between Bale, Justin Theroux, Josh Lucas, Jared Leto, Reese Witherspoon and Samantha Mathis.

So, to sum up, the movie is extremely uplifting, it shines with hope that it's not too late to better ourselves, and contains a crucial message - since it's impossible in this world we live in, to empathise with others, we always empathise with ourselves. It's beautifully stated in the movie. And now excuse me, I have to return some videotapes.
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A cinematic gem
28 May 2006
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This is the movie featuring the most beautiful visual and audio sequences ever done. Leni Rifenstahl does truly unparallell job transmitting the unique atmosphere of unity, pride, joy, love and compassion of 3 days in Nurnberg onto the screen. Her ideas of camera work, sharp editing and close-ups served as example for most modern directors.

Since it's a documentary, the movie revolves around prominent Nazional Socialist leaders delivering speeches in a large party meeting. Most of the speeches deal with then-current events in Germany, so it's a good idea to read a history book if you're not familiar with them, to fully understand the movie. Some scenes are absolutely fascinating: Hess's opening speech, Hither addressing Labour Movement and the SA/SS meeting.

P.S. BTW, despite popular beliefs, there are no antisemitic or chauvinistic remarks or propaganda speeches in the movie, so it's no more offensive than history channel. A must-see for everyone, who's interested in history and sociology.
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1984 (1984)
A documentary
20 May 2006
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Well, this movie cannot be rated as drama of sci-fi anymore, its's a documentary, maybe yet a little inaccurate, but still a factual depiction of reality.

We don't have Big Bother, but we have hundreds of political puppets. There is no Inner party, but there are international "brotherhood" of wealthy and powerful. Instead of Outher Party, there are politicians and top managers. Instead of perpetual enemy Goldstein, there are non-existing "terrorists". There are spy satellites, email scanning, wiretaps, and almost vanished privacy. There's a little of free speech left, and the censorship is strenhtening. The Orwell's concepts of party "doublethink" (believing something you know is wrong because the government says so) and "goodthink" (believing anything party says and acting only the way government want you to act) is embodied in so called "political correctness". There is no Miniluv, but there is CIA and secret prisons and elimination of unwanted dissidents.

But most importantly, there is a monopoly on media, which turns 90% of world's population into Orwell's "proles", who can never rebel and overthrow the party, because they simply are not informed enough to direct their anger against their government.

The book/movie was an early warning, yet nobody seemed to listen, so it seems that we may be doomed to reach the worst end of Orwell's reality.

