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Deadfall (2012)
A Snowy Serving of Excellent and Well Collaborated Drama
12 February 2014
I have watched this film twice already this year and I must say that it never fails to disappoint. A Snow climax which sets in isolation and peril, dark and gloomy cinematography and an all-round cast including Eric Bana, Olivia Wilde and Charlie Hunnam who deliver tenacious and overall spectacular performances which engage and lure the audience into a fine little thriller which gives all the good anyone is expecting in a film like this.

I just thought that the cast for this film was a good choose because I never expected to see Eric Bana (from films such as "Chopper" and "Hulk" and Charlie Hunnam "Sons of Anarchy) together in a slick thriller/drama which seems to bring much tension whilst keeps the action flowing nicely from scene to scene. The story that creators thought of is something that has been done countless times to date, yet "Deadfall" seems to take the concepts and ideas of these situations and makes it a different type of roller coaster ride which has you wondering and pondering suspense of how, who, what and when certain scenarios and characters will act upon the viewer as well as each other. Not to mention I thought Sissy Spacek (strongly known for the original 70's shocker "Carrie") and Olivia Wilde (who I haven't seen in many films) were both excellent elements and actresses for their parts as well as their ways of acting as the roles they were given.

But most notably, Eric Bana & Charlie Hunnam; they both knocked their roles right out of the wind this time round! Eric Bana brings a more sadistic yet manipulative and charming persona to his character of Addison whom murders and violates people before wanting them to die. I love how Bana portrays a very vicious and vile tone which seems to cause much tension between him and other characters. Such as the scenario where he back tracks in the woods where he "seems" to look after the little girl as well as the final dinner table sequence.

Charlie Hunnam is very much at his prime in this role as he is a petty crook who just happens to be released from prison, and now; wants to get his life back on track. I really loved how he brings a smart, sneaky and yet kind-hearted persona to his character. Even though he has done the immoral, we see visually understand that he wants to try and make peace with his family and to get a girlfriend (in which it's Eliza) as well as to stop running away from trouble.

Overall, a very slick and excellent film I believe shouldn't be missed. I could ramble on about this film for ages since it's so fantastically well made. A very strong structured film which I didn't expect to even grasp my attention so much, as with myself I usually am not fond of many of the film being released these days as many have lost substance or use too much style to present glamorous textures instead of story.

"Deadfall" seems to pick up and balance the two elements of substance and style generally well which I now believe it was the possibly the best film to be released in 2012. I don't know how I didn't pick up on this two years ago! My Verdict: See It, it garnishes a 9.5/10 from me.
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Chucky's Back with a big Slash!
23 January 2014
When I first saw the trailer for this straight-to-DVD release, I did not even think to believe that this film was to be any better than the previous which had come. I thought this film was going to be cheesy and just not exciting. Again, I anticipated what was not...

"Curse of Chucky" may have had it's flaws (which it has some), but for me it was a kill-joy ride into seeing the crazy, sadistic doll we know and love since 1988. Now 25 years later, he's come back with a big slash to a victim's backside! Before I properly start writing what I liked/disliked about the film, I would first like to say that Don Mancini, the cast and crew did an excellent job of bringing Chucky back to his horror roots, and attempting to make the concepts and elements of the story and doll creepy/suspenseful. I would say this it's an improvement over both "Bride and Seed of Chucky", though I still didn't find this film too scary for the most part. I also knew that this film was not going to match up to the ambient suspense of the original 1988 horror flick which I still cherish today. I also didn't find this one to be better than "Child's Play 2" or "3".

So firstly the bad sides of this film (I'd rather get this done first):

1: The aspect I noticed most is that Chucky is not remotely scary or frightening. He sometimes appears as a game model while at other times his head's the size of a turnip. His clean look doesn't look to great, where its too plush and playful. His clean look needs to play off the themes that he can be a frightening vision. The stitched look was a slight improvement. Brad Dourif's excellent voice talents for the doll are the only thing that keep Chucky going.

2: The only other small problem I would have to state about the film, was that when the filmmakers were working on production, there was note that the film was to be set after "Child's Play 3" and to be a prequel to Bride. And then there was info flying around that it was just set after Seed. So the film at times made it a little unclear whether it was set in the mid 90's or if it was the 2000's but then again, when I saw cell phones and laptops it quickly striked me that it was set in 2013. Weird hey....

On to the positives for this film: 1: Firstly, the film's soundtrack score now composed by Joseph LoDoca is just magically listen-able. It's one of the best soundtrack scores I've heard in a while and especially for a Chucky lover like myself, I was having high expectations on the soundtrack score. The last Chucky film to have good to decent music was probably the 3rd one, then again the last really good time was the 2nd one. He does an excellent job of creating a creepy atmosphere with the soundtrack score, whilst adding various elements I found which include; ambiance, circus, creepy, bouncy kind of stuff, and even a bit of funky rock with chimes. There were many elements of the music which made it a joy to listen to. My favorite parts of the music especially are the 9th and 19th tracks of the album. I found it to be very Danny Elfman like.

2: The actors were a well-rounded cast and did good at what they did. Their death scenes were also funny (not so scary) to watch as Chucky seemed to have pick up a thing for hurting people's eyes. But overall I just think that Mancini worked well around the characters to develop them to the full extent that they needed to be at, in order for us to do the typical thing that many horror fans do. Love or hate certain personalities and root for certain characters to do hideous and horrifying things to our conscious expectations. I especially loved Fiona Dourif's character as I felt I was able to connect closely with the way she was feeling about her mother's death, as well as what she thought about Chucky and her well out of whack sister.

3: The location was a well picked choice and quite a wise one at that. Very spooky and creepy house, just standing on it's own where elevators, attics, bedrooms, wide hallways and open spaces is all the necessities of a building a suspenseful atmosphere and putting the victims in danger. It was great to see this because there also hadn't been a great location for a Chucky film in a while since "Child's Play 2". They just kept it simple which I found nice this time.

Overall, that is all I can say about this well made, and quite rich sequel which unexpectedly hit audiences with many surprises. I once read an article that someone had stated "that it was the best direct-to-DVD film they had seen, and it was saying a lot". I tend to agree with the person who wrote that very much because it's also the best of straight-to-DVD horrors I have seen. For example, the "Wrong Turn" films (3-5) all sucked hard. I also find it hard to believe that "Curse of Chucky" would not get a cinema release, but instead "TCM 3D" would hit the cinemas??? That film was terrible where it had no depth at all.

But anyways, "Curse of Chucky" deserves a 7/10. It's not an award-winning flick and certainly isn't the best or the brightest of the bunch of horror films (as well as in it's own franchise), but it is a step up from most recent horrors I've seen. Give it a try... You may be surprised what pops out of the box.
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A Powerful flick to finish the Year 2013
23 January 2014
In my honest opinion, many films are released over every year where they all try to achieve many art forms and film techniques which include acting, cinematography, lighting, sound, camera angles, story and meaning. For me, the majority of films I've seen come out throughout the last two or so years have only had minor success in some of these areas, where they don't achieve the full potential they can. However, when I saw the epic trailer for "Out of the Furnace", I thought to myself that this film will be potentially good but nothing overall special. Boy was I wrong.

