
6 Reviews
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I definitely fooled by the title -_-"
30 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
before I know or either I see the movie (I never see the poster), I think that it might be a super romantic movie, but seeing the poster I buried up my mind about it deep deep under the iron sea, because, OMG, this one overflowed by blood scenes, shooting each other, chasing, and drugs, weapons, terrorist, and all the things you could see on any action movies... humph..., good, I fooled by the title and gosh, it was hottie Jonathan-Rhys-Meyers!!! mwahahah I would love this movie and in fact I love this movie =D you know, John Travolta acted damn good as a secret agent, I remember his words "if you're a secret agent, then act like a secret agent" well, I think Johathan-Rhys-Meyers way better be a model or something than a secret agent and of course he does haha. yeah, it's pretty sad that in the almost ends of this movie he (JRM) has to deal with his fiancée, oh sad . . . as the movie goes, I never expect that JRM's fiancée, Caroline was a terrorist you know!? amazing! he lived with her for times and he dint realize at all that something is wrong about his fiancée, till John Travolta told him the real fact of her, and the story began in a damn hard way, you know, you must choose, your love or your country? I enjoyed every chasing scenes, you will love these guys, because sometimes somehow the way secret agents fulfill their job were amazing, they're so easy to kill people (of their target with reasons and responsibilities of course) I meant not the passion of killing people, but how they use their weapons, strategy, time, chance and stuff like that, I love the way secret agent work =) cool man! because however, although the danger and the risk they would get are big, but they can manage that and done their job well. oh yeah, I almost forget my review, after that, he's in a mission to kill his own fiancée, on this must be very hard decision, like all in a sudden you have to kill your bf/gf, I believe you wouldn't do that, but he must, because that's his job and by this, he can save more life , and that's what he should. well, after he found his fiancée wore a jacket of bomb inside her veiled clothes, in US ambassador building, he know that the one can stop this all was himself, he started to talk with her, even on that time, his fiancée is about to trigger the bomb to blow up that place, he's trying to cancel her to do that, he talks about love or something, I saw his fiancée is kind of trembling and her unshakable conviction seemed to break but she's such a firm woman, in a less than 3 second, she's totally almost to trigger the bomb, but BANG !!! he, (JRM), shoot her right on her head, she fell onto the floor, John Travolta caught her and overcame the bomb and yep, it's over . . . wow, I adore his loyalty to his country and his fiancée, because after the show is ended, he still keep his pictures with her, just as a reminder, how sweet hahaha =D from this movie, you and me might learn about love, sometimes love can make us blind, so don't until you blinded by love, although I know, it supposed to be hard for us... and yep, if you got assignment, finish it well and be loyal at everything you believe, of course in a good way one, I meant don't be loyal at crimes or something bad like that hehehe... it's quite good movie, as not it will makes you think over something as not twice =D before you do that, because sometimes, something Unpredictable will come into your life, be ready!
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Why does this movie even exist???
30 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's kind of late, I know, I already forced my sister to go with me to the cinema since first time they played COTT, but she told me she has no time, and to make thing worse, because I really rely on my sister, I forgot that there're friends I can go with, but too late, they already watched COTT, poor me... so, after ..., well, 2 months, my sister (again?) got COTT from her friend, so here I am, reviewing this movie ( after watched it 3 days ago ) Umph..., it was only in my eyes this supposed to be heroic and cool movie was a total epic fail or was it all the peoples thought about? because, oh man, you got to be kidding me, I swear I prefer HTTYD much much than this creepy ridiculous movie, I'll tell you why I mocked off at this. first, I don't like such as God and Goddess story, I meant, hello! this is currently 2010 and you still with that 70's adapted movie? God, you better just make another super hero movie -_-" second, they story was so-so, well, truly boring actually... and it was like why does Zeus trusted Hades so easy that way? and hell why don't Zeus itself to kill Kraken, you know what I meant? Perseus was a half human and a half God, but Zeus 100%ly God and yep, Perseus couldn't fight Kraken with so many helps, included those witches, Djins, and of course his accidentally father, Zeus, bah, this movie, especially the story itself was totally trashy...! I know maybe they still make it based on the original story or it's predecessor but its OK to make it a little bit different , for me, I think people prefer good story although it was totally fiction than original history that will make them yawn during the show. third, this was imperfect way for Sam Worthington, as you know , avatar was impressively stunning, incredible one, ever! and then what? After avatar, he is on this movie? it was like after you eat a piece of delicious black forest, then someone gives you a s*** to eat, you wont eat it right? of course you wont, Sam shouldn't take a part in this movie. fourth, I know it might be silly, but I need to say it all to you, I still wondering about how could be Hades had a son named Kraken and just as you know, Kraken is not a god, he's not even looks like as "son", I thought it was only happened on sponge bob square pants world, a crab named Eugene could have a daughter named Perth and guess what? she's a whale! but its very OK then, it was a movie after all =D I'm so relieved that my sister had no time to go cinema with me, if she has, I might in tear because I'll lost some money for waste. and by the way, the visual effects were amazingly dull, especially those scorpions, they just look like unfinished 3D animation assignment of a 1st grader of high school student! my suggestion, next time hire more eligible people please... but OK, It's good that I found : to kill a mega big and cruel and powerful Kraken you don't need any nuclear weapons, all you need is a Medusa's head, kind of simple, no waste,rocks except, and you can use them for buildings.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
waiting for IRONMAN 3,4,5 =D
14 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I watched IRONMAN2 about two days ago, and I kind of loved it =D, better than the first one, because here Tony Stark went crazier and more unstoppable hahah. Well,, I think here, Robert Downey Jr. didn't act at all, I meant he's definitely Tony Stark, Tony Stark is him! so, no wonder if his performance is really that cool =P, CZ its not about plays somebody Else's character but your own character, just as easy as you to be yourself, although I know that sometimes its kinda difficult to be yourself. But here I am saying that Tony Stark or Ironman is definitely Downey Jr., the genius and crazy, sexy guy hahahah. OK, its enough time to screw around, actually for me, they brought us a new, different paradigm, both Favreau and Downey, different one of a superhero in a witty way of funny and sometimes unpredictable story, and it'll makes you just like "oh my, cant wait for the next sequel" or "damn, he's cool as hell, I love Ironman, I love Tony Stark!".

