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Moonlight (I) (2016)
16 April 2017
What was all the fuss about? Best movie. You've got to be kidding. La La Land and many others nominated were MUCH better. Did it win because of the 'black' element and being 'politically" correct? Come on. There wasn't one white person in the film until the very end and they were just sitting in a restaurant. Boring, boring, especially the last act. Who OK'd this movie to be made???? A couple of the performances were the only saving grace. Otherwise, FORGET THIS ONE. Simply unwatchable. I'm glad it didn't do any business as it didn't even deserve the small grosses it received, much less a BEST picture. OMG.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Could be better
27 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
BETTER CALL SAUL could and should have been much better, at least the first two seasons. Hard to feel for any of the main characters as they have no redeeming characteristics. At least in BREAKING BAD there were some characters you cared about, but in SAUL, not one person can one relate to or care about. Even Kim, who seems to be the nicest of the main characters, has major flaws and is downright stupid. Too bad.

Another problem with this series is that there doesn't seem to be a point to it all. Just long, boring scenes that sometimes do not make sense, especially some of the openings. SPOILER ALERT: At the beginning of season two there is an opening of a man who works at Cinnabun at some mall. He gets locked in a garbage bin area for a while until someone opens the door. THAT'S IT. Throughout the rest of the season that scene is never referred to again. WHAT???? To what purpose did that prove or others like it. Also, what's thee thinking behind Mikes making havoc on the road for the truck that he overthrows by blowing out the tires. It's an open road where anyone can drive by either way and see it all. He ties the driver up, lies him on the road, slashes the tires and gets the money out. All of this would take several minutes or more. No cars other traffic? How does Mike know no one would be on the road during this whole time. Ludicrous . That's POOR WRITING INDEED. So many other improbable situations make this hard to take. Do not care what happens in season three as I am done with BETTER CALL SAUL. Only some of the acting is worthwhile, but not enough to continue with this pretty dreadful and slow moving series.
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La La Land (2016)
Theme song
26 December 2016
FINALLY a movie with a theme song like days of yore. It's been over 20 years since a movie has had a nice melodic theme running thru the film. Something you can actually hum when one leaves the theater. So tired of these rap type songs with no melodies whatsoever. Just a bunch of noise and lyrics that can't be understood or even heard.

As for the movie itself, excellent. Good story with innovative scenes and alternative story lines. For non singers/dancers, both leads do well. Let's hope they start bringing back old fashioned musicals once again. Enough of the junk that's produced today with all special effects, car crashes, explosions and super type heroes. Not to mention recent movies that use the F word like it's nothing, nudity and graphic violence. No, I'm not a prude, but let's leave the rough stuff at home and start producing ENTERTAINMENT with a capital E.

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Pure Tarantino
8 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One either loves or hates his movies. This one falls in-between. Good premise that goes on much too long. OK acting by most, but a 'little-over-the-top" by Jackson and Leigh.

Two large plot holes or shortcomings mar the movie. SPOILER ALERT: Earlier in the day section when the baddies kill the people at the Haberdashery, how and who could have cleaned up all the blood stains so fast? Except for the covered chair, no way could they have washed and cleaned the whole place. Even worse, at the end, you have two guys to age weak and can hardly move, yet they are able to make a great looking noose, with nary a blood stain from the girl or themselves on the rope. They are actually able to get up on the rafters to sling the rope around, get down, put Leigh in the noose, again, nary a bit of blood, and able to pull the noose? Incredible feat which defeats the whole film. I aghast that Tarantino himself, or the crew or even the actors didn't think about the implausibility of all this. A mess, for sure.

Since about 90% of the film takes place in a stagecoach and the interior of the cabin, why the wide screen, 70 MM? Should have been filmed in black and white with just an old-fashion 1.33 camera lens. The more I think about the film the less I like it.

