
2 Reviews
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Perfect. Really perfect
18 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I watch a lot of TV shows, but this really is something.

I have just watched the first 2 episodes. The story is really good. Yes, they are a few small things that could be done better(for instance why didn't Janet hit the door wit the chair in the first episode trying to escape?). But there are small things.

I wish I saw more of the town when the recon was being made. But they kept the mystery.

Also, why Moyra didn't had an implant? If she is a mole than -2 points for the show.

Lets hope that they wont screw up this. It would really be sad.
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Killers (2010)
Mr&Mrs Smith- the stupid prologue
17 June 2010
I've seen this movie yesterday. It wasn't that bad.

The movie is pretty entertaining till the end. I mean, you really want to see what happens and then the end comes. Just when it gets interesting and the real shooting starts, they are all stopped in a really stupid way. From the beginning of the movie you wait to see that and when its finally the time, the movie is over. Lets say that the ending would be OK it wouldn't be such a bad movie. But is really confusing and silly. You leave the cinema with a felling of "cut the last 15 minutes and make killers 2".

To bad, it could be a great movie.
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