The movie itself is flawless, with powerful acting and directing, but it's not the form it's the message that matters.
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A triumph of Jennifer Tilly.
20 October 2005
What can I say, this movie is the greatest part Jennifer Tilly ever did. She demonstrates unbelievable courage and sense of humor by playing herself in the movie which is just a big joke about her. She also delivers her usual more than decent performance, since comedy is her natural gerne. Other members of the cast also do a good job, especially Redman, since he also got a chance to play himself. The plot is fair enough for a movie parodying a horror movie, so all the blood and deaths don't actually scare anyone. Some humor is also in place, most of which deals with Tilly's appearance. So, to sum up, a very good satire, a decent comedy, and a great performance of Jennifer Tilly - all in one.
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Bound (1996)
3 July 2005
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This is a truly great movie, both from artistic point of view and regarding its political correctness. The plot is quite simple: a bisexual girl Violet and a lesbian Corky (played by Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon) decide to steal 2 millions which belong to mob. However, the money is guarded by Violet's boyfriend Cesar (Joe Pantoliano), so they set him up, have him killed, and provoke a small internal war in Chicago mob in the process. Surprisingly, they manage to trick the whole Manzone family, and get their happy ending. The best part of the plot is that it doesn't accent the lesbian part,but instead it focuses on character development and suspense, thus being truly neutral and politically correct. Directing is great, the whole flashback sequence is well-thought and entertaining. Acting is almost perfect, Jennifer Tilly especially excels, getting out of her typecast "bimbo" roles. Joe Pantoliano also does an incredible job, especially in scenes when he's going paranoid. So, to sum up, the movie has great directing, acting, no stereotypes, and almost perfect plot (in real world, Violet definitely would have been killed, as an unwanted witness), so it's a true masterpiece.
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16 June 2005
This is truly the best Russuian movie since Brat 2. It is very realistic, bloody, and it precisely depicts one of the most dramatical episodes of the history of the modern Russia. Directing is flawless, the usual Balabanov style rocks. Acting is just superb, especially part by Dmirty Dyzhev, who played psycho hit-man - the new version of fairy-tale folk hero Ivan. All other parts, even the smallest ones, are played by the top Russian actors - Nikita Mihalkov, Viktor Sukhorukov, Andrej Merzlikin, Sergei Makovetskij, you name them. The movie has tons of black humor, but the best episode is the one, in which gangsters with "strategic vision" become member of the Russian Parliament, and those without it lose everything. The soundtrack, consisting of Russian gangster-era pop and alternative, is just as good as OST from "Brat 2". So, to sum up - a true modern masterpiece!
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Excellent B-grade movie
9 June 2005
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"Dawn of the dead" quite a good movie. it has a good budget for FX (there is not much to watch in zombie movies except for FX, is there?, however it keeps the unique atmosphere of the 1978 original. The plot is naturally bad, but it's unlikely that a zombie flick will ever produce a decent drama or room for character development. There are fixed standard characters, like a cop, a black guy with a gun, redneck security guard and so on. Most of them die in quite entertaining way, so the audience is never bored. Casting is good, however, it doesn't really matter, since most characters are quite flat. IMHO, they should have replaced Sarah Polly with more...ehm...typical nurse:) So, to sum up - a good piece of commercial entertainment. Not a Lynch movie, but it's never been positioned as such.
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A waste of time...
6 June 2005
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God, I wish, I could get back those two hours I've spent watching this ridiculous piece of...cinematography. Almost every aspect of this movie is remarkably bad. First of all, it's the plot. I mean, c'mon, watching this movie is like watching 2 hours long politically correct (which in fact allows discrimination of white gun-owners) anti-gun commercial. So, let's see, what do we have here. Oh, it's the black guy, whose daughter was shot in school by some fun freak (bet he was from Alabama, right?). So the only way a father can retaliate is by kidnapping a businesswoman, who's in gun business (guess he didn't have the stomach to deal with a man) and playing some sick twisted psychological games with her. Anyway, afterwards he shoots a major gun manufactures and commits suicide. What can be more of a self-advertising for anti-gun groups? Acting is average. Fiorentino is not bad, but this part is just not her type, IMHO, she should stick with femme fatale parts. And Wesley Snipes as crazy-yet-honest-gunman-blinded-by-rage-but-still-politically-correct ? Give me a break! He is good as Blade, but this character is too complicated for him. Anyway, the movie as as whole is awful.

