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Family Matters: Fight the Good Fight (1991)
Season 2, Episode 20
I'm watching this as an adult white wonan
11 March 2023
I grew up on this show. I was Laura and urkels age when it was airing. I'm rewatching as an adult and I'm so amazed at how good this show still is and how relevant it still is. Mother winslows story was so amazing. I can only imagine how many people of color probably lived that story. This show is 30 years old and we're still arguing over telling black stories. I think more people need to take advice from urkel. These stories still matter. I especially love that the Asian principal is showing racial tendencies. That's still happening today as well. People of color who should be empathetic are still doing micro aggressions toward people of color. And even MACRO... Mother Winslow, one person can make a difference.
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No complaints
18 December 2022
I feared there would be a drop off point in the story like there was in avatar-but I can say there was not. I think that was the most surprising thing, that the story kept moving at a nice pace. Especially for a 3 hour+ movie. The action was phenomenal, the story satisfying and warm. Jake and neytiri as parents is wonderful. We watched in 3d and I felt like maybe it was lacking some color-I want to watch it in regular vision as the colors were one of my favorite parts of the original. I'm a lover of the water so seeing the sully family adapt to the way of the water was a treat. A must see for any avatar fan. I hope Cameron can keep the good momentum on this series to the finish line.
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Scream (I) (2022)
The new plot point surrounding Sam
3 March 2022
It's a little weak. She leaves town because of this drama surrounding her due to her past, but no one actually knows about it? It's just a little forced. We're so far removed from the original characters-so many new characters introduced. It's very hard to keep up. It is good to see Sydney thriving and living a good life. But my teen enjoyed it. He's a huge scream fan amd it kept him captivated.
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When frank gives you that look of pity...
24 June 2021
You know you've really fallen. As much as i hated Fiona this season, Emmy rossums performance was authentic amd heartbreaking. If you're not crying at that last scene, you have no soul. She's broken. Everything she's been through has completely broken her and no one can reach her.
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Thunder sisters!!!
25 April 2021
Loving the strong female leads! And the idea of current pop culture-the "window" amd "tablet" clunk loves so much. And that these "cave people" are smart and caring. Our family loved it!
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Athlete A (2020)
How this doesn't have a 10, I'll never know
13 July 2020
This documentary is very thorough and well told for us lay people to understand the atmosphere that allowed Larry Nassar to prey upon his victims. It took so much courage for these victims to speak out and I'm very much in awe of them. It should be noted the complete monopoly the Karolyis had in the gymnastics world. They certainly created the toxic atmosphere that exists in the elite level. People ask, "why didn't victim so and so say something back when it was happening?" This documentary vividly shows why victims are terrified to speak up. Careers hang on the line here. The Karolyis could knock your kid out of the Olympics if they didn't want her there, no matter how good she is. Ask Maggie Nichols.
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Bloodline: Part 13 (2015)
Season 1, Episode 13
I'm rating the whole season
3 May 2020
Woo this family. They make my family look normal and that's scary. The first few episodes were tedious. We're told how horrible Danny is without much reason why. They finally start showing his true colors in a way that felt organic. So many lies and unspoken Truths. So many family secrets. And my interest was held for several episodes until the very end. By the end I couldn't figure out why these people want to be in each others lives. They are all miserable. Their relationships are so toxic. It's a good show worthy of watching but it's so hard to get behind any of the characters. I just want one of them to make a good choice. They just keep chasing bad choice after bad choice.
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The Sinner: Part VIII (2017)
Season 1, Episode 8
Just binged season one in 2 evenings
28 April 2020
It deeply affected me. As someone who's trying to recover lost memories, it was a powerful show. Coras memories are so deeply interwoven because how she was raised affected her decisions that fateful night. And she takes ownership of those decisions, so we the viewer know she will be ok. The detective however, still has more story to tell. Looking forward to season 2.
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Safe (2018)
"He's fine I'm a dawctah"
25 April 2020
I only watched this for Michael c hall because he's an amazing actor. But...this Is bad. Like my 7th grade writing class bad. I'm giving 3 stars because I have never given a 1, but it's a 1. It's bad. It's almost like satire maybe?! I'm not sure if that was the intention.
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Onward (I) (2020)
Didn't feel too Disney
8 March 2020
I appreciated that it wasn't tooooo Disney like but still had the amazing graphics that Pixar is known for. I love the story and since two of my kids are into dungeons and dragons, I loved that that was incorporated into the plot. Barleys unwavering optimism balanced with Ian's lack of self confidence was perfect too. As an orphan myself, I love the natural path the story took to lead Ian to his big epiphany regarding barley. It didn't seem forced at all and by the end, I was bawling. Giving it 9 stars because 10 seems like overkill. But really, solid movie for all ages.