"Out of the Furnace" was not only one of those masterpieces to end the year of 2013 in a successful way, but it was also one of the most well round housed flicks I have seen in a very, very long time. I mean I honestly cannot say that this film was going to be as excellent as it was. It really threw me and blew me away. The elements that I just mentioned in the previous paragraph (film techniques) is what "Out of the Furnace" achieves. Within the first five minutes, I knew that I was in for a good ride when the beating had occurred, the symphonic and gentle music started to rise in the opening titles, and then we finally see Christian Bale doing what he obviously does best. The film in my opinion achieved all art forms, and why? I'll tell you why now.

The cast is just a powerhouse of knock out performances and overall just a strong binding cast which I believe had worked through and through, and had formed together to try and give the best of their talents to us film viewers. I thoroughly enjoyed Christian Bale's performance the most as he was a life character that I could relate to and love and conform with. Sort of speak to in a way, that is why I liked his performance so much. The cinematography was a nice, powerful contrast between de-saturation and darkness with a whole meal mix of warm, vibrant brightness which I believe has an expression of it's own, where whatever the scene was portraying and presenting, the cinematography would slowly integrate and intertwine with what the film, characters and plot were communicating to us.

Even though the story may not be the most original thing in film story-telling, I thoroughly believe that the way the film's scenes and scenarios were paced, and also the direction of where the director wanted to take the film's characters made the plot ever so enjoyable to watch. The situation with the father, Woody Harsen and even Bale's ex-girlfriend were excellent sources of sub-plot points which contrast so well into the story. I believe the plot-line that grabbed me the most was when Bale's character had to look after his brother as he was merrily in a mental state after he had been at war. I think that the story was key success here.

Overall, I believe that "Out of the Furnace" was a grand way to close the films of 2013, despite two or so films being released out of it, I still think that it was not only one of the best to conclude 2013 but also just one of the most powerful pieces of cinema I have seen in a long time coming. It's expression-ant, it's well acted and overall well told from various perspectives. Not to mention that musical score has a mind of it's own. It is easily now one of my favorite films in my books.

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If you take this so literally, you won't have fun...
14 June 2013
Tom Green's shocking, funny, uncanny and grotesque flick "Freddy Got Fingered" is one of the most underrated and most hated film I know in the film universe. I'd first off say that I loved this film! Sure, there are a few discontinuity errors, the film's plot hardly hasn't anything to do with the title and the characters are dumb fun, but who cares! It's Tom Green for f8#% sake! Material like this I'd say would align perfectly with other mindless fun such as "Jackass" or even "American Pie". It's not supposed to be the most well-made, r award winning piece ever. Here's why I think this film is so great (also why I think Tom Green should have made more films like this afterwards as well as this film not getting the total credit it deserves).

The film mindlessly contradicts itself back and fourth. We have so much happening in here which consists of sexualisation on animals, pregnancies, cheese sandwiches, cartoon drawings, music fused with food and angry fathers who are accused of molesting their sons. It's never ending in this twisted fun! I had a lot of fun as I found many great moments in the story. Some include when he pretends he's an underwater diver, when he crosses his fingers, when he rides the skateboard. Even the restaurant scene is priceless! Tom Green professionally went out and did something he wanted to do. If people take this film too seriously and decide that "it's too shocking or gross for their taste", then they're not going have fun with it. Sure, we can't see everything we like. I sure didn't like every scene in the film, but for the most part it kept me intrigued.

As I mentioned at the top, I really wished Tom Green could've made more sickly (gooping) comedies like this after "Freddy Got Fingered" Overall, I enjoyed the film's acting, tenacity, majority of scenes and explicit crude humor which Green dished out left, right and centre. This film should have received more recognition for these factors. My verdict, see it - 8/10
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Shameless (2004–2013)
It was the Best Show Out
30 May 2013
What I am doing reviewing each series for how they did and their downfalls. I will be deeply analyzing Shameless, and the end I'll simply place a verdict.

Series 1: It was the most intriguing entry of the series because of the raw power/tenacity of the actors, the way certain scenarios were built on (example, Karen and Frank's affair) and how various situations of a dysfunctional family living on the breadline would affect viewers to think. How could we believe in the decision making of how this family would survive whilst the mother was on a run-about and the father was a layabout. Overall, series one was the most realistic because themes involving poverty, sex and alcoholism played major factors in how the characters acted upon certain situations.

Series 2: This was quite an excellent continuation from where the first series left off. We look through the lives of Frank and his dysfunctional clan. Again, quite relatable with audiences who are/were experiencing what the Gallagher family go through or even those who didn't live a lifestyle like this (I relate to the series through not living like the Gallagher's but instead deeply thinking about what they're experiencing and how certain situations impact them). I love how the Gallagher's are pounded with new situations to deal with. I also really enjoyed the way the cinematography was boosted up in color toning and brightness. It gave off the intention of a more tense feel.

Series 3: I would say that this was the last strong entry because after this, things started heading downhill. I believe that without Fiona and Steve, series 3 was still quite a grand look into how the children would survive without their eldest sister. I found at times I related to this one a little bit more than the first two. I enjoyed many of the new ideas that the creators dwelled upon. I found that series 3 set up chronological story lines for how plot lines would turn out (example, Frank not going through with divorce w/Monica and he still marries Sheila, what a coincidence?) However, those episodes about the two set up greatly for how series 4 evolves. Overall, genius.

Series 4: This is where I found Shameless would start taking a continuous root into recycling ideas. With the Maguire family being introduced, things would ultimately start to change greatly. Even though these were the cases for what some of the later entries turned out to be, I actually liked it. Still has a great cast, the Maguires are a laughable yet scary bunch of people who almost control the Chatsworth estate. I still found many of the episodes interesting, however I never liked the idea of Kev and Veronica leaving.

Series 5: I found this to be the last good entry in my opinion. I thought that even for 16 episodes, I thought it was a mighty effort to keep the hype of the show going extensively to engage audiences for one final time until it would slowly start to crumble and become a repetitive mix of mess. I have to say I was disappointed with the departure of Lip (who was my favorite character!). Despite that, I loved the way the show still casted some drama, keeping good contrast between the Gallagher's and Maguires. Their issues and troubles were presented realistically.

Series 6: This is where things started to really fall down the drain pipe. I don't think it was too bad, but I felt that Shameless was starting to run low on fuel to keep "continuous addiction". Story lines just felt a little over the top. I still liked the contrast between the two families and some of the humor was still up to scratch.

Series 7: I would say for a this series; it was probably the most darkest I had ever seen of it. Affairs, drug abuse, etc. which made Shameless compelling were taken to a new level , where I found most scenarios color coated grimly. I hardly found any humor at all. Honestly though, I found it a great turning point. Sure, some stupid story lines but it was different in a great way.

Series 8: This is when I really started dreading the series! Too many episodes! It was quite stupid as I found that most of the content which we had seen happen to characters in the past was happening all over again (example, Frank screwing a woman to make Libby break up with him) We've seen that before! I will admit there were some funny parts but I found that good characters were only tossed in whenever creators wanted them in! No good!