Another factor that doesn't make sense is the lie that the Jackson character tells the Dern character. Very offensive scene, and the blood-shed that follows is also overdone. Tarantino would be ashamed of himself for this one.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
1 - 5
23 June 2016
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What started out as a number one has been downsized to a number 5 season 4.. Have not seen the whole season as yet, but the first four episodes are not nearly as good as past seasons, hence the rating to number 5 One major plot hole (spoiler alert) is : Doesn't anyone miss the guard who was murdered??? Thus far, NOTHING. Doesn't anyone on the staff or his private life wonder what happened to him? What about his paycheck. What does anyone think when he just 'vanishes' and doesn't even pick up his check!!!! Unless this is addressed later in the season, I will give this an even lower rating as the season progresses... Some of the backstories are not very interesting and just take up room as what's going on inside the prison. Wish the writers, producers or even some cast members would pick up on this and especially WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT HIT-MAN GUARD!!!!!! Nuff' said except some of the acting is very good to poor....will not name names!!!
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29 November 2015
This is a fair show that could be a good show if properly written and acted. Good premise but it goes way over the top in so many ways Namely the lame acting. Viola Davis goes way over the top. It almost becomes unbearable to watch Her performance at times. She's acts like a combination of Lady Macbeth and Medea Bad character development of her and her students are comical in a bad way. Blame it on bad writing and acting. Surely they could have found better talent. Also better writing would help The style of the show is a copy cat of DAMAGES with its flash backwards and forwards which worked in the former but works against it in this one. Also borrowing some of the style of SHERLOCK with its fast motion aspects. Come on let's get original here While not the worse show on TV it's certainly far from the best. Another drawback is the stupid sex scenes. Far to many and not needed. Just cheapens the show. Now that I'm writing this it seems more bad than fair.
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The Homesman (2014)
So so
11 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Could have been a better movie if the screenplay made more sense. Some of the character development needed DEVELOPMENT. Maybe scenes were cut, but it seemed a bit disjointed. Good filming and acting, but too many un answered questions, especially the Hillary Swank character SPOILER ALERT: Is Ms. Swank ever going to make a movie in which her character doesn't die??? I think this is her fourth or fifth film where she perishes. Let's put her in a nice comedy? Anyway, the film is quite bleak about people who are 'out of it'. Everyone is a bit crazy or disconnected which makes this film hard to watch. Tommy Lee Jones is to commended for making a film such as this, but his talents should be utilized in a better script.
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A foodie
7 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
MRS. DOUBTFIRE really showcases Robin Williams talents. I was never a big fan of his, but in this one he's tops. Kind of a silly premise that works, again thanks to Williams performance and a very able supporting cast. San Francisco locations help as does a nice music score. Synopsis can be supplied by anyone reading most of these reviews. Despite some plot holes and improbabilities, this movie works on just about all levels. It's kind of a 'dreamy' as opposed to an all out in out comedy. Divorce and unhappy people are never a comic narrative, and the bittersweet ending works just fine. For those of you who are Polly Holliday fans (Flo in the TV sitcom ALICE) she has nothing to do here. She has fourth billing on a card by herself but only has one line of dialogue in one scene. In looking at the "cutting room" floor clips, she had a much larger part. Here scenes were kind of a sub-plot that was very funny, but entirely eliminated from the final edit. In a way I an see why as the movie runs over two hours at it is, and for comedies, that's along time. SOME LIKE IT HOT, the best comedy ever made ended right at the two hour mark. Perfect. Wonder what Ms. Hollidays fans and Holliday herself thought of this. Do see the extras if you're going to watch this movie on DVD. By the way, Sally Field, as always, is quite wonderful.
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Neighbors (I) (2014)
My My
3 August 2015
My My, what an awful movie. Made no sense except for excuses to talk dirty and have lots of sex. The best part was the end. IT ENDED. Most movies nowadays, and this is no exception. are made for the young crowd, like 18- 29. When will screenwriters write real stories with REAL characters use real actors. This movie was atrocious garbage. I know its only a movie and not supposed to make sense, but wouldn't the other neighbors have complained, even if they were 'helped' a bit by the kooks that infiltrated the house? No matter how you look at this movie, it stinks. Why did I finish it? Only to see if there were some redeeming values. None. So if you're looking for an ill-conceived, dirty, filthy, rotten mean spirited, terrible acted and inane movie. DO SEE THIS ONE
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Good for what it is...
25 March 2015