hmhh..., I liked the Tony's experiment room mostly, man, I absolutely down on my jaws about three meters to the edge of the white screen on the theater 3, when I was watching this movie. often enough I, imagining myself doing something on that room, designing, filming...(if only the room exist) lol. Not just it, I was like WOW by Scarlett, the melodramatic actress acted surprisingly awesome as a secret agent, she even did some action maneuvers, hahaha, pretty magnificent, good job scar-jo! and the Ironman's enemy, Ivan vanko, has a good acting as a god damn terrible freaky smart and ambitious, Russian ...umh,well, can I say "scientist!?" and guys, I love his Russian accent, simply stunning =)

the one really makes this movie lame, is the kissing scene (tony and pepper) ugh, they should throw away that scene, moreover it was in the almost ending of this movie, oh my..., it was almost destroy the whole this beautifully funny movie, I hate pepper, Paltrow kinda overacting I think..., just easy mom -__-", she should be replaced by Cate Winslett or Julia Roberts, I think they would be more suit with Stark hehehehe...

But overall, I love and enjoy this movie, the actor (Downey), the actress (scar-jo) and the music, especially when tony and Rhodes changed the party hall on Tony's house into a battlefield! will be good to see this even as trilogy or tetra-logy, penta-logy maybe *grin*
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what an awful movie !?!?!
2 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
the story is about Tomas (Becker), a famous and egocentric actor, buys a Buddha head in someplace, I don't really remember the name of the place and accidentally kills a thief with the relic in self defense and his life is about to change after that accident, well I think that's all I can say, I don't want to spoil too much and I think It wasn't really important to be told.

yep, this movie was super awful and unimportant to be filmed at all... the plot was ridiculous, the music was laughable, the actors and the actresses will make you wanna poop (their acting was too far-fetched and exaggerated) I don't know why they made such this movie? Becker acted that bad, you'll totally change your mind about him after you see this movie, more over if you compare this movie with Goal..., way SO different, or you just never compare it.

I do really disappointed with this movie, because before I saw this movie, I hope that I'll see some murder scene, fighting or some scenes that I got when I saw Sherlock Holmes or as not Indiana Jones!? but I could find none...(poor)

I swear you'll f*** at this movie! so DO NOT WATCH this movie ever !!!!
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Zodiac (2007)
Thriller???? I thought it was a drama only???
30 March 2010
maybe when you heard word "zodiac", it will reminds you of that ripper, named Jack and the second possibility, it reminds you also with movie titled "from hell" ,and you'll think like this "oh my, I have to see this movie!". Then if its is true, you've a same way of think with me before I saw this movie, and you would exactly change your mind after you see this movie!!! I've to declare that although it was based on true story of that notorious serial killer and directed by the director of se7en and fightclub (David fincher)and rex reed, the new York observer said "one of the darkest, creepiest and most tantalizing thrillers I've seen in years", It worth nothing for me! well, actually robert downey Jr played the character of that mad reporter greatly and jake either, but still, the plot was so boring. Too many unimportant scenes that should be deleted! Although the genre was thriller, horror. You'll not feel like you see a thriller but drama, Dark, creepy, stunning, should be replaced by wearisome, boring and ridiculous. And the worst of all is the music! David shire and his entire team should go back their school and ask their teacher how to make a good soundtrack for thrillers! idk why they choosed such as noisy and sometimes too relaxing!?

music for this movie, this thriller movie! Maybe it will be alright if it was drama such as Mamma mia, but Helloooo,,it was "thriller movie" T-H-R-I-L-L-E-R !, remember?

alright guys, I think after all, it just one of those unsuccessful thrillers and I would not suggest anybody to watch this movie, moreover who like thrillers, you'll not enjoy but laugh at this movie.
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everlasting movie, ever!
26 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
well, actually I'm not keen on any football stuff..., I do never see a single match of anything related with "ball" I hate sports... but then one night I saw this movie through my TV and I wowed by the story of it !!! the main character (Santiago) was totally built in this movie, kuno Becker has the role !!! I learned so many things from this movie. such as how you have to face the reality that sometimes will be so much far away than any bad dream you ever got, it feels so real showed by the scene of Santiago when he expelled from the reserve player team. and how he has to lost his money that he saved because of his father wanted to buy a truck and it made santiago cant go England. but then we cant just make our dream gone, blown by the wind...if we dare to dreaming about something big, so we have to do and make a big sacrifice too. also..sometimes do not listen to anyone make you down, even it was your own parents! that's what I got from this movie. well, and yeah..,we have to keep our team work as any kind of sports, we work as a team, the important one is the name printed in front of your shirt, not behind! the plot was really beautifully well done, you'll see an unforgettable story and a touching one. so worth for people who like football or people who afraid to make a big deal with their life, first so many footballer and so many scene make you wanna cry and promised to yourself that one day I have to make my dream comes true!! you would not soon forget this movie, its kinda memorable and thinkable movie guys... I really recommend this movie for ya!!! (now I'm looking for the other movie starred Kuno)
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