Series 9: I'd say it was a slight improvement over the 8th series but it had no redeeming qualities. We lost Carl and Mickey who were fantastic characters. We also ended up with idiotic characters like Billy and Domenic. Why??? The eviction part was interesting though.

Series 10: Well, it was awful. Zero develop and effort to achieve any realism whatsoever. It was sloppy. *I could note that it took me nearly a month to get through, come on!*

Series 11: I didn't mind this one. The final entry series has it's stronger traits (episodes 8, 13, 14) whilst it too had it's weaker episodes (7, 10, 11). Overall, I thought that the last series was a major improvement over some of the previous. Bringing back old characters such as Lip and Fiona were positive steps forward. It was good for the most part.

Verdict: Series 1: 10/10 Series 2: 10/10 Series 3: 9/10 Series 4: 8/10 Series 5: 8/10 Series 6: 6/10 Series 7: 6.5/10 Series 8: 5/10 Series 9:5.5/10 Series 10: 3/10 Series 11: 6/10

Overall Shameless is a series not to be missed. If you're a person of variety, give each series a try. If you're specific with you're material, stick with the trilogy. 10/10
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Evil Dead (2013)
A Gruesome Entice into Gore, Guts and Purifying Carnage
16 May 2013
I'd firstly like to state that this remake was neither a well-achieved turnout like other past remakes such as "The Thing" and "Dawn of the Dead", but it wasn't a muddled mess like past re-trends which consist of "Black Christmas" or "Prom Night". For me, this remake was a brutal impact which lays its freshly coated blood in the middle of decent remakes. I don't think this one was better than the original by any means, and it ends up missing some of the point. I will talk about the positives and negatives, which I will contrast together: Positives: Overall, I'd say that the film was an enjoyable ride through many of the modern remakes we've already received constantly within a decade. I'd start with the soundtrack score because I found that it was one of the strongest highlights for this film. At times, it was very dark and soothed in with quiet, and very harsh whispers of suspense or booming sounds, and sometimes when emotional scenes were scattered about, it became symbolic and quite sympathetic which I found to be elemental and strange, but yet so intriguing as to why a remake soundtrack score would have both dark but emotional tones.

I found the acting to being decent for the most part. The new cast of characters that they gave us were cool and they really rocked me back and fourth with their decision making (most of the time being quite stupid, oh well that's modernized horror for ya these days). The aspects I really loved about the remake were the practical effects and many of the death scenes we were given. I loved how these original creators adapted the stories' kill sequences, but making them improve so much in all areas. Lastly, I found there to be a few disturbing scenes where we got to know the new cast of characters on a different level to the original film which I thought was a good twist on where the story was going, as well as the parts from the start. The cinematography, whether we were in the cellar or outside in the raining forests also looked dreadfully nice which gave the film some tension.

Some Negatives: Even though I thought this horror remake was sweet on how it took on the story, I still found some minor elements which bothered me, making me sometimes think about the original. This is not to say that the filmmakers didn't attempt a good job here, it's just that in these areas I'm about to focus on, I just didn't think they were strong enough or these aspects were placed here for utterly weird reasons. (WARNING SPOILERS FROM HERE ON!) Firstly, I think Mia's brother David burying her in the pit and then she comes back alive and she's newly fresh and all human again was just stupid. They should have found another way to weave those elements through, but I think that the filmmakers' didn't know how to clear this up. Even though the effects are sick for the most part, I'd say that there was some creativity lacking when it came to making Mia and some of the gang looking evil, possessed and demonized. All they had was just yellow eyes, deeply mixed voices and screeches and slow walk/crawling. They could've made them all look a little different. I also wish they had made the possessed victims fade and die in a more suspenseful and least predictable way like the original.

Lastly, the one problem I had with this remake which I have with most horror remakes is that the film just wasn't scary enough for me. I laughed at some of the dialogue and I did believe that the film's atmosphere was dreadful, despicable and brutal for the majority of the time. However, I just wasn't afraid most of the time when watching it. It's just something that horror re-imaginings have struggled with. I knew it wasn't something completely knew, but by the look of the trailer, I looked frightening and disastrous.

Overall, I do believe that Evil Dead (2013) is a worthy look at. Despite some mix up's and it's thing as a remake for not being as scary, I still think that the film should not be missed in the cinemas and that it was scary enough for even the least avid fan who wouldn't normally go to watch a horror film. I enjoyed it for what it was. 8/10
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Warm Bodies (2013)
A Fantastically, Well-made Zombie Dramedy Flick which Represents New Elements
25 April 2013
Stating from the above summary title, that pretty much sums up what I thought of Warm Bodies. It wasn't my initial thought but when I went in and then walked out of it, I found that my perspective was of something I have just mentioned in the summary. Warm Bodies which is a modern take on of the Zombie sub-genre of Horror manages to pack quite a punch with its great acting and characters alongside it's excellent story and themes whilst showing us how good some Horror films can still be in this age today.

One aspect of the film that I thought stood out was the "About a Boy" and "Skins" actor, Nicholas Holt. He was perfect for the role and for very good reason. *SPOLIER ALERTS* (If you haven't seen the film, please don't read on). He gives the character life in all aspects of his changing form into becoming human. On the other side of the spectrum, the reason that he gives this character a true nature and great entity of life is because of how he portrays him. He portrays him as a sympathetic character who tries to live with what he's got. I really enjoyed his performance because he put much effort into it so he could make it look as realistic, sympathetic and as creepy as possible. The other actors and actresses did a stunning job as well, but I still think Holt takes the medal here.

One fact to touch upon is the CGI with those skeleton like beings. I wished that they had maybe used material or non computerized technology. That was a point or element which could have been more scary, however they decided to skip it. It wasn't a major issue but it just would have been good to not use CGI there.

I thought the combined sequences of action, drama, horror and comedy alongside the vividly detailed, and well paced plot helped the film greatly to stay in touch with me as a viewer so I could care about what was happening with our main protagonists and what perils and dangerous situations they got themselves into.

The element I found the most interesting and fascinating however in this modern zombie flick was how they treated the sub-genre. In many zombie films of the past which consist of Shaun of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Dead Snow, the zombie genre just continued to improve entities from before and become scary. At this moment, I'd say that Warm Bodies takes that place at enclosing and expressing the full entity of the sub genre. In the film, the zombies start to slowly turn human when they either eat human brains or have personal connections with the living. Later on throughout the film, Nicholas Holt's character "R", starts to fall asleep, have dreams and then finally bleeds. It really showed what the director was doing and where he wanted to take the direction of the zombie concepts and film in general. I believe that the aspects of a zombie slowly becoming human is a great one for the sub genre because it kicks new ideas to a whole new level now.

Overall, I believe Warm Bodies is a film that shouldn't be missed in the cinemas. It's fun, it's bloody, it's beautiful, it's lovable, it's legendary in it's roots of the zombie genre and it's just damn creative. I highly recommend it. 9/10
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My least favorite of the Series
6 April 2013
I was quite intrigued by the Resident Evil series last year and I was that pumped for them, that I watched the first 4 within one single period. I was so glad to hear that they were making a 5th one, I was dying to see how this next entry would expose more of the series, more mindless zombie action and how they would make more tribute to the games.