THIS IS WHERE LEAVE YOU is good, but could have been better. Good enough cast and character development, but there was something missing...like maybe on the cutting room floor. Story of four siblings getting together after the death of their Father. Trials and tribulations galore. There was a little boy who took a long time for me to figure out it was Tina Fey's. Never, NOT ONCE, did she hold him, talk about him or give any indication she was his mother!!! That was something that was never filmed or left on that cutting room floor. Also, at the end when she's leaving someone says something about is she going to be alright traveling with her two kids...TWO? Where in the hell was the other one during the entire running time??? Very strange. Also, when Judd and Penny are at the ice skating rink in two scenes...NO ONE IS THERE BUT THEM? Another strange happening which makes the film very unrealistic. The twist at the end with the Jane Fonda mother character was a real shocker!!!! Who knew????? Film reminded me a bit like AUGUST; OSAGE COUNTY but without the great acting. Again, this could have been a better film if it were a bit more developed and realistic.
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Better than expected
21 February 2015
Well, finally a movie for us adults with no F words, car chases, explosions, vampires, aliens or other 'special effects'....Great....AND SO IT GOES isn't the best film of the year and yes, it does have its clichés, but it's a wonderful film just the same. Michael Douglas has rarely been better and Diane Keaton....is well...Diane Keaton...but a little less quirky than usual. Surprised how well she sings. A few heart tugging scenes, some laughs and serious moments make this a must see for the 'older generation' I"m afraid the younger generation would be bored and hoping for some big car crash or super-hero to invade the area. And heavens to betsy...no nude scenes!!! Story is very similar to AS GOOD AS IT GETS, with a few twists. But that's OK. Just enjoy this fine film for what it is. A feel gooder!!!
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Should have been....
18 January 2015
LOVE IS STRANGE should have been better than it is. Interesting story and premise, but something was left out. Don't know if scenes were cut out or maybe never even filmed, but it's quite disappointing and it could have been so good. Acting is above par for the most part, especially Marisa Tomei. Two two lead actors couldn't have been better, but they weren't given much to work with. Fair cinematography and editing and the music score score was a nice touch and fit well with the Malina Character, him being a music instructor. What doesn't ring true is that they had to separate by living in different places. Very phone in that respect. The two gay cops were not necessary and their parties they threw were more for college co-eds than grown adults. Did not make sense. More annoying was the accent on the nephew. The whole ending centered around him which was ludicrous. A very serious mistake was when the nephew was waiting for Ben to come home. He's waiting in front of the apartment with nothing but his skateboard in hand. Once they get into the apartment and talk for a few minutes, the nephew hands him a large paper painting!! How in the hell did the painting get into the apartment as the kid only had his skateboard. Didn't the writers, director, the camera people, the crew or even the actors question this huge mistake?? Then again, the boy leaves and the camera stays on him a good couple of minutes as he cries!! Fair first act and very poor second act and ending.
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The Guest (I) (2014)
Could have been......
16 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of THE GUEST is pretty good, but the execution not so good. What could have been a good thriller sadly goes downhill towards the end. A pity. Pretty good performances, especially from Dan Stevens. He does well with a difficult role. Good guy/bad guy. That's the problem. The screenplay doesn't seem to know what to do the his character. A good first half doesn't make for a totally satisfying movie. Just wish the writers would have been a little more original. That school Halloween seen was very unbelievable. What school has that kind of set-up for a Halloween party? It just cheapened the film and turned it from a good thriller to a slasher/horror movie. Too bad as it had a lot going for it for a while. SPOILER ALERT: The killing of the parents was the big mistake. Better to have helped the family as promised and then moved on, regardless of the daughter's interference. Brought the film down, down, DOWN. But even worse was the very end with "David" walking out disguised as a firefighter!!! Give us a break. Unless, of course, he was a robot!! And if so, the audience should have been clued in. Otherwise it was just too unrealistic. Shot three times, stabbed twice and off he goes!!! Big mistake folks. For these reasons I do not recommend THE GUEST. This movie only played one week in one Theatre in Pittsburgh. I can see why.
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Better than expected
30 December 2014
I really didn't know what to expect for this latest Woody Allen offering. So many of his films are a bit odd and even too dramatic. He seemed to have lost his luster for good comedy. With MAGIC IN THE MOONLIGHT, he redeems himself. I found it to be a delightful movie with exquisite locations and cinematography. As usual the music he uses is great. Oldies but goodies that really make the film even better.

