
24 Reviews
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Argylle (2024)
Great premise, but should have been wackier to bypass the cringe
19 April 2024
Entertaining but missed the mark. I recommend giving it watch, it's got enough juice and compelling writing to keep you wondering what's next. Might make for a better girls night than a date night watch. The movie really could have been so much more if only they took the fever dream/wacky approach like 10 steps further.

But without the visual fluff, we're left with a bit of a lame/cringey film at the end. It was entertaining for most, although longer and more drawn out than it should have been. Action had too much CGI. But Bruce Howard was phenomenal, I hope she gets more leading lady roles like this.
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It's a love story first, a sleuth story second
25 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Lot of low rated reviewers here missed the point. This show is a complex love story first and foremost, and a a murder mystery second.

While the ending left something to be desired, I was captivated from start to finish with the plot. Keep a notepad on you for this one, so many great one liners to remember. It was moody, mysterious, and gentle. The main character is flawed in a refreshing way and some of these comments reek of ageism, which the show calls out.

Spoilers -

My heart aches for Bill. The one thing that makes me so upset is that he really died for nothing. Darby's reaction to the truth by saying Bill's story is complete feels like we skipped over grieving the truth to his end - a misstep by the writers? Or intention depiction of Darby's character where the case comes first and humanity (especially regarding Bill) comes second.

I loved this show, hope to find others with the same vibe.
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So much fun
10 April 2023
I loved every second of it. It was a love letter to Mario fans of every generation. Parents and children alike will find something in this movie.

It paid homage to the world in meaningful way, incorporating tidbits of every game. I hope it made Italians everywhere pretty proud. Fans that complained about Mario's accent in the trailer will find their concerns handled in the first 10 minutes. The only thing I felt off was Bowser wasn't really Bowser, he was basically Jack Black and I am not mad about that, it was a great performance.

Donkey Kong fans will also feel a welcoming hand. The world and pacing were wonderful. The audience clapped at credits which hasn't happened to me in a couple years.
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Night Sky (2022)
Watched the whole season. Infuriatingly slow and bad payoff
7 March 2023
As per other reviewers, I gave the whole season a watch. I really dislike plot points that circle around miscommunication or characters who are supposed to be good to each other but then don't communicate. The only good episodes were the first and last one. Only in the last episode does the plot finally move. Barely anything of value happens in between. The first episode was a really important depiction of seniors, marriage, and an introduction to the mystery. The execution of the rest of the show was riddled with low brow acting and bland / uninteresting character stories. Barely any character arcs or growth happened.
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Wasn't looking forward to it but was blown away
5 September 2022
So the first episode started really slowly, but I'm glad I kept going because once I got immersed I couldn't get enough. The visuals are stunning, it has some of the best shots I've seen in a while. I originally found the Hobbit movies quite boring so I really wasn't expecting much but here, the characters and races are done really well, especially the half foots. They feel warm and have the charm of the Hobbits in the Fellowship. I really like the actors and each race's cultural differences. At a high level, the show is about several stories that will likely convene over each other as the show goes on. I don't think you should rewatch the old movies before starting this show. In fact, I think you should watch the first two episodes and then go back and watch the movies so you can catch the minor references that are made in the movie to these events. I never really remembered all the little details in LOTR before. Rings of Power is a wonderful reinvestment in a world I didn't realize I was lamenting for.
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Lightyear (2022)
Entertaining throughout, doesn't deserve the bad reviews
6 August 2022
Doesn't deserve the hate. It's a solid 7/10 plot with 11/10 visuals. That's not bad! I'm guessing it bothers people expecting a Pixar masterpiece. Unfortunately it wasn't one, but it was good.

Robot Cat was hilarious.

Great kids movie. Alright for grown ups, could have been more intelligent. Interesting throughout.
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MCU Comfort food
10 July 2022
Enjoyable addition to Thor's roster of movies. It's no Ragnarok unfortunately. But it's a fun ride. Happy to see Natalie Portman's character return, and I loved where this movie ended even if the execution wasn't as good as past MCU movies.
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The Batman (2022)
Wanted to like it but...
7 May 2022
I fell asleep twice in the middle and found the plot forgettable. The actors were great though and I liked following along the riddle but it just wasn't a really payoff or interesting to follow after a certain point. But the chemistry between the two mains was great.
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So much fun. Great group watch. 9/10 skeletons.
26 April 2022
Had a lot of fun watching this adventure flick with friends. Definitely well crafted and isn't really afflicted by its age. Practical effects really wowed us, considering the year it's from. It's my introduction to Ray Harryhousen as a Visual Effects creator and it really made me want to watch more of his stuff.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Perfect hard scifi
6 April 2022
Binge worthy hard SciFi you can't get enough of. The opening season came off slow occasionally but picked up fast and really fed my imagination. Feels like a true look into humanity within our solar system.
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Snowpiercer: Ouroboros (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
Garbage writing.
9 March 2022
Sean Bean as always is a pleasure.