My first impression of the trailer back in September was that it looked like it could be of some decent promise. I had a feeling the film could still be better than watching the trailer itself.

I then see the film, and here's what I thought of it in a few words: confusing, mind-numbing, sometimes out of context and even unethical to plot lines.

That's what I mainly though about this film. This 5th installment had so much promise, but instead decided to take things to extreme heights and go in some of the most confusing, most mind-numbing scenes and story lines I have ever seen in a Resident Evil film. Sure, the Resident Evil films partly have twists in their stories over time and all the time, but this one took the bait. It made me as a viewer really confused about where they were taking the story, characters, action and the entire premise of the elements and meaning. Did I mention I was already a tad confused??? I don't expect there to be well-developed things happening in a Resident Evil film, but I do expect there to be some form of entertainment, to say the least. The beginning and most of the first hour is nothing but flashes for what I could see of the 1st and 2nd film, and then there were many different plots happening and jamming in at the same time which made me lost on what was happening.

I also found that there were hardly any zombies in this thing. Where were the zombies in this film! They are the prime source to what made this series. I see them and I saw chaos occurring everywhere in the first four films which actually do a good job at creating some form of tension and action. Here there is none of that. And why is it that the character of Leon, who is in the 4th and 6th game installments suddenly thrown into this??? I'll never understand that.

In my opinion, I believe they should have just continued the battle on the boat and went from there. It would have created more realism and stay true to the series. This film feels like a differently, filmed entry on it's own.

On a positive note, I would say the action sequences and soundtrack score were excellent as always. They were the only elements that kept this film at it's feet (barely).

Overall I don't hate this film, but I certainly was disappointed by it. I mean what were the creators thinking when they were throwing scenes around in this film??? And hardly any zombies??? I'd say stick with the first 4, yes even Afterlife. If you think Afterlife is bad (which I really liked a heap), try this and compare them. 5/10
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Skins: Tony (2011)
Season 1, Episode 1
Words Can't Express How Horrid this is!
31 December 2012
I love the UK version of Skins. I have watched all three seasons and I am now up to the fourth season in the outrageous teen drama. It's a great series in where you can relate to it, the concepts, themes and characters.

Two years ago, a pile of remakes were coming in and for the comedy genre, besides Shameless, Skins had be re-created for a new audience. Why? What on earth was the purpose for it? Money? Who knows, but what I'll say was that it was way to early for a remake to be made. I mean for gosh sake, the original series started in 2007 and it is continuing to the present. The remake aired in 2011 which is just stupid since the creators wanted to get their hands on a successful project. All I can say is like most films or TV series, this should have never been remade in the first place! I only watched the first episode of the US remake, and it is awful. Words can't express how horrid this pile of garbage is. It's exactly the same bloody thing we've seen before, accept we have a change of characters with worse personalities and there is a drastic change in atmosphere.

Lets talk about the characters in this first episode. Tony in the original was excellent. He was a bad-ass, smart-ass kid who didn't take anything seriously whilst this new Tony is just undeniably trying to be a carbon copy. Instead, he comes off just being stupid. Sid who is NOW Stanley in this is just plain boring. No excitement like the original. Chris, my favorite character in the UK, totally melted and watered down here. Here he is just awful. Maxxie is now replaced with a girl called Tea. Why? I don't bloody know, but I'll say it was a stupid thing. It does nothing for me, this new character or should I say replacement for Maxxie. As for the other kids in the group, their re-portrayals of the lovable UK kids are pulled off in the worst of ways possible.

As for the episode itself, its an exact copy of the original accept we have a mess up of characters and dialogue as well as scenes. The cinematography looks awful.

I've watched this first episode and I have come to terms that I hate the new, and still very current version of Skins. I highly recommend that you don't watch this version at all, because after ten or so minutes, it will become boring not only in the sense of this version being a carbon copy, but also the production just being presented horribly! And I thought some American remakes were bad! Like some Horror and even Shameless. I'd rather watch them over this! I don't believe I'll be continuing on with this series in general. It's just too messy and also too the same. Boring premise and lame acting.

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Shameless: Christmas in Chatsworth (2004)
Season 2, Episode 0
A much more serious and in-depth view of the Series - Contamination/Infected Style!
10 December 2012
I decided that since it's getting closer to Christmas, I decided to take a another quick look at the Christmas special for Shameless, which I believe shows a much more serious view of how the family has to deal with their social and quite dysfunctional problems as well as escaping society's wrath.

The episode looks at how people can become very greedy, and they intend and want something more then ever. What they'll do is they'll do anything to swipe the gift, even if it means nearly killing an entire town.

This 1 hour feature has many more serial and dramatic elements than being funny. Most of the time, I'm laughing at many of the comedic moments Shameless has to offer, but however here. It is not the case. The episode mainly offers some horror/thriller like elements with some tension building scenes because of how the contamination and infection scenario is played out. This element takes it's time to show us as an audience about how this theme is developing over the course of the storyline, giving us general and quite unpredictable surprises.

If you're a fan of Shameless and even Horror films which include 28 Days and Weeks Later as well as The Crazies, I'd highly recommend this episode. Not saying that anyone turns into a maniac or blood-thirty being, but I mentioned those films because they have theses aspects going for them strongly.

Overall, I like this episode. It's definitely not my favorite of the many Shameless episodes which came before and after it. I thought that New Year's Eve Special from Season 3 in my honest opinion was slightly stronger in storyline, character build up/development, dramatic moments and comedic elements. But I like it because it briefly presents some horror elements in it's own style.

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Shameless: Meet The Gallaghers (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
An Amazing Episode to Kick-Start an Amazing and forever Unforgettable Series
9 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
One night, at the very end of September this year, I was skimming through TV series on Youtube and then suddenly came across the UK version of Shameless. I saw that the entire first, second and half of the third series had been uploaded. And becoming quite intrigued by the plot lines and characters, I skimmed through the very first episode learning more than ever so, about British/English TV and it's raw sense of humor.

I had seen TV ads and commercials on the channel SBS as a child, but I was never allowed to watch it because of it's rude, crude and overally hilariousness. Anyway, I shall get on with the review, viewing all seven episodes in the first season. I shall review, episode by episode, back to back. First, starting off with the very first episode, which marked a strong point in the series core.

Firstly, mentioning basics, many first episodes for an any TV series I've seen in the past haven't been so great. Not that the entire span or trend of episodes haven't been great after it, but the first episode is always mixed, not knowing what direction it would like to head to. Shameless' very first episode about Fiona meeting Steve and Lip trying to test his brother's sexuality is an excellent episode not only because of it's humor, but also it's tremendous and very clear set-up on premise. The first episode, goes into grave detail, expressing the characters, showing who they are and what they would do in their daily lives. You also start to connect with the issues that all of them experience. In any possible way, you can start to relate to them through your own lives. This episode, in only a 48 minute run presents everything and anything that can relate to a real life situation: Dysfuctional living, sexuality, some abuse, strict families, youth development, growing up, alcoholism and relationship building. I believe, in just 1 episode all of these strong and very real-life themes are presented to us, to show what occurs and continues to re-occur in daily living.