Maybe the reason I liked this so much, apart from the solid acting and the above mentioned filming, is that it is a 'feel good' movie which is very difficult to come by these days. Most films are trash with special effects, wooden or robot type acting, or gory, violent and foul mouthed language. Very refreshing in this day and age of R rated films to find something as refreshing and charming as MAGIC IN THE MOONLIGHT. A must see if one wants a vacation from blood and gore. Even like the MY FAIR LADY element. Fact is, Colin Firth would make a excellent Professor Higgins in a remake.
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17 December 2014
For the type of movie this is, it's not half bad. Slow moving at times and some the the dialogue doesn't ring true. Sad tale of two young people who have cancer....not a comedy for sure. Depressing in fact. Well acted by the leads and especially Laura Dern as the mother. Wonderful performance and wanted to see more of her.

As a realist and difficult to take 'theatrical' license, I'm wondering how Gus and Issac got to that church toward the end. Issac is blind and Gus is dying and in a wheel chair. How in the world did the get to and from the church??? Would have been more realistic if one of Gus' parents had been sitting in the back somewhere. Then you'd know how the two boys got there. Also, at the end when the mother tells Hazel that someone is here to see you. It's Issac. How did he get to the house. Just little quibbles like this kind of spoil the whole thing.
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23 August 2014
How in the world did this movie get green lighted??? Like most modern movies made today, this is just as bad as most of them. The plot doesn't make sense, nor the acting. But worse are the improbabilities. At least TRY to make a movie of this ilk somewhat believable. I guess this is what they call a fantasy, science fiction type movie....but it doesn't work.

Despite all the gun shooting everywhere and the typical car chases, WHERE ARE THE POLICE?? Despite all the punches, falls and cars going over bridges and landing upside down, TWO BAD GUYS GET UP AND RUN TO THE METRO TO CATCH THE KEVIN COSTNER CHARACTER. What? Keven himself gets all punched, bruised and beaten, yet in the next scene, THE SAME NIGHT, two of them are dressed up and not a scratch or buries on them!!! WHAT? If this were a cartoon, maybe, but this is supposed to be realistic. Or as I stated above, a fantasy. Then it would work, although I don't think this was meant to be a sic-fi or fantasy. I really don't know what the writers had in mind for this miss-mash. Even the acting suffers, but of course since the actors have nothing to act.