Was a terribly written filler episode. Was a disservice to the actors more than anything, asked them to do ranges they couldn't do, except for Javi. Really embarrassing episode to see.
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Surprisingly better writing and character compared to the other movies
19 February 2022
This movie was fantastic. Ralph Finnes is such a treat. The cinematography and action was interesting but more surprisingly, the characters and plot were all really well written. I'm pretty suspicious the low ratings are because people expected the other "formula" Kingsmen movies. I wasn't really into them and thought they were kinda mindless so I was pleasantly surprised by the heart in this one. 9/10.
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I think they got it
8 January 2022
After last season's abysmal plot, I was ready to throw in the towel for Doctor Who. Hearing this new season would be an overarching plot had me intrigued. Safe to say my cautious husband and I were so elated by this episode's setup for the rest of series, we can't wait to watch more.
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8.5/10 - reminded me what HP meant to me
4 January 2022
As someone who was the same age as the actors and grew alongside them, I entered a time in my life lately where I'd forgotten what it meant to me. My memories of how the Potter universe intertwined into my own life came back. Safe to say, there were many laughs and tears as I watched this.

Also, thank you for not having JK actually return for this. Her problematic views were heart breaking and I'd found myself intentionally distancing from the franchise because of it. They made the right call for me.
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Great world building, mediocre action choreo
27 December 2021
The plot execution could have been better but I loved the direction and decisions they made with the world. So many questions from the original trilogy felt satisfyingly answered and more. Only complaint was the martial arts and action scenes were janky. I was looking forward to the homage of Hong Kong style like previous matrix films it was just quick cuts and a misuse of Keanu's skills.
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A must see for fans of martial arts action and Chinese fantasy
6 September 2021
What a great flick. The action was amazing throughout, constantly growing and changing so the fights never got boring. Awkwafina is a favourite of mine and did a great job. Family relationships really do make the most compelling of stories. We got an Antagonist that had a tragic and understandable story, he never felt 1 dimensional like so many other hero rising villains.
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My favourite Star Wars film
10 August 2021
I fell in love with every character in this film. Poetic and beautiful in so many ways. The use of classic Star Wars themes in a modern setting is done better than the sequels.

My only issue is with the inconsistent character usage of Saw.
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My favourite entry in the MCU
20 July 2021
Thor is reinvented. The comedy is the right amount and the use of themes and colours is perfect. Everyone kills it.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Great entry into the MCU
20 July 2021
Always wanted to see more Loki. While occasionally the dialogue/writing can seem full of missed chances, the plot, the characters, their performances and the world building is incredible. Definitely a better entry into the MCU than many Marvel movies.
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ReBoot (1994–2001)
Slow start, but a work of art by season 2.
1 April 2020
Reboot is one of those must-see shows to appreciate how CG tv animation came to be and to watch how quickly that improved every season. Great writing, clever concepts, and complex characters with both heart warming and heart wrenching arcs for heroes and villains both. The show tone changes heavily from a childish season 1 (with straightforward and good writing) to maturing quickly through the seasons. It's just everything you ever want to see in a series comes full circle.

Season 4's cancellation left something to be desired. However forgivable since the writers were forced from a 12 episode season to an 8 episode season with short notice causing fast paced arcs.
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Bad writing, REALLY bad CG, and amateur actors
1 April 2020
Tried giving it a chance. Saw the first 10 episodes. Got progressively worse throughout. While Megabyte was done decently, the main characters lacked stories with believable conflict to advance their arcs. Power Rangers was a much better execution of this type of cast. The writing and explanation of Mainframe is a slap in the face to the original show. Why couldn't this have been better? I really really wanted it to be. 1/10. Please call the original writers back and maybe this reconceptualization of ReBoot could have a chance.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Fun, light hearted action flick
18 February 2020
Feels like the negative reviewers out here didn't actually see the film.

Harley Quinn was an enjoyable and wonderful comedic super hero/villain film, and a breath of fresh air compared to the more serious DC or overdone Marvel formulas.

Felt like a great action flick about people ending up in each other's cross hairs through a series of shenanigans. Black Canary and Huntress provided a wonderful grounding to Harley's hilariously manic antics. Cass was not true to her comic source, but still provided an entertaining revision fitting the mass Hollywood audiences.

It was leagues better than that unfortunate Suicide Squad.

My complaints are it should have been significantly more violent (considering it was rated R), and the character development should have been better on some supporting characters (ie Montoya).
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Timeless (2016–2018)
At first was unsure but couldn't stop watching, so now...
23 December 2019
Now I'm left devastated that it was cancelled. This show is full of heart warming surprises, a plot that consistently keeps you drawn in, but more importantly every actor imprints into you.

It finds a bit of Dr Who spark in there but sometimes questionable writing. The movie was good as a wrap up but wasn't the direction I felt the show was going towards.
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Awesome and hilarious. The backlash is non-sense
28 August 2016
This movie surprised me. I was expecting something half decent at best, and yet found myself laughing so hard that there were tears. I was cautious because of negative reviews but that terrible trailer did not do it justice. It was witty, fun, scary, caught me off guard sometimes (I died at the "scratch the eye" scene with Hemsworth), and a nice little political note is that the script and outfits were not "gendered", could have been for any actor. That's rare for an all-female cast movie.

The first half of the movie was great with the second half slowing a bit. Like all recent reboots, the plot was a bit of a mirror of the old movie towards the end. The effects and ghosts were super well done, lots of chills down the spine.

I give it an 8/10, but 10/10 to offset the online hate by those who haven't even seen it. Good movie for all audiences.
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