Viewing the characters, I love the majority of them. David Threfrall as Frank Gallagher is a scream. Even though, not being in the first episode for the majority, he pulls the role off exceptionally well revealing how he lives his own selfish lives and not looking after his children. However, we still have some sympathy that he loves them. The Fiona character is equally excellent. She's smart, beautiful, cunning, helpful and all out gorgeous. I do wish that she would've stayed around for the series more longer than just two series as I enjoyed her presence in the role. The Steve character is also great with all of the material he's given. His story lines are excellent. I believe Lip and Ian are the strongest of the cast because of their connection and friendship with each other. In this episode, the bondage that both brothers have shows us as an audience straight away that they will help each other through anything, even if it means Lip has to keep Ian's difference in sexuality a secret. Carl and Debbie aren't given much to do in this episode but I have come to love Carl and Debbie is prime timer with her extra hand in help. Liam, well Liam's just Liam. Kev and Veronica are also an excellent bunch in this series as they've always made me laugh.

The scenes are shot and planned excellently. I won't give the details away in case any of you reading have not seen this fabulous series. But all I'll say is that is paced perfectly, so that the story flows within the given time span.

Overall, this amazing first episode of Shameless ever, is quite unforgettable and I've watched it at least three times! There for, I shall give it 10 out of 10 because of it's excellent build up of character, fantastic pacing of scenes, great momentum on humor and funny moments, and catchy music.

P. S Don't brother watching the very first episode of the Americanized Remake, it's awful. Same dialogue, same wannabe characters and awkwardly shot for shot scenes at certain points. The other element it misses is it's comedy.
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Not bad; Typical Slasher film of Today
27 November 2012
Madison County is a straight up slasher which doesn't bother to act like any other horror which has come out before or after. Yes, I do feel that it was quite tedious and boring and that it was like many other films I have seen, especially naming "The Friday the 13th" and "Wrong Turn" franchises since the majority of both series were set in the backwoods of an isolated area. This film was OK, but I was surprised that I didn't end up hating it by the end. I had seen many slasher films which came out in the same year as Madison County or films after it (naming this year). This specifically included "The Orphan Killer" and "Wrong Turn 5" since I was disappointed with those films.

I don't have much to say about this film but I'll do the best I can: I thought the music score was average to decent but when the chasing scenes were presented the music lost it's momentum. The characters were pretty typical. I knew what decisions they were going to make, who was more sensible and then those who would sacrifice everything for the murders. Daminan actually looked good in the pig mask. Nice and creepy. I had imagined he was going to be a more bulkier, brutal looking Leatherface looka like, but instead the creators made it their own, so thumbs up for that. The kills to be honest, were actually good for once in a modern slasher film. This film knew it's limits when it came to showing how much violence and gore they would present. I seriously thought this would've been more violent. The whole aspect of the townsfolk not knowing anything was quite lame as I had seen this already in other films such as "The Wickerman!" Anyhow, it didn't annoy me too much. I also didn't like the conclusion to for this film - could've developed that so much more!

Overall this film was boring/decent. It's not scary or memorable in any way but I'll admit, I thought the outcome of the entire film could have been worse. I seriously had no expectations, thinking it would be like "Seed" which I hated. Anyhow, it's an alright horror film which has it's decent and boring moments. I didn't have any high expectations for this film anyway. 6/10
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Time Wasting Material
13 November 2012
Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines in the on-going mountain men franchise continues to slash it's way through stupid characters, lame decisions made by the characters, gruesome CGI like deaths and gory galore. It was an average and quite medicorish film which holds and shows corny and cheesy moments throughout the entire film.

Looking back a year from now, I thought Wrong Turn 4 was bad. It wasn't awful but it was average. This film falls back under the ban wagon, nearly going in the same direction that the third film from (2009) did.

I'm not a massive fan of the 3rd and 5th films but I'd rather watch this one over the 3rd, but on the prequel or the classic first two. BUt once again, Declan O' Brien has no idea of what Horror films or Slasher films are. He continues to use horrible CGI effects, wasteful moments which could be great, excessive nudity/gore and a story line which he promises which will be good, accept only holding many plot holes which need to be grand, to create a solid premise throughout. Oh well, after these 3, we can only expect the next sequel or so to be the same if we still have the same creator behind the task.

If you love slasher films and I mean love them, Wrong Turn 5 is definitely up your ally. If you dislike films in this age with it's predictable moments with no suspense, avoid it. I didn't hate it like the 3rd but didn't find it averagely decent like the 4th, but instead just found it Time Wasting Material. I found the characters stupid, the mutants (accept for Three-Finger) looked stupid, everything like i mentioned before (who was going to die, supposed jump scares) was all predictable. I was able to guess this film's every move. The use of CGI in the film is pretty annoying and lastly, it is quite tedious. Another aspect I found disappointing was the story and where the entire story took place. The start, in the dreaded woods was quite promising and then putting it in the town, just stupid! Another element with the hill-billies slaughtering people at a celebration in the year 1817 was also a really stupid element for the director to add in! It never made any sense nor do I think it had anything to do with the hillbillies lives!

The only real prop I can give this film was Doug Bradely. He actually didn't too badly, despite the cheesy, predictable material he was given.

Overall, it's not horrible but it's not great either. I believe that if they continue to have Declan O' Brien behind the camera, the Wrong Turn franchise will continue to be a predictable, no suspense on the gore mess.

5/10. I'd rather watch it than the 3rd one.
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Shameless (2011–2021)
Didn't Expect it to be Better than the UK Version
12 November 2012
Two months ago, I got into a UK TV series called Shameless which was about six children who were pretty much abandoned by their parents, having to look after themselves as well as each other, and dealing with their father's problems or obstacles that came their way. I loved that show so much and now today, I just can't stop thinking nor talking about it. I always wanted to watch it as a kid but it was always on too late. Now seeing that a remake for the classic British show arose, I always thought to myself that giving it a chance would be good as well as thinking that it was going to flop hard.

After watching a few clips that users had uploaded, I instantly pointed a dreaded finger at the series saying that it's the worst thing ever, making it out that the U.S should have not messed with a UK classic. Being opened minded about remakes, I decided to give the first season (which holds a total of 12 episodes) a go. I got it done in two days, not because I was addicted but because I was eager with many of the new elements they could come up with. As I just mentioned earlier on, I thought that it was going to be the worst thing ever. After watching Season 1, I don't believe it is the biggest pile of garbage I made it out to be beforehand, but I do still believe that the new Shameless suffers from many problems. I'll talk about why I don't particularly like the new Shameless, but I do have some positive points to touch up on as well as I don't think it's all rubbish. I'll intertwine the positives and negatives together. (Also Spoilers are seen in the review, so if you haven't seen the UK or US versions of Shameless, do not read on) Firstly, I believe that the cast were chosen well and the majority of the actors including William H Macy and Emmy Rossum do the best with what they're given. However, the material given is quite lacking at many points as this series has made it quite awkward for the characters. I believe the creators really screwed re-creating The Gallagher family. Frank's portrayal isn't the funny or stumbling drunk, which will talk about life's issues. Instead, he's too regular, just making mistakes. The creators make the new Frank one dimensional which blows. Despite William H Macy doing the best he can, it just never worked for me. Emmy Rossum is also given pretty poor stuff. Fiona in the original is a very strong woman. In this new version, it feels as if Fiona is trying too hard with all the responsibilities. Overall, I believe they ruined her too. Even though, Lip's portrayal was different, the actor with his material is great. He doesn't strand to far from the concept. Ian and Carl's material is awful. The actors were great, but their new personalities, horrible. I felt Debbie wasn't there half the time and Liam was natural. I also believe Steve was the worst portrayal because he was too desperate for Fiona, and the actor was dull. The rest of the cast were excellent with what they were given. It's just a damn shame that the Gallaghers were ruined.