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Green Room (2015)
The premise was ok
18 February 2020
But I had to watch it 4 times to fully grasp the ever changing plot. As another person dies, the strategy changes which is reality but I didn't get all of it. And actress who plays Amber, could she be anymore bored? Is her character supposed to have such a flat affect? Between her non existent affect and vocal fry, she almost ruins a pretty decent film. Replace her and it would get a solid 7 from me.
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Fractured (I) (2019)
It had good bones
7 February 2020
But it kind of dropped the ball a bit. The hospital parts were very unconvincing. Any hospital that treats someone that way when they believe their family is missing? They just brush him to the side like no big deal that your head is bleeding. And the flashbacks he has of his first wife dying interspersed with his current family, it makes you wonder if the new family is entirely made up. The story takes us down several paths and not in a good way. Could have been a solid movie.
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Billions: Lamster (2019)
Season 4, Episode 11
No character wasted
6 February 2020
I think what I love about this show is the character writing. Each person serves a purpose to drive the plot forward. Like an intricate chess game. And just when you think someone has been gone or not as important, they step into the foreground again and make their purpose known. Superb show.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Pure acting magic
28 November 2019
This was among the top 5 movies I've ever seen. I found joaquins performance both entertaining and disturbing. On the one hand, you're laughing at his social ineptitude, saying "oh that joker, always trying to fit in" but as the plot unfolds, you find yourself picking your jaw up off the ground. And the camera work, it just accents his amazing performance. Someone said this movie spiraled from start to finish and they were not kidding. If he doesn't win the Oscar for this, then the academy is a waste of time.
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The Conners: A Kiss Is Just a Kiss (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
The conners are going to be just fine
4 October 2019
Without Roseanne's big mouth, it's amazing how much more you appreciate all the other actors. I've loved marks story, but this episode took it all the way. And I'm glad. People need to get over their ignorance. I literally started crying and rewound it for my lgbtq son to see. Even dan doesn't bat an eyelash at his grandson. I gained even more respect for the show after this episode.
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As a former teenager girl
23 August 2019
I could relate to these girls. At least Annie. She's pissed that she had to move and basically disenchanted with life. That's teenager 101. I found it to be a very believable consequence of the actions of these girls. Being so young, they can't realize the consequences of their actions and certainly can't see that frank might be a creep like a grown up would see. It really doesn't dawn on them that he lied about his identity. So this film to me is very relevant to today's internet society, where one can make him or herself into whatever he wishes just with a few computer/phone keystrokes. Watch it. It's a good movie.
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Deadly Switch (2021)
Not the worst way to spend an hour and a half
23 August 2019
It was a little cheesy and felt very lifetime movie channel. But it was watchable and I'm not mad that I watched it. Lol
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Not a bad little flick
19 August 2019
I was hooked instantly by the title and description. Once the movie got going the suspense kept me watching. The ending was a little weak but it was an enjoyable film!
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2007? More like 1957
7 June 2019
Only thing worse than Halle Berry's over acting is the character she portrays. She presents herself as a scandal/tabloid journalist which wasn't the worst thing but then to hide behind a mans name. Why? Why when female journalists have worked for decades to gain respect would this idiot journalist push them all back decades? The story could have been decent but Halle Berry's performance made ur seem almost kitschy. You would never know she was an oscar award winning actress by this film.
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The Beach (I) (2000)
Good movie, not much similarity to its source novel
22 April 2019
I love this movie. I've seen it probably 50+ times. I decided recently to start reading nooks that became my favorite movies. The book was just used as a rough outline for the movie. That's not to say the movie is no good-it is. The visuals and the music are magical. And our hero Richard still goes through many of the same character challenges, they're just condensed down into a 2 hour movie. To tell the novel in movie for would take much longer. But like I said, the movie is one of my guilty pleasures.
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House of Cards: Chapter 72 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 7
Total trash
1 April 2019
I was actually excited to see a woman portray the presidency but this has been such a disappointment. Claire's little "out clause" is about the most ridiculous thing ever shown on television.
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House of Cards: Chapter 71 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 6
Painful to watch
1 April 2019
It's not that the show can't make it without Kevin spacey, it's that the writers went off onto some weird tangent. And hello, what happened to the politics? Congressmen, senators, laws? It's like Claire is the US worst fear in a female president-totally dramatic and out for revenge. Revenge against who? I don't even think she knows. I'm slogging our these last two episodes out duty.
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Ray Donovan: Abby (2017)
Season 5, Episode 1
I thought it was a strong start
22 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My SO and I genuinely thought they were bating us with the cemetery, I mean, they wouldn't kill Abby would they? As the episode progresses, we see that they did and Ray, is devestated. Our hard faced Ray is truly broken. And I'm curious to keep watching to see how he's going to handle his life now. Who is ray if he doesn't have Abby? I disagree with all the bad reviews, this is a whole new layer. And in rays work, his "career" is shaken up yet again. He's never doing the same thing for long. Season 4 really dragged on for me, after a stellar season 3. I was relieved when 4 was done, and with 5, I see a fresh story line emerging.
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