
3 Reviews
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Microphone (II) (2010)
One of The Best, A New Experience !
16 February 2011
Although this movie came out to theaters during the Egptian Revolution 2010, I decided to watch it once the Movies reopen their doors, and it was a Great experience that's totally new for the Egyptian Cinema Industry. At first, I felt more like a documentary movie than a feature film, but then I realized that Its drama is within the characters not the events, as the writer (also the director) Ahmed Abdullah delivered a new interpretation for this group of young people's feelings, by focusing on the small details and simple incidents happening during their daily life, also he showed a new view for Alexandria, its Talented youth, their musical bands, their hobbies, their art works & graffiti.

The acting ensemble was awesome, not focusing on Khaled Abol Naga only, but gave each one their chance to show us a very realistic and simple performance, with a nice guest appearance of Menna Shalbi.

What made (microphone) a great movie was its direction and Cinematography, new angles in Egyptian films, and the songs selection for sure.

Just a little flaws in the script & storyline got to the movie, but didn't affect amusement.

Is Microphone the best Egyptian Movie?!... I can't tell, but when you watch it, you can't deny that this movie is new & a point of transition in the Egyptian Movie Industry.
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Grey's Anatomy: Death and All His Friends (2010)
Season 6, Episode 24
Perfect Finale ... The Best of the season !
24 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Grey's Anatomy - Season 6 wasn't much good as some of the ex-seasons, especially if you compared it to season 5 or season 3 !

but at least the show makers made up for that, and give us such a perfect season finale ... the last 2 episode (23: Sanctuary & 24: Death and all his friends) ...

As Seattle Grace has a crisis, a shooter who spread fears all over the hospital ... he walked in every alley of the hospital, while Cristina & Meredith walking in peace and talking about babies !

And apart from the shooting and the killing and the whole terror in the episodes... We saw the friendship between Cristina & Meredith growing up and also hanging on both Derek's & Hunt's Lives !

We also saw how Callie was brave and we finally knew a little about her relationship's destiny with Arizona !

Another hero in the 2 episodes was Dr. Bailey, with a great performance (as usual) from Chandra Wilson !

So, every one in that show was perfect .. every one ! and not to mention the great direction for both episodes !

Thumbs up for Grey's ! and sure can't wait for Season 7 !
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Dexter: The Getaway (2009)
Season 4, Episode 12
It'll Change your day !
19 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well then, after seeing the whole seasons of dexter, I was always thinking how they are gonna end the show... Will Dexter got caught or what exactly?

Sure, It's supposed that he'll kill the trinity killer ...

But they made another Perfect ending for season 4 ...

It was horrible, sad, very sad actually ... but it was also Fair ! because "Rita's Death by the hands of Trinity killer " is the perfect punishment for a person like Dexter ! Who also made us feel sorry for him ... after every thing !

It was the greatest episode of the show I guess, it really changed my day when I saw it, as if Rita was my own wife .....

11/10 !

& can't wait for season 5 of DEXTER .. Our Favorite Serial Killer !
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