Now, I'll talk about the re-creation of certain scenes. Half were good, while some were shown in a very lame or dull way. Many of the scenes are more dramatic than comedic and there is all this over the top emotion, instead of balancing it out. Many of these drama scenes which marked overboard didn't make me really feel sorry for characters. Scenes such as Ian telling Fiona he's gay, or Karen's father finding her under the table had no substance, which made it too clean. Other scenes such as Lip beating up Frank or Frank head-butting Ian were scenes which I thought they surprisingly re-imagined well. It was exciting to also see some new material, such as keeping Karen's father in the picture for more longer as well as see other twists and elements that made the plot strand.

Two last aspects I have to complain about is the way this new version was shot. The UK version for season 1 had some memorable shots which highlighted the events (tragic or comedic) to be remembered. It'll have a place in my heart. In the US version, I just found there were many shots which were angled awkwardly. It was quite mind-numbing to look at sometimes, as I found that they wanted to show everything, but at the same time, still remain on a key subject, I think they definitely went overboard.

I also believe that the way the story was set up was quite messy and muddled. I didn't really enjoy the majority of the 12 episodes only liking five of them at the most. I believe they should have strictly followed the UK version, because it would have made much more sense. At many different periods, I found that they were trying to cram many re-imagined or new scenes into the storyline at the last minute, which made it spin out of control.

Overall, I do not like the new version of Shameless but I don't absolutely hate it. Everything's being remade which is a shame, but it's a big thing in film or TV that no one can do about. If you the US version of Shameless, I'm totally cool with it, but for me, the UK version sticks better with me. It just felt more real life like. I would only watch the US version (some episodes) if I ever got bored one day. To me, it's something you would watch on a boring day. The UK version to me is something I'd watch for pure entertaining fun. 5/10
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I'm just a sweet Transvestite!!!
24 October 2012
I remember seeing the trailer for this film many times and also hearing about how great this horror film was. I oddly put it off so much and then decided that one day, where I had nothing else to do, I decided to pick up "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" and give it a good shot. I thought to myself at the time, if I don't like this film, I'm glad I would've given it a try. I had put it off for so long, but I found that after I viewed this well crafted, colorful 1975 masterpiece, my views totally changed.

The story is quite simple and it contrasts very well with the songs and strong cast. The entire film round was not a creepy, scary or cliché'd horror film. It never intended to be a dark, gory or sad horror film which depicted disturbance or shock. Instead, for me, it was a massive change that I have ever encountered when watching a horror film. This film was oddly bizarre and crazy. It had the typical themes of musicals and horror aspects going for it, but it overall produced and presented a light hearted value which I had never seen before in many horror films.

Sure there were killings, but the crazy chase scenes, the bizarre acting from the cast (especially Susan Sarandon and most notably Tim Curry) and the fantastic musical scores kept this horror film on the lighter side of things. I was never afraid of it.

I have to strongly point out that Tim Curry as the wickedly posh/stylish doc was really impressive. As a kid, I first saw him in Muppet Treasure Island where he didn't do to badly with the script he was given. Then the 2nd film I saw him in was Stephen King's IT where to me his performance was a great improvement from the last as he was able to pull off a very scary and sadistically insane clown which showed much humor. But in this, my gosh... it was the best acting I have ever seen in his films.

His character was fascinating as I watched the way he did his moves and actions on screen. He truly brang a memorable horror character to the table. The make-up, attire and light-hearted accents also gave a chime of great contrast to the way he started to sing songs.

Many of the other cast were strong including Susan Sarandon who I had never seen in a roll like this. I first saw her in The Lovely Bones where she didn't do a bad job, with the little amount of time she had on screen. Then in Dead Man Walking, she did an excellent job and it was a powerful and very provoking performance. In this, I just didn't expect her to play such an out-going roll, where she would prance and 'let the guilt go'. Even if she was excellent here, I just found it so odd to see her in a role like this one.

Lastly, the musicals were excellent. Many musicals don't work, but this one kicks the nut out of the shell. Tim Curry especially is the pioneer in mastering the skills and techniques of the way the musicals were shown, contrasted and revealed.

Overall, it a classic but very unusual horror film which shows a lot more than your average dark, gory film. Most of the 1970's films were excellent, but the age they were made in were so grim and bleak. Especially films like TCM, Halloween, Wickerman, The Omen or Dawn of the Dead. This film really caught me by surprise with its musicals contrasting with acting and scenarios.

Its a good ol' Trabsvestite! 8/10
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The Chaperone (2011)
Better than Expected
3 October 2012
I watched this film today and I have to say, it really isn't as bad as people or even the critics say it is. I believe Paul Levisque did an excellent job at playing a redeemed ex-con man who only wanted to spend time with daughter. I thought many of the others actors did great and the film was a total blast as it had some great moments of non-stop laughter. It really was a good film, but it's not as if I had not seen this kind of material before-hand.

I believe the many of the moments although very funny and excellent to watch, are quite cliché'd. I've seen this stuff before and even the plot is also nothing new. A man who comes out of prison, 7 years later, wanting to spend time with his daughter who he missed while being locked up. And then there is always a big issue once he is out (which this time is his so called friends, who wants him to come back into the life of crime. And this finally gets in the way of his daughter and his chance to re-connect with her again. It was great but like I said, its stuff I've seen before.

The plot and moments throughout are nothing new but I'm not saying I disliked the film, I'm saying that the film on the whole is awesome, but it feels like to many other kids or adults films I've watched in the past.

Aspects I loved the most in the film was when Paul's character Ray takes totally control of the classroom and makes some uncanny but very hilarious remarks saying dialogue which included "making them go through hard days of labor". I also like how the director continued to build a strong relationship which had been broken at the start of the film, with Ray and his daughter Sally. I really connected with how both were feeling throughout the film, understanding what they both wanted.

Much of the dialogue from the characters was quite serious, funny and true. I liked the combination.

The only real problem I had with the film was action scenes. We see a lot of violence in other WWE films, but in this there was hardly any. I wish I could have seen more. I'm not a WWE fan, but since I've seen a tone of violence and action in the many films that they have produced, I was expecting a little bit more hyped up action. Since it was a kids film, I might as well leave this aspect alone, but I wish there was more of that.