And this being an awful movie, the question is - do you feel lucky, that you came across my review and decided not to watch this garbage, punk? :)
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Lexx (1996–2002)
3 May 2005
This is one of my favourite TV shows,and certainly, one of the best Sci-Fi shows around, except maybe for "Dark Skies". It has all the characteristics of a great entertainment, however, it also excels in creating dark and twisted atmosphere. The plot is unique with its integral existentionalism, which makes it watchable from the first to the last minute. Directing is good, however, there's not much action, so it doesn't matter much. Cast do a great job, especially Xenia Seeberg a.k.a. Xev. Kai is also portrayed quite good, however the script doesn't give him a chance for a proper character development. And of course, Stan is great as typical role of a "no-good-covard". All in all, a great sci-fi show, I give it 10/10.
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This is what I call an honest movie.
1 May 2005
After reading a large number of negative reviews, it finally became clear to me why this movie is so widely hated - because it honestly depicts the modern biased race-based American society, in which uneducated crowds are ready to devour an honest person, and punish him for a crime he didn't commit. The acting is great, Tom Hanks does an admirable job, however,it isn't acting which makes the movie great. The superb directing, creating realistic and horrible scenes of dirty political games and black (literally) PR, capture my attention. So, to sum up, a brilliant political satire. The movie could make a laughable comedy, if it wasn't so terrifying...
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Sin City (2005)
27 April 2005
This is truly one of the greatest modern movies, and without a doubt the greatest big budget mainstream project ever. Rodrigues is a true genius, he was able to satisfy both producer's needs for a big gross and to manage to make the movie as stylish as possible. Since the movie is based on a comic book, the plot is unbelievable as best, however, it gives actors huge space for character development. And so they're doing their best. All performances are equally flawless, and it was especially nice to see Mickey Rourke in his old character. Special effects are also used very reasonably, creating fictional, but totally believable world. So, to sum up, the movie itself is flawless, acting, directing, and FX are great, so it's a masterpiece!
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Starye pesni o glavnom (1996 TV Movie)
5 March 2005
This one of the best Russian television projects ever. Made as a New Year TV special in 1996, it became so popular, that it was rerun in only seven days after the premiere. The main factors of the phenomenal success were the concept of using classic soviet songs of the 50s (known to almost every Russian, but never remixed) and modern Russian pop stars singing them, to make a powerful musical. All the key elements are top-notch. Good acting, excellent and hilarious plot, directing and overall atmosphere of the 50s - it all makes this movie a big hit. It's a very good piece of entertainment, beautifully done, touching and appealing to most age groups, so I have no choice :) but to give it 10/10.
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Brainiac: Science Abuse (2003–2008)
Laughable, but incredibly stupid
19 February 2005
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Well, I guess that "Braniac" is very stupid, but not a bad show at all. With a microscopic element of science and some British humor it created a decent Friday night entertainment. Since the creators and cast don't even try to take the show seriously, it can't be called hypocritical, and it sure as hell beats pseudo-social shows discussing "important social issues". Some episodes are just unforgettable! This Tina Turner thing is hilarious, and God, I love the nurse:) However, there is a small drawback. They never seem to credit the girls properly, and what's the deal with their website? Still, those small problems cannot rob the show it's charm. Overall rating: 7/10 so far! Keep it up!
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One of the worst propaganda movies ever.
7 January 2005
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This movie simply fails to achieve a level of even average at any position like plot, script, directing, acting or relevant ideas. As we observe the plain and unrealistic "Blonde crusade" to Washington to achieve another stupid and purely political goal - protecting rights of animals. Well, in some time, corrupted politicans are defeated, and blondes reign supreme, although it is hard to believe they are able to actually comprehend what they were fighting for. Acting is really below average, Reese is just plain annoying, and though she's quite talented actress, the script is so bad that her talent is in vain. So, to sum up - a very bad movie. 1/10.
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Surprisingly good.
7 January 2005
When I decided to see the movie, I didn't expect much of it, not more than a level of an usual Saturday night entertainment. But to my surprise, the movie, which first appeared to be a usual sentimental love story, evolved into a decent thriller. Directing is very good at this point, characters are quite "fresh", especially the drug dealer with the knowledge of the theory of economics. Actors also do a good job, especially Reese Witherspoon, although she doesn't get as much screen time as Nivola, her presence can be felt. The plot has some very unexpected turns, which make it very good, and the script is also above average. I give it 7/10, not a masterpiece, but some good entertainment.
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Carlito's Way (1993)
A brilliant gangster movie!
31 December 2004
