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Sextette (1977)
Thanks for everything, Miss West
25 December 2007
So, I finally got to watch "Sexette" this year. I must say, after hearing years of bed comments and reviews, I didn't dislike it as much as I thought I would. In fact, I enjoyed myself. Now, I'm not saying that this was the best movie I have ever seen, or the best vehicle for Miss West. It's just not as bad film as I was lead to believe. Plus, I didn't feel like I wasn't getting my time back. I think if it had been filmed in the late 60's instead of the 70's, the picture might not have been as big a bomb. Honestly, I think the film itself is taken too seriously. Mae West had been a trickster and a prankster her entire life. People went to watch her movies to laugh and forget about their troubles at the time... let's not for get that those trouble were the depression and the early years of WW2! Now, when watching this, so many people threw a fit about her age and desiring/having sex. Keeping in mind that George Burns was doing the same thing with young starlets in his act at the time and THE GOLDEN GIRLS was only seven years off in the future, it really makes me wonder, why pick on Miss West? Watching her performance in this, it seems like she is nudge-nudge wink-winking her way through it. Dom Deluise, Tony Curtis, Timothy Dalton, and George Hamilton seem to be having a great time working with the legendary performer. I also think it's kind of touching that she gets a moment with her old friend and co-star George Raft. The moment feels very full of love. Sure, Miss West was up there in years, her voice not as strong, her moves a little shaky, but thinking that this was the routine SHE created well over 50 years ago by the filming of this picture.... it's just cool to see. Her wit, charm, and star power are still evident here. Sextette shouldn't be trashed, nor should it be praised. It should be appreciated for what it is. The final film of the marvelous American institution, Mae West, getting to see her do her act that she loved doing, and had entertained millions with, one final time.
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The Poseidon Adventure (2005 TV Movie)
Mama, HELP!!!
3 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I yelled, screamed, and carried on months before this remake. And yet, I still watched it. I'm not too happy about the trivia section saying that it was more like the book. It wasn't. Aside from having the entire Shelby family (or Clarke wasn't it?), Mike Rogo, Belle Rosen and the name Poseidon, nothing really was. A terrorist attack? Please. Haven't we had enough of that to go around? I felt that way about movies even before 9/11, but I digress. The bishop had no real gusto as he had in the book, or 1972 version. Getting rid of Manny Rosen, was a huge mistake, because it took away another element of survival for Belle. No Linda Rogo was not a good choice, either, taking away any warmth Mike Rogo might have had. How can corridors be flooded above a nice, dry ballroom? Why are the hallways all lit up from bow to stern? Those must be some emergency batteries. Could a used a few of those during the blackout of '03. Having the bishop swim with Belle during her underwater ballet, took away all of the heroics from Mrs. Rosen. In the 1972 movie, she saves Rev. Scott, in the book she swims through three times all by herself with a flashlight, because Poseidon was in a total blackout. She didn't get to talk about being a swimming champion, just a few lines tossed off about trophies. Plus, giving her grandson a diamond necklace? She's either one hip grandma, or she knows he can get a lot for it on ebay. I was very saddened by this. I encourage remakes, as long as they are, indeed, remakes. Going for a darker version by following the book would have been a better idea. How very sad.
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This is my FAVORITE movie of all time
8 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers

So, I admit it. The Poseidon Adventure is my favorite movie of all time. While I realize that this is not the most stunning, well acted, and executed movie in history, I just love it. The story of survival is so important to me, people putting aside their differences to help one another is really cool. The Poseidon, as you might know already, is a cruise ship in the middle of the holiday season, taking passengers through the Mediterranean, when it is capsized by a rouge wave just after midnight on New Year's Eve. Ten survivors now ban together for a brave climb to the bottom of the ship (which is now over head). A few don't make it to the journeys end, dying so suddenly and you are left with no time at all to mourn. The hardest loss for me was Belle Rosen. For one thing, she has age and her weight to fight with all the way through, and she dies saving everyone else, a true example of human sacrifice, putting the needs of other people before your own. The scene brings me to tears every time Iwatch it. I recommend that everyone and their mother see this movie, and I won't get mad if it doesn't wind up being your favorite, you gave it a shot, and that is all that matters.