Why can't more movies be made like a good old fashion thriller like Hitchcock used to make or a good Agatha Christie movie. I guess movies like that are passé'...what a pity.
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Woman's World (1954)
30 May 2014
WOMAN'S WORLD has finally made it to DVD. Bout' time...It's released thru Fox Archive. Glad it isn't panned and scanned, but wish it were in full scope instead of scaled down. By that I mean it's letter-boxed the way it was filmed, but formatted for a square screen. Who has square screens nowadays? The plot is interesting centering on which one of three men will be promoted to General Manager of an automobile company. The three men and their wives are invited to New York to be 'looked' over for the job. The wives would play an important role when it comes to the final choice. Good acting by the three couples and Clifton Webb is perfect as the head honcho. Who will get the job. Interesting how it turns out. There are nice shots of old New York as second unit as I don't think anyone left the 20th Century Fox lot. Rear projection is a problem here. Anyway, this is a must see if one likes good old stars, good story and especially a nice plush musical score. This is a MUST SEE. As someone stated before, it would have been great to cast MM in the Arlene Dahl role. Guess what? This is a very entertaining movie without one single car crash, no buildings blown up, no violence, no nudity and No F...words!! Amazing isn't it? Could just imagine how it would be if there would be a remake in todays market.
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Feel good movie
16 February 2014
While this isn't the best movie ever and no threat to the Academy, it's darn good. Streisand is great (as usual) and so is Seth. This is a feel good old fashioned movie that is seldom made or seen anymore. So tired of recent movies with nothing but special effects, foul language, car crashes and violence. Enough already. When something like GUIT TRIP comes along, people should see it. Maybe the studios will make more like it. No wonder I'm a fan of the films of the 40's and 50's where the special effects were WRITING, DIRECTING AND ACTING. Today it's all crazy effects and stupid plots with unlikable characters. GUILT TRIP has a good premise of a very special relationship between Mother and Son. It is a typical road trip movie...nothing wrong with that. Great dialogue and execution, with a nice little plot twist at the end. DO SEE THIS MOVIE FOR A HAPPY-GO-LUCKY EXPERIENCE.
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Revenge (2011–2015)
Fun to watch...but
30 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
REVENGE is a guilty pleasure. Just finished season one. If one can suspend disbelief, great. If one is looking for reality, check that one at the door. Even with todays technology, what the characters do with all the technical mechanisms, no way could all this happen. Twenty years ago or less this series could not have possibly been produced. There are more loopholes than meets the eye. And just about all occurrences are improbable. Just one instance SPOILER ALERT. Lydia lives in a high class well secured apartment building. Yet, two, not one, but two men get in her apartment without any difficulty at all!!! Emily's disguises are almost nil. Strange people just a few years later didn't recognize her. And how did she get to be one of the hired help at the big NY Eve party at the Graysons. No credentials, no background, no references. How was she paid? Convenience for the viewer but so phony otherwise. And how can Emily and or her 'partner in crime' possibly do what they do without ever being seen or noticed? Just a few of dozens of examples that are unexplainable. Again, if you just want to be entertained as a thrill ride, then by all means, enjoy the ride. REVENGE could have just ended after the first season. Just started season 2 for fun..ANOTHER ALERT: How in the hell did Victoria escape from the plane that was blown up????? Unless this was all a dream, this is the stupidest, craziest example of writing EVER. Will I continue to watch season two? Now THAT'S a cliffhanger!! Well after watching the two remaining seasons....Big mistake. Characters make no sense, everything felt padded to fill time and the actors, got bless them, tried hard to keep a straight face while reciting terrible lines they were given. Why oh why do they always have someone listening in to conversations? So many plot holes it's hard to recall...Except for one Glaring hole. In the last season Mason confronts Amanda at the airport when she tries to get to Jack. How in the hell did he know she'd be there WHEN SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE'D BE THERE UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!! It's things like that that are very irritating. And why kill off so many characters?? Unbelievable. Season four was a MAJOR disappointment. Just so many loopholes and inconsistencies. SKIP THIS TRASH. The less said about Marguex character the better. Why did they make her turn so evil???? While I'm at it why didn't Amanda confront Victoria about the reason her son died was because of HER hiring that hit lady to get Amanda. It backfired and got her son instead. Sloppy writing on this one.
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
Could have been better
24 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Even magic/caper movies need SOME sense of reality. This movie is so full of holes and unbelievable situations it's almost funny. If one can really see it as a fantasy film, then fine. You'll enjoy it. If one wants any coherency SKIP IT. SPOILER ALERT: The twist could have worked if what the Ruffulo character did was believable...but there were SO MANY instances that the writers had him do that did not justify the ending. Too bad, because the photography, music and even some of the acting was just fine. The story should have been completely re-written. Film was also very choppy and it looks like scenes were filmed and cut or should have be written and filmed. Am tired of Jesse Eisenberg playing the same character in EVERY MOVIE IN WHICH HE APPEARS. His acting range is A-B. Give somebody else with real talent a chance at his roles.
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Not bad at all...
18 August 2013
While THE BIG WEDDING is no great shakes of a movie, it's much better than the bad rap it's been getting. The stars, ROBERT DI NIRO; DIANE KEATON; SUSAN SARANDON and even ROBIN WILLIAMS, who I do not like, are very good with what they've to to work with. Story is trite, but fun. One can see the outcome from miles away, but so what. Nice photography, location of the main house and some very funny situations make this an almost hit. Would have like to have seen more of Sarandon and Keaton as they never disappoint. Di Niro does extremely well in a role far different from anything he's done before. Very impressed with Ben Barnes. He's an English actor...you'd never guess as his American accent is perfect. Also has to speak Spanish at times and is very believable. Don't miss Christine Ebersoles very funny turn as the bride to be's Mother. Wish she had more footage as well. So if you have nothing else to do I would recumbent THE BIG WEDDING for a fun evening.
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The Call (II) (2013)
Could have been...
19 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
THE CALL could have been a very good movie, but isn't. Too many loose ends unbelievable events. The start of the movie is very good as is the acting. Story of a looney who kidnaps girls who reminds him of his departed sister who he seems to have had an unhealthy relationship with. His latest kidnap victim is Casey. She's put into his trunk, has a cell phone and calls 911. Earlier a similar incident happened with Halley Barrie at the ER phone line and she fails to save the girl. This isn't going to happen again. So far, so good. Then things get out of hand which make the rest of the movie quite stupid. SPOILER ALERT: The kidnapper does all kinds of crazy things in broad daylight and no one sees anything? Beating up a man and then killing him. Changing bodies from one trunk to the other. Another incident at a gas station and no one sees anything again. The most ludicrous thing of all is the kidnappers lair. No way could a man who is married and have a full time job have the time or money to make this huge underground lair with many rooms, running water and electricity yet. And how in the world when he and he and his victims go down the ladder into the lair can the trap door where he goes down cover itself up with dirt and grass????? Just skip the lair altogether and have him have a shack or rundown home somewhere to do his dirty deeds. That would have made much more sense. Of course this is a movie and nothing is supposed to make much sense. Even with the Barrie character finds and goes down the lair with no back-up, weapon or telling anyone where she's going!!! Too stupid to be believed. Of course the end is quite controversial which doesn't make much sense either. Too bad, because this had the makings of a very good movie.
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fun but dumb
27 June 2013
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Like most films nowadays, it's best to leave reality and logic at the door. After all is said and done, IDENTITY Thief is kind of fun....again, leaving logic at the door. Nothing makes much sense and certain scenes are completely inane and unbelievable .. SPOILER ALERT..namely when Melissa Macarthy is hit by that car full force and gets up with nary a scratch or injury of any kind. Like being hit by a feather. Did I mention you must leave reality and logic at the door? Would have been a much better 'road trip' movie if there were SOME sorts of reality. Another dumb aspect of the movie is the stupid people chasing them. How they knew where they were all the time is really FAR OUT. I realize to make the film a little more exciting, bad guys must be thrown in the plot. Too bad. Best thing about the movie is Melissa Macarthy. Jason Bateman is not bad either, but the movie belongs to Melissa. Another good thing about the movie is the way it was filmed. No jerky editing or hand held cameras. Just good old fashions movie making as ALL movies should be filmed, but are not. The plot, as it were, wholly unbelievable as where was the FBI during this whole shebang? An ordinary person DOES NOT SET OUT TO FIND HIS IDENTITY Thief. Oh, but then there would be no movie!!
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What's up with this one...
18 June 2013
What could have been a very good musical ends up being bunch of mixed up scenes that make no sense whatsoever. Fox had a good idea with the material, but somehow botched it up. A good vehicle for poor Mitzi Gaynor, and she must have very dismayed with what ended up on the screen.