Overall, this is another film I think shouldn't have so much hate on it's shoulders. Its a good feel good film with funny moments, great actors and nice music. Even though the plot is clichéd', I'll give them props for their casting and great moments of comedy, as they did quickly had me attached to continuing watching this film. It's Better than Expected - 7.5/10
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Funny Games (2007)
Charming, yet really Sadistic
28 September 2012
When I saw this film, my expectations were a little low, but once seeing the strong actors, tension-building scenes and excellent moments, I knew I was in for an excellent horror film.

I am aware that this is a 2007 remake which only came 10 years after the original from 1997. A little silly to do a remake only 10 years after? But then again Carrie is getting another remake, only 11 years after the TV version from 2002. I haven't seen the original yet, and I will do so soon. Since I have not seen it, I will not be making a comparison between the original and remake.

I thought that the story was like any other however, it showed elements and a tone of disturbance that I had not encountered in a horror film for a long time. Over the time this year, I had not really encountered a horror film as sadistic or as sad or even as suspenseful as this in such a long time. The characters were different, they acted differently and their moods, qualities and characteristics variously changed throughout the course of the film.

I believe Naomi Watts and Tim Roth were very believable in their roles throughout the film as they show to be a normal, very civilised family who want to live in peace and harmony. When they are attacked and keep them as hostage in their own house, they show the emotional sides of how they are feeling and it shows what they are like, if they imagined to be free again. Even though I've seen the two actors in other films, I thought that Michael Pitt who played as Paul and Brady Corbet as Peter (who I haven't seen before in films), I found to be the key stars of the entire film. They were charming, yet really sadistic in what they did with their characters as they showed their nice, well-mannered tones slowly changing to slightly manipulative and aggressive tones. I thought that they did excellent in their roles.

An excellent element in the film I found quite special was that there was no music. There would only be this weird, quite absurdly cool heavy rock tune playing at the start, middle and end. I liked that a lot as it gave the film an absurd look and feel.

I did think that the scene where the boys rewind the scene was dumb. Peter gets shot and then Paul rewinds it back to make him supposedly be back in reality. And then they chuck Ann (Naomi Watts) in a lake, killing her. I thought a much more intriguing ending would be that Peter dies, then Paul takes Ann on the boat, and then the ending we see, would be taken forth. I thought that would have been a much more superior ending instead of ruining it with that silly scene which ruins half of that tension that was built throughout most of the film.

However, I think that the silly little mistake doesn't make me hate that film a bit. I thought that it was a good film with excellent actors, great suspense and good twists.

The film was charming, yet really Sadistic. 7.5/10
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See No Evil (2006)
It's Horrifying for what it is
28 September 2012
Firstly, I would like to mention that See No Evil is not an excellent horror film, but I will say it is not the worst of the bunch of horror films that have come out before and after it. In the year 2006, I believe it was a real step up for horror films and it was one of the best years for it as 2005 brought as CGI-ed uncreativity. The year 2006 however to me brang something more to the genre. Sure, we still had many films about cannibalism, torture, murder, blood, gore and disasters but I believe that it went back to brutal roots. And films like See No Evil, Slither, Black Sheep and the Hills Have Eyes remake were some of the films to do that. A year later, 2007 continued to strive in the same vain.

Viewing See No Evil, I cannot thank it enough for actually getting me into the horror genre. I was never a major horror film fanatic until I watched See No Evil. Once I saw this film from 2006 (which I thought was an excellent year for horror films), I instantly engaged with the genre, now having watched many horror films, especially in the slasher category being Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th naming a few of the famous slashers.

I do See No Evi is quite cliché' and at times re-cycles many of the same formulas we have seen in countless slasher films over the past decades. But overall, I find it to be creepy (don't read on if you don't like spoilers), parts including the girl getting a phone shoved down her throat or when Richie and Ty find a ruffled victim who they realize wasn't killed long ago. I thought even though this film was like those of Friday the 13th or Scream, I still thought there were elements of disturbance and creepiness.

Being honest, I thought that the film was paced quite well. We have an introduction to a gruesome massacre and discovery, then we are introduced to the juvenile teens one by one, and then it sets in an isolated, abandoned hotel at night time, where a psychopathic recluse does away with all of them unexpectedly. Same formula of story but I found this film unique for many reasons.

Warning, that I don't like WWE or many of their films. This, Walking Tall and The Condemned are the only exceptions. Stuff like the Marine was awful.

Back to the review, I thought that Kane or Glen Jacobs did an excellent job at playing the killer, Jacob Goodnight. He really evoked some fear and aggression through his character. I believe he should be chosen to be in many more horror/slasher stalk horror films. He was pretty creepy in this, especially many of the close-up's or his perspective shots. The other actors were alright but Kane stole the show.

I thought that setting the plot at a rundown hotel was an awesome idea, something different for once. The music was tense and many of the killers although maybe a bit silly, were pretty decent.

Overall, See No Evil is no gold-winning Horror film, but there shouldn't be so much hate on it. It really isn't that bad. Many of the horror films from 2005 were awful. Accept for Feast, but many from that period were horrible. This film kicks ass and I do believe it doesn't intend or even try to cover new ground at all. It was only following the formula. Even Horror films these days have tried following the same ol' slasher formula. See No Evil was unique, and I'd like to see Kane in more horror films. 7 eyeballs out of 10
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Peter Pan (1988 Video)
The Most Charming Childhood Film
26 September 2012
The 1988 Burbank Australian version of Peter Pan is definitely a joy to watch as it is a simple film which doesn't go into grave detail and only gives out the silly fun which is excellent. Most children's films today seem to complicate facts between non-fiction way too much. This film however, now being 24 years old is not a complex film with a famously known plot. I think this is possibly one of the best adaptations of Peter Pan for many reasons.

I believe that the voices to the character types are quite believable and they are a joy to listen to throughout the film. The music is very magical, mysterious, playful, bouncy and oddly fantasy like. I found this element to bring real qualities to the film, making it a strong element. I believe the casting for certain characters was excellent and many of the scenes were designed and presented well.

I think the most strongest parts of the film was the representation of Captian Hook. In the Disney film or early to late 90's films, he was seen to been wicked and despicable. In this, he is totally different which I love. His voice contrasts between deep and light, and he uses a different style when he screams or gasps or even laughs. I don't know who voiced him but the actor brang strong qualities to Captian Hook, I had never seen before. And thought that this was the best adaptation of Captian Hook. I mainly liked the scenes because of his humorously funny dialogue and moments.

Overall, The Australian Burbank film of Peter Pan is best. I believe anyone (any age) who hasn't seen it yet, should. Verdict - 8.5/10
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One of the 1960's Best Films!
1 September 2012
After watching the 1998 remake with Lindsay Lohan, I had to check out the 60's version which I thought was unbelievably filmed well! Firstly, before I start ranting on how great the film was, I will say that I don't think that this film doesn't match the remake. Usually I find remade films worse or less superior than the originals but for some reason I just found some more fun in the remake. The original however I think is still excellent and should still be viewed.

The plot centers on two twins who discover each other at a girls camp. They find out who each other's parents are and then they decide to con-cock a mischievous plan into swapping places and getting to know each other's parents before meeting again, trying to reunite their parents.

