
3 Reviews
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Duane Hopwood (2005)
Out of the Blue!
17 September 2007
Actually I was biding my time to get back to " Law and Order" when all of a sudden there it was. "Duane Hopwood" With one eye on the clock, and the other on the screen I suddenly lost track of the time, and became mesmerized by this delightful movie. I often wondered what Atlantic City looked like in the winter. David Schwimmer was excellent, but why is he listed so far down on the credits. The rest of the cast was equally excellent. So that's what happened to Dick Cavett ! This was another gem that was put on the shelf. Thank you for taking it down. I'm usually very good with words, but this time I'm at a loss for another sentence. Just to say I enjoyed the movie immensely,and didn't fall asleep once...
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Northern Exposure: Burning Down the House (1992)
Season 3, Episode 14
The doctor is in !!!
23 June 2007
I must say that we have found NE on HD and just watched this episode. I am amazed at the talent that is spread around this series. My husband and I watched it religiously when it was first broadcast, Now we are missing our usual 6oclock dinner time, since it is also on every night at 6.What's more important ? I live in Florida, and have a friend up in Chappaqua NY who also just loves it. We used to compare notes on the academy awards and NE. I am so impressed with the story lines,the acting, the scenery etc. I've got my eyes on amazon to see if I can pick up the whole series. I was able to record a few episodes, and guard them with my life. I have a TV guide that paid tributes to NE. Why Oh why can't they make TV series like this anymore? Glad to be able to catch it again.
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The Colony (1995 TV Movie)
Not bad for a snowy Sat. afternoon.
17 June 2006
I thumbed through the channels and came up with " The Colony " After watching for awhile and thinking it might turn out to be a good wet Saturday movie, I realized it was just like living in a gated community here in Boynton Beach, Florida. Fortunatly we can leave whenever we wish. However, there are associations who tell you what color your homes should be painted, what kinds of plants are acceptable, who is entitled to play on the tennis courts,who can swim in the pool etc,etc. We have our own COPS core. CITIZENS ON PATROL.They patrol the streets in an official police car. They do not carry guns, cannot issue traffic tickets. I am thankful to have this type of security. As far as the movie, It was better than expected.
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