Fox Archives has released this recently along with other older films. Too bad they couldn't include the missing footage as it's very obvious scenes and details to the plot were left out on the 'cutting room floor', so to speak. The musical numbers, for the most part, are very good to excellent, even though they do not belong in the time element of the story. One very strange number, the second I DON'T CARE sequence, has Mizi changing costumes RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ACT, and a character that was long gone, back in the scene. I'm sure this number was supposed to be a 'dream sequence', that would be the only reasonable explanation!!!! What did Mr. Zanack have in mind when he edited this film??? I know he was responsible for all editing of films under his regime. He also ruined the fabulous MM movie, NIAGARA along with sever cuts to THERE'S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS. And he was supposed to be a 'movie' person? I think not.
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Needed scope
5 June 2013
Not a bad bio as bio's go. I'm sure what you see in the film is NOT what really happened in real life for the most part. Still an enjoyable viewing, especially some great musical numbers like BLACK BOTTOM and BIRTH OF THE BLUES. Nice performances by all, especially Ernest Borgnine. Unfortunately this Fox MOD is in the pan and scan version, not Cinemascope as presented in cinemas. Strange that Fox, who invented the Cinemascope process would release some of their scope films flat. This really ruined my viewing experience. There is a disclaimer at the beginning that THIS FILM IS FORMATTED TO FIT YOUR SCREEN. This may have been true several years ago, but now 95% of the population have wide screen TV's, so why would a company who invented the scope process send out films in pan an scan? A tragedy indeed.
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