The acting, scenery and settings, music score, unique moments and memorable scenes were put together very well and the entire film still holds up to today's standards.

My first thoughts were that the film wasn't going to be great at all and that it wasn't going to beat the remake. I was wrong about it being a well made masterpiece, but I was right about it not beating the remake in my opinion.

I thought everything was a little different and more absurd whilst I still found more moments (especially the woods scenes). However, I did find the music a little bit too typical (very 50's-60's styled themed music, it sounded like anything else).

Overall, I do love this film. I don't have anything negative to say about it, but there's just something about the remake which I found more special, but then again if we didn't have this film, we wouldn't have the remake!!! Anyway, I really believe the film is one of the best 1960's films, ranking right up with 60's horror such as Black Sabbath and Rosemary's Baby. 8.5/10
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Wonderfully Cheerful Fun!
30 August 2012
First off, I have to say, I haven't seen the original film before, but I will say when people mention good remakes, this one is often forgotten. If you want an excellent, well polished well sparked remake, this is the one! Back two years ago, I watched Martin Scoursese's Cape Fear which I found was outstanding, but now that has changed since I saw this remake from 1998. This is one of the better remakes in many years of a total line up of them. However, since I haven't seen the original at all, I will not be comparing this film with Lindsay Lohan to the 1961 version. (Warning, some spoilers are in here, so if you have not seen this film, please don't read everything).

The film sets on a warm sunny day, set 11 years later from these parents who were married, had twins and then separated, where one took one twin to live in England while the other was taken to live in California. 11 years from that setting, the two twins meet each other at summer camp and then find out about each other. This leads them to fact that they are alike and the two twins, Annie and Hal become eager and determined to reunite their parents together.

This was a really fun film to watch, my expectations weren't high and I thought that it would've been a decent film. I was totally wrong as this film is well casted, has a memorable music score, has some beautiful looking scenes and the anticipation, twists and overall plot of the film are all shown in great forms and shapes. The story is told beautifully as it is done through the perspectives of the two twin girls (played by Lindsay Lohan) who are wanting their parents to be back together.

First off, I have to mention the musical score; I thought it was hauntingly enchanting, peaceful and quiet and it really had a melody to it. It also suited the acting of Lindsay Lohan as Annie and Hal who I thought did a stunning job. They were, mischievous, cheerful, cute and awesome in one pack! She does a real great job as the two characters and she is definitely the light of the film with her different accents, playful pranks on the father's girlfriend and explorative minds.

Many of the places of where the scenarios take place were a good choice for the film to. Hotels, pool areas, the country, camping sites, cabins, crowded streets, its all there and it was really great to see so many different places that the girls could explore.

The cast and choice of actors/actresses were wisely picked out and like I mentioned before, Lohan was the best and the star. Everyone I would give credit to too as they were excellent in their roles, showing seriousness and funniness.

Lastly, I'd talked about some of the unpredictable plot twists in the film. When I thought the mother and father weren't going to get back together, I was thinking, its not going to be a happy ending! It was paced really well about how they were going to show the mother and father getting back together again. The ending (I wont talk about) I was stoked! Overall, The Parent Trap from 1998 is excellent piece of film from the very late 90's which has much potential. Loving the film as I do, I would say it is, hands down, the best film I have seen this year! It marks a 10!
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I'm Impressed!
20 August 2012
After watching Dead Zone and claiming that it was the only thing I loved about DBZ, I'd say it's that this next film which came out straight after it is good.

I think the voices are contrasted well between conversations, fight scenes and introduction.

I think the music is generally great and I like the snowy atmosphere. Definitely different to other DBZ settings, mainly contrasting Dead Zone.

The only problem I really had was this film did drag on at a few points which kept me waiting for something. In my opinion, its definitely not as amazing as Dead Zone.

I still like it and it has intrigued me to watch the other 13 or so films they have made in the on-going series! 8/10
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Leprechaun (1992)
Hey tubby, you got a light for an old Leprechaun's pipe?
4 July 2012
I love the first Leprechaun which came out and was directed by Mark Jones. I think it is the best in the series and along with the first two that came after it, all three of them deserve praise. Especially this one however as it doesn't try to be a good film. Its wacky, mildly cartoonish in violence, funny death scenes and an excellent music score. All of these things with weird plot holes is what makes Leprechaun so great.

Getting off topic for a moment, I was mentioning how these elements worked to make the film work right? Well by Leprechaun 4 in Space, and then the two films where he goes to the hood don't work. Of course like the first one they're silly, but they never knew their limits and they failed to really provide comedy or horror. They just never worked. On another note, the 2nd and 3rd Leps in the series were able to work perfectly.

Anyway back onto Leprechaun 1, it is a classy, cheesy popcorn horror film which will fill you heart with laughter. It knows it's limits and Warwick Davis as the Leprechaun is a joy to watch in action. It also marks some of the best quotes from the Leprechaun. The music score is also the best here as it combines and contrasts absurdness and creepiness together.

Anyway, like many of Slasher Horror franchises like "Halloween", "Child's Play", "TCM" and "SCREAM", the first is always best to stick wit.

It deserves 8 four-leaf clovers out of 10.
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Loses hype but not horrible
2 July 2012
Is this film badly made? Yes. Is the acting cheap? Yes. Is the music awful? Yes. Is this the worst Lep in the series? Well, no, surprisingly.

I was quite surprised at Lep in the hood. This film is a 10 + improvement over the Lep 4 and Back to tha hood, with some things happening and some down falls.

The things I liked about the film was that the plot was kept simple. Warwick as Leprecahun is always great to see as he pulls the roll off easily. The action was well down, the dialogue was hilarious and the humor was up to scratch.

The aspects I did not like was there were hardly any scares. Now I know by entry 5 it would be useless to make it scary, but like 1-3 they could have made it intense. The film sometimes dragged on for too long. Some moments took themselves too humorously. Humor wasn't always balanced. Because the film's moments and many characters they introduced were all tied in together, it made the humor fall stale. Lastly, it just didn't keep me in all interest like the trilogy.

Overall, Lep 5 isn't horrible, but it surely isn't excellent. The first half was good while the 2nd half felt like it was mashed with stale potatoes. It beats 4 & 6, but not the trilogy.

P.S: I was surprised I didn't find it boring and pathetic like 4 & 6. That's what I liked about this one (well, a little bit).

It's 5.5/10
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Best Comedy I have seen in a long time!
28 June 2012
I saw this film last night and I have to say, it is the best comedy I have seen since The Dictator.

I love how everything is so simply put together. The story, characters, music score, scenes, actors and humor. It is all put together so well. Edward Furlong and all of the other actors were excellent in their roles.

I laughed most of the time when the boys caused accidental trouble on the road or at the concert.

There's really not much to say about this film because I love it so much. What I can say is that if you love the actors who portray the four boys, KISS, the plot where they are determined to get into a concert and never give up, and stereotypical kids getting high and drunk, having sex and loving to rock hard to KISS music, this film is definitely for you. I know it was for me! MEGA 10/10 film right here!
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