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Mame (1974)
Not as Bad as everyone says
27 February 2005
I love this movie. I'm not sure why it got such bad reviews. Maybe it's because movies are so bad lately that Mame looks good now, or maybe I'm just in love with Lucille Ball. Whatever the case, this movie isn't as screamingly bad as some make out to be. Bea Arthur is a delight a Vera. Robert Preston is dashing and charming as ever. The songs by Jerry Herman will make you want to get up and dance. While Lucille could have put a little more "Lucy" in Mame Dennis, she looks like she's having a good time dancing, and singing as best she can. You must admire her will to do all the dancing after the horrible skiing accident left her with a broken leg just months before.
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Thank God For Mae West!!!
27 February 2005
While this movie didn't turn out to be as bad as I expected, it was still pretty bad. There seemed to be a lot of scenes missing that would explain what was going on and a lot of scenes that were there that didn't help the plot at all (the card game with Andy Divine and Kathlene Freeman; Rex Reed's self pleasure scene). The highlight was Miss West. At 76, she could still work that swagger of hers. I found the song "Hard to Handle" a delight, too, seeing Miss West work the magic that she had used for over 60 years. Many think that she was exploited in this, being used as a joke, but, the way Miss West was as a trickster, she seems to be in on the joke. Gosh, how the world could use Miss West at times like this. When everyone needs a laugh.
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The Relic (1997)
The Book Was Better
1 April 2003
I was very disappointed in this film. The book had me almost wetting myself, and this movie didn't even make me want to bite my nails. The "monster" in this film was never seen clearly and it was hard to be afraid of it. (however, that worked well in Jaws) If you haven't read the book then you might enjoy this movie, if you have read the book, don't bother. You can't get that time back! -MTP
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Bette (2000–2001)
I laughed
26 March 2003
This was a series that ended too soon, in my book. The comedy was well paced and Bette was wonderful to watch. The first episode was a scream and had me hooked from the get go. I wish it had lasted longer and I thought it really beat out the other new shows starting about the same time (The Gena Davis Show). It is too bad it went off the air so soon. If you ever get a chance to watch it, enjoy, and have a laugh for me.
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Time I can't get Back
26 March 2003
This movie is such a waste of time. I watched it with my Father and that wasn't what I had in mind for Father/Son time. It is a waste for the people in it, a waste for the people behind the scenes, and a waste for anyone who happens to stumble on this piece of junk someone once called a movie.
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Be ready to laugh
26 March 2003
Sometimes you just need a movie to watch that doesn't make you think or worry. This is it. I laughed so hard and I can escape reality for a while with it. Also, watch it with friends, it will give you inside jokes to share for years to come. WATCH IT!
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Noises Off... (1992)
A Peek at Actors
22 March 2003
This, in my opinion, is the best comedy of all times. The cast is perfect and the energy is great. The things that go on are a riot, and each actor is a scream in their own right. Carol Burnett and Denholm Elliot ( in his final film appearance) are my two personal favorites in this, and it is hard to pick favorites in this. I wish that this was an easier movie to get a hold of and I hope that everyone gets a chance to watch it. Plus, any actor, be it Broadway or community, who has had really bad bloopers happen, will definitely love it. Getting those tingling feelings when everything isn't going like a well oiled clock, losing your breath when someone misses an entrance, and feeling your stomach drop to the basement when a line is dropped. You will die laughing.
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Judy Berlin (1999)
Excellent movie!
19 March 2003
This is a great movie to escape into. Filming it in black and white was a great choice and the cast is so perfect. It is also the perfect role for Madeline Kahn, who the world lost too soon shortly before the film's release. She is just great and I recommend this movie to everyone.
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Stone Pillow (1985 TV Movie)
Great Drama by Lucille Ball
16 March 2003
I think our Lucy gave one of her best in this film. She is always one who was never afraid to look ugly (on film, anyway). She is just great and I am so sorry that the rest of the cast is under par and never really matches her power as a performer. I was able to view it at the Museum of Television and Radio and I highly recommend it for any one who is a fan of the first lady of television.
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