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This is one of the two greatest works of a true master - Brian de Palma. Just like it's "brother", Scarface, the movie gives us an insight of a criminal world, with all it's cruelty, deceit, lies and fatal decisions which can change ones life forever. As we observe the last days of a retired gangster Carlito Brigante, it's hard not to admire skills of the director, as a quite usual story of a good guy trying to quit "the business" turns into an epic and a cult movie right in front of our eyes. The movie also contains some important messages, and one of the most important is: "Never give up your friends, no matter what..." The movie has excellent cast (Pacino is great as usual, and Sean Penn does an amazing job as a repulsive corrupted lawyer) directing and soundtrack. 10/10, a true crime classics.
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Equilibrium (2002)
Very good movie.
25 December 2004
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This movie seems to have it all: a nice plot with an important message, good script, very good acting (no "big stars", but hey, their checks don't seen to increase their talent), terrific action sequences and camera work (probably the best you can get without using a "slo-mo"), and very good directing. It also has a good portion of irony about modern civilization, which really resembles a collectivist society in the movie, with the difference that the Prozium II is replaced by media. Yet, it lacks originality in the way in ends. You can easily predict a victory of "good guys", although I doubt they are actually good, and the fact that they understand what they fight for. So, to sum up, almost excellent, but with minor flaws, IMHO, they should have made the end more open. I give it 9,5/10.
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Hitman: Codename 47 (2000 Video Game)
29 November 2004
I'm not an avid game fan, but this one surprised me and captured my attention. It is extremely stylish,(Hit-man himself and especially Hit-man dialogues are marvelous) has a good plot line, with all elements of a very good thriller movie, lots of gore and blood, tons of realistic guns, enemies, locations, et cetera. This is a MUST PLAY experience,which lets you experience a life of a professional assassin, I suggest you enjoy it. Speaking of technical side, for 2000 it had very good graphics with motion capture,quite realistic weapon effects and huge tactical opportunities. Great game - 10/10.
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Dirty Harry (1971)
29 November 2004
This movie might appear simple, plain, predictable or even childish to some fan art movie fans, but for me it's a true force! What it may lack in plot, it gains in superb acting, directing, script ("The most powerful handgun in the world" line is just unforgettable, it's instant classic), and some decent social and philosophical ideas. It gives us a perspective on the way of maintaining order in the society which gradually decays at the astronomic speed. In 70s, it might have been an artistic impression, now it's close to reality. This is truly the best part ever played by Clint Eastwood, and agruably one of the best and most stylish action movies ever. I give it 9/10.
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Casino (1995)
Great gangster movie!
26 September 2004
Stylish, realistic, violent, perfectly written and directed, this movie has the power to attract and capture attention for almost 3 hours. The plot is just as good as in any other gangster movie, but excellent script and superb acting make the movie a masterpiece. Robert DeNiro and Joe Peschi do an excellent job portraying complicated characters, and creating a unique atmosphere of presence while watching the movie. The only considerable flaw is Sharon Stone, who's performance cannot keep up with the rest of the cast, but since she's just an average actress, this is a mistake of those who gave her a leading part in the movie. So to sum, up this is a great movie by one of the greatest directors of all times. 9/10.
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Fireworks (1997)
Awesome movie!
25 September 2004
Takeshi Kitano is great as always, and this movie is the true masterpiece of a genius. It truly has everything a masterpiece needs - excellent actors (Susumu Terajima,Ren Osugi and Takeshi Kitano himself - the usual "Kitano crew"), perfect directing, awesome plot and script, and a unique atmosphere, which is created by a mix of sorrow and joy, drama and humor , violence and love, which properly balanced create this great movie. His movie is realistic and shows us one of a million ways a man can honorably end his life. It doesn't suggests or judges anything, it just draws a picture so beautiful and real, that you can only admire it. 10/10.
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Jackie Brown (1997)
Excellent movie!
20 September 2004
This is one of top-notch Tarantino films, which takes you several hours of concentration to find a single flaw. Work of Tarantino as a director is great as usual, actors are excellent (especially Pam Grier, Samuel L. Jackson and Michael Keaton), script is brilliant, and the whole atmosphere is very realistic. Although there is almost no action, the movie captures viewer's attention from the first minute. Soundtrack is brilliant as always ( "Strawberry letter" especially excels), the famous Tarantino attitude and humor appear through the whole movie in vast quantities, so the movie has all he characteristics of a cult film. 10/10.
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Excellent sequel of a brilliant movie !!!
29 August 2004
Well, Mad Max 2 is one is those rare sequels which are just as good as the originals. This movie has all the good qualities of the first part and brings some more post-nuclear realism to the audience. It further explores a self-destructing way of a modern society, presenting a clear view on what's going to be left of it - a few loners, crazed biker gangs ans some idealists trying to escape this new Stone Age. Movie also has some great characters, first of all, the Humungus, who is as good as the Toecutter in the first movie. Max himself is also well-played and believable character, with no spoiling "goodly hero" featues. So, to sum up, it's a great no-mainstream movie, with some valuable ideas, lots of adrenaline, great soundtrack, and excellent cast